March 15th Pole Shift To Kill Billions

Where Will You Be on March 15?

  • In an underground bunker with the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Morgans, Bushs and the Fascist Elites

    Votes: 10 58.8%
  • Dying

    Votes: 2 11.8%
  • Is that The Rapture?

    Votes: 5 29.4%

  • Total voters
OK, so today is March 11th, 2011... 4 days away from the proposed "catastrophe". I know the "media" is biased for the most part... but has anyone heard anything from the national media regarding this? I've seen the vids on YouTube about this and the comet as well... I receive reports on earthquakes and I will say that some major ones... 6.0 and above have been increasing in frequency around the world. We have been having 2-3 tremors (sometimes even more) every day in the central part of our state (Arkansas). We had a 4.7 magnitude not long ago... that is not considered a large earthquake but it was felt in 4 states. So, things do seem to be happening... and I've "heard" reports of FEMA preparing for a huge "exercise" in the central part of the United States and have made huge purchases of blankets and other disaster preparedness items as well. Is there any scientific evidence that anyone can provide that details a catastrophe will occur on March 15, 2011?
Hi mtc:

OK, so today is March 11th, 2011... 4 days away from the proposed "catastrophe" ...

Much of the OP information has been updated since Feb. 20, 2011 (GLP = Updated USMB Post). You guys are very slow to figure things out. BTW, I did not post any poll on this topic. The powers that be here do all kinds of strange things when manhandling member content.

Nibiru Timeline: Nibiru/Planet X Event Timeline

What Google/NASA are hiding:

25 Symptoms of Nibiru: Twenty Five Symptoms Of Nibiru

Nibiru Safe Zones: Nibiru Safe Zones And Survival Strategies

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Hi mtc:

OK, so today is March 11th, 2011... 4 days away from the proposed "catastrophe" ...

Much of the OP information has been updated since Feb. 20, 2011 (GLP = Updated USMB Post). You guys are very slow to figure things out. BTW, I did not post any poll on this topic. The powers that be here do all kinds of strange things when manhandling member content.

Nibiru Timeline: Nibiru/Planet X Event Timeline

What Google/NASA are hiding:

25 Symptoms of Nibiru: Twenty Five Symptoms Of Nibiru

Nibiru Safe Zones: Nibiru Safe Zones And Survival Strategies


The totally infallible exact end date has shifted too? Oh noes!!! I heard the Moon is going to whack us on March 19th. Whatever.
Actually I did read in some report today that the quake did cause the earth to shift on it's axis. A whole 10 Centimeters. I don't know if that will even affect the life cycle of the Tsetse fly.
Just two hours and 11 or 12 minutes from now and that's it.

That's all she wrote.

It's over.

Light out. Hasta la whatever.




See ya.

And what are WE doing?

Yup. Banging out a few more keystrokes for the soon to be vanished interwebs.
It might as well be the end if you were one of the last 50 people working at the crippled nuke plants in Japan.
Just two hours and 11 or 12 minutes from now and that's it.

That's all she wrote.

It's over.

Light out. Hasta la whatever.




See ya.

And what are WE doing?

Yup. Banging out a few more keystrokes for the soon to be vanished interwebs.

Bang :rock: Stroke :rock:
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As you all know, and as Terral rightly pointed out, March 15 signals the imminent end of the world as we know and the deaths of billions of people.

As a full fledged member of The Illuminati, I intend on being in an underground bunker with the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Morgans, Bushs, Cheney's, Rumsfelds and the rest of the Global Fascist Elites.

Where will you be?

Ill let you know were i was on the 16th. ;)


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