Manufactured Racism by Blacks

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So has anti black discrimination.

Anti-black discrimination is illegal and taboo in our society.

Anti-white discrimination is celebrated and required by law.

It's sad that you white nationalists don't understand why. For hundreds of years you didn't treat blacks right and for the last 100 years you denied that racism still exists.

Now you're claiming it exists but it's against you. What a turn of events. What else is Steve Bannon telling you?

I totally understand why.

Past discrimination is used as a justification for current discrimination.

Because other people who are long dead, discriminated against blacks before I was born, I will now be discriminated against, me and mine from now on.

I just don't see how it is morally defensible.

29 Stupid things white people do

12.Excuse yourself from responsibility for racism because you weren’t born yet when people were enslaved.

Instead: Recognize that every white person alive today benefits from white privilege, right here, right now, in the 21st century. You may not be responsible for enslavement in the past, but that doesn’t change your responsibility for how you knowingly or unknowingly perpetuate racism today.

There is no current discrimination against whites. This long used race baited belief started when the civil rights act was passed. Whites are still discriminating against blacks now and the discrimination that you weren't aiive to see has benefitted you and does impacted blacks even right now.

SO, in the same post you argue for the logic of anti-white discrimination while denying that it exists.

Like I said, your bald faced lies mean that your words have zero credibility.

There is no anti white discrimination.
Whites do the same thing. Murder has nothing to do with this issue.
blacks murder other blacks at over SEVEN TIMES the rate of whites who murder mostly whites --and they caution against whites???????!!! :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
so the rate that blacks murder blacks vs whites murdering blacks is even more higher !!!!!!

In the 2015 UCR, we see that whites were arrested for 3,908 murders. Blacks 4,347. That's not 7 times anything. That's whites getting arrested 439 fewer times than backs for murder.

You just failed third grade math.

Well actually it isn't.

My child was doing proportions last year. She got it. You fail to do so.

I would be embarrassed for you, if I thought you were really this stupid.

But, imo, you are just being willfully obtuse for political reasons.

I don't do proportions with crime numbers.
More manufactured racism! A black student spray painted "KKK "and "Nigg@r" all over the school. What the fuck is wrong with these clowns? Black Lives Matter!! Hands Up Don't Shoot!! and hundreds of others like this. All based on lies......

Apparently when they can't find any "real" racism, they go out and and create it!

Police have charged a former Eastern Michigan University student over three incidents of vandalism that targeted African-Americans, including the spray-painting of ‘KKK’ and ‘n*gger,’ and the command to “leave” the school.


On Tuesday, the university was shaken when police announced the suspect was Eddie Curlin, an African-American. A preliminary hearing is set for November 9.

“To know that it was a person of color is hurtful,” Jaiquae Rodwell told the Eastern Echo, the university newspaper. “As a black student, to know that another black person is using the N-word in a negative way is embarrassing.”

Curlin was arraigned on three counts of malicious destruction of property, four counts of identity theft, and one count of using a computer to commit a crime, all related to vandalism incidents that took place on the Eastern Michigan University campus in the fall of 2016.

Give the guy a break. He was just trying to be a good Conservative.

Actually he was working hard to support the LIBERAL LIE, that this nation is horribly racist.

He is certainly one of you.

This nation is racist.
More manufactured racism! A black student spray painted "KKK "and "Nigg@r" all over the school. What the fuck is wrong with these clowns? Black Lives Matter!! Hands Up Don't Shoot!! and hundreds of others like this. All based on lies......

Apparently when they can't find any "real" racism, they go out and and create it!

Police have charged a former Eastern Michigan University student over three incidents of vandalism that targeted African-Americans, including the spray-painting of ‘KKK’ and ‘n*gger,’ and the command to “leave” the school.


On Tuesday, the university was shaken when police announced the suspect was Eddie Curlin, an African-American. A preliminary hearing is set for November 9.

“To know that it was a person of color is hurtful,” Jaiquae Rodwell told the Eastern Echo, the university newspaper. “As a black student, to know that another black person is using the N-word in a negative way is embarrassing.”

Curlin was arraigned on three counts of malicious destruction of property, four counts of identity theft, and one count of using a computer to commit a crime, all related to vandalism incidents that took place on the Eastern Michigan University campus in the fall of 2016.


Now tell me how does what he did affect white people as a whole ?
Just some months ago, the NAACP issued a travel warning to blacks about driving in Missouri. If they didn't have sh1t for brains, they' be embarrassed at how stupid they're acting... except colored people calls for a boycott will yield loot from American Airlines. F1cking shi1t-skinned shakedown thieves.
NAACP looked super stupid with that!
blacks murder over EIGHT blacks every DAY
how about a warning to stay away from blacks??

Whites do the same thing. Murder has nothing to do with this issue.
blacks murder other blacks at over SEVEN TIMES the rate of whites who murder mostly whites --and they caution against whites???????!!! :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
so the rate that blacks murder blacks vs whites murdering blacks is even more higher !!!!!!

In the 2015 UCR, we see that whites were arrested for 3,908 murders. Blacks 4,347. That's not 7 times anything. That's whites getting arrested 439 fewer times than backs for murder.
murder 2013:
'''The offending rate for African Americans was almost 8 times higher than whites, and the victim rate 6 times higher..'''
Race and crime in the United States - Wikipedia

murder 2015:
'''When the race of the offender was known, 53.3 percent were Black or African American, 44.0 percent were White, and 2.7 percent were of other races. The race was unknown for 4,787 offenders'''
Expanded Homicide
black population about 12.6%
white population about 67%
you appear to have failed math--as stated before
or--you don't want/can't believe the truth

Nah, I haven't failed math. .Your claim fails in this manner, we see 4,636 murders where whites were the known offenders and 5620 blacks. But 4,787 of the offenders race was not identified. Now you are here making a dumb ass argument and challenging someones math skills based on data whereby 31 percent of all offenders are not known. Now there's some math for your white racist ass. You assertions based on that alone are bullshit.

The offending rate for blacks cannot be almost 8 times higher than that of whites for murder if blacks commit 52 percent of the murders and whites 45 percent. For black rates to be 8 times that of whites the white percentage would have to be between 7-8 percent. Last, your Wikipedia entry cited crime trend data, from between the years 1998 -2008. At last check, this was 2017. You are an amateur son. You have studied none of this and all you are doing is typing in a search engine and pulling up the first thing you can pull up to try making your racist argument.

And murder is not the only crime. There are so many other things that kill your argument using your own information. I know the truth, that's why you keep on talking only about one crime. Because you can't handle the truth.
More manufactured racism! A black student spray painted "KKK "and "Nigg@r" all over the school. What the fuck is wrong with these clowns? Black Lives Matter!! Hands Up Don't Shoot!! and hundreds of others like this. All based on lies......

Apparently when they can't find any "real" racism, they go out and and create it!

Police have charged a former Eastern Michigan University student over three incidents of vandalism that targeted African-Americans, including the spray-painting of ‘KKK’ and ‘n*gger,’ and the command to “leave” the school.


On Tuesday, the university was shaken when police announced the suspect was Eddie Curlin, an African-American. A preliminary hearing is set for November 9.

“To know that it was a person of color is hurtful,” Jaiquae Rodwell told the Eastern Echo, the university newspaper. “As a black student, to know that another black person is using the N-word in a negative way is embarrassing.”

Curlin was arraigned on three counts of malicious destruction of property, four counts of identity theft, and one count of using a computer to commit a crime, all related to vandalism incidents that took place on the Eastern Michigan University campus in the fall of 2016.


Now tell me how does what he did affect white people as a whole ?

Anything to deny that whites are still practicing racism.
so true----human beans invent racism and invent their identity as
so true----human beans invent racism and invent their identity as

No, racism is a system and it is one that continues today which allows whites to post up silly statements like the above quote.
racism is a "system"? what does that mean?
As a system, racism is an institutional arrangement, maintained by policies, practices and procedures (both formal and informal) in which some persons have more or less opportunity than others, and in which such persons receive better or worse treatment than others, because of their respective racial identities.

Institutional racism involves denying persons opportunities, rewards, or various benefits on the basis of race, to which those individuals are otherwise entitled. In short, racism is a system of inequality, based on race.

But in order to justify that system you have to convince people that those on the receiving of that treatment (black people) are deserving of that.

That's where all the race and IQ arguments come in, the "Black people are violent" "Blacks have never created a civilisation" "Black don't take care of their kids" "Black people get a free pass in jobs education" etc
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Anti-White discrimination has been supported academic studies and Supreme Court cases.

So has anti black discrimination.

Anti-black discrimination is illegal and taboo in our society.

Anti-white discrimination is celebrated and required by law.

It's sad that you white nationalists don't understand why. For hundreds of years you didn't treat blacks right and for the last 100 years you denied that racism still exists.

Now you're claiming it exists but it's against you. What a turn of events. What else is Steve Bannon telling you?

I totally understand why.

Past discrimination is used as a justification for current discrimination.

Because other people who are long dead, discriminated against blacks before I was born, I will now be discriminated against, me and mine from now on.

I just don't see how it is morally defensible.
Is the playing field level? I don't see the playing field being level and I'm white. I see lots of prejudice out there and not against me. Maybe if I saw your experiences I'd see better. I get what you are saying. I'm ok with killing such programs and see if the sky falls

NOt just the programs, but any concept of Disparate Impact has to be cleansed from our society before we will have true equality, and any hope of racial harmony.
More manufactured racism! A black student spray painted "KKK "and "Nigg@r" all over the school. What the fuck is wrong with these clowns? Black Lives Matter!! Hands Up Don't Shoot!! and hundreds of others like this. All based on lies......

Apparently when they can't find any "real" racism, they go out and and create it!

Police have charged a former Eastern Michigan University student over three incidents of vandalism that targeted African-Americans, including the spray-painting of ‘KKK’ and ‘n*gger,’ and the command to “leave” the school.


On Tuesday, the university was shaken when police announced the suspect was Eddie Curlin, an African-American. A preliminary hearing is set for November 9.

“To know that it was a person of color is hurtful,” Jaiquae Rodwell told the Eastern Echo, the university newspaper. “As a black student, to know that another black person is using the N-word in a negative way is embarrassing.”

Curlin was arraigned on three counts of malicious destruction of property, four counts of identity theft, and one count of using a computer to commit a crime, all related to vandalism incidents that took place on the Eastern Michigan University campus in the fall of 2016.

Give the guy a break. He was just trying to be a good Conservative.

Actually he was working hard to support the LIBERAL LIE, that this nation is horribly racist.

He is certainly one of you.
Oh...has he been convicted yet? I don't think so.Also, crazy people might do any damn thing. I'd be interested in seeing a mental evaluation done on this fool. But even if he did it....his bizarre actions do not undermine numerous studies showing bias, especially in the justice system, that permeates our country fron top to bottom.

There is nothing bizarre about his actions.

He is a liberal that is lying to support his world view that the US is a racist place.

You see liberals doing that all the time.

He just demonstrated his lies in an illegal fashion and got caught.
Anti-black discrimination is illegal and taboo in our society.

Anti-white discrimination is celebrated and required by law.

It's sad that you white nationalists don't understand why. For hundreds of years you didn't treat blacks right and for the last 100 years you denied that racism still exists.

Now you're claiming it exists but it's against you. What a turn of events. What else is Steve Bannon telling you?

I totally understand why.

Past discrimination is used as a justification for current discrimination.

Because other people who are long dead, discriminated against blacks before I was born, I will now be discriminated against, me and mine from now on.

I just don't see how it is morally defensible.

29 Stupid things white people do

12.Excuse yourself from responsibility for racism because you weren’t born yet when people were enslaved.

Instead: Recognize that every white person alive today benefits from white privilege, right here, right now, in the 21st century. You may not be responsible for enslavement in the past, but that doesn’t change your responsibility for how you knowingly or unknowingly perpetuate racism today.

There is no current discrimination against whites. This long used race baited belief started when the civil rights act was passed. Whites are still discriminating against blacks now and the discrimination that you weren't aiive to see has benefitted you and does impacted blacks even right now.

SO, in the same post you argue for the logic of anti-white discrimination while denying that it exists.

Like I said, your bald faced lies mean that your words have zero credibility.

There is no anti white discrimination.

Says the liar.
blacks murder other blacks at over SEVEN TIMES the rate of whites who murder mostly whites --and they caution against whites???????!!! :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
so the rate that blacks murder blacks vs whites murdering blacks is even more higher !!!!!!

In the 2015 UCR, we see that whites were arrested for 3,908 murders. Blacks 4,347. That's not 7 times anything. That's whites getting arrested 439 fewer times than backs for murder.

You just failed third grade math.

Well actually it isn't.

My child was doing proportions last year. She got it. You fail to do so.

I would be embarrassed for you, if I thought you were really this stupid.

But, imo, you are just being willfully obtuse for political reasons.

I don't do proportions with crime numbers.

Which is why your conclusions are complete nonsense.
More manufactured racism! A black student spray painted "KKK "and "Nigg@r" all over the school. What the fuck is wrong with these clowns? Black Lives Matter!! Hands Up Don't Shoot!! and hundreds of others like this. All based on lies......

Apparently when they can't find any "real" racism, they go out and and create it!

Police have charged a former Eastern Michigan University student over three incidents of vandalism that targeted African-Americans, including the spray-painting of ‘KKK’ and ‘n*gger,’ and the command to “leave” the school.


On Tuesday, the university was shaken when police announced the suspect was Eddie Curlin, an African-American. A preliminary hearing is set for November 9.

“To know that it was a person of color is hurtful,” Jaiquae Rodwell told the Eastern Echo, the university newspaper. “As a black student, to know that another black person is using the N-word in a negative way is embarrassing.”

Curlin was arraigned on three counts of malicious destruction of property, four counts of identity theft, and one count of using a computer to commit a crime, all related to vandalism incidents that took place on the Eastern Michigan University campus in the fall of 2016.

Give the guy a break. He was just trying to be a good Conservative.

Actually he was working hard to support the LIBERAL LIE, that this nation is horribly racist.

He is certainly one of you.

This nation is racist.

Then why did he feel the need to falsely manufacture the evidence, if that is the case?
Manufactured racism

100 or so people out of a population of some 350 million. Totally manufactured racism.
Yes. And I suspect that all 350 million white people are racist
Not all of the US is white. Now you know.

And black people DO think ALL white people are racist, when it's simply that we don't tolerate imbeciles (who make comments like yours) as much as other races do.
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