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Many American Jews Are Abandoning The Democratic Party

Democrats are bad for everybody in this country except maybe the Illegals. Even the Blacks that block vote for the Democrats are being fucked by them but they are too stupid to know better.

You would think that Jews would be smart enough to know that also but their voting record proves other wise.

This is the arrogance of white privilege at its finest. “We know best, and you know nothing. Why do you keep voting for them?”

The problem for the GOP is their record on the economy and management of the government and its resources. As well as their record on racial discrimination, minority rights, gun violence and women’s reproductive health care.

Republicans have proven time and time again that they cannot manage the economy, and they cannot manage government resources, effectively or efficiently.

A government that works on behalf of retaining power for itself, and not on behalf of the people or moving the country forward, will not succeed. Nor should it.
This is the arrogance of white privilege at its finest. “We know best, and you know nothing. Why do you keep voting for them?”

The problem for the GOP is their record on the economy and management of the government and its resources.

As well as their record on racial discrimination, minority rights, gun violence and women’s reproductive health care.

Republicans have proven time and time again that they cannot manage the economy, and they cannot manage government resources, effectively or efficiently.

A government that works on behalf of retaining power for itself, and not on behalf of the people or moving the country forward, will not succeed. Nor should it.
White privilege BS Con coming out now. Get a new line.
Republican thinking instead of Human thinking.

Republicans continue to try to kill Obamacare, which they did not do when Romney did it in Massachusetts when he was Governor there.
They do it because the Insurance companies do not want to pay for surgeries, etc. People have died for the lack of healthcare and needed surgeries. But what the Republicans in power care? As it affects even the Republican voters.

Republicans have stopped the child tax credit which helps children from very poor families.
Do you actually want to see any child suffer for lack of food?

So, are any Republicans going to deny the poor of this country their need to survive?

Doesn't the USA and other countries help the poor in other countries around the world with food, healthcare, education, etc? And for free?

So, why deny the citizens of the US, from any party the same thing?

Isn't the duty, yes duty, of people and the government to make sure that the people have
as much of a better life and health as they can have, to better people's health so that they will not spend hours and days in hospitals or at endless doctor's visits?

The country you want is a country where people do not receive the help they need. A country where the Republican Party keeps advocating for the end of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, regardless of the fact that all of those are paid for by the taxpayers themselves and they do have the right to receive those programs after a certain age.

Republicans do not believe in protecting workers, which is why they have been busting Unions since Reagan became President. They
protect the companies which choose to do harm to people, with pollution of the air and water, rather then protecting the general public. Yes, donations from those companies is very important to those Republicans. Maybe not all, but too many that it affects the laws which are put on the books.

I am for keeping people healthy and well, and giving them what they need to have a better life, if not in this generation, then the next. I am for raising minimum wage to keep up with the rising prices of things.

What are you for?

So none then? You didnt post a single RIGHT that was taken away. You're conflating RIGHTS with things you think the Government/society should provide. (just like I said you would) Those are 2 different things. Happy to talk about either, but not if you wont stop acting like they are the same thing because that's not a useful discussion.
American Jews are a diverse lot, with viewpoints that are all over the place. With so many Jewish entrepreneurs, it is a wonder that more of them are not Conservative Republicans.
So none then? You didnt post a single RIGHT that was taken away. You're conflating RIGHTS with things you think the Government/society should provide. (just like I said you would) Those are 2 different things. Happy to talk about either, but not if you wont stop acting like they are the same thing because that's not a useful discussion.
Well potato, you live in the dream world you want to live in while others live in the real world the Republicans are not giving them and rejecting with every election.

People have the right to not die from poverty, from cancer, from anything else simply because the Republicans are on the side of the Insurance companies and do not want most people to be well.

People have the right to clean water and not have the big companies pollute the water in their cities as it happened in Flint, Michigan.

People die, Republicans included, the Republicans IN POWER do not care.

Your idea of rights is totally different from what actual rights are. Which is why the Republicans will continue to lose elections, because Republicans like you do not give a darn about people's LIVES.
Sounds believable...

If true...

Can't say as I blame 'em in the slightest...

Leftists in power are currently trying to yank on the IDF's leash and hampering their operations and putting victory at risk...

All for an imaginary short-term lessening of rage in the Muslim world...

Not caring that the leash has been yanked hard time and again over the years to the continued danger of the Israelis...

Contrast the early "We stand behind you 100%" rhetoric with today's "But you're killing too many innocents." rhetoric.

The US did not listen to such rhetoric when fighting wars against Germany or Japan or Korea or Vietnam or Iraq, etc.

So why should the Israelis listen to the US, other than to ensure its munitions supplies and a scanty diplomatic cover?

The US fights to win... so should the Israelis... and Leftists Democrats are making it difficult for Israel to win - the hypocrites.

It's time to get this over with... it's time to slaughter Hamas and blow-up their tunnels and to scatter salt over the ruins...

American Jews may be starting to realize - en masse - that the hyper-Left would rather see the Jews dead and buried...

The true face of the hyper-Left has now been unmasked, and that face has a decidedly anti-Semitic look and feel...

Big surprise...



This is War.

You fight to win, to protect your OWN people, not to return to the ante bellum status quo, and many innocents may die.

That doesn't mean that you should not fight with all your power and might to win and to protect your OWN people.

Death to Hamas.

Go Team Israel.
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Only one of us knows someone who met with the President. He is sharp and well informed on topics. I have that first hand from a conservative business CEO who didnt agree with the President on some of the issues they were discussing. The fact that you are dumb enough to think otherwise without any information outside of memes is a testament to right wing stupidity.

Your last paragraph is even less informed than the prior.
He is a fucking idiot. Somebody that has never been right on anything in his life.

The worst President this country ever had. That is saying a lot since the runner up is Queer Barry. Also, the most corrupt and that is saying a lot since the runner up is Slick Willy.

Go read what Justice Thomas said about him. The biggest buffoon he ever met. And that was before Potatohead got dementia.

If you don't want to believe Thomas then just remember that Queer Barry told you Moon Bats to never underestimate the ability of Joe Dumbshit to fuck up everything he touched. The only thing Queer Barry ever got right.
American Jews are a diverse lot, with viewpoints that are all over the place. With so many Jewish entrepreneurs, it is a wonder that more of them are not Conservative Republicans.
Nonsense. They vote on issues. And Republicans have not been for issues since Reagan. No platform since Trump. Just look at the House today.
More thana 400 pieces of legislation restricting voting rights - just since the 2020 election.

So which people who could vote in 2020 cant vote now?

Legislation in red states banning or restricting abortion rights.
The legality of abortion isnt about rights. It's about whether the being inside the womb of the mother is alive or not. No one would care if about abortion if there weren't another life possibly at stake.
Legislation across the USA bans drag shows.
Drag shows? As far as I'm aware no one has actually banned drag shows. They might have banned children attending them, but that's not the same thing. You don't have a right to particular audience. Children are not allowed in the strip club or a bar.

All rights come from the government, not God. If you have the right to health care, then you have the right to health care. Period.

So, if you were the only living being on earth, you'd have no rights? That's the logical conclusion to your statement. There's no government so who would grant you your rights? The only 2 things Governments can do is secure or restrict/take away your rights. In the absence of Government you have the right to do literally anything.

As far as healthcare goes, you certainly have a right to healthcare. You just dont have a right to someone else paying for it. Whether or not as a society we should be providing healthcare to everyone is a separate discussion, but you 100% do not have a RIGHT to have it provided to you.

If health care is deemed a right, it cannot be denied if you can't pay for it. Your assertion that your right to health care should not be at the expense of others is an oxymoron.

? I have a right to bear arms it's guaranteed in the Bill of Rights. Doesn't mean the Government has to buy me a weapon. I have a right to free speech, to practice my religion should the Government have to buy me a bull horn or build me a church?

The Democrats are their only hope. It’s obvious that Republicans don’t give a rats ass about anyone or anything but billionaires and crashing the US economy to their benefit.

Many of their so-called “religious right” voters actively hate Jews for having murdered Christ.

Last, but not least it’s Republicans who are lholding marches chanting “the Jews will not replace us”. Why would they vote for Republicans who are marching, saying “the Jews will not replace us”?

Still waiting actual rights vs free shit you think the Government (the taxpayer) should be giving people that's been taken away.
This is the arrogance of white privilege at its finest. “We know best, and you know nothing. Why do you keep voting for them?”

The problem for the GOP is their record on the economy and management of the government and its resources. As well as their record on racial discrimination, minority rights, gun violence and women’s reproductive health care.

Republicans have proven time and time again that they cannot manage the economy, and they cannot manage government resources, effectively or efficiently.

A government that works on behalf of retaining power for itself, and not on behalf of the people or moving the country forward, will not succeed. Nor should it.

When did either party manage Government resources effectively or efficiently?
Sounds believable...

If true...

Can't say as I blame 'em in the slightest...

Leftists in power are currently trying to yank on the IDF's leash and hampering their operations and putting victory at risk...

All for an imaginary short-term lessening of rage in the Muslim world...

Not caring that the leash has been yanked hard time and again over the years to the continued danger of the Israelis...

It's time to get this over with... it's time to slaughter Hamas and blow-up their tunnels and to scatter salt over the ruins...

American Jews may be starting to realize - en masse - that the hyper-Left would rather see the Jews dead and buried...

The true face of the hyper-Left has now been unmasked, and that face has a decidedly anti-Semitic look and feel...

Big surprise...



Death to Hamas.

Go Team Israel.
Progressives are few with the Democrats. They have no power.

Israel will decide what to do and how to do it, world pressure or no world pressure, which is why The IDF has gone as far as it has.

American Jews are not going to switch to the Republicans based on Israel. Why would they want to be the Party of Nazis, KKK and White Supremacists when all of those are haters of Jews who show it on a daily basis and incite against them?
When did either party manage Government resources effectively or efficiently?
Democrats have. But you choose to lie about it, or you are aware of it but do not want anyone else to know it.

That is what the Republicans have been doing since Bill Clinton. Taking away the progress done in the country by Democrats and then saying that it was Republicans who did it.

But, never mind with someone like yourself. Gaslighting is your way of life.
So which people who could vote in 2020 cant vote now?

The legality of abortion isnt about rights. It's about whether the being inside the womb of the mother is alive or not. No one would care if about abortion if there weren't another life possibly at stake.

Drag shows? As far as I'm aware no one has actually banned drag shows. They might have banned children attending them, but that's not the same thing. You don't have a right to particular audience. Children are not allowed in the strip club or a bar.

So, if you were the only living being on earth, you'd have no rights? That's the logical conclusion to your statement. There's no government so who would grant you your rights? The only 2 things Governments can do is secure or restrict/take away your rights. In the absence of Government you have the right to do literally anything.

As far as healthcare goes, you certainly have a right to healthcare. You just dont have a right to someone else paying for it. Whether or not as a society we should be providing healthcare to everyone is a separate discussion, but you 100% do not have a RIGHT to have it provided to you.

? I have a right to bear arms it's guaranteed in the Bill of Rights. Doesn't mean the Government has to buy me a weapon. I have a right to free speech, to practice my religion should the Government have to buy me a bull horn or build me a church?

Still waiting actual rights vs free shit you think the Government (the taxpayer) should be giving people that's been taken away.
You do not think that rights are being taken away that is on you.

Citizens know what their rights are and are voting for them. And Republicans are losing.

Keep being blind and death, and keep on losing.
He is a fucking idiot. Somebody that has never been right on anything in his life.

The worst President this country ever had. That is saying a lot since the runner up is Queer Barry. Also, the most corrupt and that is saying a lot since the runner up is Slick Willy.

Go read what Justice Thomas said about him. The biggest buffoon he ever met. And that was before Potatohead got dementia.

If you don't want to believe Thomas then just remember that Queer Barry told you Moon Bats to never underestimate the ability of Joe Dumbshit to fuck up everything he touched. The only thing Queer Barry ever got right.
when recently did Justice Thomas meet with Biden to assess his cognitive level? Answer is he hasn’t. Again. You are relying on memes.

Trump had dozens of insiders who relayed specific moronic takes by Trump. Biden, all the insiders say he’s fine. So has my source.
Well potato, you live in the dream world you want to live in while others live in the real world the Republicans are not giving them and rejecting with every election.

People have the right to not die from poverty, from cancer, from anything else simply because the Republicans are on the side of the Insurance companies and do not want most people to be well.

You have a right not to die from cancer? I didn't realize all Congress had to do was pass a law making it illegal to die from cancer. WTF are they waiting for? Do you know how many people they have killed by their inaction? We should probably vote all these bastards out of office given their callousness. I'm not sure we couldn't find every politician who's ever served in Congress guilty of murder.

As far as poverty goes poor compared to who? If I have a RIGHT to not be poor, to what level of wealth do I have a RIGHT? How much of YOUR labor do I have a RIGHT to. Because that's what you're saying. I have a RIGHT to someone else's labor. Governments don't create wealth they can only take it from those who do so the Government has no way to keep me out of poverty other than to take some portion of someone elses labor and give it to me. So how much of YOUR labor am I entitled to?

People have the right to clean water and not have the big companies pollute the water in their cities as it happened in Flint, Michigan.

Flint, Michigan was run by Democrats you dope.

People die, Republicans included, the Republicans IN POWER do not care.

Ok. If they did care would people stop dying?

Your idea of rights is totally different from what actual rights are. Which is why the Republicans will continue to lose elections, because Republicans like you do not give a darn about people's LIVES.
No my definition of rights is what they actually are. You're idea of rights is what you think the Government should provide to people. Those arent rights, those are entitlements.

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