Manufactured Racism by Blacks

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I have to laugh at this. It's so stupid. This one black person does this and now racism by whites is made up.

Hahaha....and at the same time for you - made up racism doesn't exist.

You mad bro?


What do I have to be mad about? I know racism isn't made up.

Yeah, and manufactured racism isn't made up either.
Perceived racism, and its companion victimization, does 1000 times more damage than actual racism does today.
It's isn't even close.
Just some months ago, the NAACP issued a travel warning to blacks about driving in Missouri. If they didn't have sh1t for brains, they' be embarrassed at how stupid they're acting... except colored people calls for a boycott will yield loot from American Airlines. F1cking shi1t-skinned shakedown thieves.
NAACP looked super stupid with that!
blacks murder over EIGHT blacks every DAY
how about a warning to stay away from blacks??

Whites do the same thing. Murder has nothing to do with this issue.
blacks murder other blacks at over SEVEN TIMES the rate of whites who murder mostly whites --and they caution against whites???????!!! :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
so the rate that blacks murder blacks vs whites murdering blacks is even more higher !!!!!!

In the 2015 UCR, we see that whites were arrested for 3,908 murders. Blacks 4,347. That's not 7 times anything. That's whites getting arrested 439 fewer times than backs for murder.

You just failed third grade math.

Well actually it isn't.
I have to laugh at this. It's so stupid. This one black person does this and now racism by whites is made up.

Hahaha....and at the same time for you - made up racism doesn't exist.

You mad bro?


What do I have to be mad about? I know racism isn't made up.

Yeah, and manufactured racism isn't made up either.
Perceived racism, and its companion victimization, does 1000 times more damage than actual racism does today.
It's isn't even close.

Like white victimization and reverse racism?
Just some months ago, the NAACP issued a travel warning to blacks about driving in Missouri. If they didn't have sh1t for brains, they' be embarrassed at how stupid they're acting... except colored people calls for a boycott will yield loot from American Airlines. F1cking shi1t-skinned shakedown thieves.
NAACP looked super stupid with that!
blacks murder over EIGHT blacks every DAY
how about a warning to stay away from blacks??

Whites do the same thing. Murder has nothing to do with this issue.
blacks murder other blacks at over SEVEN TIMES the rate of whites who murder mostly whites --and they caution against whites???????!!! :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
so the rate that blacks murder blacks vs whites murdering blacks is even more higher !!!!!!

Not so.
Not So ???? You're Joking Right ???? Bitch I ain't white but the numbers don't lie ... put up or shut up

No the numbers don't lie and you got shown the numbers.

Table 43
NAACP looked super stupid with that!
blacks murder over EIGHT blacks every DAY
how about a warning to stay away from blacks??

Whites do the same thing. Murder has nothing to do with this issue.
blacks murder other blacks at over SEVEN TIMES the rate of whites who murder mostly whites --and they caution against whites???????!!! :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
so the rate that blacks murder blacks vs whites murdering blacks is even more higher !!!!!!

In the 2015 UCR, we see that whites were arrested for 3,908 murders. Blacks 4,347. That's not 7 times anything. That's whites getting arrested 439 fewer times than backs for murder.

You just failed third grade math.

Well actually it isn't.

My child was doing proportions last year. She got it. You fail to do so.

I would be embarrassed for you, if I thought you were really this stupid.

But, imo, you are just being willfully obtuse for political reasons.
Whites do the same thing. Murder has nothing to do with this issue.
blacks murder other blacks at over SEVEN TIMES the rate of whites who murder mostly whites --and they caution against whites???????!!! :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
so the rate that blacks murder blacks vs whites murdering blacks is even more higher !!!!!!

In the 2015 UCR, we see that whites were arrested for 3,908 murders. Blacks 4,347. That's not 7 times anything. That's whites getting arrested 439 fewer times than backs for murder.

You just failed third grade math.

Well actually it isn't.

My child was doing proportions last year. She got it. You fail to do so.

I would be embarrassed for you, if I thought you were really this stupid.

But, imo, you are just being willfully obtuse for political reasons.

No. This person IS that stupid. It claims to have a Master's degree in Sociology but cannot do simple mathematics, whereas high level statistics would be required in that discipline.
blacks murder other blacks at over SEVEN TIMES the rate of whites who murder mostly whites --and they caution against whites???????!!! :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
so the rate that blacks murder blacks vs whites murdering blacks is even more higher !!!!!!

In the 2015 UCR, we see that whites were arrested for 3,908 murders. Blacks 4,347. That's not 7 times anything. That's whites getting arrested 439 fewer times than backs for murder.

You just failed third grade math.

Well actually it isn't.

My child was doing proportions last year. She got it. You fail to do so.

I would be embarrassed for you, if I thought you were really this stupid.

But, imo, you are just being willfully obtuse for political reasons.

No. This person IS that stupid. It claims to have a Master's degree in Sociology but cannot do simple mathematics, whereas high level statistics would be required in that discipline.

You could be right. It certainly has been consistent in being numerically illiterate.
racists everywhere..racism everywhere
there's a story about it almost everyday
U.S. black rights group warns travelers off American Airlines

Just some months ago, the NAACP issued a travel warning to blacks about driving in Missouri. If they didn't have sh1t for brains, they' be embarrassed at how stupid they're acting... except colored people calls for a boycott will yield loot from American Airlines. F1cking shi1t-skinned shakedown thieves.
NAACP looked super stupid with that!
blacks murder over EIGHT blacks every DAY
how about a warning to stay away from blacks??

Whites do the same thing. Murder has nothing to do with this issue.
blacks murder other blacks at over SEVEN TIMES the rate of whites who murder mostly whites --and they caution against whites???????!!! :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
so the rate that blacks murder blacks vs whites murdering blacks is even more higher !!!!!!

In the 2015 UCR, we see that whites were arrested for 3,908 murders. Blacks 4,347. That's not 7 times anything. That's whites getting arrested 439 fewer times than backs for murder.
murder 2013:
'''The offending rate for African Americans was almost 8 times higher than whites, and the victim rate 6 times higher..'''
Race and crime in the United States - Wikipedia

murder 2015:
'''When the race of the offender was known, 53.3 percent were Black or African American, 44.0 percent were White, and 2.7 percent were of other races. The race was unknown for 4,787 offenders'''
Expanded Homicide
black population about 12.6%
white population about 67%
you appear to have failed math--as stated before
or--you don't want/can't believe the truth
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More manufactured racism! A black student spray painted "KKK "and "Nigg@r" all over the school. What the fuck is wrong with these clowns? Black Lives Matter!! Hands Up Don't Shoot!! and hundreds of others like this. All based on lies......

Apparently when they can't find any "real" racism, they go out and and create it!

Police have charged a former Eastern Michigan University student over three incidents of vandalism that targeted African-Americans, including the spray-painting of ‘KKK’ and ‘n*gger,’ and the command to “leave” the school.


On Tuesday, the university was shaken when police announced the suspect was Eddie Curlin, an African-American. A preliminary hearing is set for November 9.

“To know that it was a person of color is hurtful,” Jaiquae Rodwell told the Eastern Echo, the university newspaper. “As a black student, to know that another black person is using the N-word in a negative way is embarrassing.”

Curlin was arraigned on three counts of malicious destruction of property, four counts of identity theft, and one count of using a computer to commit a crime, all related to vandalism incidents that took place on the Eastern Michigan University campus in the fall of 2016.

Give the guy a break. He was just trying to be a good Conservative.
More manufactured racism! A black student spray painted "KKK "and "Nigg@r" all over the school. What the fuck is wrong with these clowns? Black Lives Matter!! Hands Up Don't Shoot!! and hundreds of others like this. All based on lies......

Apparently when they can't find any "real" racism, they go out and and create it!

Police have charged a former Eastern Michigan University student over three incidents of vandalism that targeted African-Americans, including the spray-painting of ‘KKK’ and ‘n*gger,’ and the command to “leave” the school.


On Tuesday, the university was shaken when police announced the suspect was Eddie Curlin, an African-American. A preliminary hearing is set for November 9.

“To know that it was a person of color is hurtful,” Jaiquae Rodwell told the Eastern Echo, the university newspaper. “As a black student, to know that another black person is using the N-word in a negative way is embarrassing.”

Curlin was arraigned on three counts of malicious destruction of property, four counts of identity theft, and one count of using a computer to commit a crime, all related to vandalism incidents that took place on the Eastern Michigan University campus in the fall of 2016.

Give the guy a break. He was just trying to be a good Conservative.

Actually he was working hard to support the LIBERAL LIE, that this nation is horribly racist.

He is certainly one of you.
These threads and the majority of the comments by whites therein.

More vague suggestions: "These threads" and "the majority of comments by Whites." Which threads? What comments?

Please point to some specific examples so we will have a clear impression of what you mean by "racism."
Be black and drive in some of those places in Missouri before your run your mouth. I lived in Kansas City and I know about a lot of those places. There ain't no loot to be yield if you ain't practicing racism. There ain't no shake downs going on white piece of shit.
I got shook down for a $55 speeding fine in Georgia in 1959. Then in 1960 I paid a $75 fine for "lewd conduct," specifically (believe it or not), "dirty dancing" at the Ocean Plaza Ballroom" at Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. And I'm as White as it gets.

PS: The "dirty dancing" was then known as the "grind," and was very common in New York but was a civil offense in South Carolina.
I do find it funny that the same people who don't think blacks are treated like second class citizens are quick to jump on the idea that whites are being screwed by AA.
Presuming you are Black, please provide an example of your being treated like a second-class citizen.

And did you see that while most whites think they are being discriminated against, most admit it hasn't happened to them. So they hear about the white who didn't get the job because AA gave it to a black, but they can't say that it's ever happened to them.
I know for a fact that the New York City Civil Service Commission advances Veterans two points on exams, combat veterans get three points, minorities get one point. So a Black combat veteran would have a four point advantage on any civil service job exam -- one point more than a White combat veteran.

How many white kids didn't get into Harvard because AA got a black to take their place? 1 or 2?
I can't answer that question, but are you suggesting Affirmative Action does not offer minorities an advantage on collegiate entrance exams?
No I'm not black I just see why things like aa were started. White america was treating blacks like second class citizens. And a hole lot more justifications and arguments went into the decision to implode my things like aa. So I know my arguments are sound because we won this debate a long time ago.

Now you guys are in charge and say it's time to end such policies. I disagree but I'm not black and they didn't vote for Hillary.

Trump said what do they have to lose? Now we know
More than half of whites — 55 percent — surveyed say that, generally speaking, they believe there is discrimination against white people in America today. Hershman's view is similar to what was heard on the campaign trail at Trump rally after Trump rally. Donald Trump catered to white grievance during the 2016 presidential campaign and has done so as president as well.

Notable, however, is that while a majority of whites in the poll say discrimination against them exists, a much smaller percentage say that they have actually experienced it. Also important to note is that 84 percent of whites believe discrimination exists against racial and ethnic minorities in America today.

Majority Of White Americans Say They Believe Whites Face Discrimination

Anti-White discrimination has been supported academic studies and Supreme Court cases.

So has anti black discrimination.

Anti-black discrimination is illegal and taboo in our society.

Anti-white discrimination is celebrated and required by law.

It's sad that you white nationalists don't understand why. For hundreds of years you didn't treat blacks right and for the last 100 years you denied that racism still exists.

Now you're claiming it exists but it's against you. What a turn of events. What else is Steve Bannon telling you?

I totally understand why.

Past discrimination is used as a justification for current discrimination.

Because other people who are long dead, discriminated against blacks before I was born, I will now be discriminated against, me and mine from now on.

I just don't see how it is morally defensible.
Is the playing field level? I don't see the playing field being level and I'm white. I see lots of prejudice out there and not against me. Maybe if I saw your experiences I'd see better. I get what you are saying. I'm ok with killing such programs and see if the sky falls
I got shook down for a $55 speeding fine in Georgia in 1959. Then in 1960 I paid a $75 fine for "lewd conduct," specifically (believe it or not), "dirty dancing" at the Ocean Plaza Ballroom" at Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. And I'm as White as it gets.

If you were black, you'd be 100% certain these things happened to you because you were black. And, you'd also be 100% that whites never are subjected to racial discrimination.
NAACP looked super stupid with that!
blacks murder over EIGHT blacks every DAY
how about a warning to stay away from blacks??

Whites do the same thing. Murder has nothing to do with this issue.
blacks murder other blacks at over SEVEN TIMES the rate of whites who murder mostly whites --and they caution against whites???????!!! :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
so the rate that blacks murder blacks vs whites murdering blacks is even more higher !!!!!!

Not so.
Not So ???? You're Joking Right ???? Bitch I ain't white but the numbers don't lie ... put up or shut up

No the numbers don't lie and you got shown the numbers.

Table 43
Be black and drive in some of those places in Missouri before your run your mouth. I lived in Kansas City and I know about a lot of those places. There ain't no loot to be yield if you ain't practicing racism. There ain't no shake downs going on white piece of shit.
I got shook down for a $55 speeding fine in Georgia in 1959. Then in 1960 I paid a $75 fine for "lewd conduct," specifically (believe it or not), "dirty dancing" at the Ocean Plaza Ballroom" at Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. And I'm as White as it gets.

PS: The "dirty dancing" was then known as the "grind," and was very common in New York but was a civil offense in South Carolina.
These threads and the majority of the comments by whites therein.

More vague suggestions: "These threads" and "the majority of comments by Whites." Which threads? What comments?

Please point to some specific examples so we will have a clear impression of what you mean by "racism."
You deny it exists. Either you're a white who doesn't hire blacks or you're a white who doesn't notice your company discriminates. Or maybe you work in an industry that hires lots of blacks. I guess everyone has a different perspective. Seems to me affirmative action was necessary and I wouldn't end it but liberals aren't in charge. Bottom line it's going bye bye
More manufactured racism! A black student spray painted "KKK "and "Nigg@r" all over the school. What the fuck is wrong with these clowns? Black Lives Matter!! Hands Up Don't Shoot!! and hundreds of others like this. All based on lies......

Apparently when they can't find any "real" racism, they go out and and create it!

Police have charged a former Eastern Michigan University student over three incidents of vandalism that targeted African-Americans, including the spray-painting of ‘KKK’ and ‘n*gger,’ and the command to “leave” the school.


On Tuesday, the university was shaken when police announced the suspect was Eddie Curlin, an African-American. A preliminary hearing is set for November 9.

“To know that it was a person of color is hurtful,” Jaiquae Rodwell told the Eastern Echo, the university newspaper. “As a black student, to know that another black person is using the N-word in a negative way is embarrassing.”

Curlin was arraigned on three counts of malicious destruction of property, four counts of identity theft, and one count of using a computer to commit a crime, all related to vandalism incidents that took place on the Eastern Michigan University campus in the fall of 2016.

What isn't "manufactured" these days?

The simple reality is you have some rich billionaires spending billions telling people what to think.

If you take a step back and look at say, Rwanda in the 1990s, you'll see that racial tension is often "manufactured" and that someone, or maybe quite a few people, believe that it is in their interests to do this. Israel and Palestine's conflict is an example where the right on BOTH SIDES keep the conflict going because the conflict benefits their causes. The Israelis want an excuse to take more land, without conflict they can't do this. The Palestinians want to be rid of the Israelis, they can't do this without conflict either.

The reality is we could go around the world and finding example of this, time and time and time again. I'm reading a book about HMS Dreadnought, more specifically about the increase in naval might by the British and Germans in the period of 100 years ago. Literally the German Kaiser wanted a navy and needed a reason to be able to go to the Reichstag and get the money for it, so they created conflict with England (the Kaiser's grandmother was the Queen of England) which then led inevitably to WW1.

People put their careers first and society somewhere near the back. Trump is no different than Hillary or many of these other low down mother fucking politicians who don't give a damn. That Senator who says he's leaving showed everyone this is the case, but really everyone who wants to know it knows, but most people couldn't give a shit about what the Senator said, they're so partisan now they'll fight the ghosts they want to fight.

Until the system changes, until people have choice in who they vote for, until there are more political parties, nothing will change.
More manufactured racism! A black student spray painted "KKK "and "Nigg@r" all over the school. What the fuck is wrong with these clowns? Black Lives Matter!! Hands Up Don't Shoot!! and hundreds of others like this. All based on lies......

Apparently when they can't find any "real" racism, they go out and and create it!

Police have charged a former Eastern Michigan University student over three incidents of vandalism that targeted African-Americans, including the spray-painting of ‘KKK’ and ‘n*gger,’ and the command to “leave” the school.


On Tuesday, the university was shaken when police announced the suspect was Eddie Curlin, an African-American. A preliminary hearing is set for November 9.

“To know that it was a person of color is hurtful,” Jaiquae Rodwell told the Eastern Echo, the university newspaper. “As a black student, to know that another black person is using the N-word in a negative way is embarrassing.”

Curlin was arraigned on three counts of malicious destruction of property, four counts of identity theft, and one count of using a computer to commit a crime, all related to vandalism incidents that took place on the Eastern Michigan University campus in the fall of 2016.

If he was white they'd hit him with a hate crime. So ....
More manufactured racism! A black student spray painted "KKK "and "Nigg@r" all over the school. What the fuck is wrong with these clowns? Black Lives Matter!! Hands Up Don't Shoot!! and hundreds of others like this. All based on lies......

Apparently when they can't find any "real" racism, they go out and and create it!

Police have charged a former Eastern Michigan University student over three incidents of vandalism that targeted African-Americans, including the spray-painting of ‘KKK’ and ‘n*gger,’ and the command to “leave” the school.


On Tuesday, the university was shaken when police announced the suspect was Eddie Curlin, an African-American. A preliminary hearing is set for November 9.

“To know that it was a person of color is hurtful,” Jaiquae Rodwell told the Eastern Echo, the university newspaper. “As a black student, to know that another black person is using the N-word in a negative way is embarrassing.”

Curlin was arraigned on three counts of malicious destruction of property, four counts of identity theft, and one count of using a computer to commit a crime, all related to vandalism incidents that took place on the Eastern Michigan University campus in the fall of 2016.

Give the guy a break. He was just trying to be a good Conservative.

Actually he was working hard to support the LIBERAL LIE, that this nation is horribly racist.

He is certainly one of you.
Oh...has he been convicted yet? I don't think so.Also, crazy people might do any damn thing. I'd be interested in seeing a mental evaluation done on this fool. But even if he did it....his bizarre actions do not undermine numerous studies showing bias, especially in the justice system, that permeates our country fron top to bottom.
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