March 15th Pole Shift To Kill Billions

Where Will You Be on March 15?

  • In an underground bunker with the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Morgans, Bushs and the Fascist Elites

    Votes: 10 58.8%
  • Dying

    Votes: 2 11.8%
  • Is that The Rapture?

    Votes: 5 29.4%

  • Total voters
Ok, look the shift sounds reasonable but how can you narrow it down to what week it is going to happen, is this not a bit alarmist?
Hi save and dave:

So, still no pictures of this planet that's supposed to get so close to us in 5 weeks that it kills billions of people, huh?

It is sort of like an intersection accident. The unaware driver claims it came out of nowhere.

We have pictures in the discovery of Comet Elenin (story and story).

Picture << Click here

[ame=""]March Pole Shift Evidence[/ame]

You guys need to put your heads back into the sand and hope nothing happens. I am prepped and ready to go IF the major earthquakes, tidal waves and volcanoes start going crazy during the week of March 6th, 2011. When that happens, then sand and dave need to run down and build sand castles on the beach and bring all of your family and friends and a big surf board.


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Hi save and dave:

So, still no pictures of this planet that's supposed to get so close to us in 5 weeks that it kills billions of people, huh?

It is sort of like an intersection accident. The unaware driver claims it came out of nowhere.

We have pictures in the discovery of Comet Elenin (story and story).

Picture << Click here

[ame=""]March Pole Shift Evidence[/ame]

You guys need to put your heads back into the sand and hope nothing happens. I am prepped and ready to go IF the major earthquakes, tidal waves and volcanoes start going crazy during the week of March 6th, 2011. When that happens, then sand and dave need to run down and build sand castles on the beach and bring all of your family and friends and a big surf board.


You fucking idiot! If we got hit by something capable of shifting our poles I can assure you that the only thing to live would be bacteria.

There is a rock the size of Texas that is on a collision course with Earth, but its well over 150 years away and they can't predict weather it would be direct or near miss. Close but not a known.

You would be better off starting something about thepole shift from the sun in 2012 and the affects on Earth. Now that can be detrimental and the scientist are warning Governments and companies about the catastrophe it could unleash. Still not a global killer though, just an electronic murderer.

Not to mention that there have much closer passes by larger objects.
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You're a lunatic.

You quote that it could take 5,000 years to complete and then follow it up with "get your survival gear together"?!?!?!

Interesting considering that all known science tells that it would take a day to 3 days to shift our poles when it does happen. It would create tsunami's but what would kill us would be the lack of atmosphere.
When our magnetic field reverses our atmosphere is depleted to absolute zero for a few days before the magnetic field is reborn to its full pull and repel. The suns rays would cook everything in the matter of minutes, if you hid in a bunker your air would turn radiant, anything you had making air, electricity etc, would be fried by the EMF Pulses.
IE, your ass is dead weather you have your head in the sand or a mile under the earth.

The good news it that the cure is a mental ward for this loon since there is nothing more going to happen in the future than his own mind killing him with spooky stories.
Hi Gam:

You're a lunatic ... :cuckoo:

They said the same thing about Noah and they laughed their heads off for 120 years and right up until he entered the ark and it started to rain. I stand with everyone here hoping that nothing happens. That would be very nice indeed. However, the evidence says we could be looking at major catastrophic events starting around March 6th, 2011 that leads up to a pole shift around March 15th.

This 'is' the USMB Conspiracy Theories Forum, so stop acting surprised every time you come here and see conspiracy theories; as if Gam is some kind of idiot. What is Gam's theory on:

1. Massive animal deaths taking place all over the globe (story)?
2. Major floods taking place everywhere (story).
3. The magnetic pole shifts that have been going on since 2004 (story) and is becoming dramatic today (story)?
4. Irregular weather causing food shortages (story)?
5. Increased volcano eruptions (story)?
6. Increased earthquakes (story)?
7. The wobble in the earth's rotation getting worse (story)?
8. Sunrise coming 2 days early in Greenland (story)?
9. Sudden discovery of mystery comet approaching earth (story) by a Russian using a little 18-inch telescope?
10. No media coverage (story) of Planet X/Comet Elenin calculated to pass only 40 million miles from earth?
11. FEMA buying food and supplies for an expected New Madrid Fault Catastrophe (story)?

The list goes on and on! Give us your theory that answers all of these questions with one single solution. The answer is that a planet with a 3600-year elliptical orbit is racing towards the sun in anticipation of making a tight turn, before heading back out into space for another 3600-year journey. Planet X has a north and south pole like the earth with a magnetic field that has been influencing our earth since about 2003 or 2004 and that influence has increased, as the planet gets closer and closer.

The animal deaths have the common characteristic of affecting migration patterns of species between multiple food sources, but they use the magnetic lines from the earth's magnetic field to navigate. The animals travel along the 'disrupted' magnetic lines to end up somewhere else and die from starvation. The magnetic pole shifts show the north and south poles drifting slowly, but those rates are speeding up with the approach of Planet X that is forcing them in the opposite direction like when you try to push two magnets together.

The irregular weather patterns is caused by the approach of Planet X throwing off the earth's magnetic field and causing the wobble to increase, which causes floods and droughts from the interruption of the jet stream and prevailing wind currents. The increased volcanic and earthquake activity is caused by the approach of Planet X pulling the tectonic plates back and forth causing slippage that allows magma to rise to the surface and lubricate the areas where the plates touch; which causes even more earthquakes.

The sun rose 2 days early in the northern-most countries like Siberia, Greenland and Alaska this year, because the approach of Planet X is causing the earth wobble to increase. That wobbing action will grow more pronounced when Planet X passed through the ecliptic plane of our solar system from the south to where our earth is located on the north side on March 4th-6th of this year. In other words, the gradual increase in all of these activities is about to get far worse and amplified. The media is not covering this story, because the banksters, corrupt politicians and their media liars have plans to survive in underground bunkers; which is why FEMA is storing food for only seven million elites.

The Russian discovered Planet X (Elenin) on a little 18-inch telescope, because the people running the large telescopes already know Planet X is coming; as they have known for years. The global elites are planning to use this opportunity to cull the world population and control those who survive through their New World Order. Think Georgia Guidestones (link).

If Gam has a better theory, then you are in the right USMB Forum. Just try to stop calling other registered members names, when you have no evidence to support a theory about anything :)confused:).


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Earths magnetic feild has little to nothing to do with waves or the tide. Those are controlled by the moons orbit.

For something to all of a sudden crash, like a mountain, or volcano, earths gravity would have to change, and the magnetic field has zilch to do with that.

The only issues that arise from magnetic north changing is that it screws with people using compases. And maybe planes in the air, as a sudden, and it has to be sudden, change in the field can cause issues with electronics.

So unless billions (at least 2 billion to be plural) are flying AND it's a sudden shift, no one will die.
Hi Neo:

120 years, lets pretend he was 20 when he started, that makes him 140 years old?

Adam lived for 930 years (Gen. 5:5) and that time started in Genesis 3:21. Noah lived 350 years after the flood and a total of 950 years (Gen. 9:28-29). Noah was about 500 years old when building the ark to go inside at about the age of 600 years give or take. ;0)


thats Mickey's dog

btw, Pluto is no longer a planet
Yeah, something about being full of water and being a midget. So now they want to be sizist bastards and call it Dwarf Planet or some shit like that.

I think they are bigots, rocks have rights damn it

Rocks probably do have some rights, problem is finding them a good lawyer and signing all the paperwork.
Oh, so now you're saying that Lawyers are bigots against the handicapped?

Geeze, and people say I have issues :coffee:
Earths magnetic feild has little to nothing to do with waves or the tide. Those are controlled by the moons orbit.

For something to all of a sudden crash, like a mountain, or volcano, earths gravity would have to change, and the magnetic field has zilch to do with that.

The only issues that arise from magnetic north changing is that it screws with people using compases. And maybe planes in the air, as a sudden, and it has to be sudden, change in the field can cause issues with electronics.

So unless billions (at least 2 billion to be plural) are flying AND it's a sudden shift, no one will die.
Actually, from everything that I have researched on this; if the poles changed there is serious problems that would fallow. I'm not saying that I believe its happening now or in the near future like this spook, but all science does conclude that Massive super volcano's will erupt, tidal waves will be normal and the lack of an atmosphere will burn everything.
When the poles shift there is a point where there is no magnetic field, gravity won't be nearly as strong as it is. Think about, if the world spinning was the reason we have gravity than we would be flung to outer space not sucked into the center.

It would be catastrophic, nothing we could do to prevent it nor could we do to avoid death. But its not even relatively close to happening, even in terms of the life of this planet.
But WAIT!!!!!!!!

This shouldn't be happening until next year. The Mayans said so.

the mayans did NOT take into consideration LEAP YEAR...

maybe that changes the date?

The mayans calendar is so precise that it has been calculated to be within (Don't quote me on this) 0.0000001 in 100,000 years. Civilization now doesn't use another scientific calendar that goes by time (Julian) not days (ordinal).

But the Mayans also said that it was a new beginning after 12/21/2012 based on the ornate alignment of our solar system. Not and end of time as its been spun as.
Earths magnetic feild has little to nothing to do with waves or the tide. Those are controlled by the moons orbit.

For something to all of a sudden crash, like a mountain, or volcano, earths gravity would have to change, and the magnetic field has zilch to do with that.

The only issues that arise from magnetic north changing is that it screws with people using compases. And maybe planes in the air, as a sudden, and it has to be sudden, change in the field can cause issues with electronics.

So unless billions (at least 2 billion to be plural) are flying AND it's a sudden shift, no one will die.
Actually, from everything that I have researched on this; if the poles changed there is serious problems that would fallow. I'm not saying that I believe its happening now or in the near future like this spook, but all science does conclude that Massive super volcano's will erupt, tidal waves will be normal and the lack of an atmosphere will burn everything.
When the poles shift there is a point where there is no magnetic field, gravity won't be nearly as strong as it is. Think about, if the world spinning was the reason we have gravity than we would be flung to outer space not sucked into the center.

It would be catastrophic, nothing we could do to prevent it nor could we do to avoid death. But its not even relatively close to happening, even in terms of the life of this planet.

Stop getting your science from cereal boxes and global warmers.

Gravational force is measured by taking the gravational constant and multiply the product of the two masses divided by the radius between the objects squared. A change in magnetic fields has no impact.

Change the pole axis and you have an issue. Now climate changes will occur. You can have separate magnetic poles from a rotational axis. In fact, it usually is slightly different.
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Stop getting your science from cereal boxes and global warmers.

Gravational force is measured by taking the gravational constant and multiply the product of the two masses divided by the radius between the objects squared. A change in magnetic fields has no impact.

Change the pole axis and you have an issue. Now climate changes will occur.
But Al Gore said I would be seen as a profit for making such claims?? Did he lie to me??
Earths magnetic feild has little to nothing to do with waves or the tide. Those are controlled by the moons orbit.

For something to all of a sudden crash, like a mountain, or volcano, earths gravity would have to change, and the magnetic field has zilch to do with that.

The only issues that arise from magnetic north changing is that it screws with people using compases. And maybe planes in the air, as a sudden, and it has to be sudden, change in the field can cause issues with electronics.

So unless billions (at least 2 billion to be plural) are flying AND it's a sudden shift, no one will die.

if it is a SUDDEN shift
and someone happens to be jumping over a rock (or something) at the moment of shift...

will that jumping person suddenly find himself landing thousands of miles from his jumping point?

assuming he doesn't get smashed by a house or a tree or a mountain during the shift
Earths magnetic feild has little to nothing to do with waves or the tide. Those are controlled by the moons orbit.

For something to all of a sudden crash, like a mountain, or volcano, earths gravity would have to change, and the magnetic field has zilch to do with that.

The only issues that arise from magnetic north changing is that it screws with people using compases. And maybe planes in the air, as a sudden, and it has to be sudden, change in the field can cause issues with electronics.

So unless billions (at least 2 billion to be plural) are flying AND it's a sudden shift, no one will die.
Actually, from everything that I have researched on this; if the poles changed there is serious problems that would fallow. I'm not saying that I believe its happening now or in the near future like this spook, but all science does conclude that Massive super volcano's will erupt, tidal waves will be normal and the lack of an atmosphere will burn everything.
When the poles shift there is a point where there is no magnetic field, gravity won't be nearly as strong as it is. Think about, if the world spinning was the reason we have gravity than we would be flung to outer space not sucked into the center.

It would be catastrophic, nothing we could do to prevent it nor could we do to avoid death. But its not even relatively close to happening, even in terms of the life of this planet.

the world spinning may ADD to the gravitational effect but the earth itself has gravity

all mass has gravity

so, regardless of what else does or does not happen
we would NOT be spun off into space because of a "lack of gravity"
Earths magnetic feild has little to nothing to do with waves or the tide. Those are controlled by the moons orbit.

For something to all of a sudden crash, like a mountain, or volcano, earths gravity would have to change, and the magnetic field has zilch to do with that.

The only issues that arise from magnetic north changing is that it screws with people using compases. And maybe planes in the air, as a sudden, and it has to be sudden, change in the field can cause issues with electronics.

So unless billions (at least 2 billion to be plural) are flying AND it's a sudden shift, no one will die.
Actually, from everything that I have researched on this; if the poles changed there is serious problems that would fallow. I'm not saying that I believe its happening now or in the near future like this spook, but all science does conclude that Massive super volcano's will erupt, tidal waves will be normal and the lack of an atmosphere will burn everything.
When the poles shift there is a point where there is no magnetic field, gravity won't be nearly as strong as it is. Think about, if the world spinning was the reason we have gravity than we would be flung to outer space not sucked into the center.

It would be catastrophic, nothing we could do to prevent it nor could we do to avoid death. But its not even relatively close to happening, even in terms of the life of this planet.

the world spinning may ADD to the gravitational effect but the earth itself has gravity

all mass has gravity

so, regardless of what else does or does not happen
we would NOT be spun off into space because of a "lack of gravity"

How would faster spinning (or slower or no spinning at all) have ANY affect on gravity?
Yaknow what sucks about the conspiracy section?

You can't always tell who really buys into this non-sense and who's pulling your leg.

earth spin gives us day and night, the wobble gives us seasons.

the only thing the mag field is really for is to keep the suns rays from killing us. if they shift, the sun wont kill us, if it goes away... well our last moments on earth are gonna suck

gravity keeps us on the ground and air around us to breath, the mag field doesn't keep it here.

the moon and only the moon moves the tide and waves, except for special occasions.

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