Man who ran over BLM rioters will NOT face charges

I didn't say no fist fights but sometimes a fist fight is not a fair fight. When you're attacked and someone (like Obama's son) is pounding your head on the sidewalk, that's not a fist fight; it's a one-sided concrete fight.
He wasn't attacked, even Zimmerman's version of the fight shows he wasn't attacked. One sided concreate fight, smfh.
I actually think the world would be a better place if there were more fist fights. For instance, if a man insults my wife, they don't let me shoot him and they don't let me kick his ass. I should be allowed to do one or the other. Which would you prefer I do?
You probably wouldn't do shit, now if it was a teenager you probably would act.
There's a point in any fist fight that it turns from a fist fight into an attempt to kill or cause great bodily harm - like banging heads on the sidewalk.
How many fights have you had were your head was banged on concrete?
Generally, I would argue that the person who threw the first blow doesn't get to escalate; you start the fight then you take the ass-whipping if it comes your way. But there is a point in intent, or in perceived intent, or in real or perceived fear for one's life, that either side might pull a gun to keep from getting killed. Sometimes you need to get or deliver an ass-whipping. I get that. But if the person administering said ass-whipping is going to kill you, then you need to defend your life. And what do you have to lose at that point?
So in other words if you start the fight and are getting your ass whooped then the manly thing to do is pull out your gun in a fist fight with a teenager.
You know, it is a terrible thing that black people, and others, were enslaved in the European colonies. It is such an atrocious thing that it should never, ever, be forgotten. But don't get all racially arrogant on us. Black people held black slaves in the colonies and in the United States. Black people held black and white slaves in Africa. Native Americans held other Native Americans, held white people, held black people, as slaves, in the colonies and in the United States.

Like I said, the common denominator, at least in the US, is that it was the Democrats who held the slaves and fought to keep slavery. And it is the Democrats who are enabling modern day slavery. Thousands upon thousands of black and brown women and children are raped along and on the way to our southern border every year because the Democrats enable and encourage it. Black and brown women and children are sold into modern slavery right here in the United States because the Democrats won't close the border.

The only president in the history of our Nation who cared about what was happening to black and brown women and children on the border was Donald Trump. Even our half- white president, Barack Obama, did nothing to help black and brown women and children escape the rapes, murders, and slavery tied to illegal immigration. And you, hypocrite that you are, voted for the Democrat rapist in the White House today.

You really do need to quit pretending that you or BLM, any of you, give a rat's ass about black lives. You, like them, are only in it for what you can get to line your pockets. For BLM, it's new houses around the country; for you it's the hope of reparations. You keep stoking the hatred so that, someday, you may get rich off of people who never did a thing to you or to any of your ancestors.
The Democrat Party was founded in 1828, what year did the first slaves arrive in America?

How long has there been a problem at the Southern Borders? Why is it so many immigrants try to come to this country every year? Who has benefitted the most in this country from illegal immigrantion? Why is it when ICE makes a raid on a company the only folks who are arrested are the workers, why no CEOs, Managers, Presidents, etc.? Stop with the Donald Trump lie, nobody is buying it. Black folks don't need to stoke hate, as long as, the Republican Party is around it will never die.
How about the Coward should have left him alone,

Too late. Now the thug is dead.

He really showed that creepy cracka, eh?

it is ok for a grown man to stalk and molest a child as long as he is black.

No, that's illegal.
Not illegal to follow a thug and call the police.
If Trayvon was scared, he should have gone home and called the police.
Instead he was stupid and then he was violent and then he was dead.
If Trayvon was scared, he should have gone home and called the police.
Instead he was stupid and then he was violent and then he was dead.

If I'm scared I'm not calling my fat girlfriend, I'm calling the police. Had he done that, the police would have explained what was going on preventing him from taking the stupid actions he did.
So in other words if you start the fight and are getting your ass whooped then the manly thing to do is pull out your gun in a fist fight with a teenager.

Zimmerman never started any fight. The official autopsy showed that the only injury sustained by Martin was a scraped knuckle consistent with hitting somebody or something, and of course the bullet hole. All injuries were sustained by Zimmerman.
Too late. Now the thug is dead.

He really showed that creepy cracka, eh?

it is ok for a grown man to stalk and molest a child as long as he is black.

No, that's illegal.
Not illegal to follow a thug and call the police.
Based on the fact that in the minds of racist EVERY black man or teenager is a thug, even though, police dispatchers tells you not to follow.
If Trayvon was scared, he should have gone home and called the police.
So he couldn't Stand His Ground that law only applies to whites.
Instead he was stupid and then he was violent and then he was dead.
So Zimmerman who is the adult shouldn't have desclated the situation since he created it.
Zimmerman never started any fight. The official autopsy showed that the only injury sustained by Martin was a scraped knuckle consistent with hitting somebody or something, and of course the bullet hole. All injuries were sustained by Zimmerman.
Why are you lying? Trayvon had NO injuries to his knuckles. He had a small scratch on his ring finger, you have to lie to justify a coward stalking and killing a teenager.
Based on the fact that in the minds of racist EVERY black man or teenager is a thug, even though, police dispatchers tells you not to follow.

So he couldn't Stand His Ground that law only applies to whites.

So Zimmerman who is the adult shouldn't have desclated the situation since he created it.

Based on the fact that in the minds of racist EVERY black man or teenager is a thug, even though, police dispatchers tells you not to follow.

Based on his history.

So he couldn't Stand His Ground that law only applies to whites.

He was free to run home and stand his ground while calling the police.
Instead of stupidly attacking and dying.

So Zimmerman who is the adult shouldn't have desclated the situation since he created it.

Trayvon created it. Paid the price.
Based on the fact that in the minds of racist EVERY black man or teenager is a thug, even though, police dispatchers tells you not to follow.

A police dispatcher has no authority. They are not police officers, had any police training, and hold no more authority than the guy that cleans the bathrooms in the police station. The dispatchers exact words were "we don't need you to do that" as in it's not necessary for Zimmerman to follow Martin. After the dispatcher gave that advice, Zimmerman immediately stopped running after Martin, so I don't know what you are complaining about.

So he couldn't Stand His Ground that law only applies to whites.

This situation had zero to do with Stand Your Ground. SYG means you do not have the duty to retreat if confronted.
Based on the fact that in the minds of racist EVERY black man or teenager is a thug, even though, police dispatchers tells you not to follow.
Based on his history.
If it is based on history that would apply more to white men.
So he couldn't Stand His Ground that law only applies to whites.
He was free to run home and stand his ground while calling the police.
Instead of stupidly attacking and dying.
Doesn't Stand your Ground mean you don't have to run home.
So Zimmerman who is the adult shouldn't have desclated the situation since he created it.
Trayvon created it. Paid the price.
Trayvon didn't start stalking the coward.

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