Many will opt to go hungry, and that’s the government’s fault.

But, to the point: Are Americans so God damn spoiled, such brats, that they are bitching and whining about having free or cheap school lunches that are too nutritious for their taste? And instead, are throwing it away, and claiming to be victims???

Jesus F'ing wonder so many in the world hate us.

We have a fucking obesity epidemic. We try to serve nutritious meals to counter that. And the fat, spoiled people bitch, whine, throw away (WASTE) the food that many starving people would LOVE to have.........then claim to be victims?

You gotta be fucking kidding me.

These idiots want their kids to grow up to be Chris Christie. What they don't seem to GET is that its only one meal a day. They can still eat all the donuts and soda and McDonalds and chick filet and fat and grease they want.

So, yeah - good quality food is now what makes rw's "victims".

YOU NAILED IT!!! Only Republicans are fat!!!

10 bucks you're an over weight fat pos. 10 bucks you ate at a fast food chithole sometime this year....

And for the record, because you happen to be illiterate when it comes to proper diet “fat” and “grease” are not the problems… It’s high carbs like sugar….
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Wow. Townhall misleads in the first paragraph. Says the new menu is "mandated" by the Dept of Agriculture..."and Michelle Obama".

Newsflash: Michelle Obama does not have the power to pass or enforce any single law in America.

And yet she somehow managed to get her nanny-state program through Congress. What's wrong with this picture? :rolleyes:

Here's a better idea.... The FEDERAL government not fucking with every aspect of our lives and actually LIMITED to its Constitutionally enumerated functions.

Wasn't done by law, just regulations. Remember Cass Sunstine, Maobamas regulatory czar, he's still hard at it, rewriting our regulations to suite his commie boss and evidently his wife.
Wow. Townhall misleads in the first paragraph. Says the new menu is "mandated" by the Dept of Agriculture..."and Michelle Obama".

Newsflash: Michelle Obama does not have the power to pass or enforce any single law in America.

And yet she somehow managed to get her nanny-state program through Congress. What's wrong with this picture? :rolleyes:

Here's a better idea.... The FEDERAL government not fucking with every aspect of our lives and actually LIMITED to its Constitutionally enumerated functions.

Tell me how this infringes on your right to be a fat lazy, pizza-coke snarfing, useless rw pig?

cuz, I'm just not seeing it.

Edited to add ...

Who, btw, MittWitt says should get free SOCIALIST health care (along with free health care for the illegals) so us intelligent Dems can support you when don't pay your own bill for the heart attack your stupid diet gave you.

Maybe you can list where in the constitution you derive this new power to tell people how they should eat? Why do you apes post on political boards when it’s clear you hate the constitution and the only thing you hate more is the shithole you have made this country into.
But, to the point: Are Americans so God damn spoiled, such brats, that they are bitching and whining about having free or cheap school lunches that are too nutritious for their taste? And instead, are throwing it away, and claiming to be victims???

Jesus F'ing wonder so many in the world hate us.

We have a fucking obesity epidemic. We try to serve nutritious meals to counter that. And the fat, spoiled people bitch, whine, throw away (WASTE) the food that many starving people would LOVE to have.........then claim to be victims?

You gotta be fucking kidding me.

You want a real solution? That fucking waste of a first lady should go up to her useless sellout of a husband and ask him to cut off all the subsidizes that allow mass amounts of pure shit food to be created and sold for near free… Maybe they should get out of the education department while they’re at it.

But why fix the problem when you can compound it? Fuck, these fools in the white house make Bush look like he actually knew what he was doing.

Yup. The Food Stamp President has one in seven on the dole and has a slick ad campaign to sign up even more. The program chows through 80% of the Farm Bill which Barack has been running around the country touting as relief for drought-stricken farmers.... but it's school lunch making kids fat. :rolleyes:

Clowns. This country is being run by clowns.
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Wow. Townhall misleads in the first paragraph. Says the new menu is "mandated" by the Dept of Agriculture..."and Michelle Obama".

Newsflash: Michelle Obama does not have the power to pass or enforce any single law in America.

And yet she somehow managed to get her nanny-state program through Congress. What's wrong with this picture? :rolleyes:

Here's a better idea.... The FEDERAL government not fucking with every aspect of our lives and actually LIMITED to its Constitutionally enumerated functions.

Wasn't done by law, just regulations. Remember Cass Sunstine, Maobamas regulatory czar, he's still hard at it, rewriting our regulations to suite his commie boss and evidently his wife.

They usually don't bother with sordid things like laws, but she actually did get her pet legislation through....
Senate passes $4.5B nutrition bill - Abby Phillip -
But, to the point: Are Americans so God damn spoiled, such brats, that they are bitching and whining about having free or cheap school lunches that are too nutritious for their taste? And instead, are throwing it away, and claiming to be victims???

Jesus F'ing wonder so many in the world hate us.

We have a fucking obesity epidemic. We try to serve nutritious meals to counter that. And the fat, spoiled people bitch, whine, throw away (WASTE) the food that many starving people would LOVE to have.........then claim to be victims?

You gotta be fucking kidding me.

These idiots want their kids to grow up to be Chris Christie. What they don't seem to GET is that its only one meal a day. They can still eat all the donuts and soda and McDonalds and chick filet and fat and grease they want.

So, yeah - good quality food is now what makes rw's "victims".

YOU NAILED IT!!! Only Republicans are fat!!!

10 bucks you're an over weight fat pos. 10 bucks you ate at a fast food chithole sometime this year....

And for the record, because you happen to be illiterate when it comes to proper diet “fat” and “grease” are not the problems… It’s high carbs like sugar….

Oh boy, you're gonna try to argue fitness and nutrition with me?

Ok. Then according to you....a greasy slab of bacon (low carb) would be healthier than an apple, banana and water for lunch (fruits are loaded with sugars, aka, carbs). RIGHT???

Its about CALORIES. Fats, sugars, carbs, proteins, etc, all fall under the umbrella of calories. Take in 10,000 calories a day, but only burn 2,000, and you'll get fat. 3500 excess calories will add 1 pound of bodyweight. So if your fat turd of a kid eats 3,000 calories a day, but only burns 2500, he could put on 1 lb a week until his rolly polly ass is obese.

Doesn't matter if that 3,000 calories are carbs, fats, sugars, proteins, apples, bacon, or a god damn little debbie Star Krunch cake.

So if a school serves a kid a 550 calorie meal....but its actual mass is the same as a 1,000 calorie meal....then the littel brat's stomach gets full for half the calories.

That means rather than a peanut butter cookie......he'll get broccoli.
That means rather than a cheeseburger with bacon......maybe he gets a piece of grilled chicken.
That means instead of whole milk...maybe he gets skim
Instead of topping off his entree with french fries, a yeast roll and gravy, he instead gets a sweet potatoe and cauliflower.

OR......the govt can keep it's hands out of the govt school's meals.....and let another generation get disgusting and fat, and keep healthcare the crisis it is today.
Well, you know what? Fuck it.

I hate fat ass obesity stricken hordes of near dead zombie people with bags of cheetoes and little debbie cakes just A TAD bit more than I hate socialism.

If it takes a little sprinkle of socialism to trim some lard off our population's fat asses.........then so be it.
Did First Lady Michelle Obama make this a law?

She wanted it and she must have some influence considering her position. She's part of the same machine that screws with people's lives, claiming it's for their own good.
At a certain IS for their own good.


We have countless problems, some far bigger than being fucking fat. But being FUCKING DISGUSTINGLY FAT is a major problem.

And our people sure as fuck aren't taking it upon themselves to fix it.
These idiots want their kids to grow up to be Chris Christie. What they don't seem to GET is that its only one meal a day. They can still eat all the donuts and soda and McDonalds and chick filet and fat and grease they want.

So, yeah - good quality food is now what makes rw's "victims".

YOU NAILED IT!!! Only Republicans are fat!!!

10 bucks you're an over weight fat pos. 10 bucks you ate at a fast food chithole sometime this year....

And for the record, because you happen to be illiterate when it comes to proper diet “fat” and “grease” are not the problems… It’s high carbs like sugar….

Oh boy, you're gonna try to argue fitness and nutrition with me?

Ok. Then according to you....a greasy slab of bacon (low carb) would be healthier than an apple, banana and water for lunch (fruits are loaded with sugars, aka, carbs). RIGHT???

Its about CALORIES. Fats, sugars, carbs, proteins, etc, all fall under the umbrella of calories. Take in 10,000 calories a day, but only burn 2,000, and you'll get fat. 3500 excess calories will add 1 pound of bodyweight. So if your fat turd of a kid eats 3,000 calories a day, but only burns 2500, he could put on 1 lb a week until his rolly polly ass is obese.

Doesn't matter if that 3,000 calories are carbs, fats, sugars, proteins, apples, bacon, or a god damn little debbie Star Krunch cake.

So if a school serves a kid a 550 calorie meal....but its actual mass is the same as a 1,000 calorie meal....then the littel brat's stomach gets full for half the calories.

That means rather than a peanut butter cookie......he'll get broccoli.
That means rather than a cheeseburger with bacon......maybe he gets a piece of grilled chicken.
That means instead of whole milk...maybe he gets skim
Instead of topping off his entree with french fries, a yeast roll and gravy, he instead gets a sweet potatoe and cauliflower.

OR......the govt can keep it's hands out of the govt school's meals.....and let another generation get disgusting and fat, and keep healthcare the crisis it is today.

Wow you really should not be teaching anyone anything about diet, so I really hope you aren’t.

First of all bacon is not the problem, grease and fats are not the issue… High sugars and carbs are. I eat bacon almost every day along with 4 whole eggs. While an apple is generally good for you, it’s high in SUGAR. Most people run a protein deficit, not a vitamin or SUGAR deficit. And yes it matters a great deal what that 3,000 calories is made up of, a HUGE fucking deal.

Again, get Government out of the food industry, you know, like you wanted when Bush was President, along with ending wars, the patriot act, closing Guantanamo and blah blah… You know, all the things you USED to hate under a Republican but now avoid or support under a Democrat.

Stop subsidizing crap food being made in mass quantities that can be sold for dirt cheap. That would require less Government, so that will never happen. Have you ever wondered why school food used to be 1,000x more healthy saaaaay, 50 years ago???? But somehow today with Government all up in farms, all up in education and blah blah blah we could have “another generation get disgusting and fat, and keep healthcare the crisis it is today.”

You are the party of stupid, the party of ZERO accountability. You try and fix problems from the ass end and wonder why it ALWAYS gets worse.

Prohibition does not work and will never work, trying to take peoples junk food away will NEVER EVER WORK as long as Government helps keep it chearper than anything else you can eat.
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Well, you know what? Fuck it.

I hate fat ass obesity stricken hordes of near dead zombie people with bags of cheetoes and little debbie cakes just A TAD bit more than I hate socialism.

If it takes a little sprinkle of socialism to trim some lard off our population's fat asses.........then so be it.

:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2: Yup. Socialists ALWAYS drop the mask eventually.

Here's an idea... if America's fat ass offends you so much, why don't you start a letter-writing campaign to the Food Stamp President and ask him very politely to stop subsidizing everything that's not on Michelle Obama's grocery list of what other people ought to eat. Oh... and FREE ARUGULA for everyone. How's that? :lol:

Hmmm... Lots and lots of FREE FOOD on the one hand and FAT PEOPLE on the other. What could have possibly gone wrong? :lmao:
But, to the point: Are Americans so God damn spoiled, such brats, that they are bitching and whining about having free or cheap school lunches that are too nutritious for their taste? And instead, are throwing it away, and claiming to be victims???

Jesus F'ing wonder so many in the world hate us.

We have a fucking obesity epidemic. We try to serve nutritious meals to counter that. And the fat, spoiled people bitch, whine, throw away (WASTE) the food that many starving people would LOVE to have.........then claim to be victims?

You gotta be fucking kidding me.

These idiots want their kids to grow up to be Chris Christie. What they don't seem to GET is that its only one meal a day. They can still eat all the donuts and soda and McDonalds and chick filet and fat and grease they want.

So, yeah - good quality food is now what makes rw's "victims".

Here is the really fun part:

They are bitching and whining about "Keep the Federal government outta my schools and my kids meals". Ok, fine. You dont want the govt messing with your kids meals, then STOP SENDING YOUR KID TO A GOVERNMENT SCHOOL.

These same people bitching about what kind of food the govt serves at a govt school.....well, they sure aren't in a rush to enroll them in private or home school. They want that free govt school....but want that govt to serve only the food they demand it serve.


Anyone bitching about public schools attempting to make the lunches they serve healthier must have an IQ well below 100. I mean seriously? We have a God Damned epidemic going on in this country and it starts with our kids. If we don't get our kids to eat healthy and exercise, they never will as adults. The long term cost of such short sightedness is mind boggling.
These lazy ass right wing idiots need to get a damn job instead of living off of welfare. If they want their kids to end up as fat ass good for nothings like they are, let them pay for their kids lunches.

Just being honest, your bi polar? Right?
The Obamas are really prone to preach but don't practice what they preach!
For example Obama says:"I'm my brother's keeper".. while his brother lives in a $12/year hut!


Or Michelle preaching obesity??
These idiots want their kids to grow up to be Chris Christie. What they don't seem to GET is that its only one meal a day. They can still eat all the donuts and soda and McDonalds and chick filet and fat and grease they want.

So, yeah - good quality food is now what makes rw's "victims".

Here is the really fun part:

They are bitching and whining about "Keep the Federal government outta my schools and my kids meals". Ok, fine. You dont want the govt messing with your kids meals, then STOP SENDING YOUR KID TO A GOVERNMENT SCHOOL.

These same people bitching about what kind of food the govt serves at a govt school.....well, they sure aren't in a rush to enroll them in private or home school. They want that free govt school....but want that govt to serve only the food they demand it serve.


Anyone bitching about public schools attempting to make the lunches they serve healthier must have an IQ well below 100. I mean seriously? We have a God Damned epidemic going on in this country and it starts with our kids. If we don't get our kids to eat healthy and exercise, they never will as adults. The long term cost of such short sightedness is mind boggling.

We've got a national debt of 16 trillion, no budget, no reforms of entitlement programs which are unsustainable, Iran trying to build a nuke, Israel on the verge of going in to stop that, a dead ambassador and our flag being ripped down by rabid Jihadists at multiple foreign embassies.. and controlling SCHOOL LUNCH is the stupid shit we've gotten from this administration.

Bottom line... America is fat because THE GOVERNMENT SUBSIDIZES TOO MUCH FOOD, and because new technologies cause more sedentary behavior, and because there's too much crime on our streets and too many perverts tolerated to walk free.
These idiots want their kids to grow up to be Chris Christie. What they don't seem to GET is that its only one meal a day. They can still eat all the donuts and soda and McDonalds and chick filet and fat and grease they want.

So, yeah - good quality food is now what makes rw's "victims".

Here is the really fun part:

They are bitching and whining about "Keep the Federal government outta my schools and my kids meals". Ok, fine. You dont want the govt messing with your kids meals, then STOP SENDING YOUR KID TO A GOVERNMENT SCHOOL.

These same people bitching about what kind of food the govt serves at a govt school.....well, they sure aren't in a rush to enroll them in private or home school. They want that free govt school....but want that govt to serve only the food they demand it serve.


Anyone bitching about public schools attempting to make the lunches they serve healthier must have an IQ well below 100. I mean seriously? We have a God Damned epidemic going on in this country and it starts with our kids. If we don't get our kids to eat healthy and exercise, they never will as adults. The long term cost of such short sightedness is mind boggling.

This is the funniest thing I've read in a long time. I mean it. I am still laughing.

These kids have parents, don't they. The school is taking over the parents job ? If so, then why don't we just build dorms for the kids and take them away from mom and dad.

Giving them a "healthy lunch" is simply to funny. These kids have much bigger problems and many should not be in traditional schools.

The cost of such a stupid approach is the reason we have a mess and the democratic party.
But, to the point: Are Americans so God damn spoiled, such brats, that they are bitching and whining about having free or cheap school lunches that are too nutritious for their taste? And instead, are throwing it away, and claiming to be victims???

Jesus F'ing wonder so many in the world hate us.

We have a fucking obesity epidemic. We try to serve nutritious meals to counter that. And the fat, spoiled people bitch, whine, throw away (WASTE) the food that many starving people would LOVE to have.........then claim to be victims?

You gotta be fucking kidding me.

These idiots want their kids to grow up to be Chris Christie. What they don't seem to GET is that its only one meal a day. They can still eat all the donuts and soda and McDonalds and chick filet and fat and grease they want.

So, yeah - good quality food is now what makes rw's "victims".

Here is the really fun part:

They are bitching and whining about "Keep the Federal government outta my schools and my kids meals". Ok, fine. You dont want the govt messing with your kids meals, then STOP SENDING YOUR KID TO A GOVERNMENT SCHOOL.

These same people bitching about what kind of food the govt serves at a govt school.....well, they sure aren't in a rush to enroll them in private or home school. They want that free govt school....but want that govt to serve only the food they demand it serve.


many agree with you, they are the 'choice' movement.'
These idiots want their kids to grow up to be Chris Christie. What they don't seem to GET is that its only one meal a day. They can still eat all the donuts and soda and McDonalds and chick filet and fat and grease they want.

So, yeah - good quality food is now what makes rw's "victims".

Here is the really fun part:

They are bitching and whining about "Keep the Federal government outta my schools and my kids meals". Ok, fine. You dont want the govt messing with your kids meals, then STOP SENDING YOUR KID TO A GOVERNMENT SCHOOL.

These same people bitching about what kind of food the govt serves at a govt school.....well, they sure aren't in a rush to enroll them in private or home school. They want that free govt school....but want that govt to serve only the food they demand it serve.


many agree with you, they are the 'choice' movement.'

Public schools just seem to get worse every day. Just ran across this little tidbit a minute ago... 2012 SAT Reading Scores Lowest Since 1972 : The Two-Way : NPR

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