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Many business leaders applaud Biden's vaccine "mandate"

Sanjay Gupta finally asks Fauci about Israeli study showing ‘Natural Immunity’ is 13X times greater than Vaccine…


Indeed - SCIENCE!! :D

Indeed - SCIENCE!! :D

Except the study showed natural immunity was 13x stronger than the vaccine. It was even asked to Fakey Fauci on the PMS MSM.
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Not in many athletes it isn't fat.

As for 100 million having it? Nope - You only get to count the ones who tested positive. Anything beyond that is a SWAG (Scientific Wild-Ass Guess) ;)


United States​

Coronavirus Cases:​





That’s crazy. My entire family had it but I am the only one they counted. Stats matter.
It actually gives large employers cover from having to implement a mandate of their own. And this faux outrage we see from Republican Governors? Please - Your states already mandate vaccinations before a kid can go to school. This has been going on for 60-70 years. In fact, they are enforced in red states even more strictly than blue states with no religious exemption. And this isn't actually not even a mandate. Employees can opt to be rapid tasted once a week.
How is any of this relevant to the federal government attempting an unconstitutional power grab?
Please quote the law that says Biden can force people to get a vaccine.

Nice to know you have a history of losing bets on political forums. I knew this one was in the tank for me.

I'm just listening to the health care law legal eagles and precedent my friend. Biden's mandate was carefully crafted and will stand despite all the huffing and puffing by idiot governors. :)

History and the law are on President Joe Biden's side when it comes to coronavirus vaccine mandates, a medical historian and legal experts told the Free Press.​
Although legal challenges are likely, "the mandates are legal and will ultimately be upheld," said Peter Jacobson, professor emeritus of health law and policy at the University of Michigan, of the sweeping plan Biden announced Thursday to combat the pandemic.​
"OSHA is a federal agency that has the authority to regulate businesses, and particularly large employers, to protect workers against disease," said Jacobson, who also is the director of the Center for Law, Ethics, and Health. "It can mandate, for example, that workers have to wear certain safety goggles to protect against injuries, and take certain steps for injury prevention. It's therefore, historically, well within OSHA's purview."​
Lance Gable, a professor of law at Wayne State University Law School, agreed that the mandates are likely to survive legal challenges.​
"I think it's on pretty stable legal ground," he said. "The government's in a strong position here."​
That's because the Biden administration is using an emergency temporary standard through OSHA that was created to allow the agency to respond quickly to new, evolving threats in the workplace, Gable said.​
In his view, the coronavirus pandemic qualifies.​
"In the past, it's usually been used for things like contaminants, and new chemicals that are found to be dangerous or asbestos or things like that," he said.​
Dr. Howard Markel, director of the Center for the History of Medicine at the University of Michigan, said the United States has a long history of requiring vaccines to protect the public health, and those mandates largely have been upheld in the courts.​
Gen. George Washington required all newly enlisted troops to be inoculated against smallpox during the Revolutionary War.​

Not in many athletes it isn't fat.

As for 100 million having it? Nope - You only get to count the ones who tested positive. Anything beyond that is a SWAG (Scientific Wild-Ass Guess) ;)


United States​

Coronavirus Cases:​





From the CDC

120.2 Million​

Estimated Total Infections

101.8 Million​

Estimated Symptomatic Illnesses

6.2 Million​

Estimated Hospitalizations


Estimated Total Deaths
That’s crazy. My entire family had it but I am the only one they counted. Stats matter.

See that's the problem. Without being tested, you have no stats. Maybe the rest of your family had a bad flu? Therefore you don't get to more than double the number of Americans you THINK have had it. One in three? Seems doubtful.
See that's the problem. Without being tested, you have no stats. Maybe the rest of your family had a bad flu? Therefore you don't get to more than double the number of Americans you THINK have had it. One in three? Seems doubtful.
You’re nuts. My wife lost smell and taste as did my oldest. All of us 100% had it and my kids are tested weekly due to sports and neither tested positive once and many of their friends did. Over a 13 month span.
You offered the OPINION of one or two people. I offered additional study that you chose to ignore.

You didn't offer anything other than a couple of people's opinion.

I asked for the law stating Biden could force vaccine mandates on Americans. Your response was quoting two people I never heard of who have opinions. Something about OSHA and shit. I don't know didn't make a scrap of sense. OSHA doesn't make laws. What about companies with more than 100 people who all work at home? How would they enforce it? What if they have religious exemptions? Separation of church and state protects them.

I took that as you can't quote the law so you lose.
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It actually gives large employers cover from having to implement a mandate of their own. And this faux outrage we see from Republican Governors? Please - Your states already mandate vaccinations before a kid can go to school. This has been going on for 60-70 years. In fact, they are enforced in red states even more strictly than blue states with no religious exemption. And this isn't actually not even a mandate. Employees can opt to be rapid tasted once a week.

Grow up people. These vaccines are proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. Over 209,000 jabs in the US over the past 18 months with a infinitesimal fraction of those leading to problems of any sort. You say these vaccines don't work because a few are experiencing breakthroughs? Uh huh, and those people aren't dying and rarely do they even end up in the hostpical. In fact the odds of a fully vaxed individual even getting a breakthrough are between 1 in 5,000 to 1 in 10,000 in the more vaccinated states.

Know the death percentage of fully vaccinated individuals who get a breakthrough with largely mild symptoms? I happen to have it It's 0.005% .. Next to non-existent. So cut it out with the huffing and puffing. The Biden initiative is written in such a way that fighting it in court will be a losing proposition as we have decades of precedent. Or as Uncle Joe put it yesterday: "Have at it - We're playing for real here. This isn't a game."

Many large companies are taking the mandate in stride because they already were putting in place their own vaccine policies or strongly considering doing so, says Kathryn Bakich, health compliance practice leader at Segal, an employee benefits consulting firm.​
A handful of corporate giants such as United Airlines, McDonald’s, and Walt Disney imposed employee vaccination mandates on some or all of their workers in the spring. In turn, other large and midsize firms followed with similar policies this summer or moved to seriously consider them.​
“Business Roundtable welcomes the Biden Administration’s continued vigilance in the fight against COVID,” the group, which represents the nation’s leading companies, said in a statement. “Over the past several weeks many companies have decided to implement a vaccine mandate for some or all of their employees, a decision we applaud.”​

But, a president doesn't have the power to mandate vaccines. School vaccines are required by legislation, not executive orders. If it's so important to vaxx everyone, pass a law. Stop exempting the USPS, Congress and their staffers. Vaxx the illegal aliens coming across the open borders.
Stats matter. Did you ever study stats?

Stats are based on known facts - Not on hunches. Look, I agree that there were many who were asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic probably did have the COVIDS and were never tested.

But the only thing that you can base REAL statistics on are facts - NOT hunches and estimates.

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