Many dormant voters getting registered for November.......interesting


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
I don't have any official numbers on this I am only deriving info based on my immediate experiences.

I know of at least a half a dozen extended friends and family who haven't voted for twenty years or better getting their registrations ready for November and I Imagine that this is not an isolated case.

Surprisingly the most common issue mentioned was the attempted removal of a President....It didn't work with Clinton and it failed again with's not that easy to remove a POTUS and it does seem to wake up the nation just a bit who are now saying ..... "That is our choice.....not yours" to the ruling class.

At least one of the Dormant voters is voting against Trump btw.....Just so you know that my quick canvass of family and friends is not funneled through an agenda and yes it was the impeachment stuff that energized his decision. So it looks like the Dems were not totally incorrect when they assumed it would do Political damage....the question is who did it damage more.....Trump or the Dems?

I don't have any official numbers on this I am only deriving info based on my immediate experiences.

I know of at least a half a dozen extended friends and family who haven't voted for twenty years or better getting their registrations ready for November and I Imagine that this is not an isolated case.

Surprisingly the most common issue mentioned was the attempted removal of a President....It didn't work with Clinton and it failed again with's not that easy to remove a POTUS and it does seem to wake up the nation just a bit who are now saying ..... "That is our choice.....not yours" to the ruling class.

At least one of the Dormant voters is voting against Trump btw.....Just so you know that my quick canvass of family and friends is not funneled through an agenda and yes it was the impeachment stuff that energized his decision. So it looks like the Dems were not totally incorrect when they assumed it would do Political damage....the question is who did it damage more.....Trump or the Dems?

Well watching George Washington burn wrapped in a burning flag. Watching our major cities fall apart. Having our lives and property threatened. Watching the entire nations police force shattered and shot. Seeing the total incompetence and fear of lib politicians over 50 yrs

All are great voter registration tools.
Yes a lot of dormant voters will vote this election like 2008 and 2012. They wont sit home like in 2016, but Hillary Clinton still won the popular vote.

Tramp was more damaged by the vote. Showed what a rouge republican senate looks like.
That’s strange because for the first time in my life, I’m not registered and don’t ever intend to vote again.
I expect that many dead will be voting democrat this year, perhaps for the first time.
I have talked to a number of people who see Biden and the rest as nonstarters. My wife and a freind of hers have never voted and they are voting for the first time this year.
Yes a lot of dormant voters will vote this election like 2008 and 2012. They wont sit home like in 2016, but Hillary Clinton still won the popular vote.

Tramp was more damaged by the vote. Showed what a rouge republican senate looks like.

Perhaps one day that is how we will elect our POTUS....for now it is not.

I expect that many dead will be voting democrat this year, perhaps for the first time.
I have talked to a number of people who see Biden and the rest as nonstarters. My wife and a freind of hers have never voted and they are voting for the first time this year.

Bingo....that's what I'm saying.....the current events had pulled in more participation....should be interesting. My family is split.....sometimes thanksgiving dinner can get almost

I did not vote for either candidate in 2016 as the lesser of two evils approach finally lost its lustre. I can't stand Trump as a human being as I find him to be a petulant narcissist. but as of now I plan on voting for him anyway because the level of evil as represented by the globalists behind the democrat party is now such that a choice is necessary.

I do not wish for this country to dissolve into chaos simply because George Soros seeks greater opportunities for currency manipulation. I do not seek the destruction of small business simply because Bill gates is a cruel robber baron whose ego demands he remain the alpha by crushing the little guy under his heels. I do not wish to be muzzled just because Mark Zuckerberg says so.

There is an old saying that when fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in a flag. I used to believe that. Fascism HAS come to America and it isn't those who respect the flag bringing it. It is the other guys - the ones who have unleashed their brownshirts across the country to destroy and then remake us according to their ultra-conformist agenda.

I say fuck that. I will vote for Trump i that is what it takes.
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I don't have any official numbers on this I am only deriving info based on my immediate experiences.

I know of at least a half a dozen extended friends and family who haven't voted for twenty years or better getting their registrations ready for November and I Imagine that this is not an isolated case.

To vote for Biden. They want to make sure it's the end of an error.
Yes a lot of dormant voters will vote this election like 2008 and 2012. They wont sit home like in 2016, but Hillary Clinton still won the popular vote.

Tramp was more damaged by the vote. Showed what a rouge republican senate looks like.

Dormant voters in Dem blue states are meaningless. This election will be won or lost in the battle ground states. If every last voter in California and New York votes for Biden he can still lose.
Impeachment is indeed part of it. The whole negative attitude of the party over the last 4 years is disgusting. It is like they've been going through the terrible 2's these past 4 years. My idea of progressive action takes the form of an old fashion barn raising party updated to the needs of those that are down while being inclusive and appreciative of all folks regardless of race, religion (or lack of), and sexual preference. Protests are fine but counter the idiots that are rioting and looting by cleaning up the day after and perhaps take on an inner city playground to clean up and repair.
Why haven't they been voting in 20 years OP? Especially the previous election.
How interesting is it that Trump claimed the statue vandalism wouldn’t stop until they got to Washington and Jefferson? He was ridiculed by many on the left.
Yes a lot of dormant voters will vote this election like 2008 and 2012. They wont sit home like in 2016, but Hillary Clinton still won the popular vote.

Tramp was more damaged by the vote. Showed what a rouge republican senate looks like.
Millions and millions and millions of dead people, illegals and people voting multiple times.
Speculating on November is premature to say the least. The nation could be in democrat led flames by then. Vandals and rioters are having protests and marches into residential neighborhoods now. By November those homes might look like downtown Minneapolis.

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