

Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
Of the "national security" threat- LOL- SMH. This article is 8600 words. Don't hurt yourselves.

[5] There were two waves – the first hit 25 countries on all continents, where medical practitioners confirmed their first domestic infection all within three days of each other. In the second wave, almost exactly one month later, 85 countries confirmed their first domestic infection, again almost all within three days of each other, and all in multiple locations. It shouldn’t be necessary to point out that no natural epidemic can manifest itself this way without human assistance.

A natural virus simply hasn’t the ability to simultaneously infect 85 different countries on all continents of the world, with outbreaks in multiple locations in each country – and all on the same day. Perhaps even more curious is that these countries were not all infected with the same variety of the virus, and each country experienced so many multiple infections in different provinces that none were able to definitively identify all their several ‘patients zero’. Considering the above information in light of the known basic facts of virus transmission, intuition suggests at least the possibility of there having been many people carrying a pail of live viruses. All of this constitutes prima facie evidence of a bio-weapons attack. I wrote an earlier article titled, “COVID-19 Needs a Criminal Investigation“.[6] And it still does.

MY OPINION (pointed out for the intellectually lazy Great Question Mark Avatar)- This is an interesting article with several graphs and CDC *quotes* and the evidence, as well as this author, says there should be a "criminal investigation"- however, that isn't how the State works- think 9/11 or JFK-

Italy detected traces of the virus in wastewater from the summer of 2019, and France, Spain, the Netherlands and other nations have made the same discoveries. I detailed these in a prior article.[8] In Brazil, researchers found COVID-19 samples in wastewater from late 2019. France showed chest scans indicating COVID-19 from early November of 2019. Blood samples in Italy showed the virus present in September. In Spain, researchers found the virus in wastewater collected in March of 2019. The Irish Mirror reported that “many countries are beginning to use wastewater sampling to track the spread of the disease”, scientists claiming these detections were “consistent with evidence emerging in other countries” that COVID-19 was circulating around the world long before China reported its first cases, all of which would of necessity have had to have originated in the US and transported around the world because only the US had all the different types, meaning the virus had been circulating (and mutating) there for months before contaminating the world.

The Italians have “unequivocally” demonstrated the presence of the virus in many individuals from 2019, in frozen medical samples taken during other examinations and now tested for COVID-19. Many of these have resulted from cancer screening, from chest X-rays, and from blood donations. Non-American media have covered these discoveries in some detail[9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16], but while the Chinese and Europeans know, Americans and Canadians don’t know because the owners of their major newspapers and TV networks don’t want them to know.

COVID-19 Un-Explained
If it's a conspiracy it just seems like something from a shitty movie. It's hard for me to believe it would actually happen.
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It's hard for me to believe it would actually happen.
I used to feel that way- not anymore- 9/11 opened my eyes a bit and watching Obama and Romney spout their bullshit opened them further- then I started reading about JFK, and looking at our History and realized we are a fucking joke and standing in the forest we can't see the trees- the constitution is a contract (so it's been said) to help prevent official tyranny (which is what I've said) - yet, here we are living under tyrannical rule and being convinced (by the betters in the MSM) that it's all Trumps fault and that Biden is here to save the day and that idiot has NO track record of saving anything other than his career which is amazing itself that he can get away with it-

But, I digress, the US gov't has given NO reason (throughout it's entire History) to be trusted with carrying out the trash, never mind *leading* anything- and the ONLY reason they're referred to as "leaders" is due to PPE- Piss Poor Education, funded by the very crooks we're supposed to trust-

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