Man who ran over BLM rioters will NOT face charges

What % of people die in a fist fight?

So are you telling me that if 2 kids get in a fist fight in school, then one is justified in pulling out a gun and killing the other one.

Hmmm, are you suggesting that Zimmerman is a woman? Have you ever been in a fist fight and if so did you pull out a gun and shoot the other guy.

Not bad advice, but that is not what happened is it. The better twist is don't go stalking someone's kid in the middle of the night when they are doing nothing wrong but minding their own business. I know that gun gives you courage, doesn't it.

What % of people die in a fist fight?

Nobody ever dies from a fist fight?


That's the point I'm making. Drugs are behind many of the murders in places like Chicago and in most cities. No, gangs were never glorified except by other criminals.

The movement began by the left early last year. Crime has escalated since according to statistics. Since most of the murders take place in black areas, a real disadvantage for you brothers.

But it's much more than that. Amid de-funding, liberal leaders lowered if not eliminated penalties to crimes. In SF, you have to steal more than $950.00 of merchandise from a store for it to be considered a crime. Under that amount it's a misdemeanor. Because of that, all the Walgreens in San Francisco closed down and other stores are following. Nobody can stay open when their stores are being looted every day. The police won't even come out unless the theft is under $950.00. Mayor Lighthead in Chicago is trying to do the same thing, but the police are resistant and still nabbing lowlifes which she's totally pissed about.

They work there to do their job. They may not put much extra into it, but when they get a call, they have to respond and handle the situation.

No, Satan only started winning when Democrats got control. But you are correct. Police cannot enforce the law on blacks so nobody wants to be a cop any longer. Why be a police officer when if you do your job, you get castigated for it, lose your job, or otherwise become a target for lowlifes along with your family? Not long ago the police only had to worry about the bad guys being against them. Now they have to worry about the good guys and the bad guys being against them. Who wants a job like that? It pays well but so do a lot of other professions, and you won't be a national target for doing those other jobs.

Because of that, all the Walgreens in San Francisco closed down and other stores are following.


Some of them closed, not all of them.
What % of people die in a fist fight?

So are you telling me that if 2 kids get in a fist fight in school, then one is justified in pulling out a gun and killing the other one.

Hmmm, are you suggesting that Zimmerman is a woman? Have you ever been in a fist fight and if so did you pull out a gun and shoot the other guy.

Not bad advice, but that is not what happened is it. The better twist is don't go stalking someone's kid in the middle of the night when they are doing nothing wrong but minding their own business. I know that gun gives you courage, doesn't it.

I didn't say no fist fights but sometimes a fist fight is not a fair fight. When you're attacked and someone (like Obama's son) is pounding your head on the sidewalk, that's not a fist fight; it's a one-sided concrete fight.

I actually think the world would be a better place if there were more fist fights. For instance, if a man insults my wife, they don't let me shoot him and they don't let me kick his ass. I should be allowed to do one or the other. Which would you prefer I do?

There's a point in any fist fight that it turns from a fist fight into an attempt to kill or cause great bodily harm - like banging heads on the sidewalk. Generally, I would argue that the person who threw the first blow doesn't get to escalate; you start the fight then you take the ass-whipping if it comes your way. But there is a point in intent, or in perceived intent, or in real or perceived fear for one's life, that either side might pull a gun to keep from getting killed. Sometimes you need to get or deliver an ass-whipping. I get that. But if the person administering said ass-whipping is going to kill you, then you need to defend your life. And what do you have to lose at that point?
The white man who was defending his family by running over a Burn Loot Murder riot squad will NOT face charges!

Great news!

But if it had happened in a blue state, the poor guy would have been railroaded.
So tell us why it was created.

Just for the record tell us what any of that is based on, since you can see into the future and tell us who was going to kill who and what not.
BLM was created to lead the attack on police and disrupt order in the US in preparation for a Communist revolution. Probably unforseen by its founders, or perhaps the social scientists who really understand this stuff told them in advance, it was also a great way to enrich the Communist leaders of BLM, lining their own pockets with the moneys contributed, supposedly, to help black Americans.

And, for the record, virtually every gangland shooting in Chicago involves multiple thugs and gang members. So for any of them to get shot reduces the available shooters, drivers, or just passengers giving encouragement to the driver and shooter. Less support staff, less shootings.

Now, don't get me wrong; I'm not suggesting, encouraging, or in any other way condoning, the police shooting unarmed men - of any color. I'm simply saying that in a lot of cases where it happens to black thugs and gang members it reduces future black deaths.

And don't come back with what about cops shooting white people. We're not talking about racist, anti-cop, white groups, we're talking about racist, anti-cop, BLM.
Hmmm, so that means black folks were not human because white folks didn't consider us human? I wonder how those good God fearin CHRISTIANS came to that conclusion. I guess you have to consider someone not human to treat them in an inhumane way.

What year did slavery end?
Actually Christians didn't consider you human...........slavery was justified as the "christian" thing to do INITIALLY in order to save you heathen non christian primitive africans (and we redskins) souls from the devil. Slavery, was justified as a way to make you christian and civilized, but atlas the white christians found that even when converted that being civilized didn't naturally follow. So then it was expanded to enslaving those whose homelands weren't typically christian...ergo africans even once converted to christianity would still be slaves because they weren't from a christian people. The churches have been successful in hiding that slavery was pushed and justified by many of the churches including the ever completely evil catholic church who has always been the leading worst of the worst of the christians. It should be noted that other christian sects fought tooth and nail against the Catholics and slavery. This is why IM2 fantasies of white men raping and whipping slaves in mass as a sport and fun didn't work out that way. Slaves weren't usual seen as equals but often they were treated as employees or atleast pets instead of how africans including IM2 would be treating slaves if given a chance.

It also should be noted that even though most didn't have slaves, among the whites (I know of no black slave owners who freed their slaves or even wanted to) who owned slaves that many freed their slaves when they could afford to, many who freed their slaves also provided support to their former slaves allowing them to survive including providing lands and homes for their slaves, and many whites who owned slaves wanted to free them but could not afford to or could not afford to provide for their slaves if they were freed. Harriet Tubmans father for example had been freed, but not just freed, his old owner provided lands and a home as a retirement package for his former slaves ergo treating them more like employees than slaves.
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When did the gang really escalate in this country?

What would change, hell they don't stop or prevent any crime and they are in the areas. See the police show up after crimes are committed, duh.

What would change? You really need to turn in your BLM card because you obviously don't give a shit about black lives. Then again, you're likely just another BLM communist.

What changed with just the reduction of police in Minneapolis was a 105% increase in shootings and a 70% increase in black men murdering other black men because the police weren't there.

Chicago murders up 56% from 2019 to 2020:

NYC shootings up 97%, murders up 44%.

And, apparently, not enough black men are dying to satisfy your hatred for white men.
Hmmm, so that means black folks were not human because white folks didn't consider us human? I wonder how those good God fearin CHRISTIANS came to that conclusion. I guess you have to consider someone not human to treat them in an inhumane way.

What year did slavery end?
You know, it is a terrible thing that black people, and others, were enslaved in the European colonies. It is such an atrocious thing that it should never, ever, be forgotten. But don't get all racially arrogant on us. Black people held black slaves in the colonies and in the United States. Black people held black and white slaves in Africa. Native Americans held other Native Americans, held white people, held black people, as slaves, in the colonies and in the United States.

Like I said, the common denominator, at least in the US, is that it was the Democrats who held the slaves and fought to keep slavery. And it is the Democrats who are enabling modern day slavery. Thousands upon thousands of black and brown women and children are raped along and on the way to our southern border every year because the Democrats enable and encourage it. Black and brown women and children are sold into modern slavery right here in the United States because the Democrats won't close the border.

The only president in the history of our Nation who cared about what was happening to black and brown women and children on the border was Donald Trump. Even our half- white president, Barack Obama, did nothing to help black and brown women and children escape the rapes, murders, and slavery tied to illegal immigration. And you, hypocrite that you are, voted for the Democrat rapist in the White House today.

You really do need to quit pretending that you or BLM, any of you, give a rat's ass about black lives. You, like them, are only in it for what you can get to line your pockets. For BLM, it's new houses around the country; for you it's the hope of reparations. You keep stoking the hatred so that, someday, you may get rich off of people who never did a thing to you or to any of your ancestors.
..well, if it was because of the MYTH of police brutality, then BLM is people have been murdering each other at HIGH rates --NOT the police--NOT the whites FACT, blacks murder whites at TEN times the rate of vice versa--we should have WLM, not BLM
WLM? What does that stand for?

Worthless Lying Murderers? If so, it's an accurate description.
Here’s a thought…. Stop surrounding/blocking cars and then you can mitigate the risk of racists and non-racists alike. Where, why, and how do BLM and ANTIFA feel entitled to threaten drivers?
Exactly !

It sounds like the guy is a great driver. Maybe even deserves a commendation. He should buy a heavier, more powerful vehicle, in case these worthless miscreants try to cause him problems again in the future.

Someone should set up a Go Fund Me account to help cover the cost to repair any damage caused by the BLM scumbag. And to disinfect the part of the car that came into contact with the filthy BLM sack of shit.
It's clear in the video they stopped his vehicle. These were not people crossing the street. They were standing there facing his car.
These BLM assholes are forever causing problems for other people. That's all the clowns ever do.

They're too fucking stupid to understand the meaning of the phrase "Peaceful Assembly."

They try to convince sane people that looting, harassing innocent people, burning buildings, and destroying private property is 'simply protesting.' They're lying assholes and criminals and should be treated as such.

Fuck BLM and anyone who supports these worthless criminals.
The white man who was defending his family by running over a Burn Loot Murder riot squad will NOT face charges!

It is because it wasn't a real incident, but a staged publicity stunt to make Whites to look like they are racists. But now they are going to stage more protests about White privilege in order to keep a racial divide.

And I also believe that there are no Jan 6th rally attendees locked up because they will not let anyone visit them. That it is all staged. And those Boogaloo boys are FBI's informants. And some are being detained maybe because they have prior arrest that they are reopening their cases. Or there for tax evasion. You can be locked up for owing the government $10 in backed taxes.

That all of this is just a show for the International leaders so that they will not see the Globalists as a threat. So that they will not back away from the deals they have made with the Globalists.
More fake news, juries can't "drop charges". Glad he got off.
No, but a grand jury can refuse to indict, and the charges are then null and void.

And if a group is impeding a car and it looks like a riot is taking place, it is reasonable for the driver of the car to want to escape.
Nobody squared up. The lowlife attacked him as he was harmlessly walking back to his car bothering nobody. That's what's called an attack in this country.
You don't have a clue, do you?

“Zimmerman told [the police] he lost sight of Trayvon and was walking back to his SUV when Trayvon approached him from the left rear, and they exchanged words. Trayvon asked Zimmerman if he had a problem. Zimmerman said no and reached for his cell phone, he told police. Trayvon then said, ‘Well, you do now’ or something similar and punched Zimmerman in the nose . . .

So as you can see you don't know what the hell you are talking about. Why didn't he walk his ass back to his SUV when the dispatcher told him they didn't need him following Trayvon?
A fight that both people agree to have to settle some sort of score.
That's the stupidest shit I have ever heard, folks don't agree hey looks go have a fight.
The teenager did not confront Zimmerman as he was chasing him which was only about five seconds or so.
Wow, where do you get this bullshit from?
The lowlife easily outran Zimmerman and instead of going home, hid between the row houses.
Why was Zimmerman chasing him in the first place?
Zimmerman continued his conversation with police for about another minute. After he hung up with police, Martin attacked him and caused physical harm which gave legal rights for Zimmerman to use deadly force under Florida law.
You are making yourself look like a bigger fool than you already are.

That's the point I'm making. Drugs are behind many of the murders in places like Chicago and in most cities. No, gangs were never glorified except by other criminals.
Make up your mind, you are all over the place.

This is what you said earlier.

Ray From Cleveland said:
Drugs are not negatively effecting the black communities in this country? What are all those shootings in Chicago and other places around the country all about, what gang gets to use what barber shop?
The movement began by the left early last year. Crime has escalated since according to statistics. Since most of the murders take place in black areas, a real disadvantage for you brothers.

What have the police done in the past to stop murder from talking place?
But it's much more than that. Amid de-funding, liberal leaders lowered if not eliminated penalties to crimes. In SF, you have to steal more than $950.00 of merchandise from a store for it to be considered a crime. Under that amount it's a misdemeanor. Because of that, all the Walgreens in San Francisco closed down and other stores are following. Nobody can stay open when their stores are being looted every day. The police won't even come out unless the theft is under $950.00. Mayor Lighthead in Chicago is trying to do the same thing, but the police are resistant and still nabbing lowlifes which she's totally pissed about.

They work there to do their job. They may not put much extra into it, but when they get a call, they have to respond and handle the situation.
Isn't that what they are paid to do.
No, Satan only started winning when Democrats got control.
So it was God that made white folks treat black folks worse than animals when this country was founded, is that what you are telling me.

But you are correct. Police cannot enforce the law on blacks so nobody wants to be a cop any longer.

Harassing, maiming and murdering black folks is not the law.

Why be a police officer when if you do your job, you get castigated for it, lose your job, or otherwise become a target for lowlifes along with your family?

When did it become the job of the police to inflict harm on it's citizens?
Not long ago the police only had to worry about the bad guys being against them.

You mean they could beat and murder black folks and not have to worry about being brought to the Bar of Justice.

Now they have to worry about the good guys and the bad guys being against them. Who wants a job like that? It pays well but so do a lot of other professions, and you won't be a national target for doing those other jobs.

Yea who wants a job where they will be held accountable for their actions.

More than half of all police-involved killings in the US go unreported with the majority of victims being Black, according to a new study published in the Lancet, a peer reviewed journal.

Research at the University of Washington School of Medicine’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation found that in the US between 1980 and 2018, more than 55% of deaths, over 17,000 in total, from police violence were either misclassified or went unreported.

The study also discovered that Black Americans are more likely than any other group to die from police violence and are 3.5 times more likely to be killed by police than white Americans.
If America is such a terribly wacist place, populated primarily by evul, wacist, white people, that hates them to pieces, that is why they would not want to stay.
The majority of America is not terribly racist, there are just too many racist folks like you in positions to act on that racism. The majority of white Americans are not racist, the problem is alot of the practices that started when this country was founded are racist and those racist practices or systems are still in place today.
The majority of America is not terribly racist, there are just too many racist folks like you in positions to act on that racism. The majority of white Americans are not racist, the problem is alot of the practices that started when this country was founded are racist and those racist practices or systems are still in place today.

Every single one of you caught stealing and burning during the riots should have been shot.
You are ignorant...atleast 2 northern states had slaves at the time of the civil war.
How many Northern states fought along side of the South.
It's a lie to claim that the war was fought to keep was over taxes with the south paying most of them. Lincoln wanted to punish the south for daring to go to war, so taking away the slaves like burning down cities was a punishment not the goal.
So according to you the Civil War had nothing to do with slavery.

Is this false: Southerners felt threatened by the pressure of northern politicians and “abolitionists,” who included the zealot John Brown, and claimed that the federal government had no power to end slavery, impose certain taxes, force infrastructure improvements, or influence western expansion against the wishes of the state governments.

Jefferson Davis Quotes the Bible

"[Slavery] was established by decree of Almighty is sanctioned in the Bible, in both Testaments, from Genesis to has existed in all ages, has been found among the people of the highest civilization, and in nations of the highest proficiency in the arts."

"It [slavery] was established by decree of Almighty is sanctioned in the Bible, in both Testaments, from Genesis to has existed in all ages, has been found among the people of the highest civilization, and in nations of the highest proficiency in the arts...Let the gentleman go to Revelation to learn the decree of God - let him go to the Bible...I said that slavery was sanctioned in the Bible, authorized, regulated, and recognized from Genesis to Revelation...Slavery existed then in the earliest ages, and among the chosen people of God; and in Revelation we are told that it shall exist till the end of time shall come. You find it in the Old and New Testaments - in the prophecies, psalms, and the epistles of Paul; you find it recognized, sanctioned everywhere.".

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