Man who saved little girl pulled int a van is illegal

His action proves what kind of man he is and he deserves to be made a citizen.

The man broke the law when he entered this country against the law....He needs to be held accountable for his crime. He's a criminal.

We are just going to give him a pass?

Yeah, here in so-cal we have prisoners who do just as good by serving on fire crews. I suppose we just give all of them a pass on their crimes also?

The man needs to be held accountable. If a judge deems his actions in helping that lil' girl fit to avoid jail, fine......But he must go through the same process to become a citizen as everybody else does......Just handing him citizenship is beyond ridiculous. And only sends the wrong message to the millions of other illegal CRIMINALS we have scurrying around this country like breeding cockroaches.
Give him a medal and make him a citizen. Ship the rest of the illegals back to the 3rd world. It's a simple concept. Why is it so confusing to liberals?
"The Dark Side of Illegal Immigration: Nearly One Million Sex Crimes Committed by Illegal Immigrants in the United States".
Deborah Schurman-Kauflin, Ph.D. - Criminal Profiler : Crime & Terrorism investigation resources

Eight American Children are victims of a sex crime committed by an illegal alien each and every day.

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He has to jump a few hoops, but I know several Americans who have married non citizens. Each and every one of them has been granted leave to remain, and work. So, yea, he's perfectly entitled to stay here. He might - and I say might because it is by no means certain - that he would have to return 'home' and apply to come - but they'll let him in and he'll be legal.

He would have to apply for permanent resident status, but it involves more than a few hoops and there is no guarantee that his application would be accepted, particularly if he were in the country ililegally at the time. There is no "perfectly entitled" stated or implied in the process. He would be illegal at least until the (very long and complicated - and expensive) application were submitted in full and given the status of 'pending' while the application is being processed unless it were rejected outright for some reason. Even if his application were approved, he'd be granted temporary permanent resident status for two years, after which time his status (and the marriage) would be reviewed again before being granted full permanent resident status - subject to review at any time. The permanent resident card has to be renewed after ten years. 'They have to let him stay' does not come in at any point unless and until he is naturalized if he pursues that path.

It really doesn't matter if a citizen marries a non citizen they will be allowed to stay as long as they stay married. Why do you think so many non national marry GI'S?

Did you even read what I wrote?
he has to jump a few hoops, but i know several americans who have married non citizens. Each and every one of them has been granted leave to remain, and work. So, yea, he's perfectly entitled to stay here. He might - and i say might because it is by no means certain - that he would have to return 'home' and apply to come - but they'll let him in and he'll be legal.

he would have to apply for permanent resident status, but it involves more than a few hoops and there is no guarantee that his application would be accepted, particularly if he were in the country ililegally at the time. There is no "perfectly entitled" stated or implied in the process. He would be illegal at least until the (very long and complicated - and expensive) application were submitted in full and given the status of 'pending' while the application is being processed unless it were rejected outright for some reason. Even if his application were approved, he'd be granted temporary permanent resident status for two years, after which time his status (and the marriage) would be reviewed again before being granted full permanent resident status - subject to review at any time. The permanent resident card has to be renewed after ten years. 'they have to let him stay' does not come in at any point unless and until he is naturalized if he pursues that path.

i know exactly what it entails. He is married to a us citizen and can choose to live and work in the us.

The illegal alien has to be in good standing with the law before he gets rewarded with citizenship after he applies for residency and a Green Card. He's as illegal as Hell. It's like saying I'm a doctor but school was too expensive so I'm waiting for prices to come down to go to school other than that I'm doctor.

The National Policy Institute "estimated that the total cost of mass deportation would be between $206 and $230 billion or an average cost of between $41 and $46 billion annually over a five year period."

Wicked Jester said:
The man broke the law when he entered this country against the law....He needs to be held accountable for his crime. He's a criminal.
Ya maybe he did BUT HE HAS SHOWN THAT HE LOVES THIS COUNTRY and i think that should overturn anything else he may have done..
If he is married to a US citizen he is not how about you grow up and not make threads with disingenuous titles in order to editorialize?

They can't. They want to pull everyone else down to thier level.

The only one being an ass is TruthDon'tMatter. I

She's the one making up shit.

Antonio Diaz Chacon, 23, is a Mexican citizen married to an American and has been in the country for four years. But Chacon says he abandoned attempts to get legal residency because the process was difficult and expensive.

Diaz Chacon, who works in Albuquerque as a mechanic, revealed his immigration status to the Spanish-language Univision TV network this week, prompting chatter on the Internet and social networking sites that his case underscored immigrant rights positions in two ongoing political debates.

"I came to work, to work hard," he told Univision. "The only problem is I entered the country illegally and now we can't afford a lawyer to file the immigration papers."

you are transparent
Good for him! All this shows is that he has a simple sense of right from wrong, NOW he can at least TRY to follow immigration laws TOO. He is no poster boy for all illegals. Please, I would have done the same thing he did, as would most of the rest of you. It isn't some absolute litmus test of the virtues of illegal aliens. Hell, many of those poor bastards would have trampled their own mothers into the dust to get ahead. That kind of thing MSMBC would rather ignore. So, we get Antonio Diaz Chacon super illegal alien. Kudos for him. He doesn’t get a free pass as an illegal alien for doing what ANY decent human being would/should do, anyway. It's only worthy of note because the knucklehead made his immigration status known…SO?
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Wicked Jester said:
The man broke the law when he entered this country against the law....He needs to be held accountable for his crime. He's a criminal.
Ya maybe he did BUT HE HAS SHOWN THAT HE LOVES THIS COUNTRY and i think that should overturn anything else he may have done..
That did nothing to show he loves this country.....He did what any clear thinking individual would do in that situation.

Christ, there are lifer's in prison who would have done the same thing, in the same situation.....Do we just forgive their crime because they did it?
What is truthie and the radical left suggesting? That we open the borders and hope we will get a criminal now and then who will save a kid? This is not rational thinking.

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