Mandatory AR-15 Ownership

The govt can't force you to buy anything. The SC finally finalized that when the shitcanned Obamacare's illegal mandate.
A law proposed in Missouri would require everyone between the age of 18 and 35 who can legally possess a firearm to own an AR-15 and gives them one year to buy it.

Proposed Missouri Law Would Force Every Adult Resident to Buy an AR-15

So....what do you all think of this move?
Sounds a little like Oblummer Care but now personal home defense care. Seems that if you force people to buy health insurance, then you need to have them protect their policy..
The difference is if the government forces you to buy insurance, you have little choice but to use it.

If the government forces you to buy a gun, you don't have to.

This is a bad law. Well, both of them are, really -- this one AND Obamacare
And what's with states with mandatory seat belt laws but no mandatory helmet laws for motorcycles? Personally, you're and idiot if you don't wear one, but it's a good way to cull the herd...
The only time I wore a helmet was traveling from Houston to Austin- I'm still here and sharp as a tack- discounting for age of course, 72-
It’s in line with all of our Militia Laws, so I am Fine with it. Everyone in Switzerland is required to own a firearm & so is everyone in Israel.

A law proposed in Missouri would require everyone between the age of 18 and 35 who can legally possess a firearm to own an AR-15 and gives them one year to buy it.

Proposed Missouri Law Would Force Every Adult Resident to Buy an AR-15

So....what do you all think of this move?
This is just stupid too.
A law proposed in Missouri would require everyone between the age of 18 and 35 who can legally possess a firearm to own an AR-15 and gives them one year to buy it.

Proposed Missouri Law Would Force Every Adult Resident to Buy an AR-15

So....what do you all think of this move?
Well....if an 18 year old is active duty military and not going through any military disciplinary action or been convicted of civilian criminal activity, it would be okay as the military does teach teamwork, discipline and firearms training. So, if the 18 year old can carry one in the military, he/she can own one. However, your average 18 year old civilian is another matter entirely. The male pre-frontal cortex is not fully developed until he reaches his early twenties; as such, his decision making can more likely fall into the category of going along with "emotional response" rather than logic and reason (hence why some Democrats want the voting age reduced to 16 years old as at that age, their emotional decision making often rules and their logic and reasoning isn't as well developed, thus the Democrats would be assured of the young people voting on an emotional basis).
If they are not in the military, I would say, hold off sales of AR-15 style weapons until they are 21, have no criminal history of any significance and go through a basic safety course.
As for it being a If you don't like firearms, that's your choice and should be honored, however, just because you don't like them is not justification to not allow "responsible" people to own them.
I do believe that each pro-Second Amendment county in every state should form an armed Militia made up of private citizens willing to fight against a Marxist leftist government, should one come to power. Also, those who own firearms but don't want to be part of a militia, yet want to retain their Constitutional right, should fight independently against the enemy of our individual liberties/freedoms.
A law proposed in Missouri would require everyone between the age of 18 and 35 who can legally possess a firearm to own an AR-15 and gives them one year to buy it.

Proposed Missouri Law Would Force Every Adult Resident to Buy an AR-15

So....what do you all think of this move?
Sounds like a Colt Manufacturing fan or stock holder is making a last ditch effort too late. Funny, Missouri seamed like a normal state to me. It will never pass, no matter who's nutty idea it is.
Yes: Every US Citizen should serve 2 years in The Military!

It’s in line with all of our Militia Laws, so I am Fine with it. Everyone in Switzerland is required to own a firearm & so is everyone in Israel.

A law proposed in Missouri would require everyone between the age of 18 and 35 who can legally possess a firearm to own an AR-15 and gives them one year to buy it.

Proposed Missouri Law Would Force Every Adult Resident to Buy an AR-15

So....what do you all think of this move?

We do not live in Switzerland or Israel. And they both have mandatory military service. Are you down with that as well?
You left out the part of providing for defense.

This is an alleged free country- using force to curry favor, especially under the color of law, isn't exactly what I'd call free-

Gov't's are supposed to "promote the general Welfare"- not dictate it.
A law proposed in Missouri would require everyone between the age of 18 and 35 who can legally possess a firearm to own an AR-15 and gives them one year to buy it.

Proposed Missouri Law Would Force Every Adult Resident to Buy an AR-15

So....what do you all think of this move?

You read it incorrectly. It doesn't say that they would be required to own one. It says that they would be allowed to own one. It's a grandstand that changes nothing in the Missouri law. But it wouldn't change a thing if a City were to limit or regulate the AR-15.

HB 1108

It's only one paragraph right now and it's not being even added to. It's not even being close to a bill. It's more a joke than not. Yuppers, you be a party of the rump alright.
A law proposed in Missouri would require everyone between the age of 18 and 35 who can legally possess a firearm to own an AR-15 and gives them one year to buy it.

Proposed Missouri Law Would Force Every Adult Resident to Buy an AR-15

So....what do you all think of this move?

You read it incorrectly. It doesn't say that they would be required to own one. It says that they would be allowed to own one. It's a grandstand that changes nothing in the Missouri law. But it wouldn't change a thing if a City were to limit or regulate the AR-15.

HB 1108

It's only one paragraph right now and it's not being even added to. It's not even being close to a bill. It's more a joke than not. Yuppers, you be a party of the rump alright.
Establishes the "McDaniel Militia Act," which requires every person between 18 and 35 years of age who can legally possess a firearm to own an AR-15 and authorizes a tax credit for a purchase of an AR-15.

and authorizes a tax credit for a purchase of an AR-15.
How is it supplied? In Texas we have a Tax Free holiday just prior to school where no sales tax is applied to certain items- Does Mo. have a State Income Tax? We don't- not yet anyway-
A law proposed in Missouri would require everyone between the age of 18 and 35 who can legally possess a firearm to own an AR-15 and gives them one year to buy it.

Proposed Missouri Law Would Force Every Adult Resident to Buy an AR-15

So....what do you all think of this move?

Since neither bill, discussed in the article, has advanced further than the initial submission, what's your point?


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