Mancow gets Waterboarded!

I don't really feel bad for terrorists who were waterboared, not saying I want it used but it should be availible if needed.
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I don't think torture is effective overall, but I think KSM and Abu Z DID deserve to be tortured.
get over it-----You know what the results of these waterbaordings are going to be?---nothing. A big fat nothing.
I don't think torture is effective overall, but I think KSM and Abu Z DID deserve to be tortured.

Evaluation and formation of policy based on conceptions of retribution rather than rational analysis of potential effects often leads to worse consequences. For instance, instituting the death penalty for all murderers based on retributive impulses creates a perverse incentive to commit more murders and violently resist attempts at police capture, since there is no longer a greater punishment that can be given for further acts.
:lol: I just saw it.

No way did he last 6 seconds. More like 4 seconds.

And the first words out of his mouth when he could catch his breath was "that was way worse than I ever expected....its absolutely torture!"


this from a guy who laughed off waterboarding as little more than a harmless college prank.

Next up: Sean Hannity. Hannity looks like a big pussy, I don't think he'll last more than four seconds.

YouTube - Mancow Gets Waterboarded: Admits It's Torture

That's why Hannity won't do it.


I'm going to email Hannity the video of Mancow's torture, so he knows what he has to look forward to. :eusa_shhh:

Is he going to do it? I thought he backed out.
Red Dawn's got it exactly right.

The tools for Bush have zero respect for themselves.
All this talk about Hannity, Mancow, or Rush being waterboarded leads me to one conclusion:

Liberals would sooner waterboard conservatives than terrorists.
When ya gonna start the investigations to find all those troops and officers involved in SEER training over the years? They all broke the law and need to be prosecuted.
pssst....I hear they are having a sale on brains at Walmart this weekend. You might want to take a look, retard.

It's like sex. If it is consensual it isn't illegal. If it isn't it is rape.


Wrong, if I agree to let you shoot me and eat my decomposing body, is that legal too? The ACT of torture is illegal. There is no " well golly, I don't mind" card on it.

SGT: Give it up. You're now officiall OWNED.

Now get to Wal-Mart for that brain sale. You'll need it (since you only made the rank of Sgt.).

I kid, I kid. Sgt's aren't dumb. They're smarter than privates and corporals.
All this talk about Hannity, Mancow, or Rush being waterboarded leads me to one conclusion:

Liberals would sooner waterboard conservatives than terrorists.

hannity volunteered to get waterboarded for charity.

I have no interest in waterboarding him against his will. That's just sadistic.

Plus, I couldn't stomach hearing that pussy whine and cry to make them stop.
If Hannity did decide to do it, I don't think he would have it filmed. They should mix some spicy mustard in the water.
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I don't really feel bad for terrorists who were waterboared, not saying I want it used but it should be availible if needed.

I'd be interested if you could ever find one single post, from anywhere on this board where anybody felt sorry for Abu Zabedeh, or whatever the fuck his name is.

Torturing people is a reflection on our morality, our humanity, and our committment to the rule of law. Its an insult to our nation, and it cheapens us as human beings.
. For instance, instituting the death penalty for all murderers based on retributive impulses creates a perverse incentive to commit more murders and violently resist attempts at police capture, since there is no longer a greater punishment that can be given for further acts.

Or it might force them to plead guilty, saving a lengthy trial and tax payer money, give up other criminals who colluded, in exchange for a life sentence.

There is also the comfort the victim's families have knowin some idiot parole board can never release the killer again.
Or it might force them to plead guilty, saving a lengthy trial and tax payer money, give up other criminals who colluded, in exchange for a life sentence.

There is also the comfort the victim's families have knowin some idiot parole board can never release the killer again.

An automatic life sentence for murder suffers from the same deficiency. Deterrence is the primary rational purpose served by criminal justice.
An automatic life sentence for murder suffers from the same deficiency. Deterrence is the primary rational purpose served by criminal justice.

Most criminals are not rational until they are caught, then life or death becomes a very rational bargaining chip.
By the way, shouldn't any torture involving a guy named "Mancow" involve BBQ, not water?

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