March 15th Pole Shift To Kill Billions

Where Will You Be on March 15?

  • In an underground bunker with the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Morgans, Bushs and the Fascist Elites

    Votes: 10 58.8%
  • Dying

    Votes: 2 11.8%
  • Is that The Rapture?

    Votes: 5 29.4%

  • Total voters
Yaknow what sucks about the conspiracy section?

You can't always tell who really buys into this non-sense and who's pulling your leg.

earth spin gives us day and night, the wobble gives us seasons.

the only thing the mag field is really for is to keep the suns rays from killing us. if they shift, the sun wont kill us, if it goes away... well our last moments on earth are gonna suck

gravity keeps us on the ground and air around us to breath, the mag field doesn't keep it here.

the moon and only the moon moves the tide and waves, except for special occasions.
and what terral is ignoring(well other than reality in general) is that the magnetic pole is shifting toward actual north and not towards the south
Yaknow what sucks about the conspiracy section?

You can't always tell who really buys into this non-sense and who's pulling your leg.

earth spin gives us day and night, the wobble gives us seasons.

the only thing the mag field is really for is to keep the suns rays from killing us. if they shift, the sun wont kill us, if it goes away... well our last moments on earth are gonna suck

gravity keeps us on the ground and air around us to breath, the mag field doesn't keep it here.

the moon and only the moon moves the tide and waves, except for special occasions.
and what terral is ignoring(well other than reality in general) is that the magnetic pole is shifting toward actual north and not towards the south
Stop getting your science from cereal boxes and global warmers.

Gravational force is measured by taking the gravational constant and multiply the product of the two masses divided by the radius between the objects squared. A change in magnetic fields has no impact.

Change the pole axis and you have an issue. Now climate changes will occur.
But Al Gore said I would be seen as a profit for making such claims?? Did he lie to me??

Your cereal's getting soggy son.
Hi save and dave:

So, still no pictures of this planet that's supposed to get so close to us in 5 weeks that it kills billions of people, huh?

It is sort of like an intersection accident. The unaware driver claims it came out of nowhere.

We have pictures in the discovery of Comet Elenin (story and story).

Picture << Click here

I hate to be the one to break it to you, but Comet Elenin is NOT Planet X. The proof is in your own story:
... right now it appears the comet's perihelion will occur well inside Earth's orbit, about 0.45 a.u. (42 million miles) from the Sun, on September 5th.​
My family and I will survive the pole shift just fine, because it's not going to happen.
We have had complete magnetic pole reversals throughout geologocal time. Could be a serious problem this time with the Tom-Toms and all.
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It isn't going to happen on March 15th, but it is going to happen.




Maybe tomorrow, maybe tomorrow plus 10,000 years.

The poles do shift. We know that. What we don't know is how it affects humans when they do, because there was no recorded history the last time it happened, as no alphabet had been created.

Its gonna fuck up birds and fish though, no question about that!
Greetings to All:

Guys! If this guy is right we are looking at Planet X being a dwarf star that has mass and going to make my topic title casualty prediction very low. This is serious. This thing is a disk with wings of fire to the ancient civilizations.

BoKnowsEntertainment's Youtube Channel

Brown Dwarf Star Headed from Southern Ecliptic, Lucas and Deagle - Part 1

Part 2



If we're hit by a dwarf star, even the tiniest dwarf star ever measured, your casualty count will be the same as the entire population of Earth, and there is nothing we can do about it.

Screw silver, I'm investing in Old Forester.

Its fucking over.
Greetings to All:

Guys! If this guy is right we are looking at Planet X being a dwarf star that has mass and going to make my topic title casualty prediction very low. This is serious. This thing is a disk with wings of fire to the ancient civilizations.

BoKnowsEntertainment's Youtube Channel

Brown Dwarf Star Headed from Southern Ecliptic, Lucas and Deagle - Part 1

Part 2



If we're hit by a dwarf star, even the tiniest dwarf star ever measured, your casualty count will be the same as the entire population of Earth, and there is nothing we can do about it.

Screw silver, I'm investing in Old Forester.

Its fucking over.
well, not likely you will be around for it anyway
unless they improve the longevity of human life by about 100 years
PBS had a NOVA program on the polar shift...

... they even had a forum on it...

... but since they shut down their discussion forums...

... I can't look it up an' tell ya the name of it...

... so ya could check it out at yer local library.
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Hi Mini:

If we're hit by a dwarf star, even the tiniest dwarf star ever measured, your casualty count will be the same as the entire population of Earth, and there is nothing we can do about it.

Screw silver, I'm investing in Old Forester.

Its fucking over.

The earth is not going to be hit by any dwarf star. If these guys are describing Planet X/Nibiru/Elenin that is really their dwarf star, then the charts say the earth will be missed by 40 million miles; or not quite one half way to the sun. Dr. Deagle and this expert seem unaware that our incoming object is projected to break the ecliptic plane into the northern hemisphere on March 4, 2011, which will mark a severe escalation of dwarf star influence. On March 15 the earth passes through the gravitational gradient lines, when our planet passes directly between the stars to make a straight line. The gravitational and magnetic influences will turn our planet on its side like a spinning top, as one pole is attracted and the other repelled from the dwarf star.

Dr. Deagle and Lucas appear convinced that their dwarf star is coming in December of 2012. I am hopeful that the Elenin Comet is just a comet that just happens to be coming from the same quadrant of space. If the tidal waves and great earthquakes and all of that starts happening on March 4-6, then this cat is heading for the hills. It will be bugout time, because the crap is about to hit the fan.

My problem with this thesis all along has been that any object that could influence the earth from 2004 would have to be very big indeed. The fact that the Elenin Comet was passing 40 million miles away meant a Haley's Comet experience like when I was a boy. However, something small like a comet could never influence the earth like what we have seen for years now and things are only getting worse. This looks like the granddaddy of all conspiracies and an approaching dwarf star explains everything. That is why the magnetosphere is bent back from the heavy influence.

Imagine the solar system on a disc plane and the sun sits in the middle inside a deep hole. The planets circle around on the plane in their grooves, but here comes a dwarf star that also pushes a deep hole in the fabric of space and everything with gravity wants to fall inside and spiral in a circle around it. All of that said, those away from the cost and protected in shelter can weather the storm until the star tears things up and passes by until another 3600 years. Dr. Deagle thinks the earth is at the end of the age, but the 1000 Year Day Of The Lord is just now about to begin (my topic). Elijah must come first and restore all things (Matt. 17:10-11) as the 'prophet' of Acts 3:22-23. Dr. Deagle's 'end of the age' prophecies are 1000 years too early. ;0)

Everywhere I go researching this topic finds me reading about moving away from the coasts and away from known fault zones. The USA is going to be cut in two parts east and west of the Mississippi River by a wide gaping gash that renders America into what will be known as the Coastlands to the kingdoms in the East. Whether that happens in March or September of 2011 or December 2012, we shall have to wait and see; but my bugout bag is already packed and ready to go.


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Hi Mini:

If we're hit by a dwarf star, even the tiniest dwarf star ever measured, your casualty count will be the same as the entire population of Earth, and there is nothing we can do about it.

Screw silver, I'm investing in Old Forester.

Its fucking over.
Dr. Deagle

is this the same Deagle that was predicting the bio weapon?
Hi dave:

Dude. You keep changing your story to fit the lunacy du jour.

A real Truther/Investigator establishes a thesis and follows the evidence provided by the investigation. Any celestial object approaching our region of the solar system that can influence the earth's gravity and magnetic field and rotation from such a great distance (since 2004) would have to be very big and these guys have been tracking this object since the 1980's.

This is the story and data that my investigation turned up this evening, so stay tuned.


Hi dave:

Dude. You keep changing your story to fit the lunacy du jour.

A real Truther/Investigator establishes a thesis and follows the evidence provided by the investigation. Any celestial object approaching our region of the solar system that can influence the earth's gravity and magnetic field and rotation from such a great distance (since 2004) would have to be very big and these guys have been tracking this object since the 1980's.

This is the story and data that my investigation turned up this evening, so stay tuned.



is this your video?

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