Many "lost" voters have found their candidate in Trump

Many 'lost' voters say they have found their candidate in Trump
Ted Wade hasn’t cared about politics enough to cast a vote in a U.S. presidential election for almost a quarter of a century, back when he supported Ross Perot’s independent candidacy in 1992.
But Republican Donald Trump's 2016 White House bid has motivated Wade to get involved and he plans to support the real estate mogul in Nevada’s nominating caucus next month. Trump is a "non-politician" who can fix the "chaos" in Washington, he says.
About one in 10 Americans who plan to cast a vote this election will do so for the first time in years, if ever, and Trump holds a decided edge with them, according to polling by Reuters/Ipsos.
“I’m tired of the chaos between Democrats and Republicans and want to give somebody a try who I think can make a difference,” said Wade of Trump.
The 51-year-old has already switched his affiliation from Democrat to Republican and even attended a Trump campaign event in Las Vegas. He has told his three older children to get involved in the elections, although he did not say whether he wanted them to vote for Trump.
Trump, the Republican front-runner, has made targeting “lost” voters such as Wade a focus of his campaign. His anti-immigrant rhetoric and protectionist trade proposals have helped him to fashion a message tailored to reach Americans alienated by the endless enmity between the political parties and who, because of declining economic prospects, may feel like neither party has done much for them.
People have said that his numbers probably don't represent the number of followers.
I would have to agree. I mean, just LOOK.

by "lost" do you mean bigoted, angry and afraid?
you mean in 2007 when Obummer won his bid? those angry and afraid folks? Those!!! oh well, they have lived seven plus years under obummer and really are more angry and afraid then they were then. Thanks for playing.

The Republican are wealthier than ever and that's why they hate Obama.
Not lost, these are the defenders of the Constitution and the Republic tired of being shit on, lied to, and sold out by the establishment in both parties. Silenced by political correctness.
If they're "defenders of the Constitution and the Republic" why on Earth would they support Donald Trump? Trump has given no indication that he cares about the Constitution, quite the opposite actually when one listens to his demagoguery one gets the distinct impression he fancies himself as a would be dictator; we already got one of those in the Oval Office we don't need another one.

They know Trump is not perfect, far from it but he's not bought and paid for like these shit eating professional politicians.
True,Trump is not bought and paid for, he's one of the one's that has been doing the buying and the paying for.
Donald wouldn't be able to do a lot with Congress in the way. But, yet, I think he could negotiate. IDK, that's why I call myself a fence-sitter on trump lol
"Negotiate" with whom over what? And the current President has "Congress in the way" but that doesn't seem to stop him from issuing all sorts of authoritarian executive orders and executive actions. Frankly I suspect Trump would be even worse with respect to unilateral exercises of power since he's used to doing things that way and seems to think that everybody else should just shut the hell up and do what he says.

You cannot fight a growing plutocracy by electing a plutocrat, especially one that is a demagogue. Trump plays on emotion (Fear and Anger) just like every other demagogue in history, if you don't believe that, just go back and listen to Adolph Hitler's speeches in the late 20's / early 30's then compare them to what Donald Trump is saying now, you'll quickly note LOTS of appeals to emotion and very little (if any) specifics on the how's and what's of policy positions.

Is this really the best that the United States with it's 330 million or so citizens can do? If it is, the Republic is truly lost.
That's what im saying, IDK if he will need EOs like Obama. Obama has needed EOs to get what he wants because he cant negotiate unless they are terrorists.
If he does issue an unconstitutional EO, I hope they dig in his ass!
I feel like Trump is passionate most of the time. Nothing wrong with that. Especially since he cares about America/Americans.
People compared Obama to hitler, and he wasn't anything even REMOTELY close.
I think people like the "idea" of trump, more than the actual person.
IMO, if he did anything right the last 6 months, it was change the standards for elections.
Him and Bernie.

No worries Harley, the people opposing on both sides want the same old shit spoon fed to them, and we will continue to go into the spiral downfall with other countries screwing us over..Many on the left are supporting him as well.

Trump is not a bigot, why because he wants better vetting, illegals , or immigration laws?

The politicians all around him pay big money to lie to those who do not really listen to him. The only thing that they pay posters to slam him on all over the internet.

people keep trying to prop up Donald with lots of positive talk, and that's good, but talk doesn't win general elections. But first comes the nomination, and RW's seem to believe that part is cut and dried. It's not.

that's why RW's are simpletons.
people keep trying to prop up Donald with lots of positive talk, and that's good, but talk doesn't win general elections. But first comes the nomination, and RW's seem to believe that part is cut and dried. It's not.

that's why RW's are simpletons.
but a lot of voters do
people keep trying to prop up Donald with lots of positive talk, and that's good, but talk doesn't win general elections. But first comes the nomination, and RW's seem to believe that part is cut and dried. It's not.

that's why RW's are simpletons.

We think Trump looks unstoppable in the Primaries.

He's in the lead, and it is not an unreasonable opinion.

YOur need to try to spin this into a reason to marginalize your ideological enemies, if only in your own mind, just reflects how insecure you are.
Many 'lost' voters say they have found their candidate in Trump
Ted Wade hasn’t cared about politics enough to cast a vote in a U.S. presidential election for almost a quarter of a century, back when he supported Ross Perot’s independent candidacy in 1992.
But Republican Donald Trump's 2016 White House bid has motivated Wade to get involved and he plans to support the real estate mogul in Nevada’s nominating caucus next month. Trump is a "non-politician" who can fix the "chaos" in Washington, he says.
About one in 10 Americans who plan to cast a vote this election will do so for the first time in years, if ever, and Trump holds a decided edge with them, according to polling by Reuters/Ipsos.
“I’m tired of the chaos between Democrats and Republicans and want to give somebody a try who I think can make a difference,” said Wade of Trump.
The 51-year-old has already switched his affiliation from Democrat to Republican and even attended a Trump campaign event in Las Vegas. He has told his three older children to get involved in the elections, although he did not say whether he wanted them to vote for Trump.
Trump, the Republican front-runner, has made targeting “lost” voters such as Wade a focus of his campaign. His anti-immigrant rhetoric and protectionist trade proposals have helped him to fashion a message tailored to reach Americans alienated by the endless enmity between the political parties and who, because of declining economic prospects, may feel like neither party has done much for them.
People have said that his numbers probably don't represent the number of followers.
I would have to agree. I mean, just LOOK.

by "lost" do you mean bigoted, angry and afraid?
you mean in 2007 when Obummer won his bid? those angry and afraid folks? Those!!! oh well, they have lived seven plus years under obummer and really are more angry and afraid then they were then. Thanks for playing.

The Republican are wealthier than ever and that's why they hate Obama.
well I know no one who hates Obummer, he is just a bad president and didn't do what he said he'd do and he lied when he said if you like your insurance you can keep it. and that insurance premium prices would go down, haven't, was responsible for dead americans who were ignored by Obummer and Hillary in Benghazi, but hate, big word there bubba joe.

But I know indeed you all hated Bush. You wouldn't still be talking about him if you didn't. the lack of progress by obummer was translated into bush hate. funny stuff.
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The only hope democrats now have is to somehow keep people from voting.
You have that backwards, of course.
You have that backwards, of course

what is backwards? that was spot on bubba joe.
No, dummy. That is why the GOP suppresses voters, it's the only way old racist GOP whiteys can win. When the kiddos and Darkies vote, you're fucked.
Fair enough, but please explain why the Democrat party suppresses voters?
Fair enough, but please explain why the Democrat party suppresses voters?
They don't.
Yes they do, it's called negative advertising and the primary intent of negative ads is to discourage "the other sides" voters from showing up at the polls (i.e SUPPRESS VOTES); and the Democrats do it just as much as the Republicans do.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but Democrats with halos and Republicans with pitchforks and horns is a fantasy, both gangs of thugs are equally evil.
Fair enough, but please explain why the Democrat party suppresses voters?
They don't.
Yes they do, it's called negative advertising and the primary intent of negative ads is to discourage "the other sides" voters from showing up at the polls (i.e SUPPRESS VOTES); and the Democrats do it just as much as the Republicans do.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but Democrats with halos and Republicans with pitchforks and horns is a fantasy, both gangs of thugs are equally evil.
That is not voter suppression, that is American politics.
I can say with certainty that Trump will win the Presidency. The country is fed up with professional politicians aka insiders..You can see it and you can feel it. The rise of Sanders on the left is proof of this as well.

Hillary nor Sanders can defeat Trump in the general election. It will not happen. Bold statement, yes, but you need not look far to see whats happening. The silent majority will speak and it will be loud and clear.
I can say with certainty that Trump will win the Presidency. The country is fed up with professional politicians aka insiders..You can see it and you can feel it. The rise of Sanders on the left is proof of this as well.

Hillary nor Sanders can defeat Trump in the general election. It will not happen. Bold statement, yes, but you need not look far to see whats happening. The silent majority will speak and it will be loud and clear.
Real talk: If you look at the amount of people that are going for this guy, to say "he doesn't stand a chance" is either really fuckin stupid, or in denial.
people keep trying to prop up Donald with lots of positive talk, and that's good, but talk doesn't win general elections. But first comes the nomination, and RW's seem to believe that part is cut and dried. It's not.

that's why RW's are simpletons.
but a lot of voters do

hardly enough to win a General election. Keep fooling yourselves. I could care less either way.

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