Manafort defense will call no witnesses (even Manafort)

Not surprised by the move. Or the lack of the judges outright dismissal. There is a question of fact for the jury. Namely is gates telling the truth? Or is he lying.

Looks like reasonable doubt to me but who knows what the jury thinks. We may find out in a few hours

You seem to think that this entire case hinges on Gates’ testimony. Do you that without Gates, the state has nothing? If you do, you’re dreaming in technicolor.

The Prosrcution considered not even putting Gates on the stand, because they really didn’t need him to prove their case. The bank account records, tax returns and mortgage loan applications were the proof.

There is no “reasonable doubt” in this case. The case was so air tight, Manafort tried to strong arm witnesses. That just lead to more charges.

Can Manafort wear his ostrich jacket in prison? I’m sure the boys in the shower will love it.

because that's what the prosecution has said and what the judge has said. I'm presuming they are being honest about the case

The prosecution said no such thing and neither did the judge.

it was the basis of their motion against the judge. And they guaranteed that Gates would testify because he was necessary for the case.

no prosecutor would put up a witness with so uncredible if they didn't have to

Financial and paper cases are confusing and boring for juries. Guys like Gates can tie it all together and tell a story.

Gates is far more credible than most criminal conspirators. Witnesses in these types of crimes are generally other criminals. Good, decent people aren’t involved with crooks and liars. Manifort hung around with dictators, bagmen, foreign spies and Russian oligarchs.

The people who helped him commit these crimes have admitted their criminal wrong doing. Manafort has not.

Gates is a thief. Nuff said really.

Once they realized the judge wouldn’t let the prosecution make the trial about Trump, the media lost interest.

This is a tax evasion case from 2005!

Media is on to Omarosa....Apocalypse of the week!!!!
Manafort is a shady character and everyone knows it. They couldn’t even line up witnesseses to speak on how he’s a good guy. Lol.

The kind of top notch Legal analysis you will only get on the US Message board!
If the jury comes back with a not guilty judgement, watch the looney left wing fucks find them and assault them in public for being TRUMPTARDS!!!

It’ll happen.

Or they may argue the prosecution did not meet it's burden of proof and ask for summary dismissal.

That's going to be very hard, given the number of documents and the testimony of his tax men seems to be very damaging.

My guess, the Defense Attorney's are seeking a plea deal with the prosecution. However, if the Judge is as he has been depicted, he is not likely to receive such an agreement with a wink and a nod.

Considering how little of the actual details of the trial have been discussed by the MSM, i have a feeling the evidence is muddled at best.

Or they may argue the prosecution did not meet it's burden of proof and ask for summary dismissal.

They can ask for whatever they'd like.

But when Manafort's attorney's open with admitting that there is millions in unreported income.......summary dismissal is ludicrously unlikely.

That makes him in trouble in Tax court, not at this trial.
All it takes is one jury member to believe Manafort is 'unfairly' being targeted by Mueller in his crusade to get Trump to allow Manafort to walk.

( I am not saying I want or this should happen, I am just saying that's all it would take...)

Or they may argue the prosecution did not meet it's burden of proof and ask for summary dismissal.

What people who watch too many bad movies and TV shows (like Ted) tend to forget is that the accused doesn't have to prove himself innocent; the prosecution must prove him guilty . . . beyond a reasonable doubt. To that end, if they feel that hasn't happened, they're much better off just making THAT case, and keeping their mouths shut otherwise, to avoid giving the prosecution anything to dig at.

And except in extreme cases, the defense lawyer is a damned fool if he allows his client anywhere near the witness stand.

In their closing argument they will hammer across the point that the prosecution has to prove 1) something happened and 2) what happened was illegal.

Far easier to prove murder than white collar crime.

Um......Manafort's people already admitted that there were millions in unreported income. Manafort's only defense is that he can't be responsible because he was very hands off and didn't know what was going on.

Problem is.....he wasn't hands off. And personally orchestrated the fraud with many lenders. With witness after witness confirming Manafort's personal involvement, Emails affirming the same.

The paper trail on this one is ridiculous.

But does it prove that a crime was committed.

Being in trouble with the IRS is a separate issue.

Or they may argue the prosecution did not meet it's burden of proof and ask for summary dismissal.

That's going to be very hard, given the number of documents and the testimony of his tax men seems to be very damaging.

My guess, the Defense Attorney's are seeking a plea deal with the prosecution. However, if the Judge is as he has been depicted, he is not likely to receive such an agreement with a wink and a nod.

Considering how little of the actual details of the trial have been discussed by the MSM, i have a feeling the evidence is muddled at best.

If there was anything juicy at all, Chuck Todd and Jim Acosta would be 69ing on live TV.

Tax evasion case from 2005. Big Fucking deal.

When is Al Sharpton’s tax evasion case?

He probably has to worry more if Not Guilty verdicts come in. The unhingement of the left would be catastrophic.

He would be Doxxed, his family would be Doxxed, his friends will be Doxxed.

The left is so tolerant, and they don’t use hate.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

So liberals on the board want Al Sharpton prosecuted next for tax evasion, am I right?

You guys are some law abiding mutha fuckas, and anyone who breaks the law must be punished.

True Americans.

So, Sharpton is next?????

Or they may argue the prosecution did not meet it's burden of proof and ask for summary dismissal.

There are two things that the defense is probably banking on. Either acquittal or the judge throwing out the case as you said or him throwing out the conviction.

At that point will Mueller bother to retry.
Mueller has no legal authority to ask for a retrial.
This is what's going to happen:
There will be a hung jury.
Case Closed!
There are more than one jurors who have made it clear they are NOT going to indite

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