Manhunt On for Road Rage Shooter

So a pair of rude hoodlums who each tried to cut in front of traffic, creating a bottleneck and stealing time from motorists behind them, settled their falling-out through darwinism with the one with the gun winning.
That is the fault of a gun, how? Shouldn't it be the fault of the cars and the road merge design, too?

Link / quote to anywhere anyone suggested "it's the fault of the gun"?

What's the first word in the title here Einstein?

A gun cannot initiate an action and therefore cannot be "at fault". Nor can it "win" for the same reason. What "won" here is the gun culture. Again --- the idea that "I can get to this ramp one car faster by shooting at that car".

Why is this sailing over your tiny little head?

Why are you continuing to backpedal on the fact that you politicized this incident with a gun control reference?

Are every one of you fucking people completely illiterate?

I made no mention of "gun control". Anywhere. Prove me wrong.
You illiterati have to quit blaming the writer for your own failure of reading comprehension.
France requires a psychological evaluation prior to getting a firearms license and it is regularly renewed. Not a bad idea.

France doesn't have a Constitution guaranteeing a right to bear arms.
The Constitution doesn't specify that domestic abusers cannot own a gun, yet we have that law. We can require a psychological evaluation if we want to.
France requires a psychological evaluation prior to getting a firearms license and it is regularly renewed. Not a bad idea.

France doesn't have a Constitution guaranteeing a right to bear arms.
The Constitution doesn't specify that domestic abusers cannot own a gun, yet we have that law. We can require a psychological evaluation if we want to.

The Constitution doesn't declare a right to bear arms as long as the federal government deems you competent after passing a test and I guarantee you such an attempt by any state or the federal government to implement such a requirement would be shot down in flames by the courts. Not even the Ninth Circus would be so bold to enforce something like that.
I agree, Pogo, that the culture of "I'll fix this problem by shooting at it" covers most bases. I'm not sure how we begin to do that without curtailing the guns themselves, though. NOT having the gun will FORCE people to chose an alternate route. Won't it? Then the education on alternate problem solving comes in.

I still don't think that's practical. The fact is if God Herself came down and decreed, "that's it, no more guns will be made, ever", there's still way more than enough to literally arm everybody in the population. I've never believed we can address the gun problem by throwing laws at it. What needs to happen is a change in social values away from a culture of death and violence and its most handy instrument, firearms. To take away the desire. Which you can never do entirely of course but you can at least shift to a culture where the idea of shooting one's way into traffic (or shooting one's loud noises away, or shooting one's unfaithful spouse, etc) becomes more unthinkable.

If you think about it we did this with cigarette smoking. It's gone way down compared to say 50-75 years ago. Not because we threw laws at it but because we made it "uncool". We took it off our fetish list. It shifted from a mandatory social function to an annoying one.

It's beyond my imagination that there could exist the wags already chiming in here who want this societal illness to continue. That's just bizarro.
Are every one of you fucking people completely illiterate?

If every one of us are pointing this out to you, perhaps the issue isn't with us.

Then go ahead and SHOW ME A QUOTE. Where is it?

As I said -- basic reading comprehension. A lot of y'all have no interest in reading what's actually posted but would rather just plug in your own ass-umptions.

FIX that.
So a pair of rude hoodlums who each tried to cut in front of traffic, creating a bottleneck and stealing time from motorists behind them, settled their falling-out through darwinism with the one with the gun winning.
That is the fault of a gun, how? Shouldn't it be the fault of the cars and the road merge design, too?

Link / quote to anywhere anyone suggested "it's the fault of the gun"?

What's the first word in the title here Einstein?

A gun cannot initiate an action and therefore cannot be "at fault". Nor can it "win" for the same reason. What "won" here is the gun culture. Again --- the idea that "I can get to this ramp one car faster by shooting at that car".

Why is this sailing over your tiny little head?

Why are you continuing to backpedal on the fact that you politicized this incident with a gun control reference?

Are every one of you fucking people completely illiterate?

I made no mention of "gun control". Anywhere. Prove me wrong.
You illiterati have to quit blaming the writer for your own failure of reading comprehension.
You are asking too hard a question. I have no idea how to start what you're saying, even though I agree it's entirely sensible.
And I'm the one muddying your water with gun control threats. Lo siento.
France requires a psychological evaluation prior to getting a firearms license and it is regularly renewed. Not a bad idea.

France doesn't have a Constitution guaranteeing a right to bear arms.
The Constitution doesn't specify that domestic abusers cannot own a gun, yet we have that law. We can require a psychological evaluation if we want to.

The Constitution doesn't declare a right to bear arms as long as the federal government deems you competent after passing a test and I guarantee you such an attempt by any state or the federal government to implement such a requirement would be shot down in flames by the courts. Not even the Ninth Circus would be so bold to enforce something like that.
Well, since most of the mass shootings in the past few years that weren't terror related were performed by mentally unstable people, why not? We give psych evals to people entering the military and law enforcement who will be handling guns. Why not our civilians? Your argument doesn't actually hold water. We DO have laws and restrictions around gun ownership and passing a test showing you are not a violent whack job would probably be one of the more sensible laws.
So a pair of rude hoodlums who each tried to cut in front of traffic, creating a bottleneck and stealing time from motorists behind them, settled their falling-out through darwinism with the one with the gun winning.
That is the fault of a gun, how? Shouldn't it be the fault of the cars and the road merge design, too?

Link / quote to anywhere anyone suggested "it's the fault of the gun"?

What's the first word in the title here Einstein?

A gun cannot initiate an action and therefore cannot be "at fault". Nor can it "win" for the same reason. What "won" here is the gun culture. Again --- the idea that "I can get to this ramp one car faster by shooting at that car".

Why is this sailing over your tiny little head?

Why are you continuing to backpedal on the fact that you politicized this incident with a gun control reference?

Are every one of you fucking people completely illiterate?

I made no mention of "gun control". Anywhere. Prove me wrong.
You illiterati have to quit blaming the writer for your own failure of reading comprehension.
You are asking too hard a question. I have no idea how to start what you're saying, even though I agree it's entirely sensible.
And I'm the one muddying your water with gun control threats. Lo siento.
France requires a psychological evaluation prior to getting a firearms license and it is regularly renewed. Not a bad idea.

France doesn't have a Constitution guaranteeing a right to bear arms.
The Constitution doesn't specify that domestic abusers cannot own a gun, yet we have that law. We can require a psychological evaluation if we want to.

The Constitution doesn't declare a right to bear arms as long as the federal government deems you competent after passing a test and I guarantee you such an attempt by any state or the federal government to implement such a requirement would be shot down in flames by the courts. Not even the Ninth Circus would be so bold to enforce something like that.
Well, since most of the mass shootings in the past few years that weren't terror related were performed by mentally unstable people, why not? We give psych evals to people entering the military and law enforcement who will be handling guns. Why not our civilians? Your argument doesn't actually hold water. We DO have laws and restrictions around gun ownership and passing a test showing you are not a violent whack job would probably be one of the more sensible laws.

As regards mass shootings --- as well as the road rage mentioned here, as well as the football player, as well as Adam Lanza as well as the Webster sniper as well as the Jacksonville loud music shooter -- all of them --- it's also a masculinity issue. Big time.

As I've noted before, without Googling come up with a random list of five mass shootings. Easy, right? Now come up with five committed by females. Aye, there's the rub.

Maybe I need to point out that the line above has nothing to do with "male control laws" and is not "political". Sometimes with the illiterati you need to point out the obvious.
>> It was during the peak of the homebound commute, witnesses said, that they saw a dangerous “cat-and-mouse game” in which two motorists were jockeying for positions on a quarter-mile stretch of highway where two lanes become one.

When it was over, an 18-year-old college-bound Chester County girl was dead, her family and friends were devastated, and a nationwide manhunt had begun for the driver of a faded red pickup who shot and killed Bianca Roberson in what police said was a road rage murder.

“This homicide was completely senseless,” said West Goshen Police Chief Joseph Gleason. “A beautiful young lady of 18 years of age, in the prime of her life, getting ready to go off to college. And for reasons that are incomprehensible to me, the family is now planning her funeral instead of a going-away party for college.”

More than 20 investigators were sorting through hundreds of leads by email and phone from across the country, collecting video clips, and canvassing the streets for clues to what happened on the Route 100 bypass at about 5:30 p.m. Wednesday. Police Capt. Gregory Stone called the incident a “heartless” act unlike any he’d witnessed in his 32-year career.

Police have retrieved and reviewed video footage from PennDot cameras just moments before the shooting, Noone said. Still images can be viewed on the Crime Stoppers webpage.

.... Authorities on Friday announced a $5,000 Crimestoppers reward and urged anyone with information to contact police at 610-696-7400 or [email protected].

“This is going to come down, ladies and gentlemen, to assistance by the public,” Gleason said. “The family deserves this. Society in general deserves this.” << ---

He shot a stranger dead, for the purpose of getting ten feet further ahead on an exit ramp.

But what's important to remember is, "we don't have a gun problem".


No...we don't...we have a criminal problem......we don't lock up violent criminals long enough to keep innocent people safe...

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 15.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%
--gun crime down 75%
--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
>> It was during the peak of the homebound commute, witnesses said, that they saw a dangerous “cat-and-mouse game” in which two motorists were jockeying for positions on a quarter-mile stretch of highway where two lanes become one.

When it was over, an 18-year-old college-bound Chester County girl was dead, her family and friends were devastated, and a nationwide manhunt had begun for the driver of a faded red pickup who shot and killed Bianca Roberson in what police said was a road rage murder.

“This homicide was completely senseless,” said West Goshen Police Chief Joseph Gleason. “A beautiful young lady of 18 years of age, in the prime of her life, getting ready to go off to college. And for reasons that are incomprehensible to me, the family is now planning her funeral instead of a going-away party for college.”

More than 20 investigators were sorting through hundreds of leads by email and phone from across the country, collecting video clips, and canvassing the streets for clues to what happened on the Route 100 bypass at about 5:30 p.m. Wednesday. Police Capt. Gregory Stone called the incident a “heartless” act unlike any he’d witnessed in his 32-year career.

Police have retrieved and reviewed video footage from PennDot cameras just moments before the shooting, Noone said. Still images can be viewed on the Crime Stoppers webpage.

.... Authorities on Friday announced a $5,000 Crimestoppers reward and urged anyone with information to contact police at 610-696-7400 or [email protected].

“This is going to come down, ladies and gentlemen, to assistance by the public,” Gleason said. “The family deserves this. Society in general deserves this.” << ---

He shot a stranger dead, for the purpose of getting ten feet further ahead on an exit ramp.

But what's important to remember is, "we don't have a gun problem".

I never expected you to take a tragedy and make it political.

I don't see any "political" in this story. It's a road rage shooting.

Actually I remember a very similar incident from about 25 years ago on a day I was leaving the city. During the morning rush hour a woman passenger was shot through her window by some driver angry at the car. Mother of three, shot to death, on the road, for being a passenger.

I don't see anything "political" in that. :dunno:

This is a social issue. The whole point here is questioning what our values are that lead people to shoot a total stranger over "me first at the exit ramp". There are no "politicians" even mentioned in this story.

Sometimes ya gotta wonder if people are reading in the same language one writes in....

That is easy...first, catch this guy and check his background...

Then, for the real problem...we need to work on the problem of single teenage girls having multiple children from multiple males and raising them on government welfare....that is where this comes from....
So a pair of rude hoodlums who each tried to cut in front of traffic, creating a bottleneck and stealing time from motorists behind them, settled their falling-out through darwinism with the one with the gun winning.
That is the fault of a gun, how? Shouldn't it be the fault of the cars and the road merge design, too?

Link / quote to anywhere anyone suggested "it's the fault of the gun"?

What's the first word in the title here Einstein?

A gun cannot initiate an action and therefore cannot be "at fault". Nor can it "win" for the same reason. What "won" here is the gun culture. Again --- the idea that "I can get to this ramp one car faster by shooting at that car".

Why is this sailing over your tiny little head?

Why are you continuing to backpedal on the fact that you politicized this incident with a gun control reference?

Are every one of you fucking people completely illiterate?

I made no mention of "gun control". Anywhere. Prove me wrong.
You illiterati have to quit blaming the writer for your own failure of reading comprehension.

---- Anything yet?

How long exactly does it take to re-read an OP?
So a pair of rude hoodlums who each tried to cut in front of traffic, creating a bottleneck and stealing time from motorists behind them, settled their falling-out through darwinism with the one with the gun winning.
That is the fault of a gun, how? Shouldn't it be the fault of the cars and the road merge design, too?

Link / quote to anywhere anyone suggested "it's the fault of the gun"?

What's the first word in the title here Einstein?

A gun cannot initiate an action and therefore cannot be "at fault". Nor can it "win" for the same reason. What "won" here is the gun culture. Again --- the idea that "I can get to this ramp one car faster by shooting at that car".

Why is this sailing over your tiny little head?

Why are you continuing to backpedal on the fact that you politicized this incident with a gun control reference?

Are every one of you fucking people completely illiterate?

I made no mention of "gun control". Anywhere. Prove me wrong.
You illiterati have to quit blaming the writer for your own failure of reading comprehension.
You are asking too hard a question. I have no idea how to start what you're saying, even though I agree it's entirely sensible.
And I'm the one muddying your water with gun control threats. Lo siento.
France requires a psychological evaluation prior to getting a firearms license and it is regularly renewed. Not a bad idea.

France doesn't have a Constitution guaranteeing a right to bear arms.
The Constitution doesn't specify that domestic abusers cannot own a gun, yet we have that law. We can require a psychological evaluation if we want to.

The Constitution doesn't declare a right to bear arms as long as the federal government deems you competent after passing a test and I guarantee you such an attempt by any state or the federal government to implement such a requirement would be shot down in flames by the courts. Not even the Ninth Circus would be so bold to enforce something like that.
Well, since most of the mass shootings in the past few years that weren't terror related were performed by mentally unstable people, why not? We give psych evals to people entering the military and law enforcement who will be handling guns. Why not our civilians? Your argument doesn't actually hold water. We DO have laws and restrictions around gun ownership and passing a test showing you are not a violent whack job would probably be one of the more sensible laws.

Except it is a Right, and you can't block someones access to a Right with psyche tests just because you feel like doing it....
>> It was during the peak of the homebound commute, witnesses said, that they saw a dangerous “cat-and-mouse game” in which two motorists were jockeying for positions on a quarter-mile stretch of highway where two lanes become one.

When it was over, an 18-year-old college-bound Chester County girl was dead, her family and friends were devastated, and a nationwide manhunt had begun for the driver of a faded red pickup who shot and killed Bianca Roberson in what police said was a road rage murder.

“This homicide was completely senseless,” said West Goshen Police Chief Joseph Gleason. “A beautiful young lady of 18 years of age, in the prime of her life, getting ready to go off to college. And for reasons that are incomprehensible to me, the family is now planning her funeral instead of a going-away party for college.”

More than 20 investigators were sorting through hundreds of leads by email and phone from across the country, collecting video clips, and canvassing the streets for clues to what happened on the Route 100 bypass at about 5:30 p.m. Wednesday. Police Capt. Gregory Stone called the incident a “heartless” act unlike any he’d witnessed in his 32-year career.

Police have retrieved and reviewed video footage from PennDot cameras just moments before the shooting, Noone said. Still images can be viewed on the Crime Stoppers webpage.

.... Authorities on Friday announced a $5,000 Crimestoppers reward and urged anyone with information to contact police at 610-696-7400 or [email protected].

“This is going to come down, ladies and gentlemen, to assistance by the public,” Gleason said. “The family deserves this. Society in general deserves this.” << ---

He shot a stranger dead, for the purpose of getting ten feet further ahead on an exit ramp.

But what's important to remember is, "we don't have a gun problem".

I never expected you to take a tragedy and make it political.
The conversation needs to be had. People would like to prevent these tragedies.
Then focus on the problem not the tool.
I am focusing on the tool because without the tool so easily accessible to the majority of the population, this young woman most likely would not be dead. The Bronx hospital shooting yesterday would not have happened. The 25 concert goers shot in Arkansas last night would not have happened. Yes, I agree we need to combat the violent mentality in this country, reteach the value of human life, but taking away the TOOL most easily used to commit these acts of violence against the innocent would sure help.

Yeah...except actual facts and statistics show you are more AMericans own and carry guns, our crime rate went down, not up.....Britain banned and confiscated guns..their gun crime rate went up 42% and their violent crime rates went up 70-90%.....

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 15.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...
-- gun murder down 49%
--gun crime down 75%
--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
That is easy...first, catch this guy and check his background...

As is pointed out in the first two words of the title here that must have whizzed right by, that search IS on. In the moment, he got away, literally got away with murder. For now.

Then, for the real problem...we need to work on the problem of single teenage girls having multiple children from multiple males and raising them on government welfare....that is where this comes from....

Once again for the Illiterati --- there's nothing about this 18-year-old girl having ANY children, let alone "multiple". And once again, simple basic reading comprehension. A lost art.

But good to know where you're coming from. Thanks for self-identifying. And maybe if you take your hood off the point won't fly over your head so far.
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>> It was during the peak of the homebound commute, witnesses said, that they saw a dangerous “cat-and-mouse game” in which two motorists were jockeying for positions on a quarter-mile stretch of highway where two lanes become one.

When it was over, an 18-year-old college-bound Chester County girl was dead, her family and friends were devastated, and a nationwide manhunt had begun for the driver of a faded red pickup who shot and killed Bianca Roberson in what police said was a road rage murder.

“This homicide was completely senseless,” said West Goshen Police Chief Joseph Gleason. “A beautiful young lady of 18 years of age, in the prime of her life, getting ready to go off to college. And for reasons that are incomprehensible to me, the family is now planning her funeral instead of a going-away party for college.”

More than 20 investigators were sorting through hundreds of leads by email and phone from across the country, collecting video clips, and canvassing the streets for clues to what happened on the Route 100 bypass at about 5:30 p.m. Wednesday. Police Capt. Gregory Stone called the incident a “heartless” act unlike any he’d witnessed in his 32-year career.

Police have retrieved and reviewed video footage from PennDot cameras just moments before the shooting, Noone said. Still images can be viewed on the Crime Stoppers webpage.

.... Authorities on Friday announced a $5,000 Crimestoppers reward and urged anyone with information to contact police at 610-696-7400 or [email protected].

“This is going to come down, ladies and gentlemen, to assistance by the public,” Gleason said. “The family deserves this. Society in general deserves this.” << ---

He shot a stranger dead, for the purpose of getting ten feet further ahead on an exit ramp.

But what's important to remember is, "we don't have a gun problem".

I never expected you to take a tragedy and make it political.
The conversation needs to be had. People would like to prevent these tragedies.

If you just banned people then you wouldn't have these problems :smoke:
"Guns are completely safe..." "Guns are inanimate objects..." "People kill people."
Pressure cooker bombs are completely safe, too, until detonated by a person. Doesn't mean we sell them in WalMart. Guns are killing machines. That is their purpose. You can kill a person with a gun driving your car with nary a scratch, and sometimes you don't even get caught. Drive by shootings and this road rage incident are examples. Yes, a person operated the gun. Of course that's how it works and the person is responsible for using that killing machine. Without the gun, the person would have had the messy option of banging up his own truck in order to force her off the road. Drive by knifings? How well do those work? Walking into the Bronx hospital and stabbing six selected ex-coworkers on two floors? I don't think he would have gotten that far.
Harm reduction, Lucy.
Sure murderers will always be with us. They'll be slowed down a lot without guns.

Guns are not killing machines, you are wrong....there are 1,500,000 defensive gun uses in this country, according to bill clinton and barak many resulted in shooting the criminal....235 on average each year....

1,500,000 to 235 justifiable shootings that killed the criminal....

Even if you look at gun murder...we have close to 600 million guns in private many gun murders...9,616 in 2015......and 70-80% of those victims are criminals engaged in crime, not innocent people...

So... 550,000,000 to 9,616

can you see what number is bigger?
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>> It was during the peak of the homebound commute, witnesses said, that they saw a dangerous “cat-and-mouse game” in which two motorists were jockeying for positions on a quarter-mile stretch of highway where two lanes become one.

When it was over, an 18-year-old college-bound Chester County girl was dead, her family and friends were devastated, and a nationwide manhunt had begun for the driver of a faded red pickup who shot and killed Bianca Roberson in what police said was a road rage murder.

“This homicide was completely senseless,” said West Goshen Police Chief Joseph Gleason. “A beautiful young lady of 18 years of age, in the prime of her life, getting ready to go off to college. And for reasons that are incomprehensible to me, the family is now planning her funeral instead of a going-away party for college.”

More than 20 investigators were sorting through hundreds of leads by email and phone from across the country, collecting video clips, and canvassing the streets for clues to what happened on the Route 100 bypass at about 5:30 p.m. Wednesday. Police Capt. Gregory Stone called the incident a “heartless” act unlike any he’d witnessed in his 32-year career.

Police have retrieved and reviewed video footage from PennDot cameras just moments before the shooting, Noone said. Still images can be viewed on the Crime Stoppers webpage.

.... Authorities on Friday announced a $5,000 Crimestoppers reward and urged anyone with information to contact police at 610-696-7400 or [email protected].

“This is going to come down, ladies and gentlemen, to assistance by the public,” Gleason said. “The family deserves this. Society in general deserves this.” << ---

He shot a stranger dead, for the purpose of getting ten feet further ahead on an exit ramp.

But what's important to remember is, "we don't have a gun problem".

I never expected you to take a tragedy and make it political.
The conversation needs to be had. People would like to prevent these tragedies.

If you just banned people then you wouldn't have these problems :smoke:
"Guns are completely safe..." "Guns are inanimate objects..." "People kill people."
Pressure cooker bombs are completely safe, too, until detonated by a person. Doesn't mean we sell them in WalMart. Guns are killing machines. That is their purpose. You can kill a person with a gun driving your car with nary a scratch, and sometimes you don't even get caught. Drive by shootings and this road rage incident are examples. Yes, a person operated the gun. Of course that's how it works and the person is responsible for using that killing machine. Without the gun, the person would have had the messy option of banging up his own truck in order to force her off the road. Drive by knifings? How well do those work? Walking into the Bronx hospital and stabbing six selected ex-coworkers on two floors? I don't think he would have gotten that far.
Harm reduction, Lucy.
Sure murderers will always be with us. They'll be slowed down a lot without guns.

The hospital shooter...with that rifle that you hate...killed on, injured 6.

If he had rented a truck and driven through the parking lot.....he could have killed more people.....the Nice, France killer used a rental truck and killed 89 and injured 400....

Knives kill over 1,500 people every single year.....
France requires a psychological evaluation prior to getting a firearms license and it is regularly renewed. Not a bad idea.

So how did muslim terrorists, on government terrorist watch lists manage to pass those tests...and kill over 125 people ?

And how do French criminals get fully automatic weapons, easily, without passing that test?

Can you explain that?
France requires a psychological evaluation prior to getting a firearms license and it is regularly renewed. Not a bad idea.

The Orlando shooter had 3 separate interviews with trained FBI agents....they also set up an undercover approach to question the guy, and did a 10 month extensive background check....the guy also passed a rigorous background check for his job...and passed background checks for every gun he purchased...

Then he went on to kill 49 people.......

That sure worked out well...

Same thing with the sorority shooter.....he was interviewed by the police...they said he was a nice, polite young man...then he shot up a neighborhood...
That is easy...first, catch this guy and check his background...

As is pointed out in the first two words of the title here that must have whizzed right by, that search IS on. In the moment, he got away, literally got away with murder. For now.

Then, for the real problem...we need to work on the problem of single teenage girls having multiple children from multiple males and raising them on government welfare....that is where this comes from....

Once again for the Illiterati --- there's nothing about this 18-year-old girl having ANY children, let alone "multiple". And once again, simple basic reading comprehension. A lost art.

But good to know where you're coming from. Thanks for self-identifying. And maybe if you take your hood off the point won't fly over your head so far.

You are the one talking race...i didn't even know she was black till I went back after your stupid comment.....asswipe..or is it asshole today?
France requires a psychological evaluation prior to getting a firearms license and it is regularly renewed. Not a bad idea.

Once again Heroin is illegal yet pours across wide open Southern border ( money-maker). Guns would pour across also for the huge profits.

Did this guy have a legal gun? Loaded in car? is that legal?

Why 18 yr. Old girl fight a guy in pickup truck? Hello? Can't win? Back off. Let the nut go.

Why ask about facts...they are on a gun banning fantasy......

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