March 15th Pole Shift To Kill Billions

Where Will You Be on March 15?

  • In an underground bunker with the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Morgans, Bushs and the Fascist Elites

    Votes: 10 58.8%
  • Dying

    Votes: 2 11.8%
  • Is that The Rapture?

    Votes: 5 29.4%

  • Total voters
Do you know for 100% certainty where you will be tomorrow?

Yes. Yes, I do.

My Magic 8 Ball says "Cleveland".


I hate to be a buzz kill at the bash Terral party, but no one knows if they will be alive tomorrow. In Terral's mind he thinks he's right and is trying to help as many people as he can, even with the constance ridicule. Who's to say he's right or wrong,? Didn’t we have a major poll shift millions of years ago? As for me I we may have a pole shift on or before that time but will it kill millions of people? I doubt it. But I am not going to ridicule him for what he believes is correct and trying to help people.
so you mean N1H1 actually mutated on schedule and killed BILLIONS worldwide in 2009?
Hi Big:

I am doing a test I have set my compasse out and left it in one spot within the last two days it has moved from due north to north by north west by 3 tenths of a degree. Not saying there's anything to it, but it has moved.

Try this test: Take out your biggest compass and position a digital camera on a stand to take one picture each hour to March 15, 2011. I believe you will see an escalation of pole migration in the coming month. When that baby starts spinning wildly, you know the pole shift is here. ;0)


Hi Diver:

dipshit, there is no brown dwarf headed towards earth

Click here to check the brown dwarf's position. March 4, 2011 is the day the dwarf crosses into the northern hemisphere of our solar system and March 15 is the day of the conjunction/alignment. There is definitely something coming nearer the earth with every passing moment, but the question remains about 'what' (comet or brown dwarf) is coming and 'how big' (little comet or BIG dwarf 2.5 size of Jupiter) that something might be. The Govt and Richard swear a little comet is coming and I say our earth is convulsing from the approach of a massive gravity well and massive magnetic field with polarity forces that are pushing earth magnetic poles around. I say this thing is HUGE and causing earthquakes, volcanoes, rogue high tides, magnetic field fluctuations that are causing the death of migrating animal populations and super storms, so on and so forth (15 symptoms).

Everyone here MUST acknowledge that all of these global events 'are' indeed taking place and they appear to be getting worse. What I do not see from anybody here is an answer that makes sense other than an approaching MASSIVE brown dwarf-like Planet X/Nibiru/Nemesis-type celestial object that is getting closer and closer to earth. The fact that all of you combined have NO ANSWERS as to WHY all of these things are happening, AND you throw stones at me for the ONLY answer that makes sense, says you guys are off your cotton-picking rockers.

If this turns out to be Planet X/Nibiru/Nemesis/Red Kachina/Destroyer from the traditions of men, then what have you done to prepare? You guys remind me of the people laughing at Noah right up until the time he entered the Ark and it started to rain. How long did they laugh once the water started filling the streets and their houses? And should Noah have had pity on one of them?


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Hi Diver:

dipshit, there is no brown dwarf headed towards earth

Click here to check the brown dwarf's position. March 4, 2011 is the day the dwarf crosses into the northern hemisphere of our solar system and March 15 is the day of the conjunction/alignment. There is definitely something coming nearer the earth with every passing moment, but the question remains about 'what' (comet or brown dwarf) is coming and 'how big' (little comet or BIG dwarf 2.5 size of Jupiter) that something might be.


dipshit, that is NOT a brown dwarf, it is a comet
Hi Diver:

dipshit, there is no brown dwarf headed towards earth

Click here to check the brown dwarf's position. March 4, 2011 is the day the dwarf crosses into the northern hemisphere of our solar system and March 15 is the day of the conjunction/alignment. There is definitely something coming nearer the earth with every passing moment, but the question remains about 'what' (comet or brown dwarf) is coming and 'how big' (little comet or BIG dwarf 2.5 size of Jupiter) that something might be.


dipshit, that is NOT a brown dwarf, it is a comet
Didn't Terral already correct himself in a previous post? I think he did, this means he's already forgotten that and is now back to claiming it's a Brown Dwarf? :confused:
Yes. Yes, I do.

My Magic 8 Ball says "Cleveland".


I hate to be a buzz kill at the bash Terral party, but no one knows if they will be alive tomorrow. In Terral's mind he thinks he's right and is trying to help as many people as he can, even with the constance ridicule. Who's to say he's right or wrong,? Didn’t we have a major poll shift millions of years ago? As for me I we may have a pole shift on or before that time but will it kill millions of people? I doubt it. But I am not going to ridicule him for what he believes is correct and trying to help people.

Help? WTF?

Is there a "Survive The End Of Days" bonus pack for sale on QVC, bigreb?

If Terral is correct, we can all kiss our asses good bye.

Exactly so why make fun at him? He's only tring to do what he thinks is best. As I said I am pretty sure he's wrong, but will not make fun of what he thinks, because in my opinion he's tring to help.
Hi Diver:

Click here to check the brown dwarf's position. March 4, 2011 is the day the dwarf crosses into the northern hemisphere of our solar system and March 15 is the day of the conjunction/alignment. There is definitely something coming nearer the earth with every passing moment, but the question remains about 'what' (comet or brown dwarf) is coming and 'how big' (little comet or BIG dwarf 2.5 size of Jupiter) that something might be.


dipshit, that is NOT a brown dwarf, it is a comet
Didn't Terral already correct himself in a previous post? I think he did, this means he's already forgotten that and is now back to claiming it's a Brown Dwarf? :confused:
hes always been like that
he will change his story when march 15th passes and nothing happens

This diagram shows a brown dwarf in relation to Earth, Jupiter, a low-mass star and the sun. Photo: NASA

A comet would look like a pinpoint next to the scaled version of Earth in that image.

Terral's vacillation and abject confusion can only be explained in one way:

He's a fucking dope.
Yes. Yes, I do.

My Magic 8 Ball says "Cleveland".


I hate to be a buzz kill at the bash Terral party, but no one knows if they will be alive tomorrow. In Terral's mind he thinks he's right and is trying to help as many people as he can, even with the constance ridicule. Who's to say he's right or wrong,? Didn’t we have a major poll shift millions of years ago? As for me I we may have a pole shift on or before that time but will it kill millions of people? I doubt it. But I am not going to ridicule him for what he believes is correct and trying to help people.
so you mean N1H1 actually mutated on schedule and killed BILLIONS worldwide in 2009?
I don't know I didn't get sick from it nor did anyone I know of.:razz:
If a Brown Dwarf gets close to earth we're really screwed! But I doubt that's gonna' happen anytime soon.

A Brown Dwarf is roughly the size of Jupiter. Holy Crap! :eek:

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I hate to be a buzz kill at the bash Terral party, but no one knows if they will be alive tomorrow. In Terral's mind he thinks he's right and is trying to help as many people as he can, even with the constance ridicule. Who's to say he's right or wrong,? Didn’t we have a major poll shift millions of years ago? As for me I we may have a pole shift on or before that time but will it kill millions of people? I doubt it. But I am not going to ridicule him for what he believes is correct and trying to help people.

Help? WTF?

Is there a "Survive The End Of Days" bonus pack for sale on QVC, bigreb?

If Terral is correct, we can all kiss our asses good bye.

Exactly so why make fun at him? He's only tring to do what he thinks is best. As I said I am pretty sure he's wrong, but will not make fun of what he thinks, because in my opinion he's tring to help.
I ♥ Terral!
Greetings to All:

[ame=]Planet X Nibiru Pole Shift 2012: Steve Quayle[/ame]

I am still watching this video, but Steve Quayle seems oblivious to all the March 15, 2011 warnings of a pole shift like Dr. Bill Deagle and others.


Greetings to All:

Planet X Nibiru Pole Shift 2012: Steve Quayle

I am still watching this video, but Steve Quayle seems oblivious to all the March 15, 2011 warnings of a pole shift like Dr. Bill Deagle and others.



YOU seem oblivious, Terral, to how badly you have gotten pwnd here by others and even at your own hand.

Is there any lunatic conspiracy theory you won't buy into*?

* assuming it's "authenticated" by a YouTube video, of course.
Yes. Yes, I do.

My Magic 8 Ball says "Cleveland".


I hate to be a buzz kill at the bash Terral party, but no one knows if they will be alive tomorrow. In Terral's mind he thinks he's right and is trying to help as many people as he can, even with the constance ridicule. Who's to say he's right or wrong,? Didn’t we have a major poll shift millions of years ago? As for me I we may have a pole shift on or before that time but will it kill millions of people? I doubt it. But I am not going to ridicule him for what he believes is correct and trying to help people.
so you mean N1H1 actually mutated on schedule and killed BILLIONS worldwide in 2009?

Yes it did.

Where were you?
Greetings to All:

Planet X Nibiru Pole Shift 2012: Steve Quayle

I am still watching this video, but Steve Quayle seems oblivious to all the March 15, 2011 warnings of a pole shift like Dr. Bill Deagle and others.


isnt that the same guy you believed on the rest of the nonsense that didnt happen?

you are THAT foolish as to still trust that pathetic idiot?

It's the same three or four unemployed people making these youtube videos...

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