March 15th Pole Shift To Kill Billions

Where Will You Be on March 15?

  • In an underground bunker with the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Morgans, Bushs and the Fascist Elites

    Votes: 10 58.8%
  • Dying

    Votes: 2 11.8%
  • Is that The Rapture?

    Votes: 5 29.4%

  • Total voters
I hate to be a buzz kill at the bash Terral party, but no one knows if they will be alive tomorrow. In Terral's mind he thinks he's right and is trying to help as many people as he can, even with the constance ridicule. Who's to say he's right or wrong,? Didn’t we have a major poll shift millions of years ago? As for me I we may have a pole shift on or before that time but will it kill millions of people? I doubt it. But I am not going to ridicule him for what he believes is correct and trying to help people.
so you mean N1H1 actually mutated on schedule and killed BILLIONS worldwide in 2009?

Yes it did.

Where were you?

I must have been in a bunker somewhere :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:
I hate to be a buzz kill at the bash Terral party, but no one knows if they will be alive tomorrow. In Terral's mind he thinks he's right and is trying to help as many people as he can, even with the constance ridicule. Who's to say he's right or wrong,? Didn’t we have a major poll shift millions of years ago? As for me I we may have a pole shift on or before that time but will it kill millions of people? I doubt it. But I am not going to ridicule him for what he believes is correct and trying to help people.
so you mean N1H1 actually mutated on schedule and killed BILLIONS worldwide in 2009?

Yes it did.

Where were you?

Man, I have to try harder to stay on top of current events.
I hate to be a buzz kill at the bash Terral party, but no one knows if they will be alive tomorrow. In Terral's mind he thinks he's right and is trying to help as many people as he can, even with the constance ridicule. Who's to say he's right or wrong,? Didn’t we have a major poll shift millions of years ago? As for me I we may have a pole shift on or before that time but will it kill millions of people? I doubt it. But I am not going to ridicule him for what he believes is correct and trying to help people.
so you mean N1H1 actually mutated on schedule and killed BILLIONS worldwide in 2009?

Yes it did.

Where were you?
i guess i must have been in that secured bunker too ;)
Exactly so why make fun at him? He's only tring to do what he thinks is best. As I said I am pretty sure he's wrong, but will not make fun of what he thinks, because in my opinion he's tring to help.

Because an effective way of demolishing an argument is to make fun of it. That's why satire is so effective. People will respect you even if they hate you but they won't respect you if they laugh at you.

Terral believes that

The brown dwarf entering the inner parts of our solar system is preparing to make an orbit around the sun that happens once every 3600 years. The brown dwarf will be in perigee position nearest the sun on Sept. 11, 2011, or exactly ten years after the 9/11 attacks; which Robert here seems to think is a mere coincidence. Leonid Elenin (weak profile) is a code word (topic) that contains the elements of the brown dwarf coming from the Leo Constellation (lion) and leonids are meteor showers. A 'nin' (link) is a 'person, obligation or duty,' which is the duty of the Globalists Banksters who have known about this 'event' for a very long time.


August 3, 2011 marks the time that the earth passes through the brown dwarf perigee position, while the brown dwarf is crossing the earth orbit location. About two weeks pass and on August 18 the brown dwarf crosses the Venus orbit some 67 million miles form the sun. Then 24 days pass to the magical moment when the brown dwarf reaches the nearest point to the sun at 44.73 million miles. This right here is the reason that the Rothschild/Rockefeller Banksters (What Really Happened) and the Globalist New World Order Elites used Bush and company to plan and carry out the 9/11 inside job attacks on 9/11/2001 exactly ten years to the day. The banksters and their bought-and-paid-for corrupt politicians and lying media moguls are planning to hide themselves in underground bunkers all around the world and let the peasants fend for themselves.

What more do you need?
Greetings to All:

Planet X Nibiru Pole Shift 2012: Steve Quayle

I am still watching this video, but Steve Quayle seems oblivious to all the March 15, 2011 warnings of a pole shift like Dr. Bill Deagle and others.



YOU seem oblivious, Terral, to how badly you have gotten pwnd here by others and even at your own hand.

Is there any lunatic conspiracy theory you won't buy into*?

* assuming it's "authenticated" by a YouTube video, of course.

That list is getting pretty small.
Greetings to All:

Planet X Nibiru Pole Shift 2012: Steve Quayle

I am still watching this video, but Steve Quayle seems oblivious to all the March 15, 2011 warnings of a pole shift like Dr. Bill Deagle and others.



YOU seem oblivious, Terral, to how badly you have gotten pwnd here by others and even at your own hand.

Is there any lunatic conspiracy theory you won't buy into*?

* assuming it's "authenticated" by a YouTube video, of course.

That list is getting pretty small.
has he ever stated where he stands on the moon landings ;)
YOU seem oblivious, Terral, to how badly you have gotten pwnd here by others and even at your own hand.

Is there any lunatic conspiracy theory you won't buy into*?

* assuming it's "authenticated" by a YouTube video, of course.

That list is getting pretty small.
has he ever stated where he stands on the moon landings ;)
Terral can't deny we planted our flag on Mars can he?
Just what is a brown dwarf, Toro?

Exactly so why make fun at him? He's only tring to do what he thinks is best. As I said I am pretty sure he's wrong, but will not make fun of what he thinks, because in my opinion he's tring to help.

Because an effective way of demolishing an argument is to make fun of it. That's why satire is so effective. People will respect you even if they hate you but they won't respect you if they laugh at you.

Terral believes that

The brown dwarf entering the inner parts of our solar system is preparing to make an orbit around the sun that happens once every 3600 years. The brown dwarf will be in perigee position nearest the sun on Sept. 11, 2011, or exactly ten years after the 9/11 attacks; which Robert here seems to think is a mere coincidence. Leonid Elenin (weak profile) is a code word (topic) that contains the elements of the brown dwarf coming from the Leo Constellation (lion) and leonids are meteor showers. A 'nin' (link) is a 'person, obligation or duty,' which is the duty of the Globalists Banksters who have known about this 'event' for a very long time.


August 3, 2011 marks the time that the earth passes through the brown dwarf perigee position, while the brown dwarf is crossing the earth orbit location. About two weeks pass and on August 18 the brown dwarf crosses the Venus orbit some 67 million miles form the sun. Then 24 days pass to the magical moment when the brown dwarf reaches the nearest point to the sun at 44.73 million miles. This right here is the reason that the Rothschild/Rockefeller Banksters (What Really Happened) and the Globalist New World Order Elites used Bush and company to plan and carry out the 9/11 inside job attacks on 9/11/2001 exactly ten years to the day. The banksters and their bought-and-paid-for corrupt politicians and lying media moguls are planning to hide themselves in underground bunkers all around the world and let the peasants fend for themselves.

What more do you need?

All I am saying is until that date I wouldn't be making fun of him, after that date then you can make fun of him.
Hi Diver:

Click here to check the brown dwarf's position. March 4, 2011 is the day the dwarf crosses into the northern hemisphere of our solar system and March 15 is the day of the conjunction/alignment. There is definitely something coming nearer the earth with every passing moment, but the question remains about 'what' (comet or brown dwarf) is coming and 'how big' (little comet or BIG dwarf 2.5 size of Jupiter) that something might be.


dipshit, that is NOT a brown dwarf, it is a comet
Didn't Terral already correct himself in a previous post? I think he did, this means he's already forgotten that and is now back to claiming it's a Brown Dwarf? :confused:
They sent Gary Colemans remains to space ?
..or was it the other one ? Da Plane !!! Da Plane !!! :eusa_hand:
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Greetings to All:

This is a copy of my recent email to Steve Quayle after watching his video above (Post #337):

Hi Steve Quayle and others:

I just listened to one of your radio broadcasts about Planet X/Nibiru and realized that you are not aware of the recent warnings of a March 15, 2011 pole shift 'event.' I am tracking what appears to be a brown dwarf with multiple moons that I believe is your Planet X. Maybe you know about the recent discovery by a fictitious astronomer named Leonid ELEnin that is a psy-op cover for the approaching brown dwarf with 2.5 Jupiter mass. This is the NASA orbit chart:

JPL Small-Body Database Browser

The dwarf has been influencing the earth from the southern hemisphere since 2004 and now is positioned between the orbits of Jupiter and Mars traveling at approximately 100,000 miles per hour or 2.4 million miles per day. The dwarf is scheduled to break through the solar ecliptic plane on March 4, 2011 when these weather/magnetic/seismic anomalies will get FAR worse. Move the Orbit diagram to March 15, 2011 and zoom out to look at the relative positions of all the planets to realize a planetary Tug of War is about to ensue for the creation of the mother of all gravity trough/trenches. Track the dwarf through our solar system and stop at September 11, 2011 to realize this is the perigee position that the Rothschild/Rockefeller inside-job banksters knew about when planning the 9/11 inside job for execution exactly ten years to the day before this event. Then move the chart forward to realize the earth will encounter three conjunctions with the sun and dwarf on March 15, Sept 25 and Nov 22 representing three shakings of Nope prophecy; with the first two shakings (March 15, Sept 25) including a host of planetary enhancing assistance.

I explain all of these things in a USMB Post at this address:

I explain the 15 symptoms of Nibiru at this address, which you already realize is happening around the world:

While I am all prepped and have seen this coming, most of your listeners are still in the dark about 'when' these things will take place. I encourage you to look through the evidence and make up your own mind, and then do what you can to get the warning out to anyone that will listen. My March 15, 2011 Pole Shift Event Topic is here:

And yes, I have a year supply of food, guns, ammo, travel trailer, tents and the whole nine yards and a heavy investment in small denomination silver; and so should your listeners. There is one problem with your commentary that can perhaps be corrected by a reading of my challenge to Dr. Bill Deagle and Dr. True Ott:

We are not yet at the end of the age. The 1000 Year Day of the Lord is just about to begin. Satan and the evil forces of this darkness are about to be chained, which is why they are frantically scrambling around in a panic of desperation. There is nothing in their hands. Any power they have comes from far beyond. Everything is fixed and they cannot change it. You talked about being seated "IN" Christ Jesus, so perhaps you are among those ready to understand what that really means:

The Truth About Those Of Us "IN Christ Jesus" - Christian Forums

Most people have no clues about the differences between God and My Father who is IN HEAVEN:

The Differences Between "God" And "My Father Who Is IN HEAVEN"

Perhaps ELEnin is only a comet, but we are far wiser to hope for the best and prepare for the worst case scenario. If the big 'events' kick off around March 4, 2011, then we know Planet X is among us and March 15, 2011 is the day of the first of three conjunctions.

Thanks for all of your dedicated work,

In Christ Jesus,


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bigrebnc wrote:

All I am saying is until that date I wouldn't be making fun of him, after that date then you can make fun of him.

I sense there may be a flaw in this plan, bigreb. I think mebbe it is "ridicule him now or never".

seeing how he has NOTHING to support what he is claiming, i will ridicule him now and on march 16th and all dates after that

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