March 15th Pole Shift To Kill Billions

Where Will You Be on March 15?

  • In an underground bunker with the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Morgans, Bushs and the Fascist Elites

    Votes: 10 58.8%
  • Dying

    Votes: 2 11.8%
  • Is that The Rapture?

    Votes: 5 29.4%

  • Total voters

This diagram shows a brown dwarf in relation to Earth, Jupiter, a low-mass star and the sun. Photo: NASA

A comet would look like a pinpoint next to the scaled version of Earth in that image.

Terral's vacillation and abject confusion can only be explained in one way:

He's a fucking dope.

Agree. There is nothing to do with stuff like that. Insane or doing it for humor sake and attention, or boredom. The contrast is the group over on the Science and Technology thread which is great fun because it is all coherent with critical thinkers.

There is also the confusion of 'star' and 'comet'. Oh well.

Just ignore and move on, post correction and do not make eye contact.

You know........I'm pretty sure that Terral is totally wrong on this......

RALEIGH, N.C. – If there had been time, Marie Exley would have liked to start a family. Instead, the 32-year-old Army veteran has less than six months left, which she'll spend spreading a stark warning: Judgment Day is almost here.

Exley is part of a movement of Christians loosely organized by radio broadcasts and websites, independent of churches and convinced by their reading of the Bible that the end of the world will begin May 21, 2011.

To get the word out, they're using billboards and bus stop benches, traveling caravans of RVs and volunteers passing out pamphlets on street corners. Cities from Bridgeport, Conn., to Little Rock, Ark., now have billboards with the ominous message, and mission groups are traveling through Latin America and Africa to spread the news outside the U.S.

"A lot of people might think, 'The end's coming, let's go party,'" said Exley, a veteran of two deployments in Iraq. "But we're commanded by God to warn people. I wish I could just be like everybody else, but it's so much better to know that when the end comes, you'll be safe."

In August, Exley left her home in Colorado Springs, Colo., to work with Oakland, Calif.-based Family Radio Worldwide, the independent Christian ministry whose leader, Harold Camping, has calculated the May 21 date based on his reading of the Bible.

She is organizing traveling columns of RVs carrying the message from city to city, a logistics challenge that her military experience has helped solve. The vehicles are scheduled to be in five North Carolina cities between now and the second week of January, but Exley will shortly be gone: overseas, where she hopes to eventually make it back to Iraq.

End of Days in May? Christian group spreads word - Yahoo! News

However.......if you watched the History Channel's "Nostradamus Effect" you would see that there are 3 things that believe that the end of the world will be on 21 December, 2012.

Those 3 are the following........

Web-bot, which is an internet oracle system for predicting stock market changes. Interestingly enough, there is NO DATA available between December 2012 and May 2013.

The I-Ching has been graphed via computer and guess what? It seems that the rhythms set up by graphing it's matrix ends on 21 December 2012.

Oh yeah.......let's not forget about the Mayan calendar.

Besides..........Terral has to be wrong. Closest guess would be May 21st of this year. Why? Simple.......the IRS has to haul in your tax money one last time.
Hi Big:

I am doing a test I have set my compasse out and left it in one spot within the last two days it has moved from due north to north by north west by 3 tenths of a degree. Not saying there's anything to it, but it has moved.

Try this test: Take out your biggest compass and position a digital camera on a stand to take one picture each hour to March 15, 2011. I believe you will see an escalation of pole migration in the coming month. When that baby starts spinning wildly, you know the pole shift is here. ;0)



What I am doing will be enough
I won't be sitting around worrying about whether I'll die that day no matter what happens.
As you all know, and as Terral rightly pointed out, March 15 signals the imminent end of the world as we know and the deaths of billions of people.

As a full fledged member of The Illuminati, I intend on being in an underground bunker with the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Morgans, Bushs, Cheney's, Rumsfelds and the rest of the Global Fascist Elites.

Where will you be?

Ill let you know were i was on the 16th. ;)
Everyone, for fun, type into Google: "Robert A.M. Stephens-NASA" Robert A.M. Stephens-NASA Art", "Robert A.M. Stephens-Jeeps". Some good and some bad. Great stuff.

Here, the joy here, is sharing in all threads (I am learning my way around here) the data and topics and information that is out there, free, of what is going on with our nation's Space Program. So much is just sheer fun, whether it be conjecture, supposition, or just sheer hard core science and physics.

Too, for me, coming from a cattle ranch in rural Montana as a cowboy and lumberjack, and eventually going to work for NASA after college, and having my paintings and stuff in the Smithsonian, has been a real honor, thrill, and very exciting time. I'm sure you've all noticed, that yes, I do love NASA and the HST as well as the myriad of incredible stuff this agency does for the rest of us. It has been a thrill and a privilege in every way, and I am always humbled by it all.

I am also very thankful.

Here is one piece at NASA's main site that was fun, for the maiden flight of STS-14D, orbiter Discovery:

NASA - NASA and the Arts

Meanwhile, look at this:


A new star group at only 2,400 LYs distant and the image being about 15 LYs across, is compelling, since it is so very close to our neighborhood. Keeping on topic here, the lower star that is blue in hue (due to burning Neon, fusing it into Argon) is moving toward our Solar system by about 11 LY distant, then it sails on by. This should occur in roughly 750 million years. Fascinating. It would still be 3 times further than our closest star, Alpha Proxima, but still cool data.

A good Sunday here, making more salsa and working on VEX and reading all this here.

Do you know for 100% certainty where you will be tomorrow?

Yes. Yes, I do.

My Magic 8 Ball says "Cleveland".


I hate to be a buzz kill at the bash Terral party, but no one knows if they will be alive tomorrow. In Terral's mind he thinks he's right and is trying to help as many people as he can, even with the constance ridicule. Who's to say he's right or wrong,? Didn’t we have a major poll shift millions of years ago? As for me I we may have a pole shift on or before that time but will it kill millions of people? I doubt it. But I am not going to ridicule him for what he believes is correct and trying to help people.

Here's where I'm coming from. Terral makes baseless claims, writes fiction as though it's fact, uses shoddy evidence, and when shown to be wrong he just ignores that little inconvenience and continues creating his fiction. That's why he gets no respect.

This is an example of what I'm talking about:

March 4th, 2011 marks the day that the brown dwarf (info) breaks through the ecliptic plane into the northern hemisphere to begin influencing the earth into convulsions and severe spasms. Earthquake and volcanic activity will escalate from this time forward and increase like birthpangs where the earth groans and the oceans slosh tidal waves too and fro.
There is no evidence that a brown dwarf is approaching anywhere near us in our system. Zilch. Nada. The nearest brown dwarf is like 12 light-years away. But for some reason we can't discover a brown dwarf that's right next to us in our own solar system.

Oh, that's right. It's there, but NASA just doesn't want us to know. When these fairy tales get ripped apart like Hulk Hogan's t-shirt, all the story-teller has left is to say that the information is hidden. They can't prove their assertion, but they can't admit to be wrong either--so the evil Illuminati gubmint makes for a nice scapegoat.

You know, hhigh priests used to sacrifice goats when they saw signs from the gods in the night sky. Terral would've made for an excellent high priest.

Back to the topic though. There is a nearby comet named Elenin. It should show up in our sky in early September, so this explains the existence of the Illuminati. And, obviously, this comet is actually a brown star over twice the size of Jupiter.

The size differences are just enormous, so I don't know how a comet could magically be confused for a brown star.

Well, I do know how, but it involves a lot of peyote and Pink Floyd.

You could also post a photo of this comet and then type the words "this is a brown star". As a kid, I used to have a picture book about dragons. Under each picture there was a name and description for the dragon. They were so real to me back then.

So he has no legitimate evidence that a substar is approaching Earth. None. It's a completely made up fiction, and it's the lynchpin of his "theory". Of course it's not anywhere near an actual theory.

This forum should really be called Conspiracy Fairy Tales.

Here's more:

March 15, 2011 is the first of three conjunctions where the earth is caught in the gravitational gradient lines-or the trough-that binds the sun and brown dwarf together. The sun will be pulling one way and the brown dwarf the other way and the predicted pole shift event will take place. The interesting thing about this particular day is that Saturn, the brown dwarf, the Earth and the Sun and Mars and Jupiter and Uranus are all in alignment. The astronomy people and the media should be talking about this alignment, because rarely do seven planetary and solar bodies line up in a straight line like we see on March 15, 2011.
He claims a major gravitational effect will happen in the upcoming planetary "alignment" (btw, the planets have never literally aligned in one exact spot in the night sky--and that's not projected to change within the next 45 billion-trillion ^3 years).

Let's do the math.

The Moon has the greatest amount of gravitational effect on our planet, twice that of our Sun. The planet in the number 2 spot is Jupiter.

At its greatest, Jupiter's gravitational effect on Earth is 1% that of the Moon's. Hypothetically, if you add up ALL the planets into alignment, you get a cumulative figure that is less than 1.1% the gravitational effect of our Moon. We experience our Moon's change in gravitational pull every month, as it revolves closer than further away. And yet, here we still are. Existing. But one-tenth of a percent more means the Earth is going to go so bat-shit crazy it'll make some of my PMSing exes look sane.

Not only that, but this "alignment" he's talking about is really just different pairs of the planets being near each other in the night sky at different times in the first three months of this year. Part of the "alignment" has already happened, when Uranus and Jupiter were near each other in the sky during the first two weeks of the New Year.

Then, on March 15 (The Day of Reckoning), Mercury and Jupiter will I think be within 1 or 2 degrees of each other. Then at the end of the month, Venus and Neptune will appear close to each other.

Hardly an alignment. And anyone who watches stars or follows the motion of the planets knows that this is not a rare event of Biblical proportions.

We had far better "alignment" about a decade ago. And yet here we still are. Still surviving. The Earth doing what it usually does.

Back in the day, people needed priests to understand why the gods in the sky were with-holding the rains, or shaking the Earth, or flooding the city. Even with the wealth of technology and information we've gathered over the centuries, those priests remain--they've just been reduced to writing fiction and trawling the interwebz.

So this shows Terral's Conspiracy Fairy Tale for what it is. But he, being the Good Samaritan he is, will continue warning the forum about this cataclysmic event. Because he cares. And he wants us to buy silver.

But I wonder, if billions of people are going to die... will silver be anymore valuable than a rock when humanity becomes a free-for-all?

And no response to these "theories" is complete without this guy: :cuckoo:
As you all know, and as Terral rightly pointed out, March 15 signals the imminent end of the world as we know and the deaths of billions of people.

As a full fledged member of The Illuminati, I intend on being in an underground bunker with the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Morgans, Bushs, Cheney's, Rumsfelds and the rest of the Global Fascist Elites.

Where will you be?
I'm still in the bunker waiting for Bush to declare marshall law

Good for you...
As you all know, and as Terral rightly pointed out, March 15 signals the imminent end of the world as we know and the deaths of billions of people.

As a full fledged member of The Illuminati, I intend on being in an underground bunker with the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Morgans, Bushs, Cheney's, Rumsfelds and the rest of the Global Fascist Elites.

Where will you be?

Ill let you know were i was on the 16th. ;)

Well, apparently I'm having a party, according to Radio. So come on over to my place and go out with a Bang!
Is that why you're stalking us on USMB?!?!?!?!!?!?

I got names but no addresses.

I do, however have a killer virus program that will cause your computer to electrocute you all when you sign in.

Lets be honest here. we know some people are going to make it. I'm just making sure the wrong kind of people don't.

Wouldn't you feel better knowing, as you saw the zillion foot wave coming at you, "those" people were not going to live either?
As you all know, and as Terral rightly pointed out, March 15 signals the imminent end of the world as we know and the deaths of billions of people.

As a full fledged member of The Illuminati, I intend on being in an underground bunker with the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Morgans, Bushs, Cheney's, Rumsfelds and the rest of the Global Fascist Elites.

Where will you be?

Ill let you know were i was on the 16th. ;)

Well, apparently I'm having a party, according to Radio. So come on over to my place and go out with a Bang!

I was going to show up uninvited but with a keg of Guinness.

But then I remembered I cleaned-out my accounts, and the liquor stores won't accept my silver bars. How am I going to pay my interwebz bill? :(
a golden mouldy Maddy......


well i'll be doing the same thing i did 3-14, and almost every day before that

livin' the dream...
Hi Biker:

You know........I'm pretty sure that Terral is totally wrong on this......Besides..........Terral has to be wrong. Closest guess would be May 21st of this year. Why? Simple.......the IRS has to haul in your tax money one last time.

Terral is not predicting the end of the world on March 15, 2011, or December 21, 2012 or in five hundred years. This creation will be here for 'ages to come' (Eph. 2:7) and we are just getting started. Some say we are near the 'end of the age' (Matt. 24:3+), but those people are also wrong; which you can read about in my Challenge To Dr. Bill Deagle And Dr. True Ott (here). You guys are looking at how the Day of the Lord begins.


We are living in the red 2000 Year Mystery Time that ends with the Rapture of the church, so Elijah and begin the restoration of all things on earth 'as it is' in heaven.


Ill let you know were i was on the 16th. ;)

Well, apparently I'm having a party, according to Radio. So come on over to my place and go out with a Bang!

I was going to show up uninvited but with a keg of Guinness.

But then I remembered I cleaned-out my accounts, and the liquor stores won't accept my silver bars. How am I going to pay my interwebz bill? :(

Everyone with a keg is invited.

And put it on your credit card. Tell them you'll happily pay them at the end of the month!

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