Manafort and Flynn descending into a legal hell

Flynn is a standup guy.
I despise Mueller for attacking a guy who he knew wouldn't have enough money to defend himself.

Stand up guys do not lie to everyone including FBI.


Ya don't tug on Superman's cape
Ya don't spit into the wind
Ya don't pull the mask off the ol' Lone Ranger
And ya don't lie to Bob Mueller
wow, how original.

Hmmm - 4 Funny & Agrees
Guess I'm pretty much killin' it eh?
Flynn is a standup guy.
I despise Mueller for attacking a guy who he knew wouldn't have enough money to defend himself.

Stand up guys do not lie to everyone including FBI.


Ya don't tug on Superman's cape
Ya don't spit into the wind
Ya don't pull the mask off the ol' Lone Ranger
And ya don't lie to Bob Mueller
wow, how original.

Hmmm - 4 Funny & Agrees
Guess I'm pretty much killin' it eh?
All that tells me is who has a job
Flynn is a standup guy.
I despise Mueller for attacking a guy who he knew wouldn't have enough money to defend himself.

Stand up guys do not lie to everyone including FBI.


Ya don't tug on Superman's cape
Ya don't spit into the wind
Ya don't pull the mask off the ol' Lone Ranger
And ya don't lie to Bob Mueller
wow, how original.

Hmmm - 4 Funny & Agrees
Guess I'm pretty much killin' it eh?
All that tells me is who has a job

A lot of us are retired, having worked all of our lives, having done well enough that we can now afford to sit around laughing at fools like you.
I laugh every time I read or hear that Trump's lawyers are afraid he'll be caught in a "perjury trap". If you tell the truth, you can't possibly get caught. The only way a perjury trap can work is if you're a liar.


If you're a decent attorney.....and your client is both a LIAR and DUMB, you should NEVER allow that client to
And a better question is...when does Mueller start investigating the REAL collusion that took place between Russians and one of the candidates in the last election?'s not Trump!

They’re already looking at Jill Stein.

So let me see how this works in your world, Dragonlady...

Hillary Clinton and the DNC pay millions to have a phony dossier put out by an ex British MI6 agent through Russian nationals to hide it's origins attempting to smear the other party's candidate leading up to the election...

Then the Obama White House uses what they KNOW is phony dossier paid for by Clinton to go in front of a FISA court and ask for a warrant to spy on the candidate of the opposing party...

But you think the problem is Jill Stein?

The PROBLEM is that we've wasted a year investigating the people who were wronged and haven't started investigating the people who DID collude with foreign nationals to subvert our election and an Administration that "weaponized" both the Justice Department and the IRS to use against it's political opponents and NEITHER have been exposed for what they've done!

fusion GPS was originally hired by a (R). after they dropped them, hillary's campaign picked them up. when steele saw that a crime was being committed IN REAL TIME, he contacted the FBI. that dossier is anything BUT fake. the FBI confirms most info in that real dossier.... names, dates, & locations were corroborated by a human contact inside the trump campaign.

oopsie.... trump had a mole tipping off the FBI before the election. :abgg2q.jpg:

Oh, bullshit! James Comey has already admitted that most of the information in the "dossier" was never corroborated by the FBI! The dossier is almost completely FAKE! What "human contact" inside of the Trump campaign supposedly verified this information? Give us a name!

Parts of the Dossier most assuredly have been verified but Nunes and Trump keep pushing this fiction that it hasn’t been verified at all

Nunes memo twists James Comey's words on Steele dossier

What part of the Steele Dossier has been "verified"? Do you REALLY not know that Steele himself has admitted in his court testimony in a libel suit brought against him in Great Britain that the dossier isn't factual? Before Steele was steadfast in his claims that the information in the dossier was factual and the Trump was indeed guilty of collusion...only when he was put under OATH he totally changed that story.

"In another indication that Mr. Steele was no longer wholeheartedly vouching for his own findings, he said he told journalists that they may not quote his research. He “understood that the information provided might be used for the purpose of further research, but would not be published or attributed,” he said through his attorney.
Mr. Steele also acknowledged that his final December memo, the only one that dealt with Mr. Gubarev, contained information he never vetted.“The contents of the December memorandum did not represent (and did not purport to represent) verified facts, but were raw intelligence which had identified a range of allegations that warranted investigation given their potential national security implications,”
Christopher Steele hedges on Russia dossier claims against Donald Trump
Using that dossier to get FISA warrants

Morons like this nitwit just DO NOT GET IT........OK, test time:

Was the dossier used to get a warrant on Page, issued when Page was working on the trump campaign?....................YES or fucking, NO???

Answer that simple question and you'll be just a tiny bit less DUMB than you and your ilk show us on here on a daily basis.

The dossier was used to get FOUR warrants to spy on Carter Page! The dossier's accusations that Carter Page was having high level meetings with Russians are what prompted Federal judges to sign off on those warrants and now we know that the dossier and all of it's charges regarding Page were fabricated out of whole cloth by Steele! The people who were behind the seeking of those warrants...using a dossier they KNEW was paid for by the Clinton campaign!...should be facing criminal charges as we speak!
Using the Moonie Times as a source. Useless. The National Enquirer is a more reliable source.
Using the Moonie Times as a source. Useless. The National Enquirer is a more reliable source.
You mean the "alternative universe" that you people live in...where somehow Trump is guilty of Russian collusion even though the REAL collusion took place between Hillary Clinton, the DNC and Russians? You on the left have no desire to deal with reality...because reality is that Clinton is the one who's dirty and Trump isn't!

For half-brained, Trump ass-lickers, the very "BEST" way to defend their orange buffoon is.............................................attacking Clinton.....Lame !!!

Who's "half brained"...people who point out that the liberal narrative about Russian "collusion" between Trump and Russia was made up and that the only collusion that DID take place happened between Hillary Clinton and Russians...or people like you who STILL are selling the same false narrative after it's blown up in your face?

& every member of the several intel agencies hasn't even mentioned hillary at all.

wuz up wit dat?

They didn't even mention Hillary's name when they were going after that FISA warrant, Playtime! Somehow it totally slipped their minds that the Steele Dossier had been paid for by Clinton and the DNC! How could that POSSIBLY be?
Using the Moonie Times as a source. Useless. The National Enquirer is a more reliable source.
You mean the "alternative universe" that you people live in...where somehow Trump is guilty of Russian collusion even though the REAL collusion took place between Hillary Clinton, the DNC and Russians? You on the left have no desire to deal with reality...because reality is that Clinton is the one who's dirty and Trump isn't!

For half-brained, Trump ass-lickers, the very "BEST" way to defend their orange buffoon is.............................................attacking Clinton.....Lame !!!

Who's "half brained"...people who point out that the liberal narrative about Russian "collusion" between Trump and Russia was made up and that the only collusion that DID take place happened between Hillary Clinton and Russians...or people like you who STILL are selling the same false narrative after it's blown up in your face?

& every member of the several intel agencies hasn't even mentioned hillary at all.

wuz up wit dat?

They didn't even mention Hillary's name when they were going after that FISA warrant, Playtime! Somehow it totally slipped their minds that the Steele Dossier had been paid for by Clinton and the DNC! How could that POSSIBLY be?

Why are you so fixated on who paid for the research? The judge was told it was opposition research and that the author really doesn’t like Donald Trump. The purpose and the bosses were made perfectly clear.

Now let’s go to the parts of your posts that are factually incorrect:

The Dossier wasn’t used to get four FISA warrants, it was used to get one. And it was only one small part of the Dossier that was used. For renewal applications, you can’t re-use documention previously filed with the court. You need new evidence, and proof that the previous surveillance had returned incriminating information

There were 90 pages in that application. The entire Steele Dossier was only 35 pages. Even if they used the entire Dossier, which they didnt, that means there were still 55 pages of other evidence to support the application.

Oh and your earlier comment that Santa isn’t real. He showed up at our house every Christmas Eve, in the middle of the night with a sack of presents. I can’t tell you how many times we caught him putting presents under our tree. No it wasn’t my Dad. My Dad was standing next to me. Children in our family believe.
You mean the "alternative universe" that you people live in...where somehow Trump is guilty of Russian collusion even though the REAL collusion took place between Hillary Clinton, the DNC and Russians? You on the left have no desire to deal with reality...because reality is that Clinton is the one who's dirty and Trump isn't!

For half-brained, Trump ass-lickers, the very "BEST" way to defend their orange buffoon is.............................................attacking Clinton.....Lame !!!

Who's "half brained"...people who point out that the liberal narrative about Russian "collusion" between Trump and Russia was made up and that the only collusion that DID take place happened between Hillary Clinton and Russians...or people like you who STILL are selling the same false narrative after it's blown up in your face?

& every member of the several intel agencies hasn't even mentioned hillary at all.

wuz up wit dat?

They didn't even mention Hillary's name when they were going after that FISA warrant, Playtime! Somehow it totally slipped their minds that the Steele Dossier had been paid for by Clinton and the DNC! How could that POSSIBLY be?
but but but nat sez Flynn is sinking into legal hell.....just ask him
The dossier was used to get FOUR warrants to spy on Carter Page! The dossier's accusations that Carter Page was having high level meetings with Russians are

MORON.....Page was on the FBI radar for many previous years (since 2013, I think)

Russian Spies Tried to Recruit Carter Page Before He Advised Trump ...
Russian Spies Tried to Recruit Carter Page Before He Advised Trump
Apr 4, 2017 - The businessman, Carter Page, met with one of three Russians who were eventually charged with being undeclared officers with Russia's foreign intelligence service, known as the S.V.R. The F.B.I. interviewed Mr. Page in 2013 as part of an investigation into the spy ring.... ...
Last edited:
You mean the "alternative universe" that you people live in...where somehow Trump is guilty of Russian collusion even though the REAL collusion took place between Hillary Clinton, the DNC and Russians? You on the left have no desire to deal with reality...because reality is that Clinton is the one who's dirty and Trump isn't!

For half-brained, Trump ass-lickers, the very "BEST" way to defend their orange buffoon is.............................................attacking Clinton.....Lame !!!

Who's "half brained"...people who point out that the liberal narrative about Russian "collusion" between Trump and Russia was made up and that the only collusion that DID take place happened between Hillary Clinton and Russians...or people like you who STILL are selling the same false narrative after it's blown up in your face?

& every member of the several intel agencies hasn't even mentioned hillary at all.

wuz up wit dat?

They didn't even mention Hillary's name when they were going after that FISA warrant, Playtime! Somehow it totally slipped their minds that the Steele Dossier had been paid for by Clinton and the DNC! How could that POSSIBLY be?

Why are you so fixated on who paid for the research? The judge was told it was opposition research and that the author really doesn’t like Donald Trump. The purpose and the bosses were made perfectly clear.

Now let’s go to the parts of your posts that are factually incorrect:

The Dossier wasn’t used to get four FISA warrants, it was used to get one. And it was only one small part of the Dossier that was used. For renewal applications, you can’t re-use documention previously filed with the court. You need new evidence, and proof that the previous surveillance had returned incriminating information

There were 90 pages in that application. The entire Steele Dossier was only 35 pages. Even if they used the entire Dossier, which they didnt, that means there were still 55 pages of other evidence to support the application.

Oh and your earlier comment that Santa isn’t real. He showed up at our house every Christmas Eve, in the middle of the night with a sack of presents. I can’t tell you how many times we caught him putting presents under our tree. No it wasn’t my Dad. My Dad was standing next to me. Children in our family believe.

The judge was told that the material might be politically motivated but wasn't told that the dossier was paid for by the Clinton Campaign and the DNC! Not once in the four times FISA warrants were sought was that information conveyed to the Federal judges overseeing the FISA court!

So you think Santa is real?'re an idiot! Why am I wasting my time talking about grown up things with someone who's not a grown up?
The dossier was used to get FOUR warrants to spy on Carter Page
Nah, shameless lie from a predictable Trump soccer mommy. The info in the dossier corroborated things the FBI and CIA already had heard, so it was merely a bit of corroborating Intel. Enjoy your flailing and failing, dude...
The dossier was used to get FOUR warrants to spy on Carter Page! The dossier's accusations that Carter Page was having high level meetings with Russians are

MORON.....Page was on the FBI radar for many previous years (since 2013, I think)

Russian Spies Tried to Recruit Carter Page Before He Advised Trump ...
Russian Spies Tried to Recruit Carter Page Before He Advised Trump
Apr 4, 2017 - The businessman, Carter Page, met with one of three Russians who were eventually charged with being undeclared officers with Russia's foreign intelligence service, known as the S.V.R. The F.B.I. interviewed Mr. Page in 2013 as part of an investigation into the spy ring.... ...
Hey nat,
better get school teacher jillian in here and ask her if your diatribes agree with your topic sentence.

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