Many Are Afraid To Say It, but This Is Not a Close Race

You fuckers haven't quit your whining since he shellacked her, so yeah, you ARE bitter cult morons.

Clinton lives rent-free in your bitter cult head, not mine. She owns your little cult brain. That's why you can't stop raging about her.

By the way, is she in jail yet, another prediction of yours?

HAHAHHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHA. Brainwashed cultists are funny. You consistently fall for the dumbest conspiracy theories imaginable.

Now, back to that topic you wanted to run from.

You Trump cultists all made idiot predictions for 2018 that were over 10 poiints off.

Given how demonstrably you all suck at predictions, why shouldn't everyone assume your predictions suck just as hard this time around?

You don't have to answer, because everyone does assume that.

Nope. But he CLEARLY does in yours!
Here's another interesting factoid - in the six swing states, AZ MI WI PA NC and FL, the percentage of non-college educated whites has declined by 2% as a share of the population since 2016. Trump won because he won PA WI and MI. The combined total he won by in those three states was 77,000. If you overlay the demographics on 2020 onto the 2016 electoral map, and assume that the share total by demographic cohorts remain constant, Hillary would have won the election.

Of course Trump won, and that's all that matters. But the point is that the demographics are working against him.
2 million more “new 6th world immigrates” will all vote Biden
Trump is around 35 percent of Latino and 20 percent of negro vote - which is huge
“Blame the election of 2016. Virtually everyone but the most die-hard Trump backers that year felt he would lose. Few forecasters thought it was possible for a candidate to lose the national popular vote by over 2 percentage points (nearly 3 million votes) and still win enough states to reach 270 electoral votes.
And where were the polls off in 2016? In those very states of Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Postelection studies revealed that, nationally, there was a slight over-sampling of whites with college degrees and a slight under-sampling of whites with less than four-year degrees. Since then, most pollsters have begun to correct for that, weighting white voters by level of educational attainment. Just this week, Pew Research released a report to guide state-level pollsters how to weight samples to correct for education.”

Democrats in particular are afraid to say it – and understandably so; they would be wise to consider it a very close race.

Trump is going to schlong Sleepy Joe, and Joe's Bald Faced Lie that Trump called WWI vets "losers and suckers" has blown up in his face. People know that they can't trust Bite Me.

I took a drive this week over 100 miles of US Route 6 in Pennsylvania. I counted 159 Trump signs , 8 Biden signs, and 14 Sweet Corn signs.

Biden has a way to go
I have this gut feeling that because of the continued right wing supported violence in democrat controlled areas a lot of old big named republicans may very well lose.
“Blame the election of 2016. Virtually everyone but the most die-hard Trump backers that year felt he would lose. Few forecasters thought it was possible for a candidate to lose the national popular vote by over 2 percentage points (nearly 3 million votes) and still win enough states to reach 270 electoral votes.
And where were the polls off in 2016? In those very states of Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Postelection studies revealed that, nationally, there was a slight over-sampling of whites with college degrees and a slight under-sampling of whites with less than four-year degrees. Since then, most pollsters have begun to correct for that, weighting white voters by level of educational attainment. Just this week, Pew Research released a report to guide state-level pollsters how to weight samples to correct for education.”

Democrats in particular are afraid to say it – and understandably so; they would be wise to consider it a very close race.

This race is not close.

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