Manafort guilty.

You are fast.

She's easy as well. Look at all these imbeciles celebrating this as if they've won anything. Some guy they never heard of before has been convicted of tax evasion that was supposed to look into whether Russia messed with the 2016 election (still not even ONE person found who claims their vote was changed), still no proof that Russia really actually did it, still no evidence whether anyone in the Trump campaign was really collaborating in it in any illegal way, and certainly nothing on the man Trump himself.

So in other words:

ZERO, and

Trump is still president, Trump is going to STAY president, there is no evidence of foreign tampering much less Trump Campaign collaboration, not a single vote has ever been shown changed, Mueller's investigation a total fail on what it was set up to look into, and if there really was any election hanky-panky by a foreign power, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING accomplished that will fix anything to stop it from happening again this fall much less in 2020 and beyond.

And all the Leftards stand around circle-jerking themselves off telling themselves they scored big today.

I guess when your EVERY FORECAST for success and victory has gone face-down into the dirt since 2008, a petty crook getting his just rewards for petty personal crimes must really seem like you got something. Actually, they could HANG Manafort for tax crimes, it won't do JACK to put one Democrat into office. :21: :bye1: :eusa_naughty: :eusa_dance: :flirtysmile4: :highfive:

Um.....Manafort has been in the news for *years*. Just because you've never heard his name before doesn't mean everyone else is similarly ignorant.


Apparently everyone in this thread.

Oh, and Trump's personal lawyer Michael Cohen....just pled guilty to 8 more charges.

Like I said, NO ONE CARES but asses like you hanging onto hopes for a single "win" after TEN YEARS of total failure, to nail a guy for tax crimes done years ago that won't do jack to fix our election system much less put a single democrat in office.
You are fast.

She's easy as well. Look at all these imbeciles celebrating this as if they've won anything. Some guy they never heard of before has been convicted of tax evasion that was supposed to look into whether Russia messed with the 2016 election (still not even ONE person found who claims their vote was changed), still no proof that Russia really actually did it, still no evidence whether anyone in the Trump campaign was really collaborating in it in any illegal way, and certainly nothing on the man Trump himself.

So in other words:

ZERO, and

Trump is still president, Trump is going to STAY president, there is no evidence of foreign tampering much less Trump Campaign collaboration, not a single vote has ever been shown changed, Mueller's investigation a total fail on what it was set up to look into, and if there really was any election hanky-panky by a foreign power, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING accomplished that will fix anything to stop it from happening again this fall much less in 2020 and beyond.

And all the Leftards stand around circle-jerking themselves off telling themselves they scored big today.

I guess when your EVERY FORECAST for success and victory has gone face-down into the dirt since 2008, a petty crook getting his just rewards for petty personal crimes must really seem like you got something. Actually, they could HANG Manafort for tax crimes, it won't do JACK to put one Democrat into office. :21: :bye1: :eusa_naughty: :eusa_dance: :flirtysmile4: :highfive:

Um.....Manafort has been in the news for *years*. Just because you've never heard his name before doesn't mean everyone else is similarly ignorant.

I think we should lock up all those who blindly continue to support Trump

At some point in your life my friend, you are in for a rude awakening. A two-year "investigation" using every available resource of the DOJ is no closer to indicting President Trump than it was when it first started.

Meanwhile, if you fully understood the severity of which President Trump has been systematically destroying everything you liberals, Democrats and progressives in this country have worked so hard for, you'd be curled up in your closest in a fetal position, sucking your thumbs, and crying yourselves to sleep every night.

And the beauty of it is, Trump has another two years to go with the possibility of another term.

Five counts of tax fraud. More coming in.


I hope Trump is gagging on his diet Coke as we speak.

Eight counts out of eighteen. If it was a case involving a knife and a body, it would be simpler.
The Trump Goons were hoping the jury would be confused and/or bored with a lot of bank documents.

You do realize his guilt is on bank and tax fraud...right? Unless he was speaking Russian when he hid the money, there are no Russians involved in this, and nothing to do with Trump...right?

It was money earned while working for a Russian backed Ukrainian government. We'll see what connections exist on the back end now that Mueller has more leverage to convince Manafort that being more forthright is in his best interest.
I’m curious if that too. Because the judge seems aware of the political nature of the trial I am leaning toward the lower end of the sentencing guidelines.

Considering 8 counts that could still be a while. Not sure if the judge will run consecutive or concurrent sentences.
Well there are still a few catches in there, like days served in the huscow doesn't necessarily mean days sentenced to. The bookie has to make some money either way and the odds are usually with the house.
Was the Mueller probe empaneled to investigate Paul Manafort's taxes?
We had a special counsel for that?

Robert S. Mueller III is appointed to serve as Special Counsel for the United States Department of Justice.

The Special Counsel is authorized to conduct the investigation confirmed by then-FBI Director James 8. Corney in testimony before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence on March 20, 2017, including:
(i) any links and/or coordination bet ween the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump; and
(ii) any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation; and
(iii) any other matters within the scope of 28 C.F.R. § 600.4(a).
If the Special Counsel believes it is necessary and appropriate, the Special Counsel is authorized to prosecute federal crimes arising from the investigation of these matters.​
Sections 600.4 through 600. l 0 of Title 28 of the Code of Federal Regulations are applicable to the Special Counsel.
Ok, I get all that, so this still has nothing to do with Trump.....

This thread has to do with Paul Manafort being convicted on 8 felony counts.
but Trump is totally innocent -- this has to be made clear on every post about any campaign officials getting felony convictions
He'll be pardoned. The whole thing is an Obama/Democrat-initiated Witch Hunt. Most Americans know if he was a Democrat, no investigation would have taken place. He was targeted only because he had ties to Trump. Pardons all around. Time to turn the tables. Time to investigate Obama and Clinton.

Manafort actually did the things he's being accused of. Just like Micheal Cohen did....with an 8 felony count guilty plea just minutes ago.

And your ilk are predictably insisting that pardons are coming. So much for 'law and order'. Along with 'free trade', 'family values', 'government transparency', 'fiscal responsibility'. Its all just right wing lip service for useful idiots

Political Witch Hunts. It's no coincidence no Democrats are being investigated. These Witch Hunt 'investigations' were initiated by Obama and Clinton. But hopefully, the tables will be turned at some point.

We know Obama and Clinton colluded with foreign entities to influence our Election. The Ohr-Steele connection says it all. So first, Pardons all around. And then investigate Obama and Clinton.
Two counts on the foreign bank accounts. One of the bank fraud counts. Mistrial on the rest of the counts. This is 8 more convictions produced by the Mueller investigation, on top of the already existing guilty pleas. But, you know, it's all a witch hunt.
Russian collusion?

Trump already admitted to it.

White House Counsel McGahn having given 30 hours of interviews with Mueller.

8 felony counts for Trump's former campaign manager.

8 felony guilty plea for Trump's personal lawyer Michael Cohen

Its been an interesting few days!
Bless your delusional little heart.

Laughing....notice you didn't actually disagree with me on any point. Which speaks volumes.
Of course I disagree with you. I just think you lack the intellect to be worth arguing with. Trump has NOT admitted to Russian collusion. Your other three points have NOTHING to do with Russian collusion.
Look at all these desperate liberals trying to link this to Trump. It's truly pathetic. They can't being Trump down, so they cheer when any of his former colleagues or acquaintances are convicted of breaking the law. Somehow they believe it to be an indictment... on his character.

(smiles slyly)

I hope Trump pardons him. It will be the 4th of July all over again when liberal heads across this board and America explode.

Its certainly an indictment of Trump's judgment. As we just got to see what Trump's assessment of the 'Best People' actually means.

But then this was the same person who thought that hiring Omarosa for a high level cabinet position was a good idea. So his judgment is already woefully inept.

When you dislike someone, you'll always look for their flaws and ignore their successes. That speaks to the objectivity of the one making the argument against his character.

Interesting though, he has/had hired thousands of people in the government and his campaign. Instead we're focusing on two people. Manafort, and Omarosa. Nobody, and I mean nobody, is a perfect judge of character. No, not even Trump.

But hey, we're all too happy to look in Trump's direction when people who claimed to be loyal to him suddenly betray his good faith in them.

You're conflating the thousands of people his campaign or his administration may have hired with the people that Trump picked *personally*.

His campaign chair, his personal lawyer, his deputy campaign chair, his hand picked national security adviser......all facing charges, criminal investigations or guilty pleas.

These are the people that Trump decided were the 'best people'. Folks that he surrounded himself with. And they were criminals. Embezzlers. Tax cheats. Liars to investigators.

They are the product of Trump's judgment. And they demonstrate how incompetent the man is.

When the stupidity of giving Omarosa a high level cabinet position is the frosting on the multi-layer 'Incompetence Cake', you know you're fucking up.
And? If all you can do is call the man seems to me you have very little to attack on the policy front. All you can seem to do is attack his character and not his decisions on things that really affect us as a nation. The fact is, I don't really care about his competence. Only you do. I can only assume that is because of an inane fear you have of him. Or of some sort of empty hatred. I don't know, and again, I don't care.

Also, who hasn't been kindhearted enough to give someone a second chance? There are people who can look you straight in the eyes and lie to you. They can make those lies so convincing that they are believable on their face. There are people who can do good things in bad faith.

But some people, such as yourself, can mistake kindness for incompetence.

What, were you expecting the man to be a prodigious clairvoyant? Look I'm more concerned about what happened to Mollie Tibbetts than I am about this.

I'll be exiting this thread now. Believe what you like. But presuming upon someone's character like this is intellectually dishonest.
He'll be pardoned. The whole thing is an Obama/Democrat-initiated Witch Hunt. Most Americans know if he was a Democrat, no investigation would have ever taken place. He was targeted only because he had ties to Trump. So, Pardons all around. Time to turn the tables. Time to investigate Obama and Clinton.

Patience. That day will come and this country will be turned upside down from the wailing and gnashing of teeth from the left.
You are fast.

She's easy as well. Look at all these imbeciles celebrating this as if they've won anything. Some guy they never heard of before has been convicted of tax evasion that was supposed to look into whether Russia messed with the 2016 election (still not even ONE person found who claims their vote was changed), still no proof that Russia really actually did it, still no evidence whether anyone in the Trump campaign was really collaborating in it in any illegal way, and certainly nothing on the man Trump himself.

So in other words:

ZERO, and

Trump is still president, Trump is going to STAY president, there is no evidence of foreign tampering much less Trump Campaign collaboration, not a single vote has ever been shown changed, Mueller's investigation a total fail on what it was set up to look into, and if there really was any election hanky-panky by a foreign power, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING accomplished that will fix anything to stop it from happening again this fall much less in 2020 and beyond.

And all the Leftards stand around circle-jerking themselves off telling themselves they scored big today.

I guess when your EVERY FORECAST for success and victory has gone face-down into the dirt since 2008, a petty crook getting his just rewards for petty personal crimes must really seem like you got something. Actually, they could HANG Manafort for tax crimes, it won't do JACK to put one Democrat into office. :21: :bye1: :eusa_naughty: :eusa_dance: :flirtysmile4: :highfive:

Um.....Manafort has been in the news for *years*. Just because you've never heard his name before doesn't mean everyone else is similarly ignorant.

I think we should lock up all those who blindly continue to support Trump

At some point in your life my friend, you are in for a rude awakening. A two-year "investigation" using every available resource of the DOJ is no closer to indicting President Trump than it was when it first started.

Meanwhile, if you fully understood the severity of which President Trump has been systematically destroying everything you liberals, Democrats and progressives in this country have worked so hard for, you'd be curled up in your closest in a fetal position, sucking your thumbs, and crying yourselves to sleep every night.

And the beauty of it is, Trump has another two years to go with the possibility of another term.

You have absolutely no gag reflex after all of that throat you gave Trump -- impressive
You are fast.

She's easy as well. Look at all these imbeciles celebrating this as if they've won anything. Some guy they never heard of before has been convicted of tax evasion that was supposed to look into whether Russia messed with the 2016 election (still not even ONE person found who claims their vote was changed), still no proof that Russia really actually did it, still no evidence whether anyone in the Trump campaign was really collaborating in it in any illegal way, and certainly nothing on the man Trump himself.

So in other words:

ZERO, and

Trump is still president, Trump is going to STAY president, there is no evidence of foreign tampering much less Trump Campaign collaboration, not a single vote has ever been shown changed, Mueller's investigation a total fail on what it was set up to look into, and if there really was any election hanky-panky by a foreign power, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING accomplished that will fix anything to stop it from happening again this fall much less in 2020 and beyond.

And all the Leftards stand around circle-jerking themselves off telling themselves they scored big today.

I guess when your EVERY FORECAST for success and victory has gone face-down into the dirt since 2008, a petty crook getting his just rewards for petty personal crimes must really seem like you got something. Actually, they could HANG Manafort for tax crimes, it won't do JACK to put one Democrat into office. :21: :bye1: :eusa_naughty: :eusa_dance: :flirtysmile4: :highfive:

Um.....Manafort has been in the news for *years*. Just because you've never heard his name before doesn't mean everyone else is similarly ignorant.

I think we should lock up all those who blindly continue to support Trump

At some point in your life my friend, you are in for a rude awakening. A two-year "investigation" using every available resource of the DOJ is no closer to indicting President Trump than it was when it first started.

Mueller isn't using anywhere near 'every available resource of the DOJ'. But a tiny, tiny fraction of it. As demonstrated by the DOJ's budget compared to what has been spent so far on the investigation.

And you have no idea how close Mueller is in indicting President Trump on any charge.
The TDS folks are still so optimistic! :p

Tax evasion should be a sign the tax laws need reform. Citizens who make money and want to keep it like it was theirs lives matter! Meanwhile, if anything maybe a fine and interest on the corrected amount the IRS demands.
You are fast.

She's easy as well. Look at all these imbeciles celebrating this as if they've won anything. Some guy they never heard of before has been convicted of tax evasion that was supposed to look into whether Russia messed with the 2016 election (still not even ONE person found who claims their vote was changed), still no proof that Russia really actually did it, still no evidence whether anyone in the Trump campaign was really collaborating in it in any illegal way, and certainly nothing on the man Trump himself.

So in other words:

ZERO, and

Trump is still president, Trump is going to STAY president, there is no evidence of foreign tampering much less Trump Campaign collaboration, not a single vote has ever been shown changed, Mueller's investigation a total fail on what it was set up to look into, and if there really was any election hanky-panky by a foreign power, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING accomplished that will fix anything to stop it from happening again this fall much less in 2020 and beyond.

And all the Leftards stand around circle-jerking themselves off telling themselves they scored big today.

I guess when your EVERY FORECAST for success and victory has gone face-down into the dirt since 2008, a petty crook getting his just rewards for petty personal crimes must really seem like you got something. Actually, they could HANG Manafort for tax crimes, it won't do JACK to put one Democrat into office. :21: :bye1: :eusa_naughty: :eusa_dance: :flirtysmile4: :highfive:

Um.....Manafort has been in the news for *years*. Just because you've never heard his name before doesn't mean everyone else is similarly ignorant.

I think we should lock up all those who blindly continue to support Trump

I bet you do. Kind of a case of the blind locking up the blind. Or in your case, the fascists silencing the dissenters. Hey MuddHead, why don't you just jump to the end of the line and just pull a Venezuela and ban and lock up anyone not voting Democrat like you really want to? Then you can all come out in the open as the Totalitarian Marxists you really are!
Was the Mueller probe empaneled to investigate Paul Manafort's taxes?
We had a special counsel for that?

Robert S. Mueller III is appointed to serve as Special Counsel for the United States Department of Justice.

The Special Counsel is authorized to conduct the investigation confirmed by then-FBI Director James 8. Corney in testimony before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence on March 20, 2017, including:
(i) any links and/or coordination bet ween the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump; and
(ii) any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation; and
(iii) any other matters within the scope of 28 C.F.R. § 600.4(a).
If the Special Counsel believes it is necessary and appropriate, the Special Counsel is authorized to prosecute federal crimes arising from the investigation of these matters.​
Sections 600.4 through 600. l 0 of Title 28 of the Code of Federal Regulations are applicable to the Special Counsel.
Ok, I get all that, so this still has nothing to do with Trump.....

This thread has to do with Paul Manafort being convicted on 8 felony counts.
but Trump is totally innocent -- this has to be made clear on every post about any campaign officials getting felony convictions

There are just so many campaign officials that have been convicted of felonies. That must be a lot of 'making clear' you have to do.
Look at all these desperate liberals trying to link this to Trump. It's truly pathetic. They can't being Trump down, so they cheer when any of his former colleagues or acquaintances are convicted of breaking the law. Somehow they believe it to be an indictment... on his character.

(smiles slyly)

I hope Trump pardons him. It will be the 4th of July all over again when liberal heads across this board and America explode.

Its certainly an indictment of Trump's judgment. As we just got to see what Trump's assessment of the 'Best People' actually means.

But then this was the same person who thought that hiring Omarosa for a high level cabinet position was a good idea. So his judgment is already woefully inept.

When you dislike someone, you'll always look for their flaws and ignore their successes. That speaks to the objectivity of the one making the argument against his character.

Interesting though, he has/had hired thousands of people in the government and his campaign. Instead we're focusing on two people. Manafort, and Omarosa. Nobody, and I mean nobody, is a perfect judge of character. No, not even Trump.

But hey, we're all too happy to look in Trump's direction when people who claimed to be loyal to him suddenly betray his good faith in them.

You're conflating the thousands of people his campaign or his administration may have hired with the people that Trump picked *personally*.

His campaign chair, his personal lawyer, his deputy campaign chair, his hand picked national security adviser......all facing charges, criminal investigations or guilty pleas.

These are the people that Trump decided were the 'best people'. Folks that he surrounded himself with. And they were criminals. Embezzlers. Tax cheats. Liars to investigators.

They are the product of Trump's judgment. And they demonstrate how incompetent the man is.

When the stupidity of giving Omarosa a high level cabinet position is the frosting on the multi-layer 'Incompetence Cake', you know you're fucking up.
And? If all you can do is call the man seems to me you have very little to attack on the policy front. All you can seem to do is attack his character and not his decisions on things that really affect us as a nation. The fact is, I don't really care about his competence. Only you do. I can only assume that is because of an inane fear you have of him. Or of some sort of empty hatred. I don't know, and again, I don't care.

Also, who hasn't been kindhearted enough to give someone a second chance? There are people who can look you straight in the eyes and lie to you. They can make those lies so convincing that they are believable on their face. There are people who can do good things in bad faith.

But some people, such as yourself, can mistake kindness for incompetence.

What, were you expecting the man to be a prodigious clairvoyant? Look I'm more concerned about what happened to Mollie Tibbetts than I am about this.

I'll be exiting this thread now. Believe what you like. But presuming upon someone's character like this is intellectually dishonest.
That part is my personal favorite
Look at all these desperate liberals trying to link this to Trump. It's truly pathetic. They can't being Trump down, so they cheer when any of his former colleagues or acquaintances are convicted of breaking the law. Somehow they believe it to be an indictment... on his character.

(smiles slyly)

I hope Trump pardons him. It will be the 4th of July all over again when liberal heads across this board and America explode.

Its certainly an indictment of Trump's judgment. As we just got to see what Trump's assessment of the 'Best People' actually means.

But then this was the same person who thought that hiring Omarosa for a high level cabinet position was a good idea. So his judgment is already woefully inept.

When you dislike someone, you'll always look for their flaws and ignore their successes. That speaks to the objectivity of the one making the argument against his character.

Interesting though, he has/had hired thousands of people in the government and his campaign. Instead we're focusing on two people. Manafort, and Omarosa. Nobody, and I mean nobody, is a perfect judge of character. No, not even Trump.

But hey, we're all too happy to look in Trump's direction when people who claimed to be loyal to him suddenly betray his good faith in them.

You're conflating the thousands of people his campaign or his administration may have hired with the people that Trump picked *personally*.

His campaign chair, his personal lawyer, his deputy campaign chair, his hand picked national security adviser......all facing charges, criminal investigations or guilty pleas.

These are the people that Trump decided were the 'best people'. Folks that he surrounded himself with. And they were criminals. Embezzlers. Tax cheats. Liars to investigators.

They are the product of Trump's judgment. And they demonstrate how incompetent the man is.

When the stupidity of giving Omarosa a high level cabinet position is the frosting on the multi-layer 'Incompetence Cake', you know you're fucking up.
And? If all you can do is call the man seems to me you have very little to attack on the policy front. All you can seem to do is attack his character and not his decisions on things that really affect us as a nation. The fact is, I don't really care about his competence. Only you do. I can only assume that is because of an inane fear you have of him. Or of some sort of empty hatred. I don't know, and again, I don't care.

Also, who hasn't been kindhearted enough to give someone a second chance? There are people who can look you straight in the eyes and lie to you. They can make those lies so convincing that they are believable on their face. There are people who can do good things in bad faith.

But some people, such as yourself, can mistake kindness for incompetence.

What, were you expecting the man to be a prodigious clairvoyant? Look I'm more concerned about what happened to Mollie Tibbetts than I am about this.

I'll be exiting this thread now. Believe what you like. But presuming upon someone's character like this is intellectually dishonest.

Oh, I can do far more than claim the man is incompetent. And have in many, many other threads.

But Trump's wild incompetence in picking the 'best people' is the most relevant to this thread. Convicted felon Manafort is an example of Trump's garbage judgment. As is Omarosa. As is Gates. As is Papodopolous. As is Flynn. As is Cohen....

Cohen.....who just plead guilty to his own 8 felony charges about an hour ago. And was Trump's right hand man for over a decade.

Trumps incompetence at choosing the 'best people' is simply astonishing.
You are fast.

She's easy as well. Look at all these imbeciles celebrating this as if they've won anything. Some guy they never heard of before has been convicted of tax evasion that was supposed to look into whether Russia messed with the 2016 election (still not even ONE person found who claims their vote was changed), still no proof that Russia really actually did it, still no evidence whether anyone in the Trump campaign was really collaborating in it in any illegal way, and certainly nothing on the man Trump himself.

So in other words:

ZERO, and

Trump is still president, Trump is going to STAY president, there is no evidence of foreign tampering much less Trump Campaign collaboration, not a single vote has ever been shown changed, Mueller's investigation a total fail on what it was set up to look into, and if there really was any election hanky-panky by a foreign power, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING accomplished that will fix anything to stop it from happening again this fall much less in 2020 and beyond.

And all the Leftards stand around circle-jerking themselves off telling themselves they scored big today.

I guess when your EVERY FORECAST for success and victory has gone face-down into the dirt since 2008, a petty crook getting his just rewards for petty personal crimes must really seem like you got something. Actually, they could HANG Manafort for tax crimes, it won't do JACK to put one Democrat into office. :21: :bye1: :eusa_naughty: :eusa_dance: :flirtysmile4: :highfive:

Um.....Manafort has been in the news for *years*. Just because you've never heard his name before doesn't mean everyone else is similarly ignorant.


Apparently everyone in this thread.

Oh, and Trump's personal lawyer Michael Cohen....just pled guilty to 8 more charges.

Like I said, NO ONE CARES but asses like you hanging onto hopes for a single "win" after TEN YEARS of total failure, to nail a guy for tax crimes done years ago that won't do jack to fix our election system much less put a single democrat in office.
This person refuses to see the truth; idiot

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