Man who saved little girl pulled int a van is illegal

I have no problem with immigration. It's what has helped make this country great. But...

Legal immigration has helped make this country great, but now you want to stop it? So you don't want my country to be great anymore? Fuck you. Get the fuck out of my country if you don't want it to be great. We'll continue to be great without (or due to the removal of) the likes of you.
Now here's some shit for you to eat, that shows just what your beloved illegal aliens are doing to LA county alone.

Show me where I have demonstrated support for illegal immigration, or apologize, rectract that statement, and then STFU.
Now here's some shit for you to eat, that shows just what your beloved illegal aliens are doing to LA county alone.

Show me where I have demonstrated support for illegal immigration, or apologize, rectract that statement, and then STFU.

Fact is, your support of open borders deems you part of the fuckin' problem.

Your support of immigrants running around with no controls or accountability, deems you part of the fuckin' problem.

Take your apology, and shove it up your boney lil' ass!
Now here's some shit for you to eat, that shows just what your beloved illegal aliens are doing to LA county alone.

Show me where I have demonstrated support for illegal immigration, or apologize, rectract that statement, and then STFU.

Fact is, your support of open borders deems you part of the fuckin' problem.

Show me where I have demonstrated support for 'open borders,' or apologize, rectract that statement, and then STFU. Of course you won't because we have already established that you are a person of low character.
Your support of immigrants running around with no controls or accountability, deems you part of the fuckin' problem.

Show me where I have advocated for no controls or accountability on immigration, or apologize, rectract that statement, and then STFU. You won't, because we all now know that you are a dishonest fuck trying to pretend he's any different than the other racists, bigots, and xenophobic cowards around here.
I have no problem with immigration. It's what has helped make this country great. But...

Legal immigration has helped make this country great, but now you want to stop it? So you don't want my country to be great anymore? Fuck you. Get the fuck out of my country if you don't want it to be great. We'll continue to be great without (or due to the removal of) the likes of you.
Come get me out of this country, motherfucker!

I'll give you every opportunity, punk.

I've given more to this great country then you ever will, limpdick.

And YOUR tax paying dollars are going to my lifetime VA care, bitch.

I didn't say permanently stop it, moron......Don't twist my words, lil' man......I said a moratorium should be considered until we get our own citizens and country squared away. And during that time, start the serious reforms to our immigration sytem. Because it's fucked up.
show me where i have demonstrated support for illegal immigration, or apologize, rectract that statement, and then stfu.
fuck you!

Fact is, your support of open borders deems you part of the fuckin' problem.

show me where i have demonstrated support for 'open borders,' or apologize, rectract that statement, and then stfu. Of course you won't because we have already established that you are a person of low character.
fuck you!
your support of immigrants running around with no controls or accountability, deems you part of the fuckin' problem.

show me where i have advocated for no controls or accountability on immigration, or apologize, rectract that statement, and then stfu. You won't, because we all now know that you are a dishonest fuck trying to pretend he's any different than the other racists, bigots, and xenophobic cowards around here.
fuck you!
Come get me out of this country, motherfucker!.

Some stains are difficult to get out, but considering how opposed you are to what has made this country great, I'd expect you'd be eager to go. Maybe find a nice ice floe or something...
I have no problem with immigration. It's what has helped make this country great. But...

Legal immigration has helped make this country great, but now you want to stop it? So you don't want my country to be great anymore? Fuck you. Get the fuck out of my country if you don't want it to be great. We'll continue to be great without (or due to the removal of) the likes of you.
Come get me out of this country, motherfucker!

I'll give you every opportunity, punk.

You are, of course, quite terrifying, Cotton Hill.

[ame=]funny old man fight - YouTube[/ame]
So it makes him an ILLEGAL hero - send him back to his country and let him be a hero over there where heroes are in desperate need! Problem solved.
How about we just make our immigration laws make sense instead of them making illegal citizens for us to deal with?
Here's one: you buy 640 acres to put the new landfill, you can get on the list to become a new US citizen?

Oh, wait. Putting a landfill at ANWR is frowned upon.

"fUCK YOU" is an answer or comment only an idiot would give because he or she does not have an answer or comment.
"fUCK YOU" is an answer or comment only an idiot would give because he or she does not have an answer or comment.
Uh, one poster was using that one to get through an extra hard-of-hearing newby who was slice and dicing cherry picks of one post into more than half a dozen posts. I know it looks bad, but a true story.

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