March 15th Pole Shift To Kill Billions

Where Will You Be on March 15?

  • In an underground bunker with the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Morgans, Bushs and the Fascist Elites

    Votes: 10 58.8%
  • Dying

    Votes: 2 11.8%
  • Is that The Rapture?

    Votes: 5 29.4%

  • Total voters
What about 2011 CA7? Why didn't that kill us being 1,000 times closer?

Humm? Did I stump you on that question? I would tell you to go look at it right now, but it is so close that the sun is blocking it so there is nothing to reflect.

The only eruption today was from my dick erupting sperm...

Sorry bo, bo. no go, go!
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Greetings to All:

The weeks of March 6th to March 15th of this year the earth will go through a series of changes that includes a pole shift:

The NOAA National Geophysical Data Center maintains a data set of annual magnetic north pole coordinates going back to the year 1590, derived from early measurements from ships logs to modern day techniques.

Noting that there has been lots of reporting of pole shift lately, to the point where the phenomenon is actually causing real-world issues such as temporary from the NOAA Geo Data Center, configuring it to fit in an Excel spreadsheet, adding a complicated formula to determine exact distance between 2 sets of latitude-longitude coordinates, applying the formula to each data point in the series, and then finally plotting it all in a visual graph, it is alarming to discover the amount of magnetic pole shift – just over the past 10 to 20 years.

Here is one very interesting fact…
Since 1860, the magnetic pole shift has more than doubled every 50 years. That is pretty significant. In geological terms, that seems to be pretty ‘rapid’.

Here is another very interesting fact…
During the past 150 years, the pole shift has been in the same direction.

The following fact is even more astonishing…
During the past 10 years, the magnetic north pole has shifted nearly half of the total distance of the past 50 years! In other words, the pole shift has apparently sped up substantially. and look how far the pole has shifted in the last 10 years. This problem is going to escalate and the poles are going to shift on Tuesday March 15, 2011 ending a week of global chaos with the oceans sloshing giant tidal waves and things far worse.

Everyone reading these words should be getting all of your dollars into silver $28.65 @ .99 cents. Thirty bucks for an ounce of silver seems high to people buying in at 5 -10 dollars; but if the price goes 100 or 250 or 500 as some experts say, then 30 bucks in worthless paper is a great deal! ;0) Small denominations at 1 buck over spot will barter in survival mode, when ten dollars will buy a loaf of bread. The best part about owning silver and gold is every ounce is one share of stock in the death of the dollar and the coming crash and one step nearer to survival.

A good survival list with more information is on my topic. You should have six months of food and as much water as you can store and guns and ammo to protect your supplies. There are a lot of con men out there and chances are the guy that hurts you will not be after gold or silver. He will be hungry.

Buckle your seatbelt Dorothy; 'cause Kansas is going is a help, then God bless you,



I do not understand the alarm. This is meaningless unless magnetic north movement is in some order of magnitude different than every movement of magnetic north over the last 12,000,000 years. Its not an issue. It is part of the magnetics of all Class C planets.

Now, if true north moves, then, yes, that would change things.

The first law of Celestial Dynamics holds this is normal on all Class C planets of our meager diameter. Very normal. Or, put another way, what effect has these magnetic shifts had on Earth over the last 500 years?


Greetings to All:
This guy seems to have a good handle on what is happening and seems to be looking at the same data I am looking at saying that this object is indeed very large.

However, this I do know for a fact: Whatever is coming to the center of our solar system is much bigger than any comet.



This is my first day here, and I've been over on the Science and Technology thread with great interface and questions/answers. Now, purviewing this thread, this is an entirely different matter, indeed.

Ok, you state categorically, as a supposition, that somehow there is an object "coming to the center of our solar system"?. And this object is very large? Correct? Ok, lets unpack this a little bit for the readers here;

Can you provide the contacts at the HST Institute to verify this incoming or dispute same (I can.)?

Can you provide something other than YouTube for verification of this claim, yes or no? (I can).

What is this incoming bolide alleged to be?

This object should be detectable by simple ground based telescopes, not to mention off earth-on orbit telescopes and infrared on orbit vehicles.

The Hubble Space Telescope (HST) can be trained on this object in about 10 minutes by ground based request. Thus, since HST can see out to 13,500,000,000 Light Years, it infers it would see this incoming bolide quite well.

Comments please.

Thank you in advance.

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I've seen all this before.

Greetings to All:
This guy seems to have a good handle on what is happening and seems to be looking at the same data I am looking at saying that this object is indeed very large.

However, this I do know for a fact: Whatever is coming to the center of our solar system is much bigger than any comet.



This is my first day here, and I've been over on the Science and Technology thread with great interface and questions/answers. Now, purviewing this thread, this is an entirely different matter, indeed.

Ok, you state categorically, as a supposition, that somehow there is an object "coming to the center of our solar system"?. And this object is very large? Correct? Ok, lets unpack this a little bit for the readers here;

Can you provide the contacts at the HST Institute to verify this incoming or dispute same (I can.)?

Can you provide something other than YouTube for verification of this claim, yes or no? (I can).

What is this incoming bolide alleged to be?

This object should be detectable by simple ground based telescopes, not to mention off earth-on orbit telescopes and infrared on orbit vehicles.

The Hubble Space Telescope (HST) can be trained on this object in about 10 minutes by ground based request. Thus, since HST can see out to 13,500,000,000 Light Years, it infers it would see this incoming bolide quite well.

Comments please.

Thank you in advance.

Don't hold your breath, he doesn't respond well to logic. Actually he won't respond to logic.
Greetings to All:
This guy seems to have a good handle on what is happening and seems to be looking at the same data I am looking at saying that this object is indeed very large.

However, this I do know for a fact: Whatever is coming to the center of our solar system is much bigger than any comet.



This is my first day here, and I've been over on the Science and Technology thread with great interface and questions/answers. Now, purviewing this thread, this is an entirely different matter, indeed.

Ok, you state categorically, as a supposition, that somehow there is an object "coming to the center of our solar system"?. And this object is very large? Correct? Ok, lets unpack this a little bit for the readers here;

Can you provide the contacts at the HST Institute to verify this incoming or dispute same (I can.)?

Can you provide something other than YouTube for verification of this claim, yes or no? (I can).

What is this incoming bolide alleged to be?

This object should be detectable by simple ground based telescopes, not to mention off earth-on orbit telescopes and infrared on orbit vehicles.

The Hubble Space Telescope (HST) can be trained on this object in about 10 minutes by ground based request. Thus, since HST can see out to 13,500,000,000 Light Years, it infers it would see this incoming bolide quite well.

Comments please.

Thank you in advance.

Don't hold your breath, he doesn't respond well to logic. Actually he won't respond to logic.

That's not Terral's fault, really. He CAN'T respond to logic. It's an alien language to him.
You all have 5 days left to live.

So what do you do know?

Get drunk?
Kiss that hot checkout girl?
run naked in the streets?
Party Like It's 1999?

clocks ticking on the bucket lists people! tick tock!
Hi Robert:

I do not understand the alarm. This is meaningless unless magnetic north movement is in some order of magnitude different than every movement of magnetic north over the last 12,000,000 years. Its not an issue. It is part of the magnetics of all Class C planets.

Now, if true north moves, then, yes, that would change things.

Magnetic pole migration ( is a symptom associated with the brown dwarf nearing the center of the solar system for the once in a 3600-year orbit around the sun. Methinks there is no way that Robert has read the information posted on this topic and especially not Post #59 and Post #63. This is what I want from Robert: I will lay out a series of symptoms that the earth has been experiencing with greater severity since 2004 and your job is to provide these readers with the single answer that explains the common denominator for all of them:

Post #165:

1. Massive animal deaths taking place all over the globe (story)?
2. Major super storm floods taking place everywhere (story).
3. The magnetic pole shifts that have been going on since 2004 (story) and is becoming dramatic today (story)?
4. Irregular weather causing food shortages (story)?
5. Increased volcano eruptions (story)?
6. Increased earthquakes (story)?
7. The wobble in the earth's rotation getting worse (story)?
8. Sunrise coming 2 days early in Greenland (story)?
9. Sudden 2010 discovery of mystery comet approaching earth (story) by a Russian using a little 18-inch telescope?
10. No media coverage (story) of Planet X/Comet Elenin calculated to pass only 22.3 million miles from earth (Post #221)?
11. FEMA buying food and supplies for an expected New Madrid Fault Catastrophe (story)?
12. All planets in our solar system heating up (story)?
13. Airports closing down to remark their runways (story) over magnetic pole migration.
14. Rogue tides from rising oceans (story).
15. Moon out of place (story)?

The first law of Celestial Dynamics holds this is normal on all Class C planets of our meager diameter. Very normal. Or, put another way, what effect has these magnetic shifts had on Earth over the last 500 years?

Robert! Do you really think we are a bunch of idiots? Migrating animals are dying all over the earth and this is not normal by any stretch of the imagination. All of these earth change/catastrophic events are explained by one thing. A brown dwarf has been affecting the earth's magnetic field and rotation and tilt since about 2003 and 2004 and the symptoms are getting WORSE. The real problem is that the brown dwarf has been influencing the earth from the southern hemisphere 'and' is scheduled to pass through the ecliptic plane of our solar system into the northern hemisphere on March 4-6, 2011 where these symptoms are predicted to get far worse!

I must assume that Robert is familiar with a gravity well (pic) created in the fabric of space by every object with mass. The largest gravity well in our solar system is created by the sun that has the largest mass around which the planets orbit the rim of the well. The earth changes are becoming more dramatic as the brown dwarf comes nearer and nearer the center of our solar system bringing a gravity well that is between the size of Jupiter and the sun.

The brown dwarf also has a massive magnetic field that has been influencing the magnetic field around our earth since 2004 that is causing the magnetic pole migrations that are also becoming more pronounced as the brown dwarf draws ever closer to our much-smaller planet. The polarity and alignment of these two celestial magnets (pic) create magnetic field line repulsion and attraction scenarios that can find the earth wobbling helplessly on its side like a giant spinning top out of control, until the much larger brown dwarf passes by and we are no longer affected by the massive magnetic influence.

The predicted pole shift takes place on March 15, 2011 when the earth passes between the two giants and the planets in our solar system are lined up for a celestial Tug of War (upper right). Now look at that March 15, 2011 planetary alignment 'event' and tell everyone here that THIS IS NORMAL!!!! That red line marks a deep trench/trough in the fabric of space that the earth is going to plow through to cause the pole shift 'event,' according to the warnings we are receiving from many sources. The same sources even say the earthquake and volcano and tidal wave events will increase starting on March 4-6 when the brown dwarf breaks through the ecliptic plane into the northern hemisphere, which will give preppers the last chance to make final preparations.

I am with everyone here hoping that nothing happens and that indeed all of this evidence is pointing to something 'normal' and even "Very normal" as Robert seems content to indicate in his writings. However, at the same time we have FEMA loading food and supplies into underground bunkers and nations all over the globe preparing for something big. Check out this story: Story
2012 Money Trail Shows World
Governments are Preparing

Sol's Unborn Twin is Approaching the Core of Our Solar System and World Governments are Preparing for the Worst

Marshall Masters
January 2008

Follow the money to 2012, and you'll find a massive, ongoing global mobilization in response to a looming space threat. A good deal of this effort it is hiding in plain sight. Seeing it only requires contex.

Just follow the money to 2012, and the truth of it becomes unavoidable. The world's governments are spending immense sums to prepare. Yes, they're doing the right things — not that they're ready to talk openly about it.

The Source of This Global Threat

According to NASA, over 80% of all solar systems have multiple suns, so is it possible that we live in a binary solar system with two suns as well? Recent discoveries point to the existence of an old brown dwarf, an unborn twin of Sol. Unlike the familiar near-circular orbits of the known planets in our solar system, this unborn twin has a long elliptical orbit that brings it through the core of our system, approximately once every 3600 years.

Has humanity faced a similar global threat from this unborn twin of Sol before? Yes, and more than once according to Egyptian and Celtic authors of The Kolbrin Bible. As you read the detailed passages of past flybys through our system of Sol’s unborn twin, this monster was well known and feared by our ancestors.

Known by many names, it is always described in much the same way, and the warning to those of us living today is always the same. Its next flyby is imminent — perhaps in as little as four to five years. Interestingly, this coincided with the end of the current Mayan Calendar.

Could life as we know it cease to exist the day that two suns appear overhead in a copper-colored sky? Yes, and we’re already experiencing the early effects of the approach of Sol’s unborn twin.

Scientists now see historic rises in solar activity as the primary engine of global warming. Ergo, we know the sun is warming the Earth, but what is driving this increase in solar activity, even during the latest solar minimum?

Why, for instance, is Sol's South Pole 80,000 degrees hotter than its North pole was at its last measurement? German scientists tell us the sun has been in a frenzy since 1940, and according to NASA, our sun will reach its most active state in recorded history.

The present solar maximum was supposed to begin its new 11-year solar cycle, in March of 2008. It began early in January and when it peaks in 2012, it will be half again as violent as any in recorded history.

It is Time to Believe Your Lying Eyes

For those who know what to look for, our governments have already posted mountains of information on the Internet. However, what they’re not telling us for now is why. Not because there is some ongoing Machiavellian conspiracy. Rather, this is a species survival issue, and they’re working at top speed to gather solid answers to the difficult questions that are sure to come. When that time arrives, can humanity handle the truth?

Absolutely, so enough of the Orson Wells, War of the Worlds broadcast hysteria reasoning! We’ve seen the Indian Ocean Superquake and Tsunami of 2004 and then Katrina in 2005.[Much more]
I strongly recommend that everyone reading these words read "Much more" to wake up and realize that these things have been predicted and the world is preparing without you to survive this regular 3600-year 'Event' that will definitely thin out the herd. Scripture records that the liars, murderers and thieves are not the first in line for the lake of fire! The first in line are the cowards and unbelievers (Rev. 21:8)!

GL, because you need it,

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I think that Al Gore is behind this. As soon as he can find a way to profit from it. Then his best friend Michael Moore will make it into a movies.
The guy in the video will explain what I have been saying all along. The pole shift is a distraction.
Good information and he makes some very good observations. About the government

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Hi Robert:

Ok, you state categorically, as a supposition, that somehow there is an object "coming to the center of our solar system"?. And this object is very large? Correct? Ok, lets unpack this a little bit for the readers here;

Can you provide the contacts at the HST Institute to verify this incoming or dispute same (I can.)?

Hey Robert! Stop wasting our time and just present your answer to the fifteen points in Post #229. There is a BIG difference in what Robert "I can" do and what Robert is actually doing in explaining the weird phenomena the earth has been experiencing since 2004.

Can you provide something other than YouTube for verification of this claim, yes or no? (I can).

Stop bragging about what Robert 'can' do and DO SOMETHING that advocates or refutes the Opening Post hypothesis. This is the USMB "Conspiracy Theories" Forum in case Robert is lost and confused. The topic is presented for these readers from the perspective that a GLOBAL CONSPIRACY is going on and the sheeple are being fed disinformation to be left unprepared for this 'event' and out in the cold.

What is this incoming bolide alleged to be?

For a debating opponent with opposing views on this March 15, 2011 Pole Shift Event Topic, Robert sure asks a LOT of silly QUESTIONS. Asking me 10,000 questions is not going to make your case for something else!!! Robert must have evidence FOR SOMETHING, or he would not be banging on his chest repeatedly about what "I can" do. Here are some clues: Whatever has been affecting earth's magnetic field, weather, tilt and rotation since 2004 must be HUGE. In other words, there is no comet or asteroid and even anything the size of our planet that can create all of these earth change scenarios over such great distances for such an extended period. Since Robert is not even reading my posts, before rushing in with his big mouth: The incoming celestial body is no mere asteroid/meteor/comet that creates a streak in the sky. The massive object approaching earth that has been reeking havoc on our weather and magnetic field is a brown dwarf known to the ancient peoples by many names including Nibiru (link), Planet X (link) and now Elenin (link), which is a smokescreen cover story for the much larger approaching brown dwarf. Another name is Nemesis (link) that was developed by two teams of astronomers to explain regular extinction cycles on the earth. Others refer to the death star as Destroyer (link) that is responsible for cataclysmic events throughout earth history.

This object should be detectable by simple ground based telescopes, not to mention off earth-on orbit telescopes and infrared on orbit vehicles.

The brown dwarf came in view of NASA telescopes in 1983 (link). The problem for astronomers is that the brown dwarf is extremely cold from the wide orbit in space to actually absorb light, until nearing the sun and warming from interaction with the solar winds. This is the work of Philip W. Lucas (link) explaining the discovery of 'a very cool, very nearby brown dwarf' in our solar system.

[ame=""]Lucas On The Brown Dwarf Star[/ame]

The Hubble Space Telescope (HST) can be trained on this object in about 10 minutes by ground based request.

So? Lots of people are on the same page in identifying the approaching 'brown dwarf' ( that is much larger than any asteroid or comet. Robert is deluded into thinking that stating silly facts about what 'can be trained' is evidence to explain all of these earth change events, migrating animal deaths, increased volcanic eruptions and earth quakes. Oh, the Hubble Space Telescope!!! That's right! False alarm! Everyone go back to sleep and do not worry about all the March 15, 2011 warnings. When you are unprepared and the crap hits the fan and the store shelves are empty, then remember we have a space telescope and everything will be just fine ... good grief ...

Thus, since HST can see out to 13,500,000,000 Light Years, it infers it would see this incoming bolide quite well.

Comments please.

Thank you in advance.

Well, since the HST is on the job, then there is nothing at all to be concerned about. Robert and his family should take a vacation on the beach at the nearest ocean on March 15, 2011, because HST can see out to 13 billion light years! That is really wonderful. Thank you very much. Now everyone can roll over and go back to sleep ...


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Hi Robert:

Ok, you state categorically, as a supposition, that somehow there is an object "coming to the center of our solar system"?. And this object is very large? Correct? Ok, lets unpack this a little bit for the readers here;

Can you provide the contacts at the HST Institute to verify this incoming or dispute same (I can.)?

Hey Robert! Stop wasting our time and just present your answer to the fifteen points in Post #229. There is a BIG difference in what Robert "I can" do and what Robert is actually doing in explaining the weird phenomenon the earth has been experiencing since 2004.

Can you provide something other than YouTube for verification of this claim, yes or no? (I can).

Stop bragging about what Robert 'can' do and DO SOMETHING that advocates or refutes the Opening Post hypothesis. This is the USMB "Conspiracy Theories" Forum in case Robert is lost and confused. The topic is presented for these readers from the perspective that a GLOBAL CONSPIRACY is going on and the sheeple are being fed disinformation to be left unprepared for this 'event' and out in the cold.

For a debating opponent with opposing views on this March 15, 2011 Pole Shift Event Topic, Robert sure asks a LOT of silly QUESTIONS. Asking me 10,000 questions is not going to make your case for something else!!! Robert must have evidence FOR SOMETHING, or he would not be banging on his chest repeatedly about what "I can" do. Here are some clues: Whatever has been affecting earth's magnetic field, weather, tilt and rotation since 2004 must be HUGE. In other words, there is no comet or asteroid and even anything the size of our planet that can create all of these earth change scenarios over such great distances for such an extended period. Since Robert is not even reading my posts, before rushing in with his big mouth: The incoming celestial body is no mere asteroid/meteor/comet that creates a streak in the sky. The massive object approaching earth that has been reeking havoc on our weather and magnetic field is a brown dwarf known to the ancient peoples by many names including Nibiru (link), Planet X (link) and now Elenin (link), which is a smokescreen cover story for the much larger approaching brown dwarf. Another name is Nemesis (link) that was developed by two teams of astronomers to explain regular extinction cycles on the earth. Others refer to the death star as Destroyer (link) that is responsible for cataclysmic events throughout earth history.

The brown dwarf came in view of NASA telescopes in 1983 (link). The problem for astronomers is that the brown dwarf is extremely cold from the wide orbit in space to actually absorb light, until nearing the sun and warming from interaction with the solar winds. This is the work of Philip W. Lucas (link) explaining the discovery of 'a very cool, very nearby brown dwarf' in our solar system.

[ame=""]Lucas On The Brown Dwarf Star[/ame]

The Hubble Space Telescope (HST) can be trained on this object in about 10 minutes by ground based request.

So? Lots of people are on the same page in identifying the approaching 'brown dwarf' ( that is much larger than any asteroid or comet. Robert is deluded into thinking that stating silly facts about what 'can be trained' is evidence to explain all of these earth change events, migrating animal deaths, increased volcanic eruptions and earth quakes. Oh, the Hubble Space Telescope!!! That's right! False alarm! Everyone go back to sleep and do not worry about all the March 15, 2011 warnings. When you are unprepared and the crap hits the fan and the store shelves are empty, then remember we have a space telescope and everything will be just fine ... good grief ...

Thus, since HST can see out to 13,500,000,000 Light Years, it infers it would see this incoming bolide quite well.

Comments please.

Thank you in advance.

Well, since the HST is on the job, then there is nothing at all to be concerned about. Robert and his family should take a vacation on the beach at the nearest ocean on March 15, 2011, because HST can see out to 13 billion light years! That is really wonderful. Thank you very much. Now everyone can roll over and go back to sleep ...



Where you gonna run? If everything YOU say is true (I think your nuts) just what are you going to do? Eventually, we all end up the same way, some just sooner than others. Get a grip on life and death, and be thankful that you are going to experience both...sooner or later.
Greetings to All:

[ame=""]Von Is On The Case[/ame]

The 'Governments' of the world refer to the brown dwarf Planet X/Nibiru as D23K9. The source says the 'events' will begin on March 3, 2011, which is one day earlier than predicted by other sources. That is the day the brown dwarf passes through the ecliptic plane to begin influencing the earth from the northern hemisphere. Yellowstone is bulging and areas of Michigan are cracking apart, as already documented in this thread.


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I think that Al Gore is behind this. As soon as he can find a way to profit from it. Then his best friend Michael Moore will make it into a movies.

Al Gore? Hell no....this has Geo. Bush's finger prints all over it. :eusa_whistle:

I think the secret, invisible, brown dwarf "Death Star" and it's henchmen planets and their satellites are more likely the work of

Sarah Palin!

The big clue? They are all behaving "mavericky." Coincidence? Not likely.
Hi Meister:

Where you gonna run?

Away from the coasts and fault lines. What is Meister going to eat during this event that is predicted to last for a year?

If everything YOU say is true (I think your nuts) just what are you going to do?

Hope for the best and prepare for the worst. I am already prepped and ready. Are you? ;0)

Eventually, we all end up the same way, some just sooner than others. Get a grip on life and death, and be thankful that you are going to experience both...sooner or later.

No. Those who prepare sufficiently and heed these words of warning will survive and those who do not heed these words of warning will be utterly destroyed from among the people (Acts 3:22-23). Run down by the seashore starting March 3-6 and vacation there through March 15, 2011 and give us live reports from your chair in the sand. That should be quite interesting. ;0)

Please allow me to remind everyone that this is the "Conspiracy Theories" Forum of this fine USMB Board where all registered members present their conspiracy THEORIES based upon all available EVIDENCE. I am presenting the EVIDENCE so everyone here can draw their own conclusions one way or the other. If Terral is 'NUTS' as you say, then I would not have the mental capacity to sit behind this keyboard and investigate the topic to gather the required evidence to support the OP thesis, claims and conclusions. I am not the only person in the world making these claims!!!!

Hindsight is 20/20, but that helps to warn nobody about an impending DISASTER that potentially kills billions of people. Again, these warnings are coming from a variety of sources and everyone here must acknowledge that very strange things have been happening all over the world for some time now 'and' things appear to be getting worse with every passing day. Why?????????? Before you sit there and type out three sentences saying I am nuts, then please explain the answer for the 15 points in Post #229. Are all of these things mere unrelated coincidences, OR can all of these things be explained by an approaching brown dwarf star that is throwing earth magnetism and weather and volcanoes and fault lines for a loop?

Also remember that most of the European world thought Christopher Columbus was nuts for sailing west to go east, because everybody thought the earth was flat. I say that places me in very good company with Chris and others like John the Baptist (link) and he told 'the truth' about everything.


Hi Meister:

Where you gonna run?

Away from the coasts and fault lines. What is Meister going to eat during this event that is predicted to last for a year?

If everything YOU say is true (I think your nuts) just what are you going to do?

Hope for the best and prepare for the worst. I am already prepped and ready. Are you? ;0)

Eventually, we all end up the same way, some just sooner than others. Get a grip on life and death, and be thankful that you are going to experience both...sooner or later.

No. Those who prepare sufficiently and heed these words of warning will survive and those who do not heed these words of warning will be utterly destroyed from among the people (Acts 3:22-23). Run down by the seashore starting March 3-6 and vacation there through March 15, 2011 and give us live reports from your chair in the sand. That should be quite interesting. ;0)

Please allow me to remind everyone that this is the "Conspiracy Theories" Forum of this fine USMB Board where all registered members present their conspiracy THEORIES based upon all available EVIDENCE. I am presenting the EVIDENCE so everyone here can draw their own conclusions one way or the other. If Terral is 'NUTS' as you say, then I would not have the mental capacity to sit behind this keyboard and investigate the topic to gather the required evidence to support the OP thesis, claims and conclusions. I am not the only person in the world making these claims!!!!

Hindsight is 20/20, but that helps to warn nobody about an impending DISASTER that potentially kills billions of people. Again, these warnings are coming from a variety of sources and everyone here must acknowledge that very strange things have been happening all over the world for some time now 'and' things appear to be getting worse with every passing day. Why?????????? Before you sit there and type out three sentences saying I am nuts, then please explain the answer for the 15 points in Post #229. Are all of these things mere unrelated coincidences, OR can all of these things be explained by an approaching brown dwarf star that is throwing earth magnetism and weather and volcanoes and fault lines for a loop?

Also remember that most of the European world thought Christopher Columbus was nuts for sailing west to go east, because everybody thought the earth was flat. I say that places me in very good company with Chris and others like John the Baptist (link) and he told 'the truth' about everything.



Yeah, you are nuts. :cuckoo:
Ya know your going to look pretty fucking stupid come April....just sayin'
Hi Meister:

I take it that you don't want to respond to what I posted and would rather be a "fearmonger". I wonder no one is taking you serious.

There is nothing in your posts that speaks to the OP topic one way or the other using whatever Meister considers 'credible evidence.' What is your answer for all the weird global events that have been escalating since 2004? BTW, name calling is against COC rules and guidelines everywhere, when registered members are supposed to attack 'the topic' and not other members with idiotic insults. I do not endorse fearmongering, but simply present the evidence to allow everyone to make up his or her own mind one way or the other. According to Meister, there is nothing to be concerned about and no reason to fear anything; and Terral is a nutjob anyway that no one takes serious. Since nobody takes me serious, then there is nothing for you to be concerned about.

1. Massive animal deaths taking place all over the globe (story)?
2. Major super storm floods taking place everywhere (story).
3. The magnetic pole shifts that have been going on since 2004 (story) and is becoming dramatic today (story)?
4. Irregular weather causing food shortages (story)?
5. Increased volcano eruptions (story)?
6. Increased earthquakes (story)?
7. The wobble in the earth's rotation getting worse (story)?
8. Sunrise coming 2 days early in Greenland (story)?
9. Sudden 2010 discovery of mystery comet approaching earth (story) by a Russian using a little 18-inch telescope?
10. No media coverage (story) of Planet X/Comet Elenin calculated to pass only 22.3 million miles from earth (Post #221)?
11. FEMA buying food and supplies for an expected New Madrid Fault Catastrophe (story)?
12. All planets in our solar system heating up (story)?
13. Airports closing down to remark their runways (story) over magnetic pole migration.
14. Rogue tides from rising oceans (story).
15. Moon out of place (story)?

Please help to calm concerns by providing your simple answer to all the weird weather and events creating food shortages, volcanoes, earthquakes, rogue tides, earth's increasing rotation wobble, migrating magnetic poles, dead birds, fish, crabs, decreasing bee populations, etc., etc.. I look forward to being comforted by your thoughtful reply that allows everything to make sense. BTW, when do your calculations say that things will start getting better?

Thanks in advance,

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Greetings to all:

I finally decided on a wine, for purely sentimental reasons.


Information on this wine can be found here in case you, too wish to greet the virtual destruction of the earth (see Terral's thread here) at the beach with several cases of wine.

Sadly, my luck with interviewing the homeless was unproductive. Perhaps it was because I interviewed some outside of the liquor store while I was limping and sporting a bruised cheek (see here for reasons why I find myself in this injured state)and carrying a case of wine. But the general reaction I got when I explained why I wanted to sign over my home in anticipation of the virtual destruction of the earth was, wuh? girl you have the DTs or what?


I have not given up.

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