Man whose false claims about Saddam’s WMD's helped spur the U.S.-led invasion dead from heart attack

Ahmed Chalabi, Iraqi exile who helped spur U.S. invasion, dies of heart attack

Mr. Chalabi’s political fortunes were closely linked to the war — and the years of bloodshed and unrest that followed — that many claim he helped spark as a trusted and well-paid adviser to American political and military decision makers.

He became synonymous with the spotty — and sometimes wrong — intelligence used to bolster assertions by President George W. Bush and others that the Iraqi leader possessed weapons of mass destruction.

But he was later dogged by allegations of corruption and lacked popular support. He also was accused of developing secret channels with Shiite power Iran, which swiftly exerted its influence in Iraq after the fall of Hussein’s Sunni-led power structure.

“Iraq is a mess.

Mr. Chalabi was among the key Iraqi Shiites promoting the so-called de-Baathification process, a policy that attempted to remove figures from Hussein’s Sunni-led Baath Party from Iraq’s new political system. Critics said it helped to drive division in the country, which spiralled into sectarian war.


He played Bush like an old piano.

Where's the guy(s) that falsified chemical weapon (WMD) usage in Syria for the Obama regime? Do you care, or is this just another one of your partisan hackery points?
The guys name was Curveball for Christ's sakes. But if he missed the memo that says "Bin Laden determined to strike in the US" it makes sense
Ahmed Chalabi, Iraqi exile who helped spur U.S. invasion, dies of heart attack

Mr. Chalabi’s political fortunes were closely linked to the war — and the years of bloodshed and unrest that followed — that many claim he helped spark as a trusted and well-paid adviser to American political and military decision makers.

He became synonymous with the spotty — and sometimes wrong — intelligence used to bolster assertions by President George W. Bush and others that the Iraqi leader possessed weapons of mass destruction.

But he was later dogged by allegations of corruption and lacked popular support. He also was accused of developing secret channels with Shiite power Iran, which swiftly exerted its influence in Iraq after the fall of Hussein’s Sunni-led power structure.

“Iraq is a mess.

Mr. Chalabi was among the key Iraqi Shiites promoting the so-called de-Baathification process, a policy that attempted to remove figures from Hussein’s Sunni-led Baath Party from Iraq’s new political system. Critics said it helped to drive division in the country, which spiralled into sectarian war.


He played Bush like an old piano.

Actually they did find WMD's just as Bush said. Do a search and you will find it.

President Bush said he was actively producing and stockpiling new weapons.

Never found anything but old dilapidated weapons. Nothing new.

They were WMD's though.

Nope. No means of delivery. Dangerous chemicals yes, WMD, nope.

A weapon of mass destruction (WMD or WoMD) is a nuclear, radiological, chemical, biological or other weapon that can kill and bring significant harm to a large number of humans or cause great damage to human-made structures (e.g. buildings), natural structures (e.g. mountains), or the biosphere.

How many WMD's carry along with them a Mushroom Cloud?

Condoleezza Rice: 'Don't Want Smoking Gun To Be A Mushroom Cloud.'
Actually they did find WMD's just as Bush said. Do a search and you will find it.

President Bush said he was actively producing and stockpiling new weapons.

Never found anything but old dilapidated weapons. Nothing new.

They were WMD's though.

Nope. No means of delivery. Dangerous chemicals yes, WMD, nope.

A weapon of mass destruction (WMD or WoMD) is a nuclear, radiological, chemical, biological or other weapon that can kill and bring significant harm to a large number of humans or cause great damage to human-made structures (e.g. buildings), natural structures (e.g. mountains), or the biosphere.

How many WMD's carry along with them a Mushroom Cloud?

Condoleezza Rice: 'Don't Want Smoking Gun To Be A Mushroom Cloud.'

So from your own link you are acknowledging the Bush administration did not believe Saddam had nuclear weapons in 2003.

That's what I remember.
Ahmed Chalabi, Iraqi exile who helped spur U.S. invasion, dies of heart attack

Mr. Chalabi’s political fortunes were closely linked to the war — and the years of bloodshed and unrest that followed — that many claim he helped spark as a trusted and well-paid adviser to American political and military decision makers.

He became synonymous with the spotty — and sometimes wrong — intelligence used to bolster assertions by President George W. Bush and others that the Iraqi leader possessed weapons of mass destruction.

But he was later dogged by allegations of corruption and lacked popular support. He also was accused of developing secret channels with Shiite power Iran, which swiftly exerted its influence in Iraq after the fall of Hussein’s Sunni-led power structure.

“Iraq is a mess.

Mr. Chalabi was among the key Iraqi Shiites promoting the so-called de-Baathification process, a policy that attempted to remove figures from Hussein’s Sunni-led Baath Party from Iraq’s new political system. Critics said it helped to drive division in the country, which spiralled into sectarian war.


He played Bush like an old piano.
I'm so tired of this. You know that it was the democrats who started the saddam has WMD story.
We will never the full truth to all of this. It was obviously not about oil. But the rest is a fools party, really. He said/she said.

It was all about liberating the Iraqi oil. Still is.
Oh wow

Iraq’s crude oil production climbed to an all-time high of 4.18 million barrels a day in July, according to statistics from the International Energy Agency (IEA). This was up from the 4.15 million bpd produced in June. The southern oilfields accounted for exports of 3.06 million bpd

Cabinet Approves 2016 Budget of $91bn
Facts don't apply to liberals, they ignore their record and positions when it becomes politically expedient. They blame everyone else for their failed policies and believe that with more money they can make things right. Its why they keep talking about income inequality as if higher taxes will solve the ails of the nation, just rhetoric, What else do you expect?
So they are still talking about WMD's and yet what song would they be singing if what Clinton, his administration, and Saddam had been true? One can only imagine.
We will never the full truth to all of this. It was obviously not about oil. But the rest is a fools party, really. He said/she said.

It was all about liberating the Iraqi oil. Still is.
Oh wow

Iraq’s crude oil production climbed to an all-time high of 4.18 million barrels a day in July, according to statistics from the International Energy Agency (IEA). This was up from the 4.15 million bpd produced in June. The southern oilfields accounted for exports of 3.06 million bpd

Cabinet Approves 2016 Budget of $91bn
So what?
Did you know big oil lobbied congress about Iraq?
Did you know BP was the only American company to get a contract? Did you know the big "winners" of Iraq oil was france Norway china and Russia?
Ahmed Chalabi, Iraqi exile who helped spur U.S. invasion, dies of heart attack

Mr. Chalabi’s political fortunes were closely linked to the war — and the years of bloodshed and unrest that followed — that many claim he helped spark as a trusted and well-paid adviser to American political and military decision makers.

He became synonymous with the spotty — and sometimes wrong — intelligence used to bolster assertions by President George W. Bush and others that the Iraqi leader possessed weapons of mass destruction.

But he was later dogged by allegations of corruption and lacked popular support. He also was accused of developing secret channels with Shiite power Iran, which swiftly exerted its influence in Iraq after the fall of Hussein’s Sunni-led power structure.

“Iraq is a mess.

Mr. Chalabi was among the key Iraqi Shiites promoting the so-called de-Baathification process, a policy that attempted to remove figures from Hussein’s Sunni-led Baath Party from Iraq’s new political system. Critics said it helped to drive division in the country, which spiralled into sectarian war.


He played Bush like an old piano.

Actually they did find WMD's just as Bush said. Do a search and you will find it.

President Bush said he was actively producing and stockpiling new weapons.

Never found anything but old dilapidated weapons. Nothing new.

Where did Syria get all of their chemical weapons?
Ahmed Chalabi, Iraqi exile who helped spur U.S. invasion, dies of heart attack

Mr. Chalabi’s political fortunes were closely linked to the war — and the years of bloodshed and unrest that followed — that many claim he helped spark as a trusted and well-paid adviser to American political and military decision makers.

He became synonymous with the spotty — and sometimes wrong — intelligence used to bolster assertions by President George W. Bush and others that the Iraqi leader possessed weapons of mass destruction.

But he was later dogged by allegations of corruption and lacked popular support. He also was accused of developing secret channels with Shiite power Iran, which swiftly exerted its influence in Iraq after the fall of Hussein’s Sunni-led power structure.

“Iraq is a mess.

Mr. Chalabi was among the key Iraqi Shiites promoting the so-called de-Baathification process, a policy that attempted to remove figures from Hussein’s Sunni-led Baath Party from Iraq’s new political system. Critics said it helped to drive division in the country, which spiralled into sectarian war.


He played Bush like an old piano.

Actually they did find WMD's just as Bush said. Do a search and you will find it.

President Bush said he was actively producing and stockpiling new weapons.

Never found anything but old dilapidated weapons. Nothing new.
So did Clinton.
Besides, what were we supposed ot think? The damn asshole wouldn't even cooperate with weapon inspectors. So in return, Clinton bombed the shit out of him..

Saddam was pissed because he felt the GWHB stabbed him in the back over Kuwait. I've also heard that the only reason he fucked with some inspection teams is because they had American spies in them who were scouting for military targets.

Yeah, that sounds about right. We knew anything we wanted to know about their military targets since about 1991!
We will never the full truth to all of this. It was obviously not about oil. But the rest is a fools party, really. He said/she said.

It was all about liberating the Iraqi oil. Still is.
Oh wow

Iraq’s crude oil production climbed to an all-time high of 4.18 million barrels a day in July, according to statistics from the International Energy Agency (IEA). This was up from the 4.15 million bpd produced in June. The southern oilfields accounted for exports of 3.06 million bpd

Cabinet Approves 2016 Budget of $91bn
So what?
Did you know big oil lobbied congress about Iraq?
Did you know BP was the only American company to get a contract? Did you know the big "winners" of Iraq oil was france Norway china and Russia?

Before the war Iraqis oil fields were nationalized. Now they are in the hands of the international oil companies. It was a victory for Big Oil paid for by American and Iraqi blood.
Ahmed Chalabi, Iraqi exile who helped spur U.S. invasion, dies of heart attack

Mr. Chalabi’s political fortunes were closely linked to the war — and the years of bloodshed and unrest that followed — that many claim he helped spark as a trusted and well-paid adviser to American political and military decision makers.

He became synonymous with the spotty — and sometimes wrong — intelligence used to bolster assertions by President George W. Bush and others that the Iraqi leader possessed weapons of mass destruction.

But he was later dogged by allegations of corruption and lacked popular support. He also was accused of developing secret channels with Shiite power Iran, which swiftly exerted its influence in Iraq after the fall of Hussein’s Sunni-led power structure.

“Iraq is a mess.

Mr. Chalabi was among the key Iraqi Shiites promoting the so-called de-Baathification process, a policy that attempted to remove figures from Hussein’s Sunni-led Baath Party from Iraq’s new political system. Critics said it helped to drive division in the country, which spiralled into sectarian war.


He played Bush like an old piano.

Actually they did find WMD's just as Bush said. Do a search and you will find it.

President Bush said he was actively producing and stockpiling new weapons.

Never found anything but old dilapidated weapons. Nothing new.

Where did Syria get all of their chemical weapons?

Not from the Sunni Saddam that's for sure.
We will never the full truth to all of this. It was obviously not about oil. But the rest is a fools party, really. He said/she said.

It was all about liberating the Iraqi oil. Still is.
Oh wow

Iraq’s crude oil production climbed to an all-time high of 4.18 million barrels a day in July, according to statistics from the International Energy Agency (IEA). This was up from the 4.15 million bpd produced in June. The southern oilfields accounted for exports of 3.06 million bpd

Cabinet Approves 2016 Budget of $91bn
So what?
Did you know big oil lobbied congress about Iraq?
Did you know BP was the only American company to get a contract? Did you know the big "winners" of Iraq oil was france Norway china and Russia?

Before the war Iraqis oil fields were nationalized. Now they are in the hands of the international oil companies. It was a victory for Big Oil paid for by American and Iraqi blood.
SH was the one to nationalize oil in the first place..
It was all about liberating the Iraqi oil. Still is.
Oh wow

Iraq’s crude oil production climbed to an all-time high of 4.18 million barrels a day in July, according to statistics from the International Energy Agency (IEA). This was up from the 4.15 million bpd produced in June. The southern oilfields accounted for exports of 3.06 million bpd

Cabinet Approves 2016 Budget of $91bn
So what?
Did you know big oil lobbied congress about Iraq?
Did you know BP was the only American company to get a contract? Did you know the big "winners" of Iraq oil was france Norway china and Russia?

Before the war Iraqis oil fields were nationalized. Now they are in the hands of the international oil companies. It was a victory for Big Oil paid for by American and Iraqi blood.
SH was the one to nationalize oil in the first place..

In 1972?

Iraq’s crude oil production climbed to an all-time high of 4.18 million barrels a day in July, according to statistics from the International Energy Agency (IEA). This was up from the 4.15 million bpd produced in June. The southern oilfields accounted for exports of 3.06 million bpd

Cabinet Approves 2016 Budget of $91bn
So what?
Did you know big oil lobbied congress about Iraq?
Did you know BP was the only American company to get a contract? Did you know the big "winners" of Iraq oil was france Norway china and Russia?

Before the war Iraqis oil fields were nationalized. Now they are in the hands of the international oil companies. It was a victory for Big Oil paid for by American and Iraqi blood.
SH was the one to nationalize oil in the first place..

In 1972?
I cant remember exactly but I think it was in the 70s.
"One way or the other, we are determined to deny Iraq the capacity to develop weapons of mass destruction and the missiles to deliver them. That is our bottom line."
--President Bill Clinton, Feb. 4, 1998

"If Saddam rejects peace and we have to use force, our purpose is clear. We want to seriously diminish the threat posed by Iraq's weapons of mass destruction program."
--President Bill Clinton, Feb. 17, 1998

"Iraq is a long way from [here], but what happens there matters a great deal here. For the risks that the leaders of a rogue state will use nuclear, chemical or biological weapons against us or our allies is the greatest security threat we face."
--Madeline Albright, Feb 18, 1998

"He will use those weapons of mass destruction again, as he has ten times since 1983."
--Sandy Berger, Clinton National Security Adviser, Feb, 18, 1998

"[W]e urge you, after consulting with Congress, and consistent with the U.S. Constitution and laws, to take necessary actions (including, if appropriate, air and missile strikes on suspect Iraqi sites) to respond effectively to the threat posed by Iraq's refusal to end its weapons of mass destruction programs."
Letter to President Clinton, signed by:
-- Democratic Senators Carl Levin, Tom Daschle, John Kerry, and others, Oct. 9, 1998

"Saddam Hussein has been engaged in the development of weapons of mass destruction technology which is a threat to countries in the region and he has made a mockery of the weapons inspection process."
-Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D, CA), Dec. 16, 1998

"Hussein has ... chosen to spend his money on building weapons of mass destruction and palaces for his cronies."
-- Madeline Albright, Clinton Secretary of State, Nov. 10, 1999

"There is no doubt that ... Saddam Hussein has reinvigorated his weapons programs. Reports indicate that biological, chemical and nuclear programs continue apace and may be back to pre-Gulf War status. In addition, Saddam continues to redefine delivery systems and is doubtless using the cover of a licit missile program to develop longer-range missiles that will threaten the United States and our allies."
Letter to President Bush, Signed by:
-- Sen. Bob Graham (D, FL), and others, Dec 5, 2001

"We begin with the common belief that Saddam Hussein is a tyrant and a threat to the peace and stability of the region. He has ignored the mandate of the United Nations and is building weapons of mass destruction and th! e means of delivering them."
-- Sen. Carl Levin (D, MI), Sept. 19, 2002

"We know that he has stored secret supplies of biological and chemical weapons throughout his country."
-- Al Gore, Sept. 23, 2002

"Iraq's search for weapons of mass destruction has proven impossible to deter and we should assume that it will continue for as long as Saddam is in power."
-- Al Gore, Sept. 23, 2002

"We have known for many years that Saddam Hussein is seeking and developing weapons of mass destruction."
-- Sen. Ted Kennedy (D, MA), Sept. 27, 2002

"The last UN weapons inspectors left Iraq in October of 1998. We are confident that Saddam Hussein retains some stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons, and that he has since embarked on a crash course to build up his chemical and biological warfare capabilities. Intelligence reports indicate that he is seeking nuclear weapons..."
-- Sen. Robert Byrd (D, WV), Oct. 3, 2002

"I will be voting to give the President of the United States the authority to use force -- if necessary -- to disarm Saddam Hussein because I believe that a deadly arsenal of weapons of mass destruction in his hands is a real and grave threat to our security."
-- Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Oct. 9, 2002

"There is unmistakable evidence that Saddam Hussein is working aggressively to develop nuclear weapons and will likely have nuclear weapons within the next five years ... We also should remember we have always underestimated the progress Saddam has made in development of weapons of mass destruction."
-- Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D, WV), Oct 10, 2002

"He has systematically violated, over the course of the past 11 years, every significant UN resolution that has demanded that he disarm and destroy his chemical and biological weapons, and any nuclear capacity. This he has refused to do"
-- Rep. Henry Waxman (D, CA), Oct. 10, 2002

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al Qaeda members ... It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons."
-- Sen. Hillary Clinton (D, NY), Oct 10, 2002

"We are in possession of what I think to be compelling evidence that Saddam Hussein has, and has had for a number of years, a developing capacity for the production and storage of weapons of mass destruction."
-- Sen. Bob Graham (D, FL), Dec. 8, 2002

"Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction ... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real..."
-- Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Jan. 23. 2003

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