Manafort and Flynn descending into a legal hell

I love to watch you folks on the left pontificate about how everyone in the Trump Administration is out to "get rich" when you buffoons just supported Hillary Clinton for half of the sleaziest, money grubbing couple to EVER to disgrace the Oval Office!

.....but, but, eternal moron......WHO ran on the mantra about "draining the swamp"?

I, for one, never liked the Clintons, but at least they did not bullshit (as the idiot Trump has convinced you morons) with his demagoguery.

Did you just claim that the Clintons...Slick Willie and Hillary Clinton don't "bullshit"? You have no sense of you, Nat? Bill Clinton and his wife are both serial liars and have been FOR DECADES!

hmmmmm.... & yet neither have ever been under investigation for what amounts to treason.... :eusa_whistle:
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And a better question is...when does Mueller start investigating the REAL collusion that took place between Russians and one of the candidates in the last election?'s not Trump!

They’re already looking at Jill Stein.

So let me see how this works in your world, Dragonlady...

Hillary Clinton and the DNC pay millions to have a phony dossier put out by an ex British MI6 agent through Russian nationals to hide it's origins attempting to smear the other party's candidate leading up to the election...

Then the Obama White House uses what they KNOW is phony dossier paid for by Clinton to go in front of a FISA court and ask for a warrant to spy on the candidate of the opposing party...

But you think the problem is Jill Stein?

The PROBLEM is that we've wasted a year investigating the people who were wronged and haven't started investigating the people who DID collude with foreign nationals to subvert our election and an Administration that "weaponized" both the Justice Department and the IRS to use against it's political opponents and NEITHER have been exposed for what they've done!

give it a try!

You mean the "alternative universe" that you people live in...where somehow Trump is guilty of Russian collusion even though the REAL collusion took place between Hillary Clinton, the DNC and Russians? You on the left have no desire to deal with reality...because reality is that Clinton is the one who's dirty and Trump isn't!

sooooooooooo hillary conspired with the russians to....... lose? :auiqs.jpg:
And a better question is...when does Mueller start investigating the REAL collusion that took place between Russians and one of the candidates in the last election?'s not Trump!

They’re already looking at Jill Stein.

So let me see how this works in your world, Dragonlady...

Hillary Clinton and the DNC pay millions to have a phony dossier put out by an ex British MI6 agent through Russian nationals to hide it's origins attempting to smear the other party's candidate leading up to the election...

Then the Obama White House uses what they KNOW is phony dossier paid for by Clinton to go in front of a FISA court and ask for a warrant to spy on the candidate of the opposing party...

But you think the problem is Jill Stein?

The PROBLEM is that we've wasted a year investigating the people who were wronged and haven't started investigating the people who DID collude with foreign nationals to subvert our election and an Administration that "weaponized" both the Justice Department and the IRS to use against it's political opponents and NEITHER have been exposed for what they've done!

fusion GPS was originally hired by a (R). after they dropped them, hillary's campaign picked them up. when steele saw that a crime was being committed IN REAL TIME, he contacted the FBI. that dossier is anything BUT fake. the FBI confirms most info in that real dossier.... names, dates, & locations were corroborated by a human contact inside the trump campaign.

oopsie.... trump had a mole tipping off the FBI before the election. :abgg2q.jpg:

Oh, bullshit! James Comey has already admitted that most of the information in the "dossier" was never corroborated by the FBI! The dossier is almost completely FAKE! What "human contact" inside of the Trump campaign supposedly verified this information? Give us a name!

silly nilly you.... comey testified after he was fired. he has no idea what when on after that justice obstructing dismissal courtesy of president dotard. fusion GPS co founder glenn simpson testified under oath, stating exactly what i said. as far as a name, he wouldn't cough that up & speculation has it that person was george papodopulous.... you know - lol... the coffee boy?

Source inside Trump campaign reported concerns to FBI, new transcript suggests
Elsewhere in his 312-page testimony, Simpson told the senators that “an internal Trump campaign source” or “a human source from inside the Trump organization” had reported his or her concerns to the FBI.

Simpson said that this information was drawn from Steele after the FBI “had debriefed him” that fall.

However, a person close to the matter suggested Simpson had got some details wrong about the human source during his evidence session in August and was actually alluding to the role of George Papadopoulos, the Trump campaign foreign policy adviser, who shared knowledge of the Russian hacking of Democratic party emails with an Australian diplomat.

Papadopoulos is cooperating with the ongoing federal investigation into the Trump campaign as a part of a plea deal that he reached with prosecutors after admitting he lied in his first interview with the FBI.

Steele had been compiling the dossier during the 2016 presidential campaign and approached the FBI, according to Simpson, because “he thought from his perspective there was an issue – a security issue about whether a presidential candidate was being blackmailed”.

“He honed [sic] in on this issue of blackmail as being a significant national security issue,” Simpson said.

Simpson cautioned that he was paraphrasing Steele’s account, and added: “we did not have the detailed conversations where he would debrief me on his discussions with the FBI.”

He added: “I think it was a voluntary source, someone who was concerned about the same concerns we had. It was someone who decided to pick up the phone and report something.”

He said that Steele did not rely on this source for his work with the firm.
Source inside Trump campaign reported concerns to FBI, new transcript suggests
it's all in there:
I love to watch you folks on the left pontificate about how everyone in the Trump Administration is out to "get rich" when you buffoons just supported Hillary Clinton for half of the sleaziest, money grubbing couple to EVER to disgrace the Oval Office!

.....but, but, eternal moron......WHO ran on the mantra about "draining the swamp"?

I, for one, never liked the Clintons, but at least they did not bullshit (as the idiot Trump has convinced you morons) with his demagoguery.

Did you just claim that the Clintons...Slick Willie and Hillary Clinton don't "bullshit"? You have no sense of you, Nat? Bill Clinton and his wife are both serial liars and have been FOR DECADES!
Compare the politifact truth-o-meter:
Donald Trump vs
Hillary Clinton
Trump is obviously a much bigger lair.
And politifact has factual reporting rating of HIGH and "least biased". The only stuff Trump has told the truth about is inconsequential or obscure stuff.

Are you serious? Hillary Clinton has told more MAJOR lies about more things than anyone I can think of who's been in politics for a few decades!

Politifact is "least biased"? Now you're embarrassing yourself!
Isaac Asimov once said: There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there always has been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge."

Trump's lies arent so much the problem, its people like you that swallow them.

Flynn is a standup guy.
I despise Mueller for attacking a guy who he knew wouldn't have enough money to defend himself.

If you can't do the time, don't do the crime.

Flynn had plenty of money. And he was looking for ways to make more when he got caught.

No his money is getting sucked up in legal bills.
Isaac Asimov once said: There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there always has been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge."

Trump's lies arent so much the problem, its people like you that swallow them.

Trump cult members are the dying, ignorant breed that wants to make a "last stand" against those brown-skinned hordes they believe are at their doorstep......Trump's demagoguery was EXACTLY what they wanted to hear.

it never gets too old to post....

You mean the "alternative universe" that you people live in...where somehow Trump is guilty of Russian collusion even though the REAL collusion took place between Hillary Clinton, the DNC and Russians? You on the left have no desire to deal with reality...because reality is that Clinton is the one who's dirty and Trump isn't!

For half-brained, Trump ass-lickers, the very "BEST" way to defend their orange buffoon is.............................................attacking Clinton.....Lame !!!

or blame the black man....

You mean the "alternative universe" that you people live in...where somehow Trump is guilty of Russian collusion even though the REAL collusion took place between Hillary Clinton, the DNC and Russians? You on the left have no desire to deal with reality...because reality is that Clinton is the one who's dirty and Trump isn't!

For half-brained, Trump ass-lickers, the very "BEST" way to defend their orange buffoon is.............................................attacking Clinton.....Lame !!!

Who's "half brained"...people who point out that the liberal narrative about Russian "collusion" between Trump and Russia was made up and that the only collusion that DID take place happened between Hillary Clinton and Russians...or people like you who STILL are selling the same false narrative after it's blown up in your face?

& every member of the several intel agencies hasn't even mentioned hillary at all.

wuz up wit dat?
Who's "half brained"...people who point out that the liberal narrative about Russian "collusion" between Trump and Russia was made up and that the only collusion that DID take place happened between Hillary Clinton and Russians

So, moron, since YOUR ilk is in full charge of all aspects of government, WHEN should we expect a conviction on Hillary and a complete exoneration of the orange charlatan???


Whenever she's actually investigated? Oh, think Comey's FBI did that already? Now THAT is some funny shit, Nat!

comey.... (R)
Silly alt right fools who think they or anyone can derail the Mueller investigation.
Flynn is a standup guy.
I despise Mueller for attacking a guy who he knew wouldn't have enough money to defend himself.

Stand up guys do not lie to everyone including FBI.

He really doesn't have any sense of humour about lying.


Ya don't tug on Superman's cape
Ya don't spit into the wind
Ya don't pull the mask off the ol' Lone Ranger
And ya don't lie to Bob Mueller

He really doesn't have any sense of humour about lying at all.

I laugh every time I read or hear that Trump's lawyers are afraid he'll be caught in a "perjury trap". If you tell the truth, you can't possibly get caught. The only way a perjury trap can work is if you're a liar.

Even Trump's lawyers know he's a lying sack of shit and they're publically admitting it .
Flynn is a standup guy.
I despise Mueller for attacking a guy who he knew wouldn't have enough money to defend himself.

If you can't do the time, don't do the crime.

Flynn had plenty of money. And he was looking for ways to make more when he got caught.

No his money is getting sucked up in legal bills.
Simple question. Is flynn sinking into legal hell?
Flynn is a standup guy.
I despise Mueller for attacking a guy who he knew wouldn't have enough money to defend himself.

Stand up guys do not lie to everyone including FBI.


Ya don't tug on Superman's cape
Ya don't spit into the wind
Ya don't pull the mask off the ol' Lone Ranger
And ya don't lie to Bob Mueller
wow, how original.

you're really bringing it today

said no one
Flynn is a standup guy.
I despise Mueller for attacking a guy who he knew wouldn't have enough money to defend himself.

Stand up guys do not lie to everyone including FBI.


Ya don't tug on Superman's cape
Ya don't spit into the wind
Ya don't pull the mask off the ol' Lone Ranger
And ya don't lie to Bob Mueller
wow, how original.

you're really bringing it today

said no one
tommy john surgery

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