Manhattan police arrest driver who defended herself from BLM protestors who were pounding on her car

Reporting on a Black Lives Matter protest from earlier today that took place in Manhattan, NBC News reported:

“According to two law enforcement sources, protesters surrounded the driver’s car, while tapping and pounding on it. Panicked, the woman apparently drove forward to get away, striking the protesters in the process, police said.”

The protestors attacked the driver.

Then the driver defended herself.

So why did the police arrest the driver, instead of the people who attacked her?

Source: Car Plows Into Manhattan Protest, Striking Six People
So she drove her car into them first. She should be charged with assault, for sure.

She should send those assholes a bill for the damage to her car.
No, she should have turned her vehicle around and gone another way. Or, if it wasn't an option to go another way, talk to them. Instead she drove her car into them. Not cool, lady.

No, didn't your mommy teach you to not play in the road?
She also didn't teach me to run over kids in the road. Or adults. I guess our mommies were different.

Pound on my car.... you'll be road kill, kid
Drive your car into me... and I will pound on you. I am sure you would do the same.

I'd just shoot your dumb ass. Concealed carry ya know

Now shutup
Reporting on a Black Lives Matter protest from earlier today that took place in Manhattan, NBC News reported:

“According to two law enforcement sources, protesters surrounded the driver’s car, while tapping and pounding on it. Panicked, the woman apparently drove forward to get away, striking the protesters in the process, police said.”

The protestors attacked the driver.

Then the driver defended herself.

So why did the police arrest the driver, instead of the people who attacked her?

Source: Car Plows Into Manhattan Protest, Striking Six People
So she drove her car into them first. She should be charged with assault, for sure.

She should send those assholes a bill for the damage to her car.
No, she should have turned her vehicle around and gone another way. Or, if it wasn't an option to go another way, talk to them. Instead she drove her car into them. Not cool, lady.

No, didn't your mommy teach you to not play in the road?
She also didn't teach me to run over kids in the road. Or adults. I guess our mommies were different.

Pound on my car.... you'll be road kill, kid
Drive your car into me... and I will pound on you. I am sure you would do the same.

I'd just shoot your dumb ass. Concealed carry ya know

Now shutup
If you ran your car into me, you would definitely get shot first. And I would walk free. Look at what you are condoning. You think we should drive our cars into people? I don't believe you really think that. I think you are being strident.
Reporting on a Black Lives Matter protest from earlier today that took place in Manhattan, NBC News reported:

“According to two law enforcement sources, protesters surrounded the driver’s car, while tapping and pounding on it. Panicked, the woman apparently drove forward to get away, striking the protesters in the process, police said.”

The protestors attacked the driver.

Then the driver defended herself.

So why did the police arrest the driver, instead of the people who attacked her?

Source: Car Plows Into Manhattan Protest, Striking Six People
So she drove her car into them first. She should be charged with assault, for sure.
If a mob surrounds your car and starts pounding on it, what would you do? Call a cop? LOL good luck.
Drive your car into me... and I will pound on you. I am sure you would do the same.

I agree. Mobs of people must be permitted to erect roadblocks and stop the free movement of citizens in order to make demands from them! Anyone who says otherwise is a Nazi!
Yes, they should, at times. That is exactly right. You accidentally ran headfirst into the most ethical and moral position, via stunted-thought sarcasm. Absolutely, if people are blocking the street,. let the police handle it. No, you do not suddenly have the right not to yield the right of way to people. You do not and should not have the right to push your vehicle through them. Yes, that goes for MAGAt ralliers, too.
Reporting on a Black Lives Matter protest from earlier today that took place in Manhattan, NBC News reported:

“According to two law enforcement sources, protesters surrounded the driver’s car, while tapping and pounding on it. Panicked, the woman apparently drove forward to get away, striking the protesters in the process, police said.”

The protestors attacked the driver.

Then the driver defended herself.

So why did the police arrest the driver, instead of the people who attacked her?

Source: Car Plows Into Manhattan Protest, Striking Six People
So she drove her car into them first. She should be charged with assault, for sure.

Nope.. Bad public policy on protests. Police THOUGHT they had traffic secure, but the protest was holding all other citizens hostage in the area.. She was PARKED in the protest zone..

Sorry dude.. But when the city doesn't care about permitting protests anymore and WARNING residents that their freedom to move is UNAVAILBLE in advance -- shit like this is on "the city"..

You can't impromptu ad hoc hold sections of citizens hostage to your protest whims.. They got to pick up family. Go to doctor's appt and to work.. Sorry again -- but that's how CIVILIZED people want to live...
No, just call the police, if you are too scared even to talk to the protestors.

Hilarious. So you support mobs detaining people and requiring their victims to "talk" to them while the police in the Democratic shithole decline to intervene. Meanwhile, you and guys like you accuse the rest of us of being "Nazis", etc.,. Amazing.

I live in Florida and if someone tries that here, a citizen has the RIGHT to run the mob over in order to escape, as it should be.
She was PARKED in the protest zone..
I don't care if she was parked on a diamond encrusted silver platter levitating 4 feet above the ground. At no time, anywhere, does any citizen have any right whatsoever to run their car though any people, just to get where they are going. Nowhere, ever. I will always stand by that.

When does one group get a golden Charlie/Chocolate Factory ticket to hold a whole neighborhood hostage? What dept of city govt can grant that request? And why do the police allow ad hoc UNPERMITTED spontaneous, hostage taking protests?

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