Man who ran over BLM rioters will NOT face charges

Hmmm, are you suggesting that Zimmerman is a woman? Have you ever been in a fist fight and if so did you pull out a gun and shoot the other guy.

It was not a fist fight. It's not like lowlife and Zimmerman were at a bar drinking and decided to go outside to settle their differences. Zimmerman was attacked. Martin committed felonious assault against another citizen of the state. That's not an agreed to fist fight. Martin broke the law, Zimmerman was well within the law when he defended himself against a physical attack.
What % of slaves would you say in 1865 were actually born in Africa? Btw some did go back.

Why did they need to? Most were born in this country and were according to the US Constitution American citizens even though they were still denied the same rights as white folks.

A small percentage. I have read of at least one old guy. There had to be more.

I didn't say they needed to. That was obviously NOT the point I made.

The point was that they COULD have. Yet they choose not to.
When did the gang really escalate in this country?

Gangs have always been around, but murder associated with gangs really didn't take off until hard drugs became a territorial thing.

What would change, hell they don't stop or prevent any crime and they are in the areas. See the police show up after crimes are committed, duh.

What would change? Last year murder rates were up 30% from the previous year thanks to this idiotic de-fund the police movement. Correct, police can't do anything until after a crime is committed, however more police and police support bring in a stronger deterrent to commit crime in the first place. Killing somebody is easy for lowlifes if they know they can get away with it.

Right now my suburb is looking to hire five more police officers. We can't find them. I had an hour long meeting with the Chief on Zoom. It's not just our problem, it's nationwide. Thanks to blacks and the media, nobody wants to be a police officer any longer. Satan is winning unfortunately.
Gangs have always been around, but murder associated with gangs really didn't take off until hard drugs became a territorial thing.

What would change? Last year murder rates were up 30% from the previous year thanks to this idiotic de-fund the police movement. Correct, police can't do anything until after a crime is committed, however more police and police support bring in a stronger deterrent to commit crime in the first place. Killing somebody is easy for lowlifes if they know they can get away with it.

Right now my suburb is looking to hire five more police officers. We can't find them. I had an hour long meeting with the Chief on Zoom. It's not just our problem, it's nationwide. Thanks to blacks and the media, nobody wants to be a police officer any longer. Satan is winning unfortunately.

Yep, up 30% and that is with the stupidly watered down version of "DEFUND",

imagine if they actually DEFUNDED, ie pulled the cops out?

THe gutters would overflow with blood.
i agree completely. IMO, it would be a powerful teaching moment.

Leftards need to learn, what their ideas are leading to. THe sooner the better. If it happened now, maybe there would be time to change course.

The problem is that they won't. They want to live in an uncivilized society. It's what they are protesting and rioting about.

I live in a black suburb. Here (like most places predominately black) live by what I call the Code of Stupidity. They see or know of a crime committed, and their code dictates they don't tell the police a thing. With no help from the public, it makes it harder if not impossible for police to solve a crime. So somebody gets killed by a gang or family member and the police can't do anything. A person from the other family or gang goes out and kills the original murderer. It goes back and forth until police can get enough information to arrest somebody and stop the killing chain.

Like I said, they want to live this way. It's one of the many reasons nobody wants to live around them, and property values sharply decline when they move in. Desegregation was the worst idea that ever plagued our nation.
Not really because blacks were not considered fully human back then therefore not citizens.
Hmmm, so that means black folks were not human because white folks didn't consider us human? I wonder how those good God fearin CHRISTIANS came to that conclusion. I guess you have to consider someone not human to treat them in an inhumane way.
The 14th Amendment which did make everybody born here a citizen didn't pass until 1866.
What year did slavery end?
It was not a fist fight. It's not like lowlife and Zimmerman were at a bar drinking and decided to go outside to settle their differences. Zimmerman was attacked.
Trayvon and the coward were squared up, how wasn't it a fist fight? I didn't realize you were suppose to tell the person to hit you for it to be a fist fight. The better question is have you ever been in a fist fight?
Martin committed felonious assault against another citizen of the state.
Really, post that statue for us.
That's not an agreed to fist fight.
An agreed to fist fight? What the hell is that?
Martin broke the law, Zimmerman was well within the law when he defended himself against a physical attack.
A grown man takes off in the night stalking a teenager and the teenager is the one held responsible for the confrontation. Smfh.
Trayvon and the coward were squared up, how wasn't it a fist fight? I didn't realize you were suppose to tell the person to hit you for it to be a fist fight. The better question is have you ever been in a fist fight?

Nobody squared up. The lowlife attacked him as he was harmlessly walking back to his car bothering nobody. That's what's called an attack in this country.

An agreed to fist fight? What the hell is that?

A fight that both people agree to have to settle some sort of score.

A grown man takes off in the night stalking a teenager and the teenager is the one held responsible for the confrontation. Smfh.

The teenager did not confront Zimmerman as he was chasing him which was only about five seconds or so. The lowlife easily outran Zimmerman and instead of going home, hid between the row houses. Zimmerman continued his conversation with police for about another minute. After he hung up with police, Martin attacked him and caused physical harm which gave legal rights for Zimmerman to use deadly force under Florida law.
Gangs have always been around, but murder associated with gangs really didn't take off until hard drugs became a territorial thing.
So why would you say that drugs wasn't the main reason behind it? See when the gangs were white they were glorified.
What would change? Last year murder rates were up 30% from the previous year thanks to this idiotic de-fund the police movement.
Based on what exactly? Show us where police stations were defunded thus the rise in crime.
Correct, police can't do anything until after a crime is committed, however more police and police support bring in a stronger deterrent to commit crime in the first place. Killing somebody is easy for lowlifes if they know they can get away with it.
That support works both ways, see many police live no where near the communities they are policing, therefore, they don't care about the community or the folks who live in it.
Right now my suburb is looking to hire five more police officers. We can't find them. I had an hour long meeting with the Chief on Zoom. It's not just our problem, it's nationwide. Thanks to blacks and the media, nobody wants to be a police officer any longer. Satan is winning unfortunately.
Why because they can't harrass, beat and kill black folks without facing the consequences, as a matter of fact, hiring across the board is a struggle. Put the right incentives in and they will take the job. Satan has been winning in this country since it was founded.
Hmmm, so that means black folks were not human because white folks didn't consider us human? I wonder how those good God fearin CHRISTIANS came to that conclusion. I guess you have to consider someone not human to treat them in an inhumane way.

That's the way it was back then.

What year did slavery end?

Irrelevant to your claim that Africans born were considered American citizens. They were not until the 14th amendment was ratified which was specifically written on behalf of offspring of former slaves so they could be considered citizens.
That's the way it was back then.
It was wrong then and it is wrong now. Right and wrong doesn't change with the season.
Irrelevant to your claim that Africans born were considered American citizens.
According the Constitution they were, unless you can show me where it said everyone except black folks.
They were not until the 14th amendment was ratified which was specifically written on behalf of offspring of former slaves so they could be considered citizens.
What year did slavery end and what year was it ratified?
So why would you say that drugs wasn't the main reason behind it? See when the gangs were white they were glorified.

That's the point I'm making. Drugs are behind many of the murders in places like Chicago and in most cities. No, gangs were never glorified except by other criminals.

Based on what exactly? Show us where police stations were defunded thus the rise in crime.

The movement began by the left early last year. Crime has escalated since according to statistics. Since most of the murders take place in black areas, a real disadvantage for you brothers.

But it's much more than that. Amid de-funding, liberal leaders lowered if not eliminated penalties to crimes. In SF, you have to steal more than $950.00 of merchandise from a store for it to be considered a crime. Under that amount it's a misdemeanor. Because of that, all the Walgreens in San Francisco closed down and other stores are following. Nobody can stay open when their stores are being looted every day. The police won't even come out unless the theft is under $950.00. Mayor Lighthead in Chicago is trying to do the same thing, but the police are resistant and still nabbing lowlifes which she's totally pissed about.

That support works both ways, see many police live no where near the communities they are policing, therefore, they don't care about the community or the folks who live in it.

They work there to do their job. They may not put much extra into it, but when they get a call, they have to respond and handle the situation.

Why because they can't harrass, beat and kill black folks without facing the consequences, as a matter of fact, hiring across the board is a struggle. Put the right incentives in and they will take the job. Satan has been winning in this country since it was founded.

No, Satan only started winning when Democrats got control. But you are correct. Police cannot enforce the law on blacks so nobody wants to be a cop any longer. Why be a police officer when if you do your job, you get castigated for it, lose your job, or otherwise become a target for lowlifes along with your family? Not long ago the police only had to worry about the bad guys being against them. Now they have to worry about the good guys and the bad guys being against them. Who wants a job like that? It pays well but so do a lot of other professions, and you won't be a national target for doing those other jobs.
Of course they did, their blood, sweat and tears was here. They helped to make the country what it is why wouldn't they want to stay.

If America is such a terribly wacist place, populated primarily by evul, wacist, white people, that hates them to pieces, that is why they would not want to stay.
Southern whites fought to keep us in slavery.

By the time slavery ended how many slaves were still living that were actually born in Africa?

Some do, some don't. Many Europeans immigrate to America does that mean European countries are shit holes>
You are ignorant...atleast 2 northern states had slaves at the time of the civil war. It's a lie to claim that the war was fought to keep was over taxes with the south paying most of them. Lincoln wanted to punish the south for daring to go to war, so taking away the slaves like burning down cities was a punishment not the goal.

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