Mansfield Texas High School Shooting

Maybe the media has another goal here. At first I was thinking, black shooter the media will bury this, but it might be intentional. Blacks aren't vaxxing at a high rate, time for demonization. Not like Biden's FBI will find many at school board meetings.
We recognize that when white kids shoot up a place there is something wrong. With black kids, it's normal.
Racism is tarring an entire race with the same brush.

But Americans have become so enraged over their RACE problem that they've lost the ability to understand that all races have good and bad people.

You're not the exception to the rule, you're proof of the endemic racism.
Maybe the media has another goal here. At first I was thinking, black shooter the media will bury this, but it might be intentional. Blacks aren't vaxxing at a high rate, time for demonization. Not like Biden's FBI will find many at school board meetings.
I repeat the same for you: Racism is tarring an entire race with the same brush.

But Americans have become so enraged over their RACE problem that they've lost the ability to understand that all races have good and bad people.

You're not the exception to the rule, you're proof of the endemic racism.
It might have been worse. Because of all the black violence at this racially mixed school, there was a camera in the classroom. A racist camera no doubt.
Is it against the law to carry a handgun in your car? In a door side pocket?
It's definiely against the law in Canada, regardless of skin colour.

Handgun and a jar a weed? It's a felony when drugs are involved with guns.

I hope he hires you as his lawyer. :laughing0301:
Feral humans. Video of fight that led up to the shooting...

No teacher stepped in to stop this obviously bigger kid from wailing away on another kid half his size?

And you'd think the shooter would have been the kid that got beaten up, who looked white, but the report states the shooter was black?

Did the assailant get suspended or something and decide to come back and shoot up the place?
I repeat the same for you: Racism is tarring an entire race with the same brush.

But Americans have become so enraged over their RACE problem that they've lost the ability to understand that all races have good and bad people.

You're not the exception to the rule, you're proof of the endemic racism.
Fuck you foreign jackass. Where was this bullshit concern when folks were labelling others racist because they didn't vote Obama or support him? That term is useless. Now run along.
The police are outside the shooter's home. This is no poor kid. This is a high end neighborhood. Very nice homes. He can't claim the deprived argument.
The motive for the shooting doesn't change the result nor the horrendous nature of the act.
If one shooter who goes on a rampage once every 8's not any worse that a school shooting every day between blacks in Chicago or TX.
You seem to think differently.
Two punks get in a fight and go out to their cars and start shooting up the school. This is acceptable behavior. Pointing it out for what it is seems, to you, to be racism.

National coverage of these shootings is simply an orchestrated attempt by the leftist media to create another mass-shooting. They know what it will cause eventually.....yet they persist on doing it. Studies proved this decades ago.

If they were intent on minimizing mass-shootings they would never cover any of them.....much less the ones between black thuggish punks.
i do agree that the media picks and chooses what to respond to and how - all to fit their narrative.

so - can we agree doing something to fit or advance your own narrative is wrong? or is it only wrong when the other side does it?

right off the bat i was told *I* was the problem because i didn't rush to judgement and cry BLACKS ARE BAD, M'KAY??? yet i fail to understand how i can do that and not stereotype at the same time - something i was saying we do too much of.

these days we use any and all situations to advance our own narrative or prove our own positions "right" LONG BEFORE we know all the facts. then as the facts come out, we dismiss what we were wrong about and amplify what we were right about and wait for the next incident to do it all over again.

so sure. i 100% agree the media is one of the core issues of what is wrong today. yet we follow them religiously it seems for no other reason than to give us something to argue about and again, dismiss what doesn't prove us right, amplify what does.

if you want to talk random gun violence, we can do that. this particular incident seems to be an out of control fight, not the usual premediated, wrote up a bio before i went in to explain how great my cause was, then went on a killing spree.

the anti gun crowd will say I TOLD YOU SO the pro gun crowd will say CRIMINALS ALWAYS HAVE GUNS and we stop there because anything outside of that requires thought and honest thought first requires us to not put a horse in the race.
We recognize that when white kids shoot up a place there is something wrong. With black kids, it's normal.
i'd say it's wrong too. albeit or different reasons for the shootings, it's still wrong. but i also agree it's hard to overlook places like chicago where gangs can get in a gun fight and the DA simply says something to the effect "well it was a fair fight, we're not going to prosecute".

which to me is bullshit and opens the door wide to another "fair fight" where far too many innocent children take a bullet for a rage not their own.
How can we blame this on Governor Abbott?There has to be a way.

Well, Governor Fappit has signed the most lax gun laws in the country. And every time we think he can’t do anything more, he one-ups himself.

What’s next? State issued firearms and mandatory packing for all children from middle school on up? :rolleyes-41:
so once again, we stereotype and say stereotypes are right.

ok, all white people are racist. you good with that or was THAT stereotype wrong?
Say all the other sayings you want and whine about stereotypes til you are blue in the face, I could care less. My point was that you Dims always jump to conclusions and never wait for all the facts, which is not a stereotype it is a fact. You were led to that stream by your Muslim in Chief years ago.
Well, Governor Fappit has signed the most lax gun laws in the country. And every time we think he can’t do anything more, he one-ups himself.

What’s next? State issued firearms and mandatory packing for all children from middle school on up? :rolleyes-41:
Are you claiming the gun was legally purchased or that your gun grabbing fantasy laws could have prevented this?
Say all the other sayings you want and whine about stereotypes til you are blue in the face, I could care less. My point was that you Dims always jump to conclusions and never wait for all the facts, which is not a stereotype it is a fact. You were led to that stream by your Muslim in Chief years ago.
shall i count the times conservatives jumped to conclusions or do they not count because they don't fit your narrative?

my brother is a very strong democrat. i seldom see him just to conclusions. i know many liberal people who also don't do that.

so your "always" is nothing more than you refusing to think and putting a loose categorization on others so you don't have to. (think that is)

and i am absolutely no fan of obama. he was the one in my mind that started the attacks against police and the racial division we see today. but hey - you jumped to conclusions, didn't you?

you must be a DIM.
Maybe the media has another goal here. At first I was thinking, black shooter the media will bury this, but it might be intentional. Blacks aren't vaxxing at a high rate, time for demonization. Not like Biden's FBI will find many at school board meetings.
Blacks have caught up to everyone else in vax percentages. That news was two weeks ago. You really should try to keep up.

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