Manafort guilty.

This is a fascinating turn of events!!!!!!!!

So.... the Russians colluded with this guy on his taxes.... stunning!!!
SO the Russians have filtrated the IRS.... holy cow! This is big news!!!
So, in least at the present time, the left can do ANYTHING and get away with it....because there's a LONG list of crimes committed by lefties....

Yet, we have a "Justice system" that is blind to Leftist crimes regardless of the severity.....

But prosecutes Right Wingers coming and going on any charge they can whip up.

Anyone who thinks the American Justice system is working good is a biased, ignorant fool.

I'm NOT defending Manafort OR Trump, just pointing out something dangerous and painfully obvious.
Alas, in America.....people are charged with crimes. Not 'the Left'.

Manafort was a man who committed serious crimes. He was found guilty for many of those crimes in accordance with our laws and constitution. And he still faces at least one more trial, most likely two.

Isn't it weird the way cultists seem to think that 90% of the population is involved in this deep left wing conspiracy, but that hard stance right wing policies represent the will of the people?

I saw a Trump supporter dismiss the *entire* Senate, Republican and Democrat as 'the Swamp' for voting unanimously to recognize freedom of the press. Just basic constitutional freedoms. And Trump supporters lost their shit.

The hostility and totality of the dismissals by Trump supporters is astonishing. Anyone, literally *anyone* who doesn't fawn over the part of their 'left wing conspiracy'. Its the oldest conspiracy adage in the book....

......anyone who doesn't ape the conspiracy becomes part of the conspiracy.
Five counts of tax fraud. More coming in.

You forgot to mention not guilty on other counts. Biaically Mewler has spent all this tax payer money to stuff a dude in solitary for a tax fraud beef. Mewler has been embarrassed. He failed. How did he fail? Zero Russia, Zero anything having to do with Trump and for what? By the time Manifort go’s to his second trial, he will surely be convicted yet he will get no jail time. Yup, libtards shall gnash their teeth. So funny.
You have some serious reading comprehension issues..he was not found 'not guilty' on even 1 was a mistrial..and can be tried again.

Manafort found guilty of 8 counts; mistrial declared on 10 others

"Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort has been found guilty of eight financial crime charges in the first trial victory for special counsel Robert Mueller's team.
A judge declared a mistrial on 10 other counts after jurors failed to reach a unanimous verdict.
The jury deliberated for four days before announcing the verdict at the federal courthouse in Alexandria, Virginia.
Prosecutors spent more than two weeks presenting their case as they sought to prove Manafort concealed millions of dollars in offshore accounts from the IRS"

Maybe if you stopped drinking before noon and stoped listening to Larry Onyou would have a clue . You don’t. He will be sentenced (most likely) on 8 out of the 18. Of those 8 Paul Manifort has had every tool Mewler had at his disposal thrown at him and what did we find? We found that Manifort lies on tax returns and loan applications. He will ride it out surving little if any jail time. Mewler was not able to link Trump to Russia which is what you lemmings have been promising us Mewler would do. So what happens? Manifort go’s to trial again, gets found guilty, pays a fine, writes a book and makes even more money. Y’all are just to stupid.
None of the counts had anything to do with the original intent of the investigation.

The original intent was to investigate suspicious behaviors. And it keeps finding criminal conduct behind those suspicious behaviors.

So how much "criminal content" and "suspicious behavior" has Mueller found against Trump? It's been over two years now.

Maybe he's found none at this time. Does that somehow mean all the other crimes should not be investigated or prosecuted?

What "other crimes"? If you have some evidence of those, maybe you should contact Mueller.

And while you're at it, ask him to investigate Hillary's multiple felonies. Those would be easy convictions.
You forgot to mention not guilty on other counts.

Seeing as that hasn't happened, I haven't forgotten anything.

It has, you just don’t want to say it. Yalls tears will be awesome.

No. Only 8 verdicts have been returned. The jury deadlocked on the remaining counts and the judge is declaring a mistrial on those counts.

IE, 10 counts likely tossed. 8 counts and a smack on the ass. Zero links to Russia, Zero links to Trump.
Was the Mueller probe empaneled to investigate Paul Manafort's taxes?
We had a special counsel for that?

Robert S. Mueller III is appointed to serve as Special Counsel for the United States Department of Justice.

The Special Counsel is authorized to conduct the investigation confirmed by then-FBI Director James 8. Corney in testimony before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence on March 20, 2017, including:
(i) any links and/or coordination bet ween the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump; and
(ii) any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation; and
(iii) any other matters within the scope of 28 C.F.R. § 600.4(a).
If the Special Counsel believes it is necessary and appropriate, the Special Counsel is authorized to prosecute federal crimes arising from the investigation of these matters.​
Sections 600.4 through 600. l 0 of Title 28 of the Code of Federal Regulations are applicable to the Special Counsel.
Ok, I get all that, so this still has nothing to do with Trump.....

Now that Mueller has 8 felony convictions to use as leverage.......Lets see if Manafort will be a little more forthcoming.
Nope..he knows the pardon is coming---Now Cohen might be a bit different, as he was considerably closer to Trump.

Let's face it...Manafort's criminal conduct had a lot to do with his greed--and nothing really to do with Trump.

Cohen..might well fall into the category of co-conspirator. I don't really care though..I want Trump removed the same way he was elected..legally and by the American people using the legal political process. What Mueller finds is good info..but in the end..we, collectively, need to step up.

We saw evidence of Russia Trump collusion months and months ago....with the release of Don Jr.'s emails where he was setting up a meeting to get 'high level sources' as a part of the Russian government's effort to aid Trump's campaign.

With Trump lying about the purpose of that meeting, compelling others to lie about the purpose of that meeting, and trying to end the investigation looking into the meeting.

With Trump's own former lawyer admitting that Trump was well aware of the meeting...which occured at Trump Tower.
Look at all these desperate liberals trying to link this to Trump. It's truly pathetic. They can't being Trump down, so they cheer when any of his former colleagues or acquaintances are convicted of breaking the law. Somehow they believe it to be an indictment... on his character.

(smiles slyly)

I hope Trump pardons him. It will be the 4th of July all over again when liberal heads across this board and America explode.

Its certainly an indictment of Trump's judgment. As we just got to see what Trump's assessment of the 'Best People' actually means.

But then this was the same person who thought that hiring Omarosa for a high level cabinet position was a good idea. So his judgment is already woefully inept.

When you dislike someone, you'll always look for their flaws and ignore their successes. That speaks to the objectivity of the one making the argument against his character.

Interesting though, he has/had hired thousands of people in the government and his campaign. Instead we're focusing on two people. Manafort, and Omarosa. Nobody, and I mean nobody, is a perfect judge of character. No, not even Trump.

But hey, we're all too happy to look in Trump's direction when people who claimed to be loyal to him suddenly betray his good faith in them.
Was the Mueller probe empaneled to investigate Paul Manafort's taxes?
We had a special counsel for that?

Robert S. Mueller III is appointed to serve as Special Counsel for the United States Department of Justice.

The Special Counsel is authorized to conduct the investigation confirmed by then-FBI Director James 8. Corney in testimony before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence on March 20, 2017, including:
(i) any links and/or coordination bet ween the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump; and
(ii) any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation; and
(iii) any other matters within the scope of 28 C.F.R. § 600.4(a).
If the Special Counsel believes it is necessary and appropriate, the Special Counsel is authorized to prosecute federal crimes arising from the investigation of these matters.​
Sections 600.4 through 600. l 0 of Title 28 of the Code of Federal Regulations are applicable to the Special Counsel.
Ok, I get all that, so this still has nothing to do with Trump.....

Now that Mueller has 8 felony convictions to use as leverage.......Lets see if Manafort will be a little more forthcoming.
Nope..he knows the pardon is coming---Now Cohen might be a bit different, as he was considerably closer to Trump.

Let's face it...Manafort's criminal conduct had a lot to do with his greed--and nothing really to do with Trump.

Then why would Trump pardon him? And why would republicans support such a pardon, as Manafort actually did the crimes he was accused of?

I mean, the evidence is overwhelming. Manafort claims not to have known about foreign accounts holding millions. This despite personally paying for luxury goods with wire transfers from the very accounts he claims he didn't know existed.

Cohen..might well fall into the category of co-conspirator. I don't really care though..I want Trump removed the same way he was elected..legally and by the American people using the legal political process. What Mueller finds is good info..but in the end..we, collectively, need to step up.

I think that all of the crimes in the Trump campaign and Trump administration should be investigated and prosecuted. And there is no doubt that such crimes exist.

As Manafort's up to 80 years in prison demonstrate elegantly.
One count of the foreign bank accounts. One of the bank fraud counts. Mistrial on the rest of the counts. This is 8 more convictions produced by the Mueller investigation, on top of the already existing guilty pleas. But, you know, it's all a witch hunt. much of it has to do with Rump?

His ability to judge the character of those who he appoints and employs, for one.

Didn’t President obama appoint someone who committed the same tax fraud crime to run the treasury department?

Oh but when he was caught they declined prosecution.
As far as Cohen is concerned, he lied to Trump and asked for reimbursements for illegal campaign contributions he said were directed by the candidate.

Isn't that a contradictory statement?

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