Many Americans Are Bitter and Disillusioned

these states has been republican forever, meaning they have had an eternity...
but they didnt do anything...
because they know; its not the machines stupid...
There is proof of voter fraud, and thats a fact. Enough to overturn the election, maybe not.
Even Dems have complained about this system, and yes the "machines" are an open door for fraud, plain and simple.
I would think that both parties would want to resolve this issue, unless of course one party likes keeping an unsecured system.
The problem has been exposed, and it needs to be fixed, so would you agree with this ?

There is NO proof of machine issue. Trump supporters took ONE user error (not machine error) in ONE Michigan county that was caught and corrected almost immediately and out of that blooms a national conspiracy that over the course of a few weeks, stretched to everybody under the sun, including Iran and China. :auiqs.jpg:Federal and state officials (Republican and Democrat) saying this was the most secure and smoothest election in our history.

He lost. Life will go on. I promise.
For the sake of argument, lets say there was zero voter fraud in this election and its a perfect world out there.
The fact is, these "machines" have been proven theyre wide open to fraud. Whether or not fraud occurred, they are indeed susceptible to it. Do you want that kind of unsecured system ?
Is that the type of system you want ?

These machines have been used in other elections..including 2016 if I'm not mistaken. I didn't hear any complaints then.
One of many examples...
“However, voting machines are reportedly falling apart across the country, as vendors neglect to innovate and improve important voting systems, putting our elections at avoidable and increased risk. In 2015, election officials in at least 31 states, representing approximately 40 million registered voters, reported that their voting machines needed to be updated, with almost every state ‘using some machines that are no longer manufactured.’ Moreover, even when state and local officials work on replacing antiquated machines, many continue to ‘run on old software that will soon be outdated and more vulnerable to hackers.'”

Western Journal

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Western Journal - Questionable - Right Bias - Conservative - Republican - Some Fake News - Not Credible
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A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source. See all Questionable sources.

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this election was made when there was an ultra right wing president in office, an ultra right wing set of judges in the SC and was won in states that are run by ultra right wing politicians...

if you cant take a loss like a adult, dont play...
You are a jabbering imbecile.

The SC is by no means "ultra right wing",nor is the governor of Wisconsin, Michigan or Pennsylvania.

If stupidity was painful you'd need massive doses of morphine.

these states has been republican forever, meaning they have had an eternity...
but they didnt do anything...
because they know; its not the machines stupid...
There is proof of voter fraud, and thats a fact. Enough to overturn the election, maybe not.
Even Dems have complained about this system, and yes the "machines" are an open door for fraud, plain and simple.
I would think that both parties would want to resolve this issue, unless of course one party likes keeping an unsecured system.
The problem has been exposed, and it needs to be fixed, so would you agree with this ?

There is NO proof of machine issue. Trump supporters took ONE user error (not machine error) in ONE Michigan county that was caught and corrected almost immediately and out of that blooms a national conspiracy that over the course of a few weeks, stretched to everybody under the sun, including Iran and China. :auiqs.jpg:Federal and state officials (Republican and Democrat) saying this was the most secure and smoothest election in our history.

He lost. Life will go on. I promise.
For the sake of argument, lets say there was zero voter fraud in this election and its a perfect world out there.
The fact is, these "machines" have been proven theyre wide open to fraud. Whether or not fraud occurred, they are indeed susceptible to it. Do you want that kind of unsecured system ?
Is that the type of system you want ?

this is not about the machines...

this is about a cult trying to force their will upon "the people", blaming machines, officials, judges, courts, democrats, republicans, cubans, chaves and anything they can spell in the process, but not their own deplorable behavior that got them where they are today...

"the people" are sick of them and their entitled views of this life where they think they are something special and nobody else matters...

changing machines wont change this disdain of "the people" against this behavior...

otherwise nobody gives a fuck which machine counts what...

but you all know these same machines counted votes right for donald in the last election that he won, so they are good enough to count in this one...

thats all i have to say to you my friend...
Its not my fault that your upset, and Trump was smart enough to expose your fraud.

why should i be upset...

scums of the earth deplorable supremacist mob got "god smacked" in biblical proportions just a month ago...

i am partying here and beating you dead horses...

i am having the best time of my lifetime...
I'll bong along with that....
this election was made when there was an ultra right wing president in office, an ultra right wing set of judges in the SC and was won in states that are run by ultra right wing politicians...

if you cant take a loss like a adult, dont play...
You are a jabbering imbecile.

The SC is by no means "ultra right wing",nor is the governor of Wisconsin, Michigan or Pennsylvania.

If stupidity was painful you'd need massive doses of morphine.

these states has been republican forever, meaning they have had an eternity...
but they didnt do anything...
because they know; its not the machines stupid...
There is proof of voter fraud, and thats a fact. Enough to overturn the election, maybe not.
Even Dems have complained about this system, and yes the "machines" are an open door for fraud, plain and simple.
I would think that both parties would want to resolve this issue, unless of course one party likes keeping an unsecured system.
The problem has been exposed, and it needs to be fixed, so would you agree with this ?

There is NO proof of machine issue. Trump supporters took ONE user error (not machine error) in ONE Michigan county that was caught and corrected almost immediately and out of that blooms a national conspiracy that over the course of a few weeks, stretched to everybody under the sun, including Iran and China. :auiqs.jpg:Federal and state officials (Republican and Democrat) saying this was the most secure and smoothest election in our history.

He lost. Life will go on. I promise.
For the sake of argument, lets say there was zero voter fraud in this election and its a perfect world out there.
The fact is, these "machines" have been proven theyre wide open to fraud. Whether or not fraud occurred, they are indeed susceptible to it. Do you want that kind of unsecured system ?
Is that the type of system you want ?

this is not about the machines...

this is about a cult trying to force their will upon "the people", blaming machines, officials, judges, courts, democrats, republicans, cubans, chaves and anything they can spell in the process, but not their own deplorable behavior that got them where they are today...

"the people" are sick of them and their entitled views of this life where they think they are something special and nobody else matters...

changing machines wont change this disdain of "the people" against this behavior...

otherwise nobody gives a fuck which machine counts what...

but you all know these same machines counted votes right for donald in the last election that he won, so they are good enough to count in this one...

thats all i have to say to you my friend...
Its not my fault that your upset, and Trump was smart enough to expose your fraud.

why should i be upset...

scums of the earth deplorable supremacist mob got "god smacked" in biblical proportions just a month ago...

i am partying here and beating you dead horses...

i am having the best time of my lifetime...
Not based on your responses.
Nobody ever feels good about winning something after theyve cheated to do so.
Their conscious kicks in, and guilt ensues.


View attachment 428108
Why thank you very much.
That means a lot coming from a trans.

lol... try harder next time.
Here is how the right became disillusioned:
  • Hillary called you a deplorable and you thought: “oh no people don’t like me”
  • Then Trump was elected with a minority of votes (Cali shouldn’t count for some reason) and slipped by improbably a few states and won electorally... you thought: “wait this means a landslide of Americans think like me, America first, mostly white, and those brown shithole country and shithole city folk can suck it forever.. MAGA Jesus baby!”
  • Then Pubs were wiped out in mid-terms and you thought: “Happens to the best of them, darn media. Outlier. The best president ever will prevail and he wasn’t on the ticket”
  • Then polls came out and it looked bad and you thought: “fake media”
  • Then Trump lost by 7M votes and with a simple reversal of the narrow state wins resulted in a similar electoral loss suffered by Hillary and you thought: “Impossible. People love the way I think. It must be fraud. Sounds like unsubstantiated bullshit but no way can my terrible politics be off putting. Crime! I’ll follow Trump to the bridge and let him push me off before I bow down to people who don’t like my thinking.”
> --
Regardless of what judges have ruled, many Americans have seen the evidence that the Democrats
are not loyal or honest and cannot be trusted to conduct fair elections. Many of us now know that there is extensive fraud in American elections held in many states and we now lack confidence in American elections. The dishonesty of the Democrats has already cost them 15 seats in the House of Representatives, so the voters are aware of their lies, too.
Biden's calls for unity are a joke. His party has created millions of enemies among Trump supporters who will oppose most everything he tries to do from the White House in the next 4 years. Despite the results, millions of Americans still support Donald Trump. I hope Trump will stay active in politics. He has millions of supporters who know he got a raw deal.
All I want is a fair and secure voting system that everyone can depend on and trust.
The rest will take care of itself. There are other secure systems out there, as some members have shown them on this forum
Dominion needs to go before 2022 or 2024. Replaced with what idk, but this needs to be addressed asap.

donald had 4 long years to replace it...
And he didnt, but it has been exposed.
So we live and learn, and now everyone should be on board to do so.
Even the Dems have complained about it, so yes we need it fixed soon.

There can be no fair elections while Democrat criminals are in office. They will find a way to
steal future elections. We need them out.
Yeah, you dood dat..
> --
Regardless of what judges have ruled, many Americans have seen the evidence that the Democrats
are not loyal or honest and cannot be trusted to conduct fair elections. Many of us now know that there is extensive fraud in American elections held in many states and we now lack confidence in American elections. The dishonesty of the Democrats has already cost them 15 seats in the House of Representatives, so the voters are aware of their lies, too.
Biden's calls for unity are a joke. His party has created millions of enemies among Trump supporters who will oppose most everything he tries to do from the White House in the next 4 years. Despite the results, millions of Americans still support Donald Trump. I hope Trump will stay active in politics. He has millions of supporters who know he got a raw deal.

Biden 332-206
He lost. Life will go on. I promise.

I'm afraid some of the cult will off themselves, they were so emotionally dependent on Orange Jesus winning.

As long as they don't go all Marshall Applewhite...but if they do, leave the sneakers. :)

I honestly don't get the worship of this man. I never have. What makes this man worthy of the adoration and devotion he receives? Religious figures don't get this kind of love and adoration.
these states has been republican forever, meaning they have had an eternity...
but they didnt do anything...
because they know; its not the machines stupid...
There is proof of voter fraud, and thats a fact. Enough to overturn the election, maybe not.
Even Dems have complained about this system, and yes the "machines" are an open door for fraud, plain and simple.
I would think both parties would want to resolve this issue, unless of course one party likes keeping an unsecured system.
The problem has been exposed, and it needs to be fixed, so would you agree with this ?
I don't think that the election was stolen, at all. But...the scrutiny has exposed weaknesses in our systems..and they should be addressed. Addressed in a way that assures both transparency...and ease of access. I like mail in..I just think it needs to be codified, certified..and ran efficiently--we all know that Trump deliberately sabotaged the USPS for politics,, right?
If it were ran correctly....their would have been no delays..that so lent themselves to conspiracy theorists, after all.

However, from my point of view..the system, the much-abused and oft-maligned system...ultimately worked. Despite serious efforts to undermine it...the garbage suits..were seen as garbage....and the majority of Americans agreed.
I don't think that the election was stolen, at all. But...the scrutiny has exposed weaknesses in our systems..and they should be addressed. Addressed in a way that assures both transparency...and ease of access. I like mail in..I just think it needs to be codified, certified..and ran efficiently--we all know that Trump deliberately sabotaged the USPS for politics,, right?
If it were ran correctly....their would have been no delays..that so lent themselves to conspiracy theorists, after all.
Thank you.
As youve said above in bold, I totally agree with.
I honestly don't get the worship of this man. I never have. What makes this man worthy of the adoration and devotion he receives? Religious figures don't get this kind of love and adoration.
Hint: All the zip codes that were against Segregation and Civil Rights, are all the ones that,, today, line up exactly with people who love and adore Trump.

Google it and see.
these states has been republican forever, meaning they have had an eternity...
but they didnt do anything...
because they know; its not the machines stupid...
There is proof of voter fraud, and thats a fact. Enough to overturn the election, maybe not.
Even Dems have complained about this system, and yes the "machines" are an open door for fraud, plain and simple.
I would think both parties would want to resolve this issue, unless of course one party likes keeping an unsecured system.
The problem has been exposed, and it needs to be fixed, so would you agree with this ?

"There is proof of voter fraud, and thats a fact. Enough to overturn the election..."

only in your wet dreams...

if loser donald wants to fix anything, he has 30 more days to do so...
he should rather get to work rather than bitching and whining all day...
so would you agree with this ?...
Trump has had 4 years to get work done and all he did was play golf and become more of an Orange Obese Fuck on the US coalminers dime.
Being bitter and disillusioned is up to the individual but I see it as being bitter and delusional. Before the election I figured if Biden won then the Republicans would take back the House in the 2022 mid-term elections and we'd finally get a wee bit of fiscal responsibility in Washington. Now I'm not so sure, I view the charge of election fraud as being on par with the Birther issue. When my congressman ripped our governor for certifying the election results, that Republican congressman forfeited any more votes he'll ever get from me.
> --
Regardless of what judges have ruled, many Americans have seen the evidence that the Democrats
are not loyal or honest and cannot be trusted to conduct fair elections. Many of us now know that there is extensive fraud in American elections held in many states and we now lack confidence in American elections. The dishonesty of the Democrats has already cost them 15 seats in the House of Representatives, so the voters are aware of their lies, too.
Biden's calls for unity are a joke. His party has created millions of enemies among Trump supporters who will oppose most everything he tries to do from the White House in the next 4 years. Despite the results, millions of Americans still support Donald Trump. I hope Trump will stay active in politics. He has millions of supporters who know he got a raw deal.
Dude, right wingers only have right wing fantasy not reality.

President Trump has made more than 20,000 false or misleading claims
these states has been republican forever, meaning they have had an eternity...
but they didnt do anything...
because they know; its not the machines stupid...
There is proof of voter fraud, and thats a fact. Enough to overturn the election, maybe not.
Even Dems have complained about this system, and yes the "machines" are an open door for fraud, plain and simple.
I would think both parties would want to resolve this issue, unless of course one party likes keeping an unsecured system.
The problem has been exposed, and it needs to be fixed, so would you agree with this ?

"There is proof of voter fraud, and thats a fact. Enough to overturn the election..."

only in your wet dreams...

if loser donald wants to fix anything, he has 30 more days to do so...
he should rather get to work rather than bitching and whining all day...
so would you agree with this ?...
Trump has had 4 years to get work done and all he did was play golf and become more of an Orange Obese Fuck on the US coalminers dime.
I understand your hate for Trump, and if Joe was my president, I too would be upset.
I have posts on this forum from when I first joined where I stated that I didnt like Trumps personality, and they way he conducted himself. However, one must remember he's not a politician.
Lastly, he has accomplished more for this country in 4 years than any other president in modern history.
He did exactly as he set out to do, and kept ALL his campaign promises.
No matter what your feelings are, he is one of the greatest ever.
You know good and well if China hadnt decided to help the Dems with this virus, Trump would have won bigger than what he already did.
these states has been republican forever, meaning they have had an eternity...
but they didnt do anything...
because they know; its not the machines stupid...
There is proof of voter fraud, and thats a fact. Enough to overturn the election, maybe not.
Even Dems have complained about this system, and yes the "machines" are an open door for fraud, plain and simple.
I would think both parties would want to resolve this issue, unless of course one party likes keeping an unsecured system.
The problem has been exposed, and it needs to be fixed, so would you agree with this ?

"There is proof of voter fraud, and thats a fact. Enough to overturn the election..."

only in your wet dreams...

if loser donald wants to fix anything, he has 30 more days to do so...
he should rather get to work rather than bitching and whining all day...
so would you agree with this ?...
Trump has had 4 years to get work done and all he did was play golf and become more of an Orange Obese Fuck on the US coalminers dime.
I understand your hate for Trump, and if Joe was my president, I too would be upset.
I have posts on this forum from when I first joined where I stated that I didnt like Trumps personality, and they way he conducted himself. However, one must remember he's not a politician.
Lastly, he has accomplished more for this country in 4 years than any other president in modern history.
He did exactly as he set out to do, and kept ALL his campaign promises.
No matter what your feelings are, he is one of the greatest ever.
You know good and well if China hadnt decided to help the Dems with this virus, Trump would have won bigger than what he already did.
Actually, I don't know. I know better. Simple education.

I don't hate Trump. Hell, I gave him the benfit of the doubt. Businessman gonna get things right in DC. Suuuure, thing, Skippy.

What do you have to show for DJTs one term, impeached presidency? Tax cuts for corporations and rich folks and 3 SCOTUS appointees. Yeah, you folks won.

And he still can't buy or bully a fucking second term.
these states has been republican forever, meaning they have had an eternity...
but they didnt do anything...
because they know; its not the machines stupid...
There is proof of voter fraud, and thats a fact. Enough to overturn the election, maybe not.
Even Dems have complained about this system, and yes the "machines" are an open door for fraud, plain and simple.
I would think both parties would want to resolve this issue, unless of course one party likes keeping an unsecured system.
The problem has been exposed, and it needs to be fixed, so would you agree with this ?

"There is proof of voter fraud, and thats a fact. Enough to overturn the election..."

only in your wet dreams...

if loser donald wants to fix anything, he has 30 more days to do so...
he should rather get to work rather than bitching and whining all day...
so would you agree with this ?...
Trump has had 4 years to get work done and all he did was play golf and become more of an Orange Obese Fuck on the US coalminers dime.
I understand your hate for Trump, and if Joe was my president, I too would be upset.
I have posts on this forum from when I first joined where I stated that I didnt like Trumps personality, and they way he conducted himself. However, one must remember he's not a politician.
Lastly, he has accomplished more for this country in 4 years than any other president in modern history.
He did exactly as he set out to do, and kept ALL his campaign promises.
No matter what your feelings are, he is one of the greatest ever.
You know good and well if China hadnt decided to help the Dems with this virus, Trump would have won bigger than what he already did.

he did take over a thriving economy with all wheels oiled after a disastrous economic failure...

he was just gonna ride it till the end and most likely get a 2nd term but he got tested with a real challenge that needed a real leader to act upon...

and he not only did fill in his pants, but he did spread it all over the place too...

first denied the virus,
then claimed it was less than a flu,
then said it would burn out till may,
he disregarded all science and logic in the meantime,
and then as a result of his ignorance and short sight, had to close down the biggest economy in the universe and hand out free money out of tax payer pockets in epic proportions just to keep people alive...
and still ended up with record breaking numbers of infections...

i dont know how much more you can fail as a leader really...
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