Map of Yemen

A secular president who was democratically appointed by his father? Really?
And by the people.

Guy, when our country is emeshed in a FIVE WAY CIVIL WAR, and you have to get the Iranians and Russians to bail you out, you don't have anything near a mandate from "The people'. Just sayin'.
The war even boosted his popularity. Assad is a great manager of the crisis and he will be a great manager of the rebuilding of Syria.

Syrian presidential election, 2014 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In fact, It is far more important to the Russians, Chinese, Iranians in a POSITIVE
sense, and far more important to the USA, Turkey, The EU countries and the
oil countries of the mid east in a negative sense-------- than it is to Israel. The motive of Russia a China and Iran is both economic and strategic imperialism

If they want to piss away their resources playing Hall Monitor in the Middle East, let them.

Still not my fucking problem.

If we took the money we pissed away doing that, and invested in energy independence, we'd be a lot better off.
The war even boosted his popularity. Assad is a great manager of the crisis and he will be a great manager of the rebuilding of Syria.

Guy, do you work for the Syrian Propaganda Ministry or something?

Being the Mayor of Damascus is nothing to be impressed about.
Well, at least there's a ceasefire...

Yemeni ceasefire goes into effect as peace talks begin
Wed, Dec 16, 2015 - SWISS SOJOURN: A UN spokesman said two delegations, consisting of 12 negotiators and six advisers, were taking part in ‘consultations’ at an undisclosed Swiss location
A ceasefire took effect yesterday in conflict-ravaged Yemen as warring sides began UN-brokered peace talks in Switzerland, according to the UN and the Saudi-led coalition battling Iran-backed rebels. Limited violations of the truce were reported shortly after it began at midday, with several mortar rounds hitting government forces in Taez Province, according to a Yemeni security official. The Saudi-led coalition, which launched an air war against the Houthi Shiite rebels and their allies in March, said the ceasefire had started as scheduled following a request by Yemeni President Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi. The rebel forces, who control the capital, have yet to say if they will abide by the truce.


Tribesmen loyal to the Houthi movement yesterday perform a traditional dance at a gathering to show their support for the group in the Yemeni capital of Sana’a.​

UN envoy to Yemen Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed hailed the halt in fighting as “a critical first step towards building a lasting peace in the country.” He said that the talks in Switzerland “seek to establish a permanent ceasefire and pave the way for a return to a peaceful and orderly political transition.” UN spokesman Ahmad Fawzi confirmed that the talks had begun at an undisclosed location. “The UN-sponsored consultations aimed at finding a durable settlement to the Yemen crisis started today in Switzerland,” he told reporters. “These consultations seek to establish a permanent and comprehensive ceasefire, secure improvements to the humanitarian situation and a return to a peaceful and orderly political transition,” he added. Fawzi said 12 negotiators and six advisers made up each of the two delegations taking part in the talks.

Ahead of the truce, clashes shook the flashpoint city of Taez and coalition warplanes bombed rebel positions. Even after the ceasefire took effect, a Yemeni security official reported five mortars targeted pro-Hoadi forces in Shuraija, south of Taez. Residents reported hearing shelling in the city. The coalition has said that it “reserves the right to respond in case of any violation.” Hadi has declared his government’s intention to have a seven-day truce to coincide with the peace talks and to be “renewed automatically if the other party commits to it,” the coalition said. A Yemen presidential statement said the proposed ceasefire “comes out of keenness to grab any chance to achieve peace, to reduce the suffering of our people in Yemen and to end bloodshed.” A lull in fighting is sorely needed in the Arabian Peninsula’s poorest nation, where the UN says an estimated 80 percent of the population requires humanitarian aid.

Yemeni ceasefire goes into effect as peace talks begin - Taipei Times
For anyone wondering------TAIZ province includes a PORT CITY ----very important to IRAN------which is why fighting has focused on that area-----as well as ADEN which is an even more Important port. Iran wants to control the water passages of trade throut the whole area-------he who controls the seas controls the oil trade
Don´t listen to irosie. She took the wrong meds again. The Yemini army is the Yemini army.

for those who do not know-----the HOUTHIS are Shiite shit funded and controlled by Iran----just like ASSAD. Real Yemenis despise them
for those confused by captain blei and his Iranian filth------that which he calls the
YEMENI ARMY------are Iranian shills. The People of Yemen are under siege----
by the AXIS POWER in a manner similar to the siege of France by the Irano-islamo Nazi alliance axis.........for now. Sit tight----the people of Yemen will not give up

Actually, w hat is more likely is that Yemen will partition like it was before unification in 1989, because those two groups never wanted to be in the same country.

So when I listen to a Islamist like Bleipeter and a Zionist Shill like IRosie arguing over who is right, I have to ask the same question I always ask.

Why the fuck am I an Islamist???

Baathist = islamist = Nazi dog
Don´t listen to irosie. She took the wrong meds again. The Yemini army is the Yemini army.

for those who do not know-----the HOUTHIS are Shiite shit funded and controlled by Iran----just like ASSAD. Real Yemenis despise them

Still waiting for you to tell me why ANY OF THIS is America's problem.

It is a problem for the HUMAN BEINGS of the world------go back to your ARCHIE comic books
It is a problem for the HUMAN BEINGS of the world------go back to your ARCHIE comic books

why do you never seem to cry your crocodile tears for "human beings" when it's Palestinian Children being blown up by the Zionists?

I mean, let's be honest, the only reason why you care about the Yemeni Civil War is because it allows Iran to extend it's influence. If Iran wants to piss away its resources fighting civil wars in Yemen and Iraq and Syria, LET THEM.

So not our fucking problem.

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