Manufacturing Slowing Down ?

It has been slowly rising from a very dismal low.

I am not hoping for another downturn.

I am hoping Obama gets beat so we can get it rolling at it's full potential.

Well your hopes will be dashed, Obama will win reelection by 7%.

More of your s**t covered crystal ball.

Keep your obama blow up doll. It might be a collector's item some time in the future.

We will need them to burn in effigy once he is gone.

BTW: You are slipping. AZ is now in the Romney colum as leaning. Looks like Obama's play for it isn't working. You need to be out doing more door to door. You might lose AZ.

It appears that you believe me to be a supporter of Obummy. Not NO... But F*** NO!:badgrin: Sorry, It was Salt you were talking to.:badgrin:
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It has been slowly rising from a very dismal low.

I am not hoping for another downturn.

I am hoping Obama gets beat so we can get it rolling at it's full potential.

Well your hopes will be dashed, Obama will win reelection by 7%.

More of your s**t covered crystal ball.

Keep your obama blow up doll. It might be a collector's item some time in the future.

We will need them to burn in effigy once he is gone.

BTW: You are slipping. AZ is now in the Romney colum as leaning. Looks like Obama's play for it isn't working. You need to be out doing more door to door. You might lose AZ.

I don't give money to or campaign for any politician. I vote and that's the extent of my involvement.
Manufacturing shrinks, first time in nearly three years | Reuters

The Institute for Supply Management said on Monday its index of national factory activity fell to 49.7 from 53.5 the month before, missing expectations of 52.0, according to a Reuters poll of economists, and below even the lowest forecast.

It was the first time since July 2009 that the index has fallen below the 50 mark that separates expansion from contraction. That was shortly after the U.S. economy emerged from recession.

Manufacturing has been one of the drivers of the U.S. economic recovery, which now appears to be losing momentum over fears about the euro zone's debt crisis, a slowdown in China and uncertainty over domestic fiscal policy.

"Clearly this is the biggest sign yet that the U.S. is catching the slowdown that is well under way in Europe and China," said Paul Dales, senior U.S. economist at Capital Economics in London.

Dales said the report is consistent with an economy that is growing at an annualized rate of a little below 1 percent after 1.9 percent growth in the first quarter, dismissing talk that the number signaled a new U.S. recession was coming.

A reading below 47 would be consistent with another recession, Dales said.


Not good news for the country.

Hope this isn't a trend.

I am just wondering how obama is responsible for the worldwide drop in demand.
Manufacturing shrinks, first time in nearly three years | Reuters

The Institute for Supply Management said on Monday its index of national factory activity fell to 49.7 from 53.5 the month before, missing expectations of 52.0, according to a Reuters poll of economists, and below even the lowest forecast.

It was the first time since July 2009 that the index has fallen below the 50 mark that separates expansion from contraction. That was shortly after the U.S. economy emerged from recession.

Manufacturing has been one of the drivers of the U.S. economic recovery, which now appears to be losing momentum over fears about the euro zone's debt crisis, a slowdown in China and uncertainty over domestic fiscal policy.

"Clearly this is the biggest sign yet that the U.S. is catching the slowdown that is well under way in Europe and China," said Paul Dales, senior U.S. economist at Capital Economics in London.

Dales said the report is consistent with an economy that is growing at an annualized rate of a little below 1 percent after 1.9 percent growth in the first quarter, dismissing talk that the number signaled a new U.S. recession was coming.

A reading below 47 would be consistent with another recession, Dales said.


Not good news for the country.

Hope this isn't a trend.

I am just wondering how obama is responsible for the worldwide drop in demand.

He isn't to blame (entirely)... Spain's economy (for one) is crashing right now and people overseas cannot afford to buy our goods at the moment. Spain is also one of the reasons Gas prices have gone down lately, as their economy is grinding to a halt. They ARE BROKE, not unlike Greece. Do you read any real news sources, or just the one's that parrot your political ideology? Just wondering.
Manufacturing shrinks, first time in nearly three years | Reuters

The Institute for Supply Management said on Monday its index of national factory activity fell to 49.7 from 53.5 the month before, missing expectations of 52.0, according to a Reuters poll of economists, and below even the lowest forecast.

It was the first time since July 2009 that the index has fallen below the 50 mark that separates expansion from contraction. That was shortly after the U.S. economy emerged from recession.

Manufacturing has been one of the drivers of the U.S. economic recovery, which now appears to be losing momentum over fears about the euro zone's debt crisis, a slowdown in China and uncertainty over domestic fiscal policy.

"Clearly this is the biggest sign yet that the U.S. is catching the slowdown that is well under way in Europe and China," said Paul Dales, senior U.S. economist at Capital Economics in London.

Dales said the report is consistent with an economy that is growing at an annualized rate of a little below 1 percent after 1.9 percent growth in the first quarter, dismissing talk that the number signaled a new U.S. recession was coming.

A reading below 47 would be consistent with another recession, Dales said.


Not good news for the country.

Hope this isn't a trend.

I am just wondering how obama is responsible for the worldwide drop in demand.

He isn't to blame (entirely)... Spain's economy (for one) is crashing right now and people overseas cannot afford to buy our goods at the moment. Spain is also one of the reasons Gas prices have gone down lately, as their economy is grinding to a halt. They ARE BROKE, not unlike Greece. Do you read any real news sources, or just the one's that parrot your political ideology? Just wondering.

I just want to be clear, you are admitting this is not obama's fault, and far from his control so the present economic slowdown brought about by these problems is not obama's fault, and he has little in his power to do that could actually solve the problem.

Just want to make sure we are clear on this sort of thing. It is not that i do not read, it is just that I don't believe your type when they try to dance around the claim without being nailed down to it.
"Gas is going to $5.00 per gallon by the 4th of July!"

Remember that prediction?

This isn't a prediction.

The numbers show it slowed....

Can't you get anything right ?

And gas prices rose at some point leading to a bunch of hand wringing. I've worked in the Aerospace/Defense manufacturing industry since the day I retired from the military, 7 years ago, and we can't find enough skilled people to fill the jobs. We are booming across the nation.

If you plan on working in the Aerospace/Defense manufacturing industry for the next 4 years, you'd better hope the Stuttering Clusterfuck in Chief gets his ass stomped in November.
"Gas is going to $5.00 per gallon by the 4th of July!"

Remember that prediction?

Nobody really expected the economy to take such a shit and bring prices down.

But yes, Obama's double dip now looks like a reality.

Let's see gas prices go up, and it's Obama's fault. Conservatives tout the gas prices when GW was in office as a banner.......liberals point out that demand was down because of the Wall street fiasco....Conservatives deny it. Now that gas prices go down under Obama, somehow lack of demand in a sluggish economy is now OK as a reason.

How about we pass the jobs bill and see what happens?
I heard this being discussed lol what a surprise. The economy hasn't kept up with population growth let alone the unemployed. The know nothings say the stimulus helped lmao it went to pensions we still can't sustain euro banks and union slush funds......"It made things worse and Roberts compounded that at no time did Obama EVER help commerce nor will he. Manufacturing has been dead when Obama adopts historical pro business techniques we may rebound. So we need Mitt in 13 or Obama will finish us off for certain." Quote by biggest construction developer in Southeast Michigan yesterday.
"Gas is going to $5.00 per gallon by the 4th of July!"

Remember that prediction?

This isn't a prediction.

The numbers show it slowed....

Can't you get anything right ?

And gas prices rose at some point leading to a bunch of hand wringing. I've worked in the Aerospace/Defense manufacturing industry since the day I retired from the military, 7 years ago, and we can't find enough skilled people to fill the jobs. We are booming across the nation.
Defense contracts are down and the money is being cut. I'd say that your little anecdotal example is not indicative of the fact that this economy is anemic at best, and slowing rapidly.
"Gas is going to $5.00 per gallon by the 4th of July!"

Remember that prediction?

This isn't a prediction.

The numbers show it slowed....

Can't you get anything right ?

And gas prices rose at some point leading to a bunch of hand wringing. I've worked in the Aerospace/Defense manufacturing industry since the day I retired from the military, 7 years ago, and we can't find enough skilled people to fill the jobs. We are booming across the nation.

The aerospace/defence industry?

Who is the major customer of the aerospace/defence industry?

The government, right?

Actually I approve of that industry being stimulated by government spending, but that industry cannot change the direction this economy is headed all by itself, can it?

In fact, if the rest of the economy craps out, so too will the aerospace/defence industry.

One industry does not an healthy economy make.
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Well your hopes will be dashed, Obama will win reelection by 7%.

More of your s**t covered crystal ball.

Keep your obama blow up doll. It might be a collector's item some time in the future.

We will need them to burn in effigy once he is gone.

BTW: You are slipping. AZ is now in the Romney colum as leaning. Looks like Obama's play for it isn't working. You need to be out doing more door to door. You might lose AZ.

It appears that you believe me to be a supporter of Obummy. Not NO... But F*** NO!:badgrin: Sorry, It was Salt you were talking to.:badgrin:

My post was a response to Salt. I am not understanding your post.

I know you are not an Obama supporter.
Another recession coming? That means Obama's solution will be to grant another sub-group of illegals amnesty and say it will "give us access to people with much needed skills for our economy".
Another recession coming? That means Obama's solution will be to grant another sub-group of illegals amnesty and say it will "give us access to people with much needed skills for our economy".

Much needed:

Finance of drug dealing.
Driving Crazy (don't know how).

We need all those skills.
This isn't a prediction.

The numbers show it slowed....

Can't you get anything right ?

And gas prices rose at some point leading to a bunch of hand wringing. I've worked in the Aerospace/Defense manufacturing industry since the day I retired from the military, 7 years ago, and we can't find enough skilled people to fill the jobs. We are booming across the nation.

The aerospace/defence industry?

Who is the major customer of the aerospace/defence industry?

The government, right?

Actually I approve of that industry being stimulated by government spending, but that industry cannot change the direction this economy is headed all by itself, can it?

In fact, if the rest of the economy craps out, so too will the aerospace/defence industry.

One industry does not an healthy economy make.


"Boeing is raising its 20-year prediction for worldwide airplane sales to 34,000 jets, enough to double the size of the world's fleet, as more people travel in China, India, and other emerging markets.

The airplane maker and defence contractor predicted on Tuesday that $4.5 trillion US worth of planes will be sold. It will have to compete with Airbus and other competitors including Bombardier, Embraer, and China's state-owned COMAC for those sales.

The projection is 500 planes higher and a half-trillion dollars more expensive than the previous year's estimate. Boeing expects airlines to shift toward slightly larger planes with higher price tags, accounting for most of the additional spending."

Boeing raises world sales outlook - Business - CBC News

Airbus detailed plans to spend $600 million to build jetliners in Alabama—its first assembly plant in the U.S.—in a bid to grab more American orders from U.S. rival Boeing Co. BA +1.49% and to defuse political opposition to the European aerospace giant.

Airbus Details Plans for U.S. Plant -
"Gas is going to $5.00 per gallon by the 4th of July!"

Remember that prediction?

Nobody really expected the economy to take such a shit and bring prices down.

But yes, Obama's double dip now looks like a reality.

Let's see gas prices go up, and it's Obama's fault. Conservatives tout the gas prices when GW was in office as a banner.......liberals point out that demand was down because of the Wall street fiasco....Conservatives deny it. Now that gas prices go down under Obama, somehow lack of demand in a sluggish economy is now OK as a reason.

How about we pass the jobs bill and see what happens?

Sorry, derp, but Obama couldn't run an Ant Farm, and our wealth and job creators fear and loathe him.

Nothing happens in the economy until his reign of terror is over.

The average voter understands this.
Manufacturing shrinks, first time in nearly three years | Reuters

The Institute for Supply Management said on Monday its index of national factory activity fell to 49.7 from 53.5 the month before, missing expectations of 52.0, according to a Reuters poll of economists, and below even the lowest forecast.

It was the first time since July 2009 that the index has fallen below the 50 mark that separates expansion from contraction. That was shortly after the U.S. economy emerged from recession.

Manufacturing has been one of the drivers of the U.S. economic recovery, which now appears to be losing momentum over fears about the euro zone's debt crisis, a slowdown in China and uncertainty over domestic fiscal policy.

"Clearly this is the biggest sign yet that the U.S. is catching the slowdown that is well under way in Europe and China," said Paul Dales, senior U.S. economist at Capital Economics in London.

Dales said the report is consistent with an economy that is growing at an annualized rate of a little below 1 percent after 1.9 percent growth in the first quarter, dismissing talk that the number signaled a new U.S. recession was coming.

A reading below 47 would be consistent with another recession, Dales said.


Not good news for the country.

Hope this isn't a trend.

Good news on the Auto Front; alot of the auto makers had sales stronger than expected. The Chevy Volt is up 3X
Looks like some mixed data in your link. We might not have another recession, but the economy looks like it's going to be VERY sluggish for quite awhile. If the taxes do go up as scheduled next year, then yeah, I'd say another recession is definitely in the cards.

50 is the demarcation for a retraction, 47.5 was waaaay below their estimates, BUT the market had it already priced in, the fed does their regional thing every month, tracking this, so they saw this coming and the market did too.

I don't think we will go into a recession either, 15% of gdp is exports I believe, lets hope we get some umph from somewhere esle to at least make up half that or, all bets are off,since were were already running on an expectation of 2% growth, if this shaves .3%, thats a BIG hit employment wise.
Manufacturing shrinks, first time in nearly three years | Reuters

The Institute for Supply Management said on Monday its index of national factory activity fell to 49.7 from 53.5 the month before, missing expectations of 52.0, according to a Reuters poll of economists, and below even the lowest forecast.

It was the first time since July 2009 that the index has fallen below the 50 mark that separates expansion from contraction. That was shortly after the U.S. economy emerged from recession.

Manufacturing has been one of the drivers of the U.S. economic recovery, which now appears to be losing momentum over fears about the euro zone's debt crisis, a slowdown in China and uncertainty over domestic fiscal policy.

"Clearly this is the biggest sign yet that the U.S. is catching the slowdown that is well under way in Europe and China," said Paul Dales, senior U.S. economist at Capital Economics in London.

Dales said the report is consistent with an economy that is growing at an annualized rate of a little below 1 percent after 1.9 percent growth in the first quarter, dismissing talk that the number signaled a new U.S. recession was coming.

A reading below 47 would be consistent with another recession, Dales said.


Not good news for the country.

Hope this isn't a trend.

Good news on the Auto Front; alot of the auto makers had sales stronger than expected. The Chevy Volt is up 3X

foreign sales will drop, big time,its a matter of time.....lets see how that shakes out.

and I'd like to see price per unit/net profit figures and how much channel stuffing went on, before I get excited.

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