Many black men prefer white women

I've had more than several black girlfriends in my lifetime. Two things I've learned is that it's all pink on the inside, and black men don't actually have bigger dicks. That second one is a myth started by insecure liberal white males.
Why would insecure white men start a myth that black men have bigger dicks? Seems like the opposite of what they’d want to do….
Not my experience.
In my experience they had no reciprocity. None. It was all about them.
They were definitely more open and unbridled than white gals back in my day, but not about you - about them.
you messed with the wrong girls, in my experience they are treated much worse with less respect by our black counterparts so just being nice to them is enough
Yes quite a few are all about themselves.
Too loud for me.
When we go into the city, and there are black women there - damn!! freaking loud mouths.
Shrilling and shrieking like a bunch of hyenas! Annoying as hell.
The black dudes are chillin. Not loud. All about acting cool and collected. A little nod is about all you will get.
Black women? You can hear them a mile away.
Too loud for me.
When we go into the city, and there are black women there - damn!! freaking loud mouths.
Shrilling and shrieking like a bunch of hyenas! Annoying as hell.
The black dudes are chillin. Not loud. All about acting cool and collected. A little nod is about all you will get.
Black women? You can hear them a mile away.
They do try to draw attention to themselves.
Fat? No, but I like full figured, especially if it’s a sister

White women make them feel better about themselves than black women.
Maybe ... but they're still making judgment calls based on skin color. When whites do that, they face the wrath of the "Cancel Culture Cult."
Lots and lots of white women in my family. None prefer black men, considering that fact that all of them are married to or dating white men.
I was just going by the thread topic.

If there’s lots of black guys dating white women, it stands to reason there must also be a lot of white women into black men.
So why do white women prefer black men?
They don't.
A small minority of them do, and why that is, is a big mystery considering the evidence it isn't going to go well.
Most white women who specifically date black men are choosing the worst examples of them.
I see this all the time
I was just going by the thread topic.

If there’s lots of black guys dating white women, it stands to reason there must also be a lot of white women into black men.
I'm thinking in terms of per capita. Blacks make up about 14% of the overall population. So there is a greater percentage of blacks (per capita) interested in whites than there are whites (per capita) interested in blacks.
One more thing to keep in mind maybe it is the case that there are way more black men dating white women compared to say white men dating black women. But practically all Asians in interracial marriages or relationships are with a white guy. That’s it you almost never see an Asian women with a black man or an Asian man with a white women.

As countries change borders or as immigration policies change then we may see more types of diversity when it comes to relationships. Social media can also play a role in this.
I think black women are also attracted to white men cause we tend to have stable, legal employment.
I'm thinking in terms of per capita. Blacks make up about 14% of the overall population. So there is a greater percentage of blacks (per capita) interested in whites than there are whites (per capita) interested in blacks.
I'm dating a black girl but have dated mostly white women in the past. My girlfriend is very supportive and understanding and not self centered. I have met her parents and won over her mom right away but it took awhile for her dad to accept me.

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