Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg to stop seeking prison in some cases

NYC to abolish most prison sentences​

That's great news. From the courthouse to the electric chair, 20 minutes max.

Their crime rate will plummet.
Does Bragg receive armed police protection for himself and his family?

do they live in a gated community and his children attend a secure private school?

A car and armed driver for him wherever he goes?

If so then he will be isolated from the criminals he puts on the street
Does Bragg receive armed police protection for himself and his family?

do they live in a gated community and his children attend a secure private school?

A car and armed driver for him wherever he goes?

If so then he will be isolated from the criminals he puts on the street
And that's the thread.
QUEENS DA Katz had a very tough battle against a self-proclaimed “queer Latina” public defender who essentially ran a campaign AS a public defender. She came damn close to winning. I foresee big electoral problems down the road for the incumbent based on the promises she made as the DA candidate versus her performance as the Boro’s Prosecutor.

She wasn’t going to seek bail! Guess what? She has her assistants regularly seek bail. This will be used against her if she runs again.

That was before crime really started spiking and people really started seeing a difference. Everyone was still cowering in their houses.

Just wait till the start commuting to Manhattan and see what Bragg is going to unleash.
It could get ugly. Uglier.

It will. the failing of all these policies is the assumption by progressives that criminals are just like they are because they are disadvantaged.

They ignore the cold reality that some people are just lazy assholes and crime is an easy way to make money and get shit.
Manhattan’s new DA has ordered his prosecutors to stop seeking prison sentences for hordes of criminals and to downgrade felony charges in cases including armed robberies and drug dealing, according to a set of progressive policies made public Tuesday.

Holy fucking shit.
Is it unrealistic to think that as the basic public safety and security services are reduced, criminality will increase and most of our big cities will continue to go in a downward spiral. And IMHO as long as they remain in democratic hands things are not going to improve. There won't be enough jobs cuz businesses will leave, and crime will expand as basic services are defunded or reduced. Those who can leave will go elsewhere, which leaves the people who don't have the means to go anywhere. If you think our big cities are shit-holes now, wait for another 10-20 years and take another look.
Old: If you can’t do the time, don’t do the crime.

New: If you can’t do the time, Alvin Bragg will be there for you.

That much just became clear, as the newly minted Manhattan DA issued marching orders to his hundreds of assistants and support staff.

“Let’s do our very best to keep people out of jail, kids. And let’s really, really not sweat the small stuff.”

OK, Bragg didn’t actually say that — but it pretty faithfully paraphrases the guts of a staff memo Bragg issued Monday, the first business day of his four-year term.

Specifically, Bragg says his office “will not seek a carceral sentence” for anything short of murder or deadly assault (“carceral” being progressive double-speak for prison). Also, he says minor crime won’t be prosecuted at all.

In other words, jail is to be reserved for ax-murderers and their ilk; armed robbers and heavyweight drug-dealers are to be minimally inconvenienced — and just forget about the quality-of-life law enforcement that was the beating heart of the Giuliani-era rescue of New York City decades ago.

Victims? Let ’em hunker down and hope for the best. No place for them in Manhattan any more.

Soros’ biggest coup yet

And Mayor Adams can just forget about his oft-promised crackdown on the city’s dangerously rising crime rates — because there is no point in picking up criminals if you have no place to put them down.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Victims? Let ’em hunker down and hope for the best.
But if the victim shoots or grapples with someone and hits them they will be prosecuted for violation of the civil rights or privilege of the criminal.
Hands off like the employees watching high cost items being stolen by laughing thugs with huge trash bags going out the store doors.

The woman in white is guilty?
If the Sackler family doesn't have to spend time behind bars, no drug dealers should have to.
So......anti-gun extremists...explain this guy to us....

Manhattan’s new DA has ordered his prosecutors to stop seeking prison sentences for hordes of criminals and to downgrade felony charges in cases including armed robberies and drug dealing, according to a set of progressive policies made public Tuesday.

In his first memo to staff on Monday, Alvin Bragg said his office “will not seek a carceral sentence” except with homicides and a handful of other cases, including domestic violence felonies, some sex crimes and public corruption.

In cases where prosecutors do seek to put a convict behind bars, the request can be for no more than 20 years for a determinate sentence, meaning one that can’t be reviewed or changed by a parole board.

“The Office shall not seek a sentence of life without parole,” the memo states.

Bragg’s memo also detailed the following instructions for prosecutors to reduce charges filed by cops in various cases:

      • Armed robbers who use guns or other deadly weapons to stick up stores and other businesses will be prosecuted only for petty larceny, a misdemeanor, provided no victims were seriously injured and there’s no “genuine risk of physical harm” to anyone.
      • Convicted criminals caught with weapons other than guns will have those felony charges downgraded to misdemeanors unless they’re also charged with more serious offenses.
Another look at this democrat party policy of releasing and refusing to jail violent criminals...

Bragg sent out a lengthy memo to all of the prosecutors under his office, issuing instructions that run almost 100% in defiance of the new mayor’s agenda. Prosecutors will be forbidden to seek jail terms for convicts in nearly all cases. In fact, to wind up behind bars at all, you’re probably going to have to literally kill someone or commit one of a handful of other extremely violent crimes. Oh, and almost nobody will be required to post bail. (NY Post)

If Bragg is left in charge and is allowed to have his way, a great deal of Adams’ promised reforms will suddenly be entirely gutted. He can refund and rebuild the NYPD (as he has promised to do), restoring the major crimes units and all the rest. And the police can track down and arrest as many gang bangers as they are able to catch. But if Bragg just simply flushes almost all of them right back out onto the streets, what difference will any of it make? This guy looks like he’s aiming to be an east coast version of Chesa Boudin, placing his community in danger in the name of “social justice.” Boudin is currently facing recall. Perhaps the New Yorkers who elected Alvin Bragg should take a page from that playbook and get rid of this guy before he can gut New York City’s goal of staging a comeback.

I wonder if Geo. Soros has his fingerprints on this?
1. Crime. Arson. Riots. Anarcho-terrorism.

NYC is the latests to install a pro-crime Democrat.

"New Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg won't pursue fare beating, resisting arrest, other misdemeanors without accompanying felony charges. ... In prostitution cases, sex traffickers and pimps can still be charged, Bragg said.21 hours ago

New Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg won't pursue fare beating ... › manhattan-da-alvin-bragg-won..

Alvin Bragg, a former federal prosecutor sworn to office Jan. 1 as Manhattan’s first Black DA, told his staff not to bother with many cases of fare beating, resisting arrest and other nonviolent crimes — a move toward fulfilling his campaign promise of criminal justice reform.

One of the truly 'great' Liberal ideas is to pay homage to felons, and allow criminals to loot store.....but only up to about $1,000 Daily News-,New Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg won't pursue fare beating,misdemeanors without accompanying felony charges&text=In prostitution cases, sex traffickers,still be charged, Bragg said. Daily News-,New

2. Riots, arson, anarchism, assaults, lawlessness rewarded, neither lives nor property safe.....under Democrat governance.
One wonders why citizens pay taxes, and what they expect from government, when the above is the norm from Democrats officials.

3. Raleigh Police Chief Cassandra Deck-Brown has a particularly "odd" view of policing.
She isn't inclined to do it.

At 14:30 “I will not put an officer in harms way to protect the property….”

4. Chesa Boudin, the new DA elected by San Francisco:

Responding to the ACLU questionnaire published in the San Francisco Chronicle before the election, Boudin said: "We will not prosecute cases involving quality-of-life crimes. Crimes such as public camping, offering or soliciting sex, public urination, blocking a sidewalk, etc., should not and will not be prosecuted."
San Francisco's new DA will not prosecute prostitution, public urination cases: "We must think differently"

This is what Democrats believe is the sort of city you should live in.

"Should All Thefts Be Prosecuted? Dallas County’s District Attorney Says No
An initiative by John Creuzot is stopping prosecutions for theft of personal items worth less than $750."
Should All Thefts Be Prosecuted? Dallas County’s District Attorney Says No | Houston Public Media

We no longer need psychiatriats......

Just ask any individual which party they voted for and we have proof of insanity.
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