Mansfield Texas High School Shooting

Wanna place bets? Your naĆÆvetĆ© is a big part of the problem. Decades. DECADES and no change.
Youā€™re part of the problem.
great. stereotype me now vs. getting to know my views.

what *is* the actual problem then, oh wise one? please give me a war and peace dissertation that i will not see cause you're going to ignore.
great. stereotype me now vs. getting to know my views.

what *is* the actual problem then, oh wise one? please give me a war and peace dissertation that i will not see cause you're going to ignore.
Iā€™m surrounded by insulated people like you. Youā€™re either black and in denial or a white living in an insulated whiteville.
I live in the ā€˜hood. Iā€™ve watched fatherlessness destroy our schools and jack up crime for decades. In spite of the fact that our black locale has a median income 30% higher than the national average.
Americaā€™s wealthiest ghetto.
Itā€™s sad, but we all know the double standard in coverage.. because if this were to be treated like other white school shootings, the media would be askingā€¦

1. what is wrong with black culture that caused this
2. Since itā€™s 90+% likely heā€™s of leftist/democrat opinion, why is this ideology causing this violence
3. How much is BLM to blame for this
4. How much is Joe Biden to blame for this

of course, we all know the media wonā€™t ask these questions, but they do when itā€™s a perceived far right shooter

id wonder which democrat would focus on this to attack guns first, and how many hours it would take for them to do so.. but since this is a black shooter, Iā€™m guessing theyā€™ll ignore this, or just give a vague ā€œitā€™s sadā€ line, or blame white supremacy
Iā€™m surrounded by insulated people like you. Youā€™re either black and in denial or a white living in an insulated whiteville.
I live in the ā€˜hood. Iā€™ve watched fatherlessness destroy our schools and jack up crime for decades. In spite of the fact that our black locale has a median income 30% higher than the national average.
Americaā€™s wealthiest ghetto.

Over 70% of black children in America are raised in fatherless homes......this has destroyed our inner cities....just as the democrats hoped it would...
yet most high school shooters are white kids.

we need to stop stereotyping people and start dealing with issues, not perception.
Many if not most school shooters are minorities. Many are black, Native-American, Muslim, Hispanic, or Asian....and many are immigrants. They never cover it when the perps are female. The worst shooting was done by Seung-Hui Cho, a South Korean.

The only ones that the media likes to cover are the white perps that fit their agenda.

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And leave it to a right wing cuck like yourself to immediately inject goofy shit into something that has nothing to do with what your bitch ass is talking about....

But to stick to your goofy ass line of reasoning...why didn't natural immunity stop this?
Yeah, you NEVER do sarcastic humor. You tell 'em Biffy
Likely gang shooting....fits the M.O. rather than an actual mass public shooting.....

Even if caught, a democrat prosecutor will let them off with home confinement...
I heard bullets fired in both gang shootings and general mass shootings are the kind of bullets that kill innocent people..

But somehow, I assume it is worse when a darkie does the shooting...
I heard bullets fired in both gang shootings and general mass shootings are the kind of bullets that kill innocent people..

But somehow, I assume it is worse when a darkie does the shooting...
Just the opposite. The MSM considers black bullets to cause only collateral damage....but white bullets must not be tolerated at all costs.
Most school shooters are minorities. Many are black, Native-American, Muslim, Hispanic, or Asian....and many are immigrants. They never cover it when the perps are female.

The only ones that the media likes to cover are the white perps that fit their agenda.

Thatā€™s goofy dude. Many if not most of worst school shootings were white perps. Newtown, Sandy Hook, Parkland and Columbine to name just a few.

Female mass shooters? Name one that the media didnā€™t cover. :rolleyes:
Oh God! How awful! You see, it's like I always say, if everyone had a gun it never would have happened! :flameth::Boom2:
Not true....clearly allowing good folks to carry would reduce the body count.
Course you must think that making sure that 10 round mags or larger are illegal will save one person......the same with turning a six-shooter into a five-shooter.
The problem is the left refuses to allow armed guards into our schools....or allow teachers to have a gun to protect students.
Mass public shooters tend to be white....gang shootings tend to be black and hispanic.......

this sounds more like a gang shooting....

I just turned on the news and they had videos of Moms in an absolute panic and hadnā€™t heard from their kids. I canā€™t even imagine what theyā€™re feeling.

Have not heard anything about a black male.

Do you really think they'd tell you that the shooter was a "black male"? :laughing0301:

You're better off getting your news right from the source...

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Not true....clearly allowing good folks to carry would reduce the body count.
Course you must think that making sure that 10 round mags or larger are illegal will save one person......the same with turning a six-shooter into a five-shooter.
The problem is the left refuses to allow armed guards into our schools....or allow teachers to have a gun to protect students.
Everyone should have a gun! Shoot! Shoot! Shoot everything that moves!
:Boom2: :flameth:
Itā€™s sad, but we all know the double standard in coverage.. because if this were to be treated like other white school shootings, the media would be askingā€¦

1. what is wrong with black culture that caused this
2. Since itā€™s 90+% likely heā€™s of leftist/democrat opinion, why is this ideology causing this violence
3. How much is BLM to blame for this
4. How much is Joe Biden to blame for this

of course, we all know the media wonā€™t ask these questions, but they do when itā€™s a perceived far right shooter

id wonder which democrat would focus on this to attack guns first, and how many hours it would take for them to do so.. but since this is a black shooter, Iā€™m guessing theyā€™ll ignore this, or just give a vague ā€œitā€™s sadā€ line, or blame white supremacy
1. How you know "black culture" has anything to do with it?

2. Why is that likely. This is a highschool. What's likely is the do 't even vote or care about party pitch.

4. What BLM have to do with it? School shootings and altercations involving guns long preceded BLM.

5. How?
Everyone should have a gun! Shoot! Shoot! Shoot everything that moves!
:Boom2: :flameth:

Except for criminals...those who feel the need to own and carry a gun should.......I support as much training as possible.......but that should not be a prerequisite for exercising the Right to own and carry a gun.

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