Man who ran over BLM rioters will NOT face charges

So a 28yr old grown man who weighs 200lbs needs a gun for a 17yr old 160lb teenager and that is your hero. Which tells me if he didn't have that gun he would have never gotten his punk ass out of his truck, that gun gave him courage.

So a 28yr old grown man who weighs 200lbs needs a gun for a 17yr old 160lb teenager

What color was the neon sign around Trayvon's neck advertising his age and weight?
So now that you know if you answer the question it makes you look like a fool, so you switch over to Zimmerman.

One guy has injuries to his hands, the other to his head and face.
An abrasion on one finger, hell that is a paper cut not that of someone who is pummeling a man with his fists.

How is it someone can slam your head on concrete and all you get is a little cut that doesn't even require a band aid.
Looks like the attacker got shot in self-defense.
Looks like a coward go away with murder.
I am trying to figure out how you head is repeatedly slammed on concrete and there are no lumps on your head.

Why the bleeding if his head wasn't slammed on the concrete?
Why are the lumps on his head if it was slammed on concrete?
So now that you know if you answer the question it makes you look like a fool, so you switch over to Zimmerman.

I am trying to figure out how you head is repeatedly slammed on concrete and there are no lumps on your head. His so-called injuries didn't even require a band aid.

Also it was raining that night and Zimmerman claims he slid off the concrete and into the grass to stop Trayvon from slamming his head on the concrete, why are his clothes so clean? No grass stains, no dirt.

Why aren't there any scratch marks on his head from Trayvon grabbing and clawing to slam his head on the concrete?

Why isn't there any blood on his clothing?

Why do you believe that Zimmerman had a right to stalk Trayvon when according to the law he had done nothing wrong other than walk down the street while being black.

There is no law against following people either. I can follow anybody I like and I'm breaking no laws. The complex had a series of break-ins from a suspect Martin fit the description of. Zimmerman (as he stated on the dispatch call) said this guy didn't live there and he was correct. It;s called reasonable suspicion.
Zim was the aggressor--undeniable--TM kept trying to get away, go away--he did nothing wrong...he stood his ground --you don't need a pistol to stand your ground .....Zim INITIATED it and kept going after him -aggressor

And your evidence of this is what? Listen to the 911 call. He ran after Martin for about five seconds or so, stopped, and continued his call for about another minute with dispatch. He never went after Martin after that which would be more that clear on the phone call.
Tell us this slum lord, how is that you have all white tenants in a predominately black neighborhood. You say you can't live with black folks yet you claim you live in a predominately black neighborhood.

It's all in how you advertise. I put that I'm looking for a clean and quiet tenant(s) with a first shit job to occupy the apartment. Most blacks are not clean and certainly not quiet. To them answering the ad or moving here would just be a huge problem they don't need. But I have had black tenants in the past.

My mother still lives nearby, my lifelong friends are still in this area, plus I have a business here so it's not easy to move out. Not to mention you need a good few bucks to buy in an all white neighborhood. The blacks cut my property value by 50% since I bought the place 27 years ago.
He didn't stop clown, he claimed he kept going in the same direction looking for a street name. Now tell me how there are only 3 streets in the freaking community, you are the NW Captain and you don't know them after you have called the cops over 46times reporting different events that you claim took place.

He knew the street but not the address. They don't have addresses on the back of houses, so he went to the front of the building to get one. If you'd like I can post the reenactment video of Zimmerman with the police explaining everything he did that night. If it still works, I'll be glad to post it.
An abrasion on one finger, hell that is a paper cut not that of someone who is pummeling a man with his fists.

How is it someone can slam your head on concrete and all you get is a little cut that doesn't even require a band aid.

Looks like a coward go away with murder.

Why are the lumps on his head if it was slammed on concrete?

An abrasion on one finger, hell that is a paper cut not that of someone who is pummeling a man with his fists.

Trayvon was wrongly accused? LOL!

How is it someone can slam your head on concrete and all you get is a little cut that doesn't even require a band aid.

How is it someone can get a little cut when Trayvon dindu nuffin?



Why are the lumps on his head if it was slammed on concrete?

Why did he get have a broken nose and two black eyes?
So now that you know if you answer the question it makes you look like a fool....
Speaking of which....

Irrelevant to the fact, that -- as YOU described -- Martin, after breaking contact, sought out Zimmerman, confronted him, and initiated the violence.
Why do you believe the fact Zimmerman shadowed Martin for a while gave Martin the right to do this?

Why won't you answer this question?
Because it will make you look like a fool.
So a 28yr old grown man who weighs 200lbs needs a gun for a 17yr old 160lb teenager and that is your hero. Which tells me if he didn't have that gun he would have never gotten his punk ass out of his truck, that gun gave him courage.
Irrelevant to the fact, that -- as YOU described -- Martin, after breaking contact, sought out Zimmerman, confronted him, and initiated the violence.

Why do you believe the fact Zimmerman shadowed Martin for a while gave Martin the right to do this?
There is no law against following people either. I can follow anybody I like and I'm breaking no laws. The complex had a series of break-ins from a suspect Martin fit the description of.
Save that bullshit, he had been caught two weeks prior. Next.
Zimmerman (as he stated on the dispatch call) said this guy didn't live there and he was correct. It;s called reasonable suspicion.
It's called bullshit, he was living with his father. Are you telling me Zimmerman knew every single person that lived in that complex. It's public street I don't have to live there.
It's all in how you advertise. I put that I'm looking for a clean and quiet tenant(s) with a first shit job to occupy the apartment.
Clean and quiet tenants with a first shit job. I am pretty sure at the end you put, "You must be white."
Most blacks are not clean and certainly not quiet.
Man you are a racist POS.
To them answering the ad or moving here would just be a huge problem they don't need. But I have had black tenants in the past.
Don't lie, as soon as, someone black meets your racist ass they probably hell no you can stick that raggedy ass apartment up your ass.
My mother still lives nearby, my lifelong friends are still in this area, plus I have a business here so it's not easy to move out. Not to mention you need a good few bucks to buy in an all white neighborhood. The blacks cut my property value by 50% since I bought the place 27 years ago.
I am tripping on how a racist POS who hates black folks and claims we are dirty, noisy and blah, blah, blah, but keeps his pasty white ass in a predominately black neighborhood as a slum lord.
He knew the street but not the address.
What address was he going to give them if he didn't know where he was. That doesn't make any sense.
They don't have addresses on the back of houses, so he went to the front of the building to get one.
Bullshit. Again you are lying if you look at his statement he said he was looking for the name of the street not a damn address. You just lie to try and justify him getting away with murdering a black teenager.
If you'd like I can post the reenactment video of Zimmerman with the police explaining everything he did that night. If it still works, I'll be glad to post it.
By all means do and point out where he says he was looking for an address, he said he was looking for a street name.

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