Man who ran over BLM rioters will NOT face charges

You don't have a clue, do you?

“Zimmerman told [the police] he lost sight of Trayvon and was walking back to his SUV when Trayvon approached him from the left rear, and they exchanged words. Trayvon asked Zimmerman if he had a problem. Zimmerman said no and reached for his cell phone, he told police. Trayvon then said, ‘Well, you do now’ or something similar and punched Zimmerman in the nose . . .

So as you can see you don't know what the hell you are talking about. Why didn't he walk his ass back to his SUV when the dispatcher told him they didn't need him following Trayvon?

Because Zimmerman wanted to get the address of the building where he last seen the little hoodlum. So he went to the front of the houses to get an address, turned around and started going back to his car when he was violently attacked.

That's the stupidest shit I have ever heard, folks don't agree hey looks go have a fight.

Sure they do. I've seen it in bars repeatedly. You read about it in the police section of your local newspaper. Yes, low intelligence people have no other way to settle their differences, so they turn to violence.

Wow, where do you get this bullshit from?

The 911 recording. Would you like me to post it and give you a time stamp?

Why was Zimmerman chasing him in the first place?

So when the police came he could point out where he last seen the thug.

You are making yourself look like a bigger fool than you already are.

So name one thing I said wrong.

Make up your mind, you are all over the place.

This is what you said earlier.

Sorry. I forgot about your public school education. Do you see the "?" at the end of the sentence? This is what's called a question mark. A question mark makes the statement into a question that you are expected to answer.

What have the police done in the past to stop murder from talking place?

Simply by being in the street and able to respond to calls quickly and doing whatever it is it takes to subdue a criminal or suspect.

So it was God that made white folks treat black folks worse than animals when this country was founded, is that what you are telling me.

What's telling is how you want to avoid the present by keep bringing up the past before you were born. Yes, whites were mean and violent with blacks many years ago. The difference is whites became more civilized as they years went on while blacks became more uncivilized.

Harassing, maiming and murdering black folks is not the law.

Subduing a criminal while protecting yourself is.

When did it become the job of the police to inflict harm on it's citizens?

When a suspect fights with police that are trying to subdue them.

More than half of all police-involved killings in the US go unreported with the majority of victims being Black, according to a new study published in the Lancet, a peer reviewed journal.

Research at the University of Washington School of Medicine’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation found that in the US between 1980 and 2018, more than 55% of deaths, over 17,000 in total, from police violence were either misclassified or went unreported.

The study also discovered that Black Americans are more likely than any other group to die from police violence and are 3.5 times more likely to be killed by police than white Americans.

I'm not even going to bother reading your rag link since it's bullshit right from your paste. HTF could police not report the death of a suspect they were trying to arrest? How could they not report a death of a suspect that died in their custody? Please give me one instance of this ever happening. Yes, blacks will die more from police violence because they fight more with police while they attempt to arrest them. Given blacks are the most criminal race in our country, how does that statistic surprise you?
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And I also believe that there are no Jan 6th rally attendees locked up because they will not let anyone visit them. That it is all staged. And those Boogaloo boys are FBI's informants. And some are being detained maybe because they have prior arrest that they are reopening their cases. Or there for tax evasion. You can be locked up for owing the government $10 in backed taxes.

That's all pretty irrelevant. You cannot deny constitutional rights for any reason. The Constitution guarantees all citizens the right to a fair and speedy trial. The infraction was Jan 6th. This is October 4th. That's nine months away and certainly in violation of their constitutional rights.
Someone should set up a Go Fund Me account to help cover the cost to repair any damage caused by the BLM scumbag. And to disinfect the part of the car that came into contact with the filthy BLM sack of shit.

And how long do you think it would take for Go Fund Me to cancel the account as they have for others in the past?
It was not a fist fight. It's not like lowlife and Zimmerman were at a bar drinking and decided to go outside to settle their differences. Zimmerman was attacked. Martin committed felonious assault against another citizen of the state. That's not an agreed to fist fight. Martin broke the law, Zimmerman was well within the law when he defended himself against a physical attack.
They also like to forget that Martin actually was gone. Zimmerman didn’t know where he was. Then Martin doubled back and attacked Zimmerman. The photos of Zimmerman’s face showed the result. Then Zimmerman did what he had to do to stop Martin, who may well have killed him if he had his way.
With the new videos coming out proving the liars and the fizzling out of the “Select Committee”, one would think the left would wise up and move off of this.

Never. The longer they can stretch this out until 2022, they feel the better for them. That's why nine months later, our Capital looks like a government building in a war torn nation.

They know how they won the last election: hate Trump, and the insistence of mail-in voting. If they can keep that going, they may still keep Congress although not likely. But it's their only chance however slight it is. Inducing the covid panic is also essential to accomplishing this goal of theirs.
Actually Christians didn't consider you human...........slavery was justified as the "christian" thing to do INITIALLY in order to save you heathen non christian primitive africans (and we redskins) souls from the devil. Slavery, was justified as a way to make you christian and civilized, but atlas the white christians found that even when converted that being civilized didn't naturally follow. So then it was expanded to enslaving those whose homelands weren't typically christian...ergo africans even once converted to christianity would still be slaves because they weren't from a christian people. The churches have been successful in hiding that slavery was pushed and justified by many of the churches including the ever completely evil catholic church who has always been the leading worst of the worst of the christians. It should be noted that other christian sects fought tooth and nail against the Catholics and slavery. This is why IM2 fantasies of white men raping and whipping slaves in mass as a sport and fun didn't work out that way. Slaves weren't usual seen as equals but often they were treated as employees or atleast pets instead of how africans including IM2 would be treating slaves if given a chance.

It also should be noted that even though most didn't have slaves, among the whites (I know of no black slave owners who freed their slaves or even wanted to) who owned slaves that many freed their slaves when they could afford to, many who freed their slaves also provided support to their former slaves allowing them to survive including providing lands and homes for their slaves, and many whites who owned slaves wanted to free them but could not afford to or could not afford to provide for their slaves if they were freed. Harriet Tubmans father for example had been freed, but not just freed, his old owner provided lands and a home as a retirement package for his former slaves ergo treating them more like employees than slaves.
That is so stupid it isn't even worth the time to take it apart and show you just how racist and ignorant it actually is. I guess we will see come Judgement Day how God views your ignorant, racist dumbass assertion.

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