Manafort and Flynn descending into a legal hell

I notice that you totally ignored Steele's testimony in libel court! Don't want to admit that the entire dossier is nothing more than lies piled on top of you? Put Steele under oath in a court of law and his entire story changes. So explain to me why the FBI never put Steele under oath and asked him what in the dossier was factual? How can you use something as the basis for FISA warrants without even doing the most basic investigation into it's veracity?

steele has no obligation to do anything. he cannot be put under oath by anyone because he is not an american. HOWEVER, the intel the FBI has already, was also the same info in the dossier. & the FISA warrant get renewed or rejected every 90 days after review. it will get renewed if more related intel comes to light. which it did.

the dossier.


Taking a closer look at the 'Steele dossier' and Carter Page's warrant
By Allison Graves on Friday, January 5th, 2018 at 3:57 p.m.
Our ruling
Foley said James Comey and news reporting showed the basis of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant for Carter Page was "all based on a dossier."

This is not accurate. CNN and the New York Times never reported that the dossier was the basis for Carter’s probe. CNN reported that it "part of the justification" and the New York Times didn’t even mention the dossier.

We couldn’t find any evidence that proved Comey suggested that Page’s warrant was "all based on a dossier." According to CNN’s unnamed sources, Comey has cited the dossier, but has not confirmed publically how much of it has been verified.

Taking a closer look at the 'Steele dossier'

The level of ignorance by some of you on the left is staggering! Steele wasn't put under oath in an American court...he was put under oath in a British court where he was being sued for defamation by one of the people he made allegations about in his Trump dossier! As soon as he WAS put under oath Steele immediately changed his tune and claimed that he'd never said that what was in the dossier was fact...oh no...the dossier was just speculation and something for others to investigate if they saw fit!

There were a total of four FISA warrants obtained to spy on Carter Page and in NONE of the applications for those warrants was it ever disclosed to the judge that the dossier that part of the warrant request was based on had been paid for by the Clinton Campaign and the DNC!
if the dossier DID in fact "pique" the interest of the FBI...why didn't they investigate what was in the dossier?
Why in the world do you think they haven't? Dude, you seem dense.

Why do I think they haven't? Ah, because they've SAID that they didn't? Because Carter Page has said that the FBI never talked to him about what was in the dossier? Because if they HAD investigated what was in the dossier they would have IMMEDIATELY figured out that Steele was making most of it up!
You mean the "alternative universe" that you people live in...where somehow Trump is guilty of Russian collusion even though the REAL collusion took place between Hillary Clinton, the DNC and Russians? You on the left have no desire to deal with reality...because reality is that Clinton is the one who's dirty and Trump isn't!

For half-brained, Trump ass-lickers, the very "BEST" way to defend their orange buffoon is.............................................attacking Clinton.....Lame !!!

Who's "half brained"...people who point out that the liberal narrative about Russian "collusion" between Trump and Russia was made up and that the only collusion that DID take place happened between Hillary Clinton and Russians...or people like you who STILL are selling the same false narrative after it's blown up in your face?

& every member of the several intel agencies hasn't even mentioned hillary at all.

wuz up wit dat?

They didn't even mention Hillary's name when they were going after that FISA warrant, Playtime! Somehow it totally slipped their minds that the Steele Dossier had been paid for by Clinton and the DNC! How could that POSSIBLY be?

first of all, it was a (R) who hired them first... m'k? AND, it is not illegal to do oppositional research, & it's certainly nothing new. christopher steele knew that it was a political dig, but he didn't know the source. the (R) dropped it & hillary picked it up. it didn't matter who was paying for it because --- it---was---not---illegal. all steele was concerned about, was getting paid for his info. when he saw that a crime was being committed, then he became more patriotic than most congressional (R)s who are as complicit as you.

Steele lied his ass off until it was hauled into a British court where under OATH he was forced to admit that his dossier wasn't worth the paper it was printed on! That's the piece of garbage that Hillary used to lie to the American people with...that's the guy that Comey and the FBI used as "proof" that Carter Page was committing crimes against America!

So once question is why aren't the people in the Clinton Campaign and the Obama White House who used this sleazy dossier to mislead the American people in an election year facing scrutiny for what they did?
I notice that you totally ignored Steele's testimony in libel court! Don't want to admit that the entire dossier is nothing more than lies piled on top of you? Put Steele under oath in a court of law and his entire story changes. So explain to me why the FBI never put Steele under oath and asked him what in the dossier was factual? How can you use something as the basis for FISA warrants without even doing the most basic investigation into it's veracity?

steele has no obligation to do anything. he cannot be put under oath by anyone because he is not an american. HOWEVER, the intel the FBI has already, was also the same info in the dossier. & the FISA warrant get renewed or rejected every 90 days after review. it will get renewed if more related intel comes to light. which it did.

the dossier.


Taking a closer look at the 'Steele dossier' and Carter Page's warrant
By Allison Graves on Friday, January 5th, 2018 at 3:57 p.m.
Our ruling
Foley said James Comey and news reporting showed the basis of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant for Carter Page was "all based on a dossier."

This is not accurate. CNN and the New York Times never reported that the dossier was the basis for Carter’s probe. CNN reported that it "part of the justification" and the New York Times didn’t even mention the dossier.

We couldn’t find any evidence that proved Comey suggested that Page’s warrant was "all based on a dossier." According to CNN’s unnamed sources, Comey has cited the dossier, but has not confirmed publically how much of it has been verified.

Taking a closer look at the 'Steele dossier'

The level of ignorance by some of you on the left is staggering! Steele wasn't put under oath in an American court...he was put under oath in a British court where he was being sued for defamation by one of the people he made allegations about in his Trump dossier! As soon as he WAS put under oath Steele immediately changed his tune and claimed that he'd never said that what was in the dossier was fact...oh no...the dossier was just speculation and something for others to investigate if they saw fit!

There were a total of four FISA warrants obtained to spy on Carter Page and in NONE of the applications for those warrants was it ever disclosed to the judge that the dossier that part of the warrant request was based on had been paid for by the Clinton Campaign and the DNC!

Steele didn’t investigate the truth of the information he found, but the FBI did and proved many of the allegations. So it really doesn’t matter what Steele said in a British court.

How many times do you need to be told that who paid for the research totally IRRELEVANT. The court knew it was opposition research. That says it all.

You’re desperation is showing. The Fat Lady is warming up. Trump and the rest of his traitorous minions, are going down.
The minute I got to the part about Trump hiring hookers to pee on beds I'd have thrown it in the garbage.
For all the right wing morons who are clinging to the Steele dossier as their LIFE-LINE to avoid the tsunami that's about to hit the orange buffoon....

A. Clinton NEVER mentioned the Steele dossier throughout her campaign

B. Mueller has NEVER mentioned the Steele dossier as a basis for his invetigations

C. Page was NOT part of the Trump campaign when a warrant was issued.

So, right wing nitwits harp on that dossier all your half brains may want....It does NOT make one fucking difference to what about to hit the Trumpster......LOL
The minute I got to the part about Trump hiring hookers to pee on beds I'd have thrown it in the garbage.

Why would anyone make up something so outrageous? It’s not the sort of thing someone would just randomly make up to smear someone, it’s just too bizarre.

I can totally see Trump doing that given his hatred of Obama. Anyone who would pay for sex with porn stars and then claim to be a germaphobic is lying. Trump’s taste in women is decidedly sleazy.

But the thing that convinced me that it’s true is that Trump said “It never happened. Believe me!!!”. Whenever Trump says “Believe me”, he’s lying. It’s a tell I spotted early in the campaign.
Do the snowflakes know Flynn used to work under nObama? And who cares about Manfort when Roger Stone was actually on the Trump campaign.

flynn was also fired under obama for erratic behavior. & manafort was the campaign manager you dolt. he wanted to help trump along so much, it was an unpaid gig.

did you know that paul manafort & roger stone have known each other for decades? they had a lobby shop together named Black,Manafort, Stone, & Kelly that had some very unsavory clients. huh, imagine that:

Did you know Crooked Hillary still rambles on after that uranium one deal, Benghazi, sticking up for rapists, and especially losing the election? Move on.
Do the snowflakes know Flynn used to work under nObama? And who cares about Manfort when Roger Stone was actually on the Trump campaign.

flynn was also fired under obama for erratic behavior. & manafort was the campaign manager you dolt. he wanted to help trump along so much, it was an unpaid gig.

did you know that paul manafort & roger stone have known each other for decades? they had a lobby shop together named Black,Manafort, Stone, & Kelly that had some very unsavory clients. huh, imagine that:

Did you know Crooked Hillary still rambles on after that uranium one deal, Benghazi, sticking up for rapists, and especially losing the election? Move on.

Pathetic whataboutism
Do the snowflakes know Flynn used to work under nObama? And who cares about Manfort when Roger Stone was actually on the Trump campaign.

flynn was also fired under obama for erratic behavior. & manafort was the campaign manager you dolt. he wanted to help trump along so much, it was an unpaid gig.

did you know that paul manafort & roger stone have known each other for decades? they had a lobby shop together named Black,Manafort, Stone, & Kelly that had some very unsavory clients. huh, imagine that:

Did you know Crooked Hillary still rambles on after that uranium one deal, Benghazi, sticking up for rapists, and especially losing the election? Move on.

Pathetic whataboutism


Do the snowflakes know Flynn used to work under nObama? And who cares about Manfort when Roger Stone was actually on the Trump campaign.

flynn was also fired under obama for erratic behavior. & manafort was the campaign manager you dolt. he wanted to help trump along so much, it was an unpaid gig.

did you know that paul manafort & roger stone have known each other for decades? they had a lobby shop together named Black,Manafort, Stone, & Kelly that had some very unsavory clients. huh, imagine that:

Did you know Crooked Hillary still rambles on after that uranium one deal, Benghazi, sticking up for rapists, and especially losing the election? Move on.

Pathetic whataboutism



Crybaby lives in fantasyland
Do the snowflakes know Flynn used to work under nObama? And who cares about Manfort when Roger Stone was actually on the Trump campaign.

flynn was also fired under obama for erratic behavior. & manafort was the campaign manager you dolt. he wanted to help trump along so much, it was an unpaid gig.

did you know that paul manafort & roger stone have known each other for decades? they had a lobby shop together named Black,Manafort, Stone, & Kelly that had some very unsavory clients. huh, imagine that:

Did you know Crooked Hillary still rambles on after that uranium one deal, Benghazi, sticking up for rapists, and especially losing the election? Move on.

Pathetic whataboutism



Crybaby lives in fantasyland

I'm not the one crying that Trump is president like you having no life. But to be of course, the average Trump Hater... Sad!
I'm not the one crying that Trump is president
No , you are the one cryong endlessly DESPITE the fact that your moron hero won. Which is even more embarrassing, when you think about it.
Read what the Trump Hater OP wrote, dum dum.
What's really strange is that this corrupt stupidity is why you LOVE the Trump Klan. Then you whine like a little baby when people talk about it? Weird!
I'm not the one crying that Trump is president
No , you are the one cryong endlessly DESPITE the fact that your moron hero won. Which is even more embarrassing, when you think about it.
Read what the Trump Hater OP wrote, dum dum.
What's really strange is that this corrupt stupidity is why you LOVE the Trump Klan. Then you whine like a little baby when people talk about it? Weird!
For half-brained, Trump ass-lickers, the very "BEST" way to defend their orange buffoon is.............................................attacking Clinton.....Lame !!!

Who's "half brained"...people who point out that the liberal narrative about Russian "collusion" between Trump and Russia was made up and that the only collusion that DID take place happened between Hillary Clinton and Russians...or people like you who STILL are selling the same false narrative after it's blown up in your face?

& every member of the several intel agencies hasn't even mentioned hillary at all.

wuz up wit dat?

They didn't even mention Hillary's name when they were going after that FISA warrant, Playtime! Somehow it totally slipped their minds that the Steele Dossier had been paid for by Clinton and the DNC! How could that POSSIBLY be?

first of all, it was a (R) who hired them first... m'k? AND, it is not illegal to do oppositional research, & it's certainly nothing new. christopher steele knew that it was a political dig, but he didn't know the source. the (R) dropped it & hillary picked it up. it didn't matter who was paying for it because --- it---was---not---illegal. all steele was concerned about, was getting paid for his info. when he saw that a crime was being committed, then he became more patriotic than most congressional (R)s who are as complicit as you.

Steele lied his ass off until it was hauled into a British court where under OATH he was forced to admit that his dossier wasn't worth the paper it was printed on! That's the piece of garbage that Hillary used to lie to the American people with...that's the guy that Comey and the FBI used as "proof" that Carter Page was committing crimes against America!

So once question is why aren't the people in the Clinton Campaign and the Obama White House who used this sleazy dossier to mislead the American people in an election year facing scrutiny for what they did?

because whatever it is that you are being fed is fake news.

The minute I got to the part about Trump hiring hookers to pee on beds I'd have thrown it in the garbage.

that is the only thing that hasn't been substantiated. but given trump's penchant for whores - it probably exists.
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