Manafort guilty.

Look at all these desperate liberals trying to link this to Trump. It's truly pathetic. They can't being Trump down, so they cheer when any of his former colleagues or acquaintances are convicted of breaking the law. Somehow they believe it to be an indictment... on his character.

(smiles slyly)

I hope Trump pardons him. It will be the 4th of July all over again when liberal heads across this board and America explode.

Its certainly an indictment of Trump's judgment. As we just got to see what Trump's assessment of the 'Best People' actually means.

But then this was the same person who thought that hiring Omarosa for a high level cabinet position was a good idea. So his judgment is already woefully inept.

When you dislike someone, you'll always look for their flaws and ignore their successes. That speaks to the objectivity of the one making the argument against his character.

Interesting though, he has/had hired thousands of people in the government and his campaign. Instead we're focusing on two people. Manafort, and Omarosa. Nobody, and I mean nobody, is a perfect judge of character. No, not even Trump.

But hey, we're all too happy to look in Trump's direction when people who claimed to be loyal to him suddenly betray his good faith in them.

You're conflating the thousands of people his campaign or his administration may have hired with the people that Trump picked *personally*.

His campaign chair, his personal lawyer, his deputy campaign chair, his hand picked national security adviser......all facing charges, criminal investigations or guilty pleas.

These are the people that Trump decided were the 'best people'. Folks that he surrounded himself with. And they were criminals. Embezzlers. Tax cheats. Liars to investigators.

They are the product of Trump's judgment. And they demonstrate how incompetent the man is.

When the stupidity of giving Omarosa a high level cabinet position is the frosting on the multi-layer 'Incompetence Cake', you know you're fucking up.
One count of the foreign bank accounts. One of the bank fraud counts. Mistrial on the rest of the counts. This is 8 more convictions produced by the Mueller investigation, on top of the already existing guilty pleas. But, you know, it's all a witch hunt. much of it has to do with Rump?

His ability to judge the character of those who he appoints and employs, for one.

Didn’t President obama appoint someone who committed the same tax fraud crime to run the treasury department?

Oh but when he was caught they declined prosecution.

Ah, whataboutry! The brown stain on the towel bowl of debate.

If you have a claim to make, make it.
manafort was accused, had his day in court, and lost it would appear. thats how our system works.

now for the sentencing.
So much for a witch hunt

Oh it is a Democrat political Witch Hunt. He wouldn't have even been targeted if he was a Democrat.
You sound almost sad that this fraud and criminal got caught and didn’t get to keep cheating his way towards riches

This is the part I don't get......why republicans are fighting so hard against this.

Its not like they lost anything. A criminal was convicted of very serious crimes that he *actually did*. Where is the downside?
Five counts of tax fraud. More coming in.

You forgot to mention not guilty on other counts. Biaically Mewler has spent all this tax payer money to stuff a dude in solitary for a tax fraud beef. Mewler has been embarrassed. He failed. How did he fail? Zero Russia, Zero anything having to do with Trump and for what? By the time Manifort go’s to his second trial, he will surely be convicted yet he will get no jail time. Yup, libtards shall gnash their teeth. So funny.
You have some serious reading comprehension issues..he was not found 'not guilty' on even 1 was a mistrial..and can be tried again.

Manafort found guilty of 8 counts; mistrial declared on 10 others

"Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort has been found guilty of eight financial crime charges in the first trial victory for special counsel Robert Mueller's team.
A judge declared a mistrial on 10 other counts after jurors failed to reach a unanimous verdict.
The jury deliberated for four days before announcing the verdict at the federal courthouse in Alexandria, Virginia.
Prosecutors spent more than two weeks presenting their case as they sought to prove Manafort concealed millions of dollars in offshore accounts from the IRS"

Maybe if you stopped drinking before noon and stoped listening to Larry Onyou would have a clue . You don’t. He will be sentenced (most likely) on 8 out of the 18. Of those 8 Paul Manifort has had every tool Mewler had at his disposal thrown at him and what did we find? We found that Manifort lies on tax returns and loan applications. He will ride it out surving little if any jail time. Mewler was not able to link Trump to Russia which is what you lemmings have been promising us Mewler would do. So what happens? Manifort go’s to trial again, gets found guilty, pays a fine, writes a book and makes even more money. Y’all are just to stupid.
Who's Larry Onyou??? Anyway....Manafort is facing 80 if the judge goes light..maybe 10---15 years? This trial was NEVER about collusion or linking Trump to Russia--which, btw, any 10 year old could do with the available evidence..most of it statements by Trump and his staff. Perhaps he gets a pardon...which every law-abiding American should be sick about..a criminal walking away---but the hard-core Trumpkins will just shout "What about Hillary"..and move on.

There was a bit more going on than lying..if you even care about the facts of this fraud...the hiding of millions of assets garnered from the Ukraine and Russia.
I wonder..if you asked Manafort right his cell..if he feels he won a victory here..what do you think his answer would be?
manafort was accused, had his day in court, and lost it would appear. thats how our system works.

now for the sentencing.

And the sentencing recommendations may well be based on how forthcoming he is in the Mueller investigation.

Plus, there is still another Trial.

Plus, he'll probably be retried for 10 counts.
One count of the foreign bank accounts. One of the bank fraud counts. Mistrial on the rest of the counts. This is 8 more convictions produced by the Mueller investigation, on top of the already existing guilty pleas. But, you know, it's all a witch hunt. much of it has to do with Rump?

His ability to judge the character of those who he appoints and employs, for one.

Didn’t President obama appoint someone who committed the same tax fraud crime to run the treasury department?

Oh but when he was caught they declined prosecution.

Do you have a point? Maybe you would like to name names and the evidence that a crime was committed and not prosecuted, and why?

Not your opinion, and not from The Daily Caller or a video from Fox News, real probative evidence.
One count of the foreign bank accounts. One of the bank fraud counts. Mistrial on the rest of the counts. This is 8 more convictions produced by the Mueller investigation, on top of the already existing guilty pleas. But, you know, it's all a witch hunt. much of it has to do with Rump?

His ability to judge the character of those who he appoints and employs, for one.

Didn’t President obama appoint someone who committed the same tax fraud crime to run the treasury department?

Oh but when he was caught they declined prosecution.

Do you have a point? Maybe you would like to name names and the evidence that a crime was committed and not prosecuted, and why?

Not your opinion, and not from The Daily Caller or a video from Fox News, real probative evidence.

Its all about distraction. They want to talk about *anything* but Manafort and Cohen's convictions.
You are fast.

She's easy as well. Look at all these imbeciles celebrating this as if they've won anything. Some guy they never heard of before has been convicted of tax evasion that was supposed to look into whether Russia messed with the 2016 election (still not even ONE person found who claims their vote was changed), still no proof that Russia really actually did it, still no evidence whether anyone in the Trump campaign was really collaborating in it in any illegal way, and certainly nothing on the man Trump himself.

So in other words:

ZERO, and

Trump is still president, Trump is going to STAY president, there is no evidence of foreign tampering much less Trump Campaign collaboration, not a single vote has ever been shown changed, Mueller's investigation a total fail on what it was set up to look into, and if there really was any election hanky-panky by a foreign power, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING accomplished that will fix anything to stop it from happening again this fall much less in 2020 and beyond.

And all the Leftards stand around circle-jerking themselves off telling themselves they scored big today.

I guess when your EVERY FORECAST for success and victory has gone face-down into the dirt since 2008, a petty crook getting his just rewards for petty personal crimes must really seem like you got something. Actually, they could HANG Manafort for tax crimes, it won't do JACK to put one Democrat into office. :21: :bye1: :eusa_naughty: :eusa_dance: :flirtysmile4: :highfive:

Um.....Manafort has been in the news for *years*. Just because you've never heard his name before doesn't mean everyone else is similarly ignorant.

Two counts on the foreign bank accounts. One of the bank fraud counts. Mistrial on the rest of the counts. This is 8 more convictions produced by the Mueller investigation, on top of the already existing guilty pleas. But, you know, it's all a witch hunt.
Russian collusion?
One count of the foreign bank accounts. One of the bank fraud counts. Mistrial on the rest of the counts. This is 8 more convictions produced by the Mueller investigation, on top of the already existing guilty pleas. But, you know, it's all a witch hunt. much of it has to do with Rump?

His ability to judge the character of those who he appoints and employs, for one.

Didn’t President obama appoint someone who committed the same tax fraud crime to run the treasury department?

Oh but when he was caught they declined prosecution.

Do you have a point? Maybe you would like to name names and the evidence that a crime was committed and not prosecuted, and why?

Not your opinion, and not from The Daily Caller or a video from Fox News, real probative evidence.

Its all about distraction. They want to talk about *anything* but Manafort and Cohen's convictions.

LOL. Sure son, did you get Rump yet? You remember him....
Good for Mueller doing the job of the IRS.

He caught a tax cheat from 2005.

What a fucking bad ass.

Maybe Al Sharpton is next.

No Trump/Putin rigging the 2016 POTUS election, huh?
You are fast.

She's easy as well. Look at all these imbeciles celebrating this as if they've won anything. Some guy they never heard of before has been convicted of tax evasion that was supposed to look into whether Russia messed with the 2016 election (still not even ONE person found who claims their vote was changed), still no proof that Russia really actually did it, still no evidence whether anyone in the Trump campaign was really collaborating in it in any illegal way, and certainly nothing on the man Trump himself.

So in other words:

ZERO, and

Trump is still president, Trump is going to STAY president, there is no evidence of foreign tampering much less Trump Campaign collaboration, not a single vote has ever been shown changed, Mueller's investigation a total fail on what it was set up to look into, and if there really was any election hanky-panky by a foreign power, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING accomplished that will fix anything to stop it from happening again this fall much less in 2020 and beyond.

And all the Leftards stand around circle-jerking themselves off telling themselves they scored big today.

I guess when your EVERY FORECAST for success and victory has gone face-down into the dirt since 2008, a petty crook getting his just rewards for petty personal crimes must really seem like you got something. Actually, they could HANG Manafort for tax crimes, it won't do JACK to put one Democrat into office. :21: :bye1: :eusa_naughty: :eusa_dance: :flirtysmile4: :highfive:

Um.....Manafort has been in the news for *years*. Just because you've never heard his name before doesn't mean everyone else is similarly ignorant.


Apparently everyone in this thread.

Oh, and Trump's personal lawyer Michael Cohen....just pled guilty to 8 more charges.

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