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Many American Jews Are Abandoning The Democratic Party

Incorrect. There are, indeed, profound differences in platforms, however, how much is Real versus Window Dressing?

Republican voters are seeking a return to Sanity in American public life and its law... there is comfort in such an approach.

And given that there is comfort in such an approach, the perception of safety and right-ness is enhanced, on contemplation.

In recent times the Democrats have screwed-up everything they've laid their hands on... most recent polls tell that story.

When you've only got two choices, and Choice A isn't working, voters tend to flip over to Choice B for a while, don't they?
Let me make this clear.

You are doing nothing but gaslighting in order to hope that some Democrats will be taken by your BS and vote Republicans.

You are done here.
Let me make this clear.

You are doing nothing but gaslighting in order to hope that some Democrats will be taken by your BS and vote Republicans.

You are done here.

I speak (what, to you, is) an Inconvenient Truth. Your biggest problems are Illegals, Inflation, Corruption and Anti-Semitism.

Blacks and Hispanics continue to drift away from the Democratic Party as their management of Big Cities continues to disappoint.

Sleepy Old Uncle Joe is NOT a very good advertisement for the Democratic Party at present, and it's going to get worse over time.

The Republicans at present have a much deeper "bullpen" of Alternative Candidates than the Democrats.

And those Alternative Candidates are saying things that seem to be resonating well with the American voting public.

Frankly, if (a) Trump does not run and (b) the Pubs get their $hit together on Abortion, then (c) the Dems are in Big Trouble in 24.

You know that just as well as I do, regardless of whether or not you admit it publicly.

I speak (what, to you, is) an Inconvenient Truth. Your biggest problems are Illegals, Inflation, Corruption and Anti-Semitism.

Blacks and Hispanics continue to drift away from the Democratic Party as their management of Big Cities continues to disappoint.

Sleepy Old Uncle Joe is NOT a very good advertisement for the Democratic Party at present, and it's going to get worse over time.

The Republicans at present have a much deeper "bullpen" of Alternative Candidates than the Democrats.

And those Alternative Candidates are saying things that seem to be resonating well with the American voting public.

Frankly, if (a) Trump does not run and (b) the Pubs get their $hit together on Abortion, then (c) the Dems are in Big Trouble in 24.

You know that just as well as I do, regardless of whether or not you admit it publicly.
Kondor3, a Poster Child for Republican dysfunction.
Kondor3, a Poster Child for Republican dysfunction.
Perhaps... perhaps... given that I'm a disloyal registered (D) here in northeastern Illinois, and that I've voted for (D)s a few more times than I've voted for (R)s over a fairly long voting career... but your ad hominem does not address Dem shortcomings. :itsok:
Perhaps... perhaps... given that I'm a disloyal registered (D) here in northeastern Illinois, and that I've voted for (D)s a few more times than I've voted for (R)s over a fairly long voting career... but your ad hominem does not address Dem shortcomings. :itsok:
That BS is used by Republicans all the time. They vote for both. Blah, blah, blah.

Nope, it is not sticking.
Only one of us knows someone who met with the President. He is sharp and well informed on topics.
You moron.

Look how the dumbass screwed up Veteran's Day just like he screws up everything. The sonofabitch is an embarrassment to this country and only an idiot like you would thnk that he is "sharp and well informed".

That BS is used by Republicans all the time. They vote for both. Blah, blah, blah.

Nope, it is not sticking.
Paranoid much... :cuckoo: ...I told you the truth about my political affiliation... what you believe is your onw business...

But none of that addresses the 10,000 lb elephants in the Dems' living room... Illegals, Inflation, Corruption, Anti-Semitism, etc.
You moron.

Look how the dumbass screwed up Veteran's Day just like he screws up everything. The sonofabitch is an embarrassment to this country and only an idiot like you would thnk that he is "sharp and well informed".

What was I supposed to see? You guys are crazy.
The Majority of Jews who live in the US vote for rights. Voting rights, children's rights, women's rights.....Theirs and everyone else's Rights.

Republicans for the past 40 years have not been for people's Rights. When it comes to rights, the Republicans have clearly been taking some of them away, or trying to take others, all in order to stay in power.

But even Republican voters are voting against Republicans exactly because they refuse to have their rights taken away.

Which is why the Republicans have been losing elections since 2016.

They have the House now. And they are doing nothing but being dysfunctional.

Whichever country Jews live in, including in Israel, the majority votes for universal rights.

So, YES, it makes total sense for the majority of Jews to vote for Democrats in the USA.

Voting rights? Let me guess, you believe that requiring an ID to vote is infringing on someone’s right?

What children’s rights do Republicans want to take away? You aren’t referrring to the right of a child to choose their gender and permanently mutilate themselves are you?

Women’s rights, well, I assume you are referring to the right to choose, which is quite ironic because to be for full term abortions, which the Democratic Party seems to support, you have be be against the rights of what anybody could agree is a person at 9 months.

What you refer to as removing rights is simply enforcing laws which society must abide by in order to remain civilized and to protect our Democratic processes.
The Republican Party isn't even on the side of the Constitution, much less the people.

Crashing the economy every time they're in the White House. Tearing up your trade deals, helping billionaires fleece dumb assholes like you. And siding with Putin and Xi. That's today's Republicans.

The only false narrative being pushed is being pushed by the billionaire owned right wing media that wants a white nationalist dictator in the White House. Breitbart and Fox love them billionaire tax cuts.

Dumb Butthead Americans like yourself follow them like sheep.

Funny thing is that Trump hurt me by capping the SALT deduction. I don’t live in a high property tax state, however, I do own enough property to be negatively affected by capping property tax deductions at 10k.

Democrats, particularly very wealthy ones, hated the cap because it hurt them as they were no longer able to use the federal government to subsidize their ridiciculously high property taxes. You are being taken for a ride. The ultra-wealthy are heavily Democratic, the working wealthy are heavily Republican. Billionaires want control and they know the easiest way to get it is to fool suckers like you into believeing that they are for the little guy and want to sock it too the ”rich”. The problem is, the “rich” don’t include them. They are simply punishing the working wealthy, while they remain untouched.

Frankly, most of the Democratic base is too ignorant, too indoctrinated and/or too selfish to even care.
And then, there are all the Muslims and Christians who are pro the destruction of Israel, who feed the minds of people who know nothing and are screaming BDS, and Apartheid, and this and that against Israel.

The vast majority of Christians in the US support Israel. It is the secular crowd and Muslims that don’t. How do you think the Squad got elected? Do you think it was because of Christians voting for them? Do you really think a White Nationalist could be elected into Congress as a Republican? How about 8 of them? And no, Trump isn’t a White Nationalist. That is utter nonsense. You have bought into a false narrative sold by the Democratic Party.
Funny thing is that Trump hurt me by capping the SALT deduction. I don’t live in a high property tax state, however, I do own enough property to be negatively affected by capping property tax deductions at 10k.

Democrats, particularly very wealthy ones, hated the cap because it hurt them as they were no longer able to use the federal government to subsidize their ridiciculously high property taxes. You are being taken for a ride. The ultra-wealthy are heavily Democratic, the working wealthy are heavily Republican. Billionaires want control and they know the easiest way to get it is to fool suckers like you into believeing that they are for the little guy and want to sock it too the ”rich”. The problem is, the “rich” don’t include them. They are simply punishing the working wealthy, while they remain untouched.

Frankly, most of the Democratic base is too ignorant, too indoctrinated and/or too selfish to even care.

I'm not being taken anywhere, but your dedication to Republicans completely ignores the effect of their "cut and spend" policies, their destructive deficit spending and 3 economic crashes, each worse than the last, in the past 40 years.

Republican policies and tax codes have destroyed the union movement, impoverished the working class, and created more billionaires than any economy in the world, along with the highest rates of poverty, gun violence and drug abuse, in the first world. Your middle class is dwindling, and Republicans have now raised tuition to the point that students are being put into permanent poverty by crushing student debt with high interest rates.

What services are you getting for your "ridiculously high property taxes", DBA???? Better schools??? Universal health care????? What about clean water, safe roads and bridges???? Lower crimes rates.

The conservatives on this board are LONG on complaints about EVERYTHING, but you're not offering a single idea or solution to the problems and issues being raised. You blame Democrats for everything that are the results of core Republican policies.

You say that Democrats are only for the rich people, and yet Joe Biden marched on the picket line with UAW Workers, while Trump met with the unemployed workers at a non-union plant and blamed the UAW, and not the management who got 40% wage increases, for the strike.

Are any of Trump's businesses unionized????? Or has Trump been hiring illegal immigrants, and then exploiting their status with unpaid overtime and other abuses?

What exactly has the Republican Party done for working men and women??? Raised the minimum wage???? Mandated vacation time for all workers like the rest of the first world? What about universal health care???? Maternity leave??? Education grants for displaced workers?

Or did they give tax breaks to companies off-shorting manufacturing? Increase earned income credits instead of raising the minimum wage and in essence, providing wage subsidies to some of America's most profitable corporations?

During the pandemic - who did Trump give bailouts and interest free loans to??? The same rich people and corporations he gave the bulk of the tax cuts to when he was first elected. It was Nancy Pelosi who refused to pass any more money for corporations until the American workers received a bailout.

So don't try to convince me that the Republican Party is the working man's party. Donald Trump did nothing but shit all over the working men and women during his 4 years in the White House, and you're here defending his record.

What a gullible fool you are.
As time moves on and Democrats further abandon Israel, this will only get worse.

What is going on with Gaza has nothing to do with Democrats. People are upset about it and frustrated, but this is not about abandoning Israel. Netanyahu does what he damn well pleases.
There are the Pro Palestinians, they are ignorant people who know nothing about the history, and could not care less, and are letting themselves be taken by all the lies they hear and read because their brains cannot tell the difference. They are a small number.

And then there are the antisemites, who are mainly in the Republican Party with the Nazis, KKK, etc.

And then, there are all the Muslims and Christians who are pro the destruction of Israel, who feed the minds of people who know nothing and are screaming BDS, and Apartheid, and this and that against Israel.

You may not want to notice but it is exactly Republican women and men who are voting to keep abortion legal and are giving the Democrats their wins in all the elections since 2016. Especially now.

Yeah, primal. Primal is Stop Taking My Rights Away Or I will Not Vote For You. Which is why Republicans, including Trump, have been losing in elections.

No one wants the destruction of Israel. They want an end to the bloodshed .
No one wants the destruction of Israel. They want an end to the bloodshed .
That is not what they say. That is not what they chant.

Free Palestine, means Israel.
From the river to the sea, mean all of Israel.

Some day you will catch on.
The vast majority of Christians in the US support Israel. It is the secular crowd and Muslims that don’t. How do you think the Squad got elected? Do you think it was because of Christians voting for them? Do you really think a White Nationalist could be elected into Congress as a Republican? How about 8 of them? And no, Trump isn’t a White Nationalist. That is utter nonsense. You have bought into a false narrative sold by the Democratic Party.

Trump called himself a Nationalist.. and if the Reawaken Ameria Tour isn't white Nationalist and antisemitic I don't know what is. It's Fascism wrapped up in the flag and carrying a cross.
That is not what they say. That is not what they chant.

Free Palestine, means Israel.
From the river to the sea, mean all of Israel.

Some day you will catch on.

From the Jordan River to the Wadi Al Arish.

It's time to solve the problem There's been too much bloodshed for too long.

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