Many leading scientists now warning of coming apolcalypse


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
While apocalyptic beliefs about the end of the world have, historically, been the subject of religious speculation, they are increasingly common among some of the leading scientists today. This is a worrisome fact, given that science is based not on faith and private revelation, but on observation and empirical evidence. Perhaps the most prominent figure with an anxious outlook on humanity’s future is Stephen Hawking. Last year, he wrote the following in a Guardian article: Now,

Many Leading Scientists Now Warning Of Coming Apocalypse


Oh well when it comes it comes, at least some can take a precaution....
While apocalyptic beliefs about the end of the world have, historically, been the subject of religious speculation, they are increasingly common among some of the leading scientists today. This is a worrisome fact, given that science is based not on faith and private revelation, but on observation and empirical evidence. Perhaps the most prominent figure with an anxious outlook on humanity’s future is Stephen Hawking. Last year, he wrote the following in a Guardian article: Now,

Many Leading Scientists Now Warning Of Coming Apocalypse
View attachment 125450


Oh well when it comes it comes, at least some can take a precaution....
Remember chicken little, the sky is falling....:wine:
Holy "cart before the horse," Batman!

From the source article (not the article the OP cites directly):

"We now have the technology to destroy the planet on which we live, but have not yet developed the ability to escape it."
Wouldn't it have made more sense for the political leaders of the world, along with the people who elect and enable them, to have insisted on the latter being a long-term sustainable reality before ensuring that the former were even remotely possible? And yet what kind of man have the people of the most scientifically advanced nation on the planet emplaced as their president? A man who has little to no regard for empirical evidence and is, in general, science denier.
Stop it MindWars.... I really like you but stop it.
While apocalyptic beliefs about the end of the world have, historically, been the subject of religious speculation, they are increasingly common among some of the leading scientists today. This is a worrisome fact, given that science is based not on faith and private revelation, but on observation and empirical evidence. Perhaps the most prominent figure with an anxious outlook on humanity’s future is Stephen Hawking. Last year, he wrote the following in a Guardian article: Now,

Many Leading Scientists Now Warning Of Coming Apocalypse
View attachment 125450


Oh well when it comes it comes, at least some can take a precaution....
Remember chicken little, the sky is falling....:wine:

Dr. Linus Pauling, winner of Nobel Prizes in 1954 and 1963, has said he believes the greatest catastrophe in the world is approaching. This looming catastrophe might well result in a world war which could destroy civilization and spell the end of the human race. Or, it might take the form of mass starvation among a world population that has been doubling every 35 years. Civilization might end because of the collapse of the systems on which it depends; or the end of civilization might result from weather changes induced by governments to improve the yield of crops.

The book of Revelation describes the end times.
It speaks of a one-world government, a godless dictator, financial terrorism and the total regulation of all business, plagues, crime and rebellion, and devastating disasters.

To many, it seems like a far-off time. But there are “signs of the times” in today’s headlines – signs Jesus said would herald His return.

Some people argue that the characteristic of ‘end time’ people have been our character throughout the ages and that people haven’t really changed. In its simplest form, that is true. It’s not that we don’t do the same things, what’s relevant is that we do it with increasing intensity and we are teaching new ways of doing it. Certainly, these things have been happening since the beginning of time. However, the intensity of these things today is such that we dare not blind our eyes to their meaning.

Signs of the Times | Jeremiah Project
While apocalyptic beliefs about the end of the world have, historically, been the subject of religious speculation, they are increasingly common among some of the leading scientists today. This is a worrisome fact, given that science is based not on faith and private revelation, but on observation and empirical evidence. Perhaps the most prominent figure with an anxious outlook on humanity’s future is Stephen Hawking. Last year, he wrote the following in a Guardian article: Now,

Many Leading Scientists Now Warning Of Coming Apocalypse
View attachment 125450


Oh well when it comes it comes, at least some can take a precaution....
Remember chicken little, the sky is falling....:wine:

Dr. Linus Pauling, winner of Nobel Prizes in 1954 and 1963, has said he believes the greatest catastrophe in the world is approaching. This looming catastrophe might well result in a world war which could destroy civilization and spell the end of the human race. Or, it might take the form of mass starvation among a world population that has been doubling every 35 years. Civilization might end because of the collapse of the systems on which it depends; or the end of civilization might result from weather changes induced by governments to improve the yield of crops.

The book of Revelation describes the end times.
It speaks of a one-world government, a godless dictator, financial terrorism and the total regulation of all business, plagues, crime and rebellion, and devastating disasters.

To many, it seems like a far-off time. But there are “signs of the times” in today’s headlines – signs Jesus said would herald His return.

Some people argue that the characteristic of ‘end time’ people have been our character throughout the ages and that people haven’t really changed. In its simplest form, that is true. It’s not that we don’t do the same things, what’s relevant is that we do it with increasing intensity and we are teaching new ways of doing it. Certainly, these things have been happening since the beginning of time. However, the intensity of these things today is such that we dare not blind our eyes to their meaning.

Signs of the Times | Jeremiah Project
I'll read your links in the morning but keep in mind this, God is a spirit and the Bible throughout teaches about the spiritual but humans have failed to understand this. I was given a warning to give to the "community" when I was a child. The short of it is this referring to the Hells Angels, "Do not go into their camp as if you do you are subject to what goes on in their camp". I met the leader and the top men of that organization, they each introduced themselves and told me what they did, they were business men. Messages from the holy spirit remain the same they do not change, the word is good today as it was yesterday and for tomorrow, it remains when all else fails but not as the carnal man believes as it is happenings that keep going on in the spirit. This season ends not the world, the end of an age is merely the end of a season, the world again remains. You could say that the 'morning breaks forth' after a long night.
The Sixth Major Mass Extinction is well under way but it has nothing to do with 'war'. And it cannot be reversed. The CO2 cycle in the atmosphere is somewhere between hundreds of years and a thousand. Human kind puts an additional 35 billion tons of carbon into the atmosphere a year and even if that went to zero tomorrow it's already too late.

Forget the fear mongering and bible predictions, chemistry is far more deadly.
Well, tell 'em to get in line behind the folks who warned about a coming ice age 40 years ago, others who claimed 30 years ago famine would kill untold millions due to global warming, and various others who've made fools of themselves in recent decades.
While apocalyptic beliefs about the end of the world have, historically, been the subject of religious speculation, they are increasingly common among some of the leading scientists today. This is a worrisome fact, given that science is based not on faith and private revelation, but on observation and empirical evidence. Perhaps the most prominent figure with an anxious outlook on humanity’s future is Stephen Hawking. Last year, he wrote the following in a Guardian article: Now,

Many Leading Scientists Now Warning Of Coming Apocalypse
View attachment 125450


Oh well when it comes it comes, at least some can take a precaution....
Remember chicken little, the sky is falling....:wine:

Dr. Linus Pauling, winner of Nobel Prizes in 1954 and 1963, has said he believes the greatest catastrophe in the world is approaching. This looming catastrophe might well result in a world war which could destroy civilization and spell the end of the human race. Or, it might take the form of mass starvation among a world population that has been doubling every 35 years. Civilization might end because of the collapse of the systems on which it depends; or the end of civilization might result from weather changes induced by governments to improve the yield of crops.

The book of Revelation describes the end times.
It speaks of a one-world government, a godless dictator, financial terrorism and the total regulation of all business, plagues, crime and rebellion, and devastating disasters.

To many, it seems like a far-off time. But there are “signs of the times” in today’s headlines – signs Jesus said would herald His return.

Some people argue that the characteristic of ‘end time’ people have been our character throughout the ages and that people haven’t really changed. In its simplest form, that is true. It’s not that we don’t do the same things, what’s relevant is that we do it with increasing intensity and we are teaching new ways of doing it. Certainly, these things have been happening since the beginning of time. However, the intensity of these things today is such that we dare not blind our eyes to their meaning.

Signs of the Times | Jeremiah Project

You do realize that Dr. Pauling died 23 years ago?
The Sixth Major Mass Extinction is well under way but it has nothing to do with 'war'. And it cannot be reversed. The CO2 cycle in the atmosphere is somewhere between hundreds of years and a thousand. Human kind puts an additional 35 billion tons of carbon into the atmosphere a year and even if that went to zero tomorrow it's already too late.

Forget the fear mongering and bible predictions, chemistry is far more deadly.
The earth has continually changed. How do you account for the millions of Buffalo that roamed the prairies, did their poo cause an overload? No doubt people need to clean up their act but you cannot stop the earth from turning and the seas from changing with all your theories as you didn't create it.
Meh, something is likely to wipe out mankind, but that has been true for our entire existence.

I dont think it will happen unless God wills it, so worrying is a waste of time.

We need to act responsibly and rely on objective nonpartisan research to give us ideas about what to do then take action.

The Global Warming bullshit is primarily the result of the Global Economy community pushing for larger and more powerful international organizations and are liars for a very long time.
Meh, something is likely to wipe out mankind, but that has been true for our entire existence.

I dont think it will happen unless God wills it, so worrying is a waste of time.

We need to act responsibly and rely on objective nonpartisan research to give us ideas about what to do then take action.

The Global Warming bullshit is primarily the result of the Global Economy community pushing for larger and more powerful international organizations and are liars for a very long time.
Judgment, growth and restoration happen continually. It is part of the process of this creation.

So true, "We need to act responsibly and rely on objective nonpartisan research to give us ideas about what to do then take action."
While apocalyptic beliefs about the end of the world have, historically, been the subject of religious speculation, they are increasingly common among some of the leading scientists today. This is a worrisome fact, given that science is based not on faith and private revelation, but on observation and empirical evidence. Perhaps the most prominent figure with an anxious outlook on humanity’s future is Stephen Hawking. Last year, he wrote the following in a Guardian article: Now,

Many Leading Scientists Now Warning Of Coming Apocalypse
View attachment 125450


Oh well when it comes it comes, at least some can take a precaution....
Remember chicken little, the sky is falling....:wine:

Dr. Linus Pauling, winner of Nobel Prizes in 1954 and 1963, has said he believes the greatest catastrophe in the world is approaching. This looming catastrophe might well result in a world war which could destroy civilization and spell the end of the human race. Or, it might take the form of mass starvation among a world population that has been doubling every 35 years. Civilization might end because of the collapse of the systems on which it depends; or the end of civilization might result from weather changes induced by governments to improve the yield of crops.

The book of Revelation describes the end times.
It speaks of a one-world government, a godless dictator, financial terrorism and the total regulation of all business, plagues, crime and rebellion, and devastating disasters.

To many, it seems like a far-off time. But there are “signs of the times” in today’s headlines – signs Jesus said would herald His return.

Some people argue that the characteristic of ‘end time’ people have been our character throughout the ages and that people haven’t really changed. In its simplest form, that is true. It’s not that we don’t do the same things, what’s relevant is that we do it with increasing intensity and we are teaching new ways of doing it. Certainly, these things have been happening since the beginning of time. However, the intensity of these things today is such that we dare not blind our eyes to their meaning.

Signs of the Times | Jeremiah Project

You do realize that Dr. Pauling died 23 years ago?

You do realize they told us we would build human living quarters on mars 50 yrs ago....................... Annnnnd.

Things that take place in history take place today, that is why we have a nation of College morons who don't know history , aren't taught history and we have leaders who are trying to wipe history out.

Why because those who do not know history are DOOMED to repeat it. See the sheep being lead to their Gov. coral yet?
While apocalyptic beliefs about the end of the world have, historically, been the subject of religious speculation, they are increasingly common among some of the leading scientists today. This is a worrisome fact, given that science is based not on faith and private revelation, but on observation and empirical evidence. Perhaps the most prominent figure with an anxious outlook on humanity’s future is Stephen Hawking. Last year, he wrote the following in a Guardian article: Now,

Many Leading Scientists Now Warning Of Coming Apocalypse
View attachment 125450


Oh well when it comes it comes, at least some can take a precaution....
Remember chicken little, the sky is falling....:wine:

Dr. Linus Pauling, winner of Nobel Prizes in 1954 and 1963, has said he believes the greatest catastrophe in the world is approaching. This looming catastrophe might well result in a world war which could destroy civilization and spell the end of the human race. Or, it might take the form of mass starvation among a world population that has been doubling every 35 years. Civilization might end because of the collapse of the systems on which it depends; or the end of civilization might result from weather changes induced by governments to improve the yield of crops.

The book of Revelation describes the end times.
It speaks of a one-world government, a godless dictator, financial terrorism and the total regulation of all business, plagues, crime and rebellion, and devastating disasters.

To many, it seems like a far-off time. But there are “signs of the times” in today’s headlines – signs Jesus said would herald His return.

Some people argue that the characteristic of ‘end time’ people have been our character throughout the ages and that people haven’t really changed. In its simplest form, that is true. It’s not that we don’t do the same things, what’s relevant is that we do it with increasing intensity and we are teaching new ways of doing it. Certainly, these things have been happening since the beginning of time. However, the intensity of these things today is such that we dare not blind our eyes to their meaning.

Signs of the Times | Jeremiah Project

You do realize that Dr. Pauling died 23 years ago?

You do realize they told us we would build human living quarters on mars 50 yrs ago....................... Annnnnd.

Things that take place in history take place today, that is why we have a nation of College morons who don't know history , aren't taught history and we have leaders who are trying to wipe history out.

Why because those who do not know history are DOOMED to repeat it. See the sheep being lead to their Gov. coral yet?

Typically, when people post about a coming apocalypse, they mean fairly soon. Posting a prediction that is almost a quarter of a century old and using that to add fuel to a panic seems a bit odd.
While apocalyptic beliefs about the end of the world have, historically, been the subject of religious speculation, they are increasingly common among some of the leading scientists today. This is a worrisome fact, given that science is based not on faith and private revelation, but on observation and empirical evidence. Perhaps the most prominent figure with an anxious outlook on humanity’s future is Stephen Hawking. Last year, he wrote the following in a Guardian article: Now,

Many Leading Scientists Now Warning Of Coming Apocalypse
View attachment 125450


Oh well when it comes it comes, at least some can take a precaution....
Remember chicken little, the sky is falling....:wine:

Dr. Linus Pauling, winner of Nobel Prizes in 1954 and 1963, has said he believes the greatest catastrophe in the world is approaching. This looming catastrophe might well result in a world war which could destroy civilization and spell the end of the human race. Or, it might take the form of mass starvation among a world population that has been doubling every 35 years. Civilization might end because of the collapse of the systems on which it depends; or the end of civilization might result from weather changes induced by governments to improve the yield of crops.

The book of Revelation describes the end times.
It speaks of a one-world government, a godless dictator, financial terrorism and the total regulation of all business, plagues, crime and rebellion, and devastating disasters.

To many, it seems like a far-off time. But there are “signs of the times” in today’s headlines – signs Jesus said would herald His return.

Some people argue that the characteristic of ‘end time’ people have been our character throughout the ages and that people haven’t really changed. In its simplest form, that is true. It’s not that we don’t do the same things, what’s relevant is that we do it with increasing intensity and we are teaching new ways of doing it. Certainly, these things have been happening since the beginning of time. However, the intensity of these things today is such that we dare not blind our eyes to their meaning.

Signs of the Times | Jeremiah Project

You do realize that Dr. Pauling died 23 years ago?

You do realize they told us we would build human living quarters on mars 50 yrs ago....................... Annnnnd.

Things that take place in history take place today, that is why we have a nation of College morons who don't know history , aren't taught history and we have leaders who are trying to wipe history out.

Why because those who do not know history are DOOMED to repeat it. See the sheep being lead to their Gov. coral yet?

Typically, when people post about a coming apocalypse, they mean fairly soon. Posting a prediction that is almost a quarter of a century old and using that to add fuel to a panic seems a bit odd.

They were probably basing it off that time line as we inch closer to the actual event take place.

All people are living histories – which is why History matters
While apocalyptic beliefs about the end of the world have, historically, been the subject of religious speculation, they are increasingly common among some of the leading scientists today. This is a worrisome fact, given that science is based not on faith and private revelation, but on observation and empirical evidence. Perhaps the most prominent figure with an anxious outlook on humanity’s future is Stephen Hawking. Last year, he wrote the following in a Guardian article: Now,

Many Leading Scientists Now Warning Of Coming Apocalypse
View attachment 125450


Oh well when it comes it comes, at least some can take a precaution....
Remember chicken little, the sky is falling....:wine:

Dr. Linus Pauling, winner of Nobel Prizes in 1954 and 1963, has said he believes the greatest catastrophe in the world is approaching. This looming catastrophe might well result in a world war which could destroy civilization and spell the end of the human race. Or, it might take the form of mass starvation among a world population that has been doubling every 35 years. Civilization might end because of the collapse of the systems on which it depends; or the end of civilization might result from weather changes induced by governments to improve the yield of crops.

The book of Revelation describes the end times.
It speaks of a one-world government, a godless dictator, financial terrorism and the total regulation of all business, plagues, crime and rebellion, and devastating disasters.

To many, it seems like a far-off time. But there are “signs of the times” in today’s headlines – signs Jesus said would herald His return.

Some people argue that the characteristic of ‘end time’ people have been our character throughout the ages and that people haven’t really changed. In its simplest form, that is true. It’s not that we don’t do the same things, what’s relevant is that we do it with increasing intensity and we are teaching new ways of doing it. Certainly, these things have been happening since the beginning of time. However, the intensity of these things today is such that we dare not blind our eyes to their meaning.

Signs of the Times | Jeremiah Project

You do realize that Dr. Pauling died 23 years ago?

You do realize they told us we would build human living quarters on mars 50 yrs ago....................... Annnnnd.

Things that take place in history take place today, that is why we have a nation of College morons who don't know history , aren't taught history and we have leaders who are trying to wipe history out.

Why because those who do not know history are DOOMED to repeat it. See the sheep being lead to their Gov. coral yet?

Typically, when people post about a coming apocalypse, they mean fairly soon. Posting a prediction that is almost a quarter of a century old and using that to add fuel to a panic seems a bit odd.
A lot of people seem to be in that 'eat drink and be merry mode for tomorrow we die'. Heck our political class and every other class has been doing this for a long while now. How do you propose we get people to look up and around them to see what they are doing to the world they must live in and with?
The debate on extinction events for mankind seem oddly pointless when there are cosmic object that put out deadly streams of cosmic rays that can destroy all life on any planet out for billions of light years distance, if I recall correctly.

If our planet passes through one of those streams we are all dead, no matter what.

So why worry about such stuff?

We should be responsible enough to not kill our own selves, but otherwise, there is no point to worrying about we cannot control.
Well, tell 'em to get in line behind the folks who warned about a coming ice age 40 years ago, others who claimed 30 years ago famine would kill untold millions due to global warming, and various others who've made fools of themselves in recent decades.
In the category of been there, done that...

Since the above post, scanned the headlines on Drudge and found:

Global Temperatures plummet...Paper: "Earth on course for 100-year mini-ice age."

Didn't bother clicking to read because not interested in wasting my time on such tripe, but not surprised at all the yahoos have circled back to float another ice age warning balloon as they know the low info dopes will believe anything.

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