March 15th Pole Shift To Kill Billions

Where Will You Be on March 15?

  • In an underground bunker with the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Morgans, Bushs and the Fascist Elites

    Votes: 10 58.8%
  • Dying

    Votes: 2 11.8%
  • Is that The Rapture?

    Votes: 5 29.4%

  • Total voters
Hi Biker:

You know........I'm pretty sure that Terral is totally wrong on this......Besides..........Terral has to be wrong. Closest guess would be May 21st of this year. Why? Simple.......the IRS has to haul in your tax money one last time.

Terral is not predicting the end of the world on March 15, 2011, or December 21, 2012 or in five hundred years. This creation will be here for 'ages to come' (Eph. 2:7) and we are just getting started. Some say we are near the 'end of the age' (Matt. 24:3+), but those people are also wrong; which you can read about in my Challenge To Dr. Bill Deagle And Dr. True Ott (here). You guys are looking at how the Day of the Lord begins.


We are living in the red 2000 Year Mystery Time that ends with the Rapture of the church, so Elijah and begin the restoration of all things on earth 'as it is' in heaven.



That is one AWESOME graph, Terral.

Hi Biker:

You know........I'm pretty sure that Terral is totally wrong on this......Besides..........Terral has to be wrong. Closest guess would be May 21st of this year. Why? Simple.......the IRS has to haul in your tax money one last time.

Terral is not predicting the end of the world on March 15, 2011, or December 21, 2012 or in five hundred years. This creation will be here for 'ages to come' (Eph. 2:7) and we are just getting started. Some say we are near the 'end of the age' (Matt. 24:3+), but those people are also wrong; which you can read about in my Challenge To Dr. Bill Deagle And Dr. True Ott (here). You guys are looking at how the Day of the Lord begins.


We are living in the red 2000 Year Mystery Time that ends with the Rapture of the church, so Elijah and begin the restoration of all things on earth 'as it is' in heaven.



This creation will be here for ages to come
Thats not exactly correct either. I read some where about a new heaven and a new earth. Terral I trust you know what I am talking about.
I hope Planet X is coming. I'm tired of this planet full of hippies, gays and Democrats. A catastrophic Earth smashing event can't be worse than 4 more years of Obama.
As you all know, and as Terral rightly pointed out, March 15 signals the imminent end of the world as we know and the deaths of billions of people.

As a full fledged member of The Illuminati, I intend on being in an underground bunker with the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Morgans, Bushs, Cheney's, Rumsfelds and the rest of the Global Fascist Elites.

Where will you be?

Depends... Where is your bunker party? Can I bring some boxed wine or something?
Hi Mad:


That is one AWESOME graph, Terral.


Thank you kindly. Dispensing Grace Doctrine for the members of Christ's Body (Gospels, Churches, Baptisms) has been my primary mission with 911Truth topics coming in second and 'Truth' in general. This is one of eighty diagrams in my manuscript The Mystery Explained (link) written in the summer of 2005. Great stuff. ;0)

As you all know, and as Terral rightly pointed out, March 15 signals the imminent end of the world as we know and the deaths of billions of people.

As a full fledged member of The Illuminati, I intend on being in an underground bunker with the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Morgans, Bushs, Cheney's, Rumsfelds and the rest of the Global Fascist Elites.

Where will you be?

Depends... Where is your bunker party? Can I bring some boxed wine or something?

You bet! And on your way, stop at a gas station and pick up a tube of cheese...
As you all know, and as Terral rightly pointed out, March 15 signals the imminent end of the world as we know and the deaths of billions of people.

As a full fledged member of The Illuminati, I intend on being in an underground bunker with the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Morgans, Bushs, Cheney's, Rumsfelds and the rest of the Global Fascist Elites.

Where will you be?

Depends... Where is your bunker party? Can I bring some boxed wine or something?

You bet! And on your way, stop at a gas station and pick up a tube of cheese...

I shudder to think what sort of demi-food "cheese in a tube" might could be.
As you all know, and as Terral rightly pointed out, March 15 signals the imminent end of the world as we know and the deaths of billions of people.

As a full fledged member of The Illuminati, I intend on being in an underground bunker with the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Morgans, Bushs, Cheney's, Rumsfelds and the rest of the Global Fascist Elites.

Where will you be?

As a member of the Ruling Elite, the exact whereabouts are highly classified. Suffice to say that the Rumsfelds are not invited!
Hi Biker:

You know........I'm pretty sure that Terral is totally wrong on this......Besides..........Terral has to be wrong. Closest guess would be May 21st of this year. Why? Simple.......the IRS has to haul in your tax money one last time.

Terral is not predicting the end of the world on March 15, 2011, or December 21, 2012 or in five hundred years. This creation will be here for 'ages to come' (Eph. 2:7) and we are just getting started. Some say we are near the 'end of the age' (Matt. 24:3+), but those people are also wrong; which you can read about in my Challenge To Dr. Bill Deagle And Dr. True Ott (here). You guys are looking at how the Day of the Lord begins.


We are living in the red 2000 Year Mystery Time that ends with the Rapture of the church, so Elijah and begin the restoration of all things on earth 'as it is' in heaven.



That is one AWESOME graph, Terral.


Oh shit, he found our secret graph! Well, I guess the cat's outta the bag.
You know........considering that Revelation makes many references to various books in the OT, of which MANY were heavily edited (Niecine council), how can anyone possibly make any kind of prediction that has even a reasonable chance of being correct when they're working from an incomplete book?

That's what the KJV is.

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