Man whose false claims about Saddam’s WMD's helped spur the U.S.-led invasion dead from heart attack



Ahmed Chalabi, Iraqi exile who helped spur U.S. invasion, dies of heart attack

Mr. Chalabi’s political fortunes were closely linked to the war — and the years of bloodshed and unrest that followed — that many claim he helped spark as a trusted and well-paid adviser to American political and military decision makers.

He became synonymous with the spotty — and sometimes wrong — intelligence used to bolster assertions by President George W. Bush and others that the Iraqi leader possessed weapons of mass destruction.

But he was later dogged by allegations of corruption and lacked popular support. He also was accused of developing secret channels with Shiite power Iran, which swiftly exerted its influence in Iraq after the fall of Hussein’s Sunni-led power structure.

“Iraq is a mess.

Mr. Chalabi was among the key Iraqi Shiites promoting the so-called de-Baathification process, a policy that attempted to remove figures from Hussein’s Sunni-led Baath Party from Iraq’s new political system. Critics said it helped to drive division in the country, which spiralled into sectarian war.


He played Bush like an old piano.
Ahmed Chalabi, Iraqi exile who helped spur U.S. invasion, dies of heart attack

Mr. Chalabi’s political fortunes were closely linked to the war — and the years of bloodshed and unrest that followed — that many claim he helped spark as a trusted and well-paid adviser to American political and military decision makers.

He became synonymous with the spotty — and sometimes wrong — intelligence used to bolster assertions by President George W. Bush and others that the Iraqi leader possessed weapons of mass destruction.

But he was later dogged by allegations of corruption and lacked popular support. He also was accused of developing secret channels with Shiite power Iran, which swiftly exerted its influence in Iraq after the fall of Hussein’s Sunni-led power structure.

“Iraq is a mess.

Mr. Chalabi was among the key Iraqi Shiites promoting the so-called de-Baathification process, a policy that attempted to remove figures from Hussein’s Sunni-led Baath Party from Iraq’s new political system. Critics said it helped to drive division in the country, which spiralled into sectarian war.


He played Bush like an old piano.
Dear dumbfuck,
Iraq and WMDs started being talked about since the Gulf War. History didn't start in 2000.
Ahmed Chalabi, Iraqi exile who helped spur U.S. invasion, dies of heart attack

Mr. Chalabi’s political fortunes were closely linked to the war — and the years of bloodshed and unrest that followed — that many claim he helped spark as a trusted and well-paid adviser to American political and military decision makers.

He became synonymous with the spotty — and sometimes wrong — intelligence used to bolster assertions by President George W. Bush and others that the Iraqi leader possessed weapons of mass destruction.

But he was later dogged by allegations of corruption and lacked popular support. He also was accused of developing secret channels with Shiite power Iran, which swiftly exerted its influence in Iraq after the fall of Hussein’s Sunni-led power structure.

“Iraq is a mess.

Mr. Chalabi was among the key Iraqi Shiites promoting the so-called de-Baathification process, a policy that attempted to remove figures from Hussein’s Sunni-led Baath Party from Iraq’s new political system. Critics said it helped to drive division in the country, which spiralled into sectarian war.


He played Bush like an old piano.
Dear dumbfuck,
Iraq and WMDs started being talked about since the Gulf War. History didn't start in 2000.
So you don't get it. OK.
Ahmed Chalabi, Iraqi exile who helped spur U.S. invasion, dies of heart attack

Mr. Chalabi’s political fortunes were closely linked to the war — and the years of bloodshed and unrest that followed — that many claim he helped spark as a trusted and well-paid adviser to American political and military decision makers.

He became synonymous with the spotty — and sometimes wrong — intelligence used to bolster assertions by President George W. Bush and others that the Iraqi leader possessed weapons of mass destruction.

But he was later dogged by allegations of corruption and lacked popular support. He also was accused of developing secret channels with Shiite power Iran, which swiftly exerted its influence in Iraq after the fall of Hussein’s Sunni-led power structure.

“Iraq is a mess.

Mr. Chalabi was among the key Iraqi Shiites promoting the so-called de-Baathification process, a policy that attempted to remove figures from Hussein’s Sunni-led Baath Party from Iraq’s new political system. Critics said it helped to drive division in the country, which spiralled into sectarian war.


He played Bush like an old piano.

Actually they did find WMD's just as Bush said. Do a search and you will find it.
Ahmed Chalabi, Iraqi exile who helped spur U.S. invasion, dies of heart attack

Mr. Chalabi’s political fortunes were closely linked to the war — and the years of bloodshed and unrest that followed — that many claim he helped spark as a trusted and well-paid adviser to American political and military decision makers.

He became synonymous with the spotty — and sometimes wrong — intelligence used to bolster assertions by President George W. Bush and others that the Iraqi leader possessed weapons of mass destruction.

But he was later dogged by allegations of corruption and lacked popular support. He also was accused of developing secret channels with Shiite power Iran, which swiftly exerted its influence in Iraq after the fall of Hussein’s Sunni-led power structure.

“Iraq is a mess.

Mr. Chalabi was among the key Iraqi Shiites promoting the so-called de-Baathification process, a policy that attempted to remove figures from Hussein’s Sunni-led Baath Party from Iraq’s new political system. Critics said it helped to drive division in the country, which spiralled into sectarian war.


He played Bush like an old piano.
Dear dumbfuck,
Iraq and WMDs started being talked about since the Gulf War. History didn't start in 2000.

Before Raygun took Iraq off the list of Nations who support terrorism, Iraq had some old chemical weapons like muster gas and chlorine gas. But Ronnie open Pandora's Box. Not only did the US and our allies allow him to purchase the necessary technology and supplies to make state of the art Chemical and Biological weapons, but he was also able to procure enough material to start a underground Manhattan Project style nuclear program.

His use of these weapons were never condemned by the Raygun administration.

All of it was destroyed during or after the first war. No new production. No large stockpiles.

Goodbye Curveball The GOP is going to miss you.
Good riddance. I hope Cheney and the rest of the warmongers join him soon.

You mean Obama, right?

Ahmed Chalabi, Iraqi exile who helped spur U.S. invasion, dies of heart attack

Mr. Chalabi’s political fortunes were closely linked to the war — and the years of bloodshed and unrest that followed — that many claim he helped spark as a trusted and well-paid adviser to American political and military decision makers.

He became synonymous with the spotty — and sometimes wrong — intelligence used to bolster assertions by President George W. Bush and others that the Iraqi leader possessed weapons of mass destruction.

But he was later dogged by allegations of corruption and lacked popular support. He also was accused of developing secret channels with Shiite power Iran, which swiftly exerted its influence in Iraq after the fall of Hussein’s Sunni-led power structure.

“Iraq is a mess.

Mr. Chalabi was among the key Iraqi Shiites promoting the so-called de-Baathification process, a policy that attempted to remove figures from Hussein’s Sunni-led Baath Party from Iraq’s new political system. Critics said it helped to drive division in the country, which spiralled into sectarian war.


He played Bush like an old piano.
Dear dumbfuck,
Iraq and WMDs started being talked about since the Gulf War. History didn't start in 2000.

Sure.... all things bad began in January 2001 and ended in January 2009. Now everything is pixie dust and unicorn farts.

Ahmed Chalabi, Iraqi exile who helped spur U.S. invasion, dies of heart attack

Mr. Chalabi’s political fortunes were closely linked to the war — and the years of bloodshed and unrest that followed — that many claim he helped spark as a trusted and well-paid adviser to American political and military decision makers.

He became synonymous with the spotty — and sometimes wrong — intelligence used to bolster assertions by President George W. Bush and others that the Iraqi leader possessed weapons of mass destruction.

But he was later dogged by allegations of corruption and lacked popular support. He also was accused of developing secret channels with Shiite power Iran, which swiftly exerted its influence in Iraq after the fall of Hussein’s Sunni-led power structure.

“Iraq is a mess.

Mr. Chalabi was among the key Iraqi Shiites promoting the so-called de-Baathification process, a policy that attempted to remove figures from Hussein’s Sunni-led Baath Party from Iraq’s new political system. Critics said it helped to drive division in the country, which spiralled into sectarian war.


He played Bush like an old piano.

Actually they did find WMD's just as Bush said. Do a search and you will find it.

President Bush said he was actively producing and stockpiling new weapons.

Never found anything but old dilapidated weapons. Nothing new.
What about the thousands of Kurds that Saddam killed with poison gas and other chemical weapons? Were their opinions on whether he had Weapons of Mass Destruction, "false" too? :rolleyes-41:
Ahmed Chalabi, Iraqi exile who helped spur U.S. invasion, dies of heart attack

Mr. Chalabi’s political fortunes were closely linked to the war — and the years of bloodshed and unrest that followed — that many claim he helped spark as a trusted and well-paid adviser to American political and military decision makers.

He became synonymous with the spotty — and sometimes wrong — intelligence used to bolster assertions by President George W. Bush and others that the Iraqi leader possessed weapons of mass destruction.

But he was later dogged by allegations of corruption and lacked popular support. He also was accused of developing secret channels with Shiite power Iran, which swiftly exerted its influence in Iraq after the fall of Hussein’s Sunni-led power structure.

“Iraq is a mess.

Mr. Chalabi was among the key Iraqi Shiites promoting the so-called de-Baathification process, a policy that attempted to remove figures from Hussein’s Sunni-led Baath Party from Iraq’s new political system. Critics said it helped to drive division in the country, which spiralled into sectarian war.


He played Bush like an old piano.

Actually they did find WMD's just as Bush said. Do a search and you will find it.

President Bush said he was actively producing and stockpiling new weapons.

Never found anything but old dilapidated weapons. Nothing new.

Bush said that as did his predecessor and numerous prominent Democrats and Republicans. Contrary to what the Huffington Post says, this was not anything uniquely Bush.
What about the thousands of Kurds that Saddam killed with poison gas and other chemical weapons? Were their opinions on whether he had Weapons of Mass Destruction, "false" too? :rolleyes-41:

What did the President do at the time. Punish Iraq with harsh sanctions? Wag a finger at him? What?
Ahmed Chalabi, Iraqi exile who helped spur U.S. invasion, dies of heart attack

Mr. Chalabi’s political fortunes were closely linked to the war — and the years of bloodshed and unrest that followed — that many claim he helped spark as a trusted and well-paid adviser to American political and military decision makers.

He became synonymous with the spotty — and sometimes wrong — intelligence used to bolster assertions by President George W. Bush and others that the Iraqi leader possessed weapons of mass destruction.

But he was later dogged by allegations of corruption and lacked popular support. He also was accused of developing secret channels with Shiite power Iran, which swiftly exerted its influence in Iraq after the fall of Hussein’s Sunni-led power structure.

“Iraq is a mess.

Mr. Chalabi was among the key Iraqi Shiites promoting the so-called de-Baathification process, a policy that attempted to remove figures from Hussein’s Sunni-led Baath Party from Iraq’s new political system. Critics said it helped to drive division in the country, which spiralled into sectarian war.


He played Bush like an old piano.

Actually they did find WMD's just as Bush said. Do a search and you will find it.

President Bush said he was actively producing and stockpiling new weapons.

Never found anything but old dilapidated weapons. Nothing new.

Bush said that as did his predecessor and numerous prominent Democrats and Republicans. Contrary to what the Huffington Post says, this was not anything uniquely Bush.

And How many times did his predecessor call for an invasion and occupation with the US doing all the heavy lifting? That was uniquely Bush.
Ahmed Chalabi, Iraqi exile who helped spur U.S. invasion, dies of heart attack

Mr. Chalabi’s political fortunes were closely linked to the war — and the years of bloodshed and unrest that followed — that many claim he helped spark as a trusted and well-paid adviser to American political and military decision makers.

He became synonymous with the spotty — and sometimes wrong — intelligence used to bolster assertions by President George W. Bush and others that the Iraqi leader possessed weapons of mass destruction.

But he was later dogged by allegations of corruption and lacked popular support. He also was accused of developing secret channels with Shiite power Iran, which swiftly exerted its influence in Iraq after the fall of Hussein’s Sunni-led power structure.

“Iraq is a mess.

Mr. Chalabi was among the key Iraqi Shiites promoting the so-called de-Baathification process, a policy that attempted to remove figures from Hussein’s Sunni-led Baath Party from Iraq’s new political system. Critics said it helped to drive division in the country, which spiralled into sectarian war.


He played Bush like an old piano.

Actually they did find WMD's just as Bush said. Do a search and you will find it.

President Bush said he was actively producing and stockpiling new weapons.

Never found anything but old dilapidated weapons. Nothing new.

Bush said that as did his predecessor and numerous prominent Democrats and Republicans. Contrary to what the Huffington Post says, this was not anything uniquely Bush.

And How many times did his predecessor call for an invasion and occupation with the US doing all the heavy lifting? That was uniquely Bush.

Oh, so we're not going to talk about WMD's now, we're going on to something else? This is what you lefties always do... you ramble on about Bush and WMD's, then when it is pointed out that Bush never said ANYTHING that numerous others didn't said, including Clinton, you switch the conversation to "Clinton didn't invade Iraq". Nice try, but that's B.S. I can give you quot after quote after quote where prominent Democrats made the same statements including the statement that Saddam must be stopped.

Did Bush lead the invasion? He sure did, after being duly authorized to do so by a Democrat controlled Congress. Now, we can argue all day about the merits of that decision, but that is a totally different topic. As is the actual execution of the war... and yeah, the Dems jumped ship and played the "we've been lied to" card... utter B.S. Lied to by whom, your own people? 'Cause they said the same shit.
You far righties have lost the discussion on WMDs and Bush.

You won't be allowed to deflect and change the subject.
Ahmed Chalabi, Iraqi exile who helped spur U.S. invasion, dies of heart attack

Mr. Chalabi’s political fortunes were closely linked to the war — and the years of bloodshed and unrest that followed — that many claim he helped spark as a trusted and well-paid adviser to American political and military decision makers.

He became synonymous with the spotty — and sometimes wrong — intelligence used to bolster assertions by President George W. Bush and others that the Iraqi leader possessed weapons of mass destruction.

But he was later dogged by allegations of corruption and lacked popular support. He also was accused of developing secret channels with Shiite power Iran, which swiftly exerted its influence in Iraq after the fall of Hussein’s Sunni-led power structure.

“Iraq is a mess.

Mr. Chalabi was among the key Iraqi Shiites promoting the so-called de-Baathification process, a policy that attempted to remove figures from Hussein’s Sunni-led Baath Party from Iraq’s new political system. Critics said it helped to drive division in the country, which spiralled into sectarian war.


He played Bush like an old piano.
Dear dumbfuck,
Iraq and WMDs started being talked about since the Gulf War. History didn't start in 2000.
So you don't get it. OK.
Get what?

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