March 15th Pole Shift To Kill Billions

Where Will You Be on March 15?

  • In an underground bunker with the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Morgans, Bushs and the Fascist Elites

    Votes: 10 58.8%
  • Dying

    Votes: 2 11.8%
  • Is that The Rapture?

    Votes: 5 29.4%

  • Total voters
Greetings to all:

I finally decided on a wine, for purely sentimental reasons.


Information on this wine can be found here in case you, too wish to greet the virtual destruction of the earth (see Terral's thread here) at the beach with several cases of wine.

Sadly, my luck with interviewing the homeless was unproductive. Perhaps it was because I interviewed some outside of the liquor store while I was limping and sporting a bruised cheek (see here for reasons why I find myself in this injured state)and carrying a case of wine. But the general reaction I got when I explained why I wanted to sign over my home in anticipation of the virtual destruction of the earth was, wuh? girl you have the DTs or what?


I have not given up.

I'll give you a lift down to the beach if you don't mind sharing a case or two of that fine nectar from the gods? :eusa_angel:
Parallax Second = Parsec (pc)
Fundamental unit of distance in Astronomy

"A star with a parallax of 1 arcsecond has a distance of 1 Parsec."

1 parsec (pc) is equivalent to:

206,265 AU
3.26 Light Years
3.086x1013 km
-- Lecture 5: Stellar Distances

This brown dwarf UGPS J0722-05 (our non- approaching "death star") was observed as follows:
UGPS 0722-05

Title: The discovery of a very cool, very nearby brown dwarf in the Galactic plane
Authors: Philip W. Lucas (1), C.G. Tinney (2), Ben Burningham (1), S. K. Leggett (3), David J. Pinfield (1), Richard Smart (4), Hugh R.A. Jones (1), Federico Marocco (4), Robert J. Barber (5), Sergei N. Yurchenko (6), Jonathan Tennyson (5), Miki Ishii (7), Motohide Tamura (8), Avril C. Day-Jones (9), Andrew Adamson (10), France Allard (11), Derek Homeier (12). ((1) University of Hertfordshire, (2) University of New South Wales, (3) Gemini Observatory, (4) Osservatorio Astronomico di Torino, (5) University College London, (6) Technische Universitat Dresden, (7) Subaru Telescope, (8) National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, (9) Universidad de Chile, (10) Joint Astronomy Centre, (11) Universite de Lyon, (12) Institut fur Astrophysik Gottingen.)
(Version v3)

We report the discovery of a very cool, isolated brown dwarf, UGPS 0722-05, with the UKIDSS Galactic Plane Survey. The near-infrared spectrum displays deeper H2O and CH4 troughs than the coolest known T dwarfs and an unidentified absorption feature at 1.275 um. We provisionally classify the object as a T10 dwarf but note that it may in future come to be regarded as the first example of a new spectral type. The distance is measured by trigonometric parallax as d=4.1{-0.5}{+0.6} pc, making it the closest known isolated brown dwarf. With the aid of Spitzer/IRAC we measure H-[4.5] = 4.71. It is the coolest brown dwarf presently known -- the only known T dwarf that is redder in H-[4.5] is the peculiar T7.5 dwarf SDSS J1416+13B, which is thought to be warmer and more luminous than UGPS 0722-05. Our measurement of the luminosity, aided by Gemini/T-ReCS N band photometry, is L = 9.2 ±3.1x10^{-7} Lsun. Using a comparison with well studied T8.5 and T9 dwarfs we deduce Teff=520 ±40 K. This is supported by predictions of the Saumon & Marley models. With apparent magnitude J=16.52, UGPS 0722-05 is the brightest T dwarf discovered by UKIDSS so far. It offers opportunities for future study via high resolution near-infrared spectroscopy and spectroscopy in the thermal infrared.
-- UGPSJ0722-05 - Astronomy News (the Blobrana post of Aug 13 08:08 2010 )

It's distance is:
The measured distance is 2.9 ±0.4 pc
-- (the Blobrana post of Apr 7 06:31 2010)

Check out these images and check the dates in each photo:


-- Images of UGPSJ0722-05 taken with three different telescopes - Very Cool Brown Dwarf Found Near the Sun - Softpedia

Look how little it moved over a 12 year period. Yet this thing, ~ 10 light-years distant is going to clobber us by March 15, 2011? ??

Fucking thing must have a warp engine.

I'm not saying that Terral is one gullible goober or anything like that, but that Terral sure is one gullible goober. I mean, I'm not saying, I'm just sayin'.
Hi Meister:

Yeah, you are nuts. :cuckoo:
Ya know your going to look pretty fucking stupid come April....just sayin'

No. My job is to present the evidence from sources that support the OP hypothesis that a March 15, 2011 Pole Shift Event will kill billions. I would look silly for making that claim all by myself without any evidence. However, this thread is filled with people saying THE EXACT SAME THING.

[ame=""]Pole Shift - Dollar Inflation - Warning[/ame]

This guy will look kind of stupid for saying that a pole shift 'event' will take place on March 15, 2011, but he is my 'source' for this information.

[ame=""]March Pole Shift Evidence[/ame]

This lady right here says the same 'event' will take place on March 15, 2011, and she will look silly when nothing happens; but again, she is my source for making the claim in the first place.

[ame=""]Brown Dwarf Approaching Earth: Red Kachina[/ame]

This guy says Hopi Prophecy teaches two converging celestial bodies with designation 2000PM9 that will be visible between March 1-8, 2011. This guy also says March 15, 2011 is the 'warning sign that the Hopi's were telling us about, because the Red Kachina is very close by.' These guy is laying out the evidence on the solar charts like I do in Post #221. The Hopi prophecy says there will be 'three shakings' and I identify those three conjunctions in my charts taking place on March 15, 2011 (1), Sept. 25, 2011 (2) and Nov. 22, 2011 (3). Those are the days that the brown dwarf, the sun and the earth are all in alignment, which creates the conjunction/intersection of the great gravity wells/troughs depicted by the red lines.

Yes. My sources for this information will appear quite ridiculous when nothing happens. However, we also have sources at the south pole saying that something big is already visible!

[ame=""]We Want Information......[/ame]

Von starts you off by stating very clearly the objectives of the 'reporter' gathering and validating evidence as the story develops. However, he is making statements of record from a source in the same way I am throughout this discussion, so everyone has the same opportunity to look at all the accumulated evidence and draw conclusions for themselves. Perhaps I am guilty of using bad sources that happen to be saying the same things. Perhaps this is all a false flag conspiracy to throw everybody off of something else. That is why we have you and everyone else here to research the topic and bring your evidence to the table in support of something else. However, to sit there and call people names without any evidence for anything says much more about you than anybody here IMHO.

This is the Conspiracy Theories Forum. Right? Giving our conspiracy THEORIES is what registered members are supposed to be doing, which means following the evidence to whatever conclusion is supported by all the facts.


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Greetings to All:

Maybe some of us will not be so afraid if the warning comes from a lady with a sweet voice:

[ame=]Comet Elenin Is The Reason For FEMA Stocking Up On Supplies[/ame]


So? Lots of people are on the same page in identifying the approaching 'brown dwarf' ( that is much larger than any asteroid or comet.
From this link:

Brown dwarf-hunting astronomers have reported the discovery of a "failed star" located within 10 light-years from Earth.​

You really don't have a clue about the distances involved, do you?
Hi Dave:

Now you're back on the comet?

What's next? The Sta-Puft Marshmallow Man?

You guys are slow! The Elenin Comet story is the smokescreen cover story by the Govt and Media to hide the fact that a brown dwarf on a regular 3600-year orbit is returning to make the turn around the sun. The bankster/politician/media elites run and hide inside underground bunkers and you run down to the seashore with an umbrella in your cocktail to watch the comet show. That is why this is a 'conspiracy.' Get it? ;0)


Greetings to All:

[ame=""]SUPER VOLCANO Yellowstone About To Blow?[/ame]

[ame=""]Yellowstone Super Volcano Alert - History Channel Update[/ame]

This (pic) is Edgar Cayce's vision of North America after the great eruption.

This (pic) is the US Navy Map of North American after the great eruption.

I see similarities and a pattern emerging from the approach of the brown dwarf and this pattern is predicted to get worse after March 3-6, 2011, when the dwarf breaks through the solar ecliptic plane into the northern hemisphere.


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Hi Dave:

Now you're back on the comet?

What's next? The Sta-Puft Marshmallow Man?

You guys are slow! The Elenin Comet story is the smokescreen cover story by the Govt and Media to hide the fact that a brown dwarf on a regular 3600-year orbit is returning to make the turn around the sun. The bankster/politician/media elites run and hide inside underground bunkers and you run down to the seashore with an umbrella in your cocktail to watch the comet show. That is why this is a 'conspiracy.' Get it? ;0)


Hi Dave:

Now you're back on the comet?

What's next? The Sta-Puft Marshmallow Man?

You guys are slow! The Elenin Comet story is the smokescreen cover story by the Govt and Media to hide the fact that a brown dwarf on a regular 3600-year orbit is returning to make the turn around the sun. The bankster/politician/media elites run and hide inside underground bunkers and you run down to the seashore with an umbrella in your cocktail to watch the comet show. That is why this is a 'conspiracy.' Get it? ;0)


yes, terral is massively stupid

hey terral, how did that bioweapon hoax work out for ya?
OK.So the dwarf star is moving at the speed of .913 arcsecs/year.

This is VASTLY slower than Barnard's star which is 10 times faster. See:

The FASTEST known moving star appears to clip along at 1/540th of the speed of light. See: Proper motion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia which says Wolf "the nearby star with the largest true velocity (relative to the Sun) is Wolf 424 which moves at 555 km/s (or 1/540 of the speed of light)."

So, our little brown dwarf Death "Star," measured as being at about 10 light years out, couldn't possibly get here (even if moving more or less on a collision course) for well over another 50,000 years.

I wonder how long it will be before it is close enough to provide even a measurable and significant gravitational effect on our moon or on Earth itself? I'm guessing well over 40,000 years....
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Hi Robert:

The first law of Celestial Dynamics holds this is normal on all Class C planets of our meager diameter. Very normal. Or, put another way, what effect has these magnetic shifts had on Earth over the last 500 years?

Robert! Do you really think we are a bunch of idiots? Migrating animals are dying all over the earth and this is not normal by any stretch of the imagination. All of these earth change/catastrophic events are explained by one thing. A brown dwarf has been affecting the earth's magnetic field and rotation and tilt since about 2003 and 2004 and the symptoms are getting WORSE. The real problem is that the brown dwarf has been influencing the earth from the southern hemisphere 'and' is scheduled to pass through the ecliptic plane of our solar system into the northern hemisphere on March 4-6, 2011 where these symptoms are predicted to get far worse!

Follow the money to 2012, and you'll find a massive, ongoing global mobilization in response to a looming space threat. A good deal of this effort it is hiding in plain sight. Seeing it only requires contex.

Just follow the money to 2012, and the truth of it becomes unavoidable. The world's governments are spending immense sums to prepare. Yes, they're doing the right things — not that they're ready to talk openly about it.

The Source of This Global Threat

According to NASA, over 80% of all solar systems have multiple suns, so is it possible that we live in a binary solar system with two suns as well? Recent discoveries point to the existence of an old brown dwarf, an unborn twin of Sol. Unlike the familiar near-circular orbits of the known planets in our solar system, this unborn twin has a long elliptical orbit that brings it through the core of our system, approximately once every 3600 years.


Thank you for at least a coherent response. I'll start this off with bold:

I guarantee on the morning and afternoon and forever more on March 16th, the world will be exactly as it is as I write this, 2-10-2011. Totally, 120%. PERIOD!--THERE WILL BE NO DISASTER OR IMPACT OF ANY KIND ON MARCH 15TH, 2011!!

With that said, there is so much to unpack with your response, but will attempt it.

You may call this number, and verify that I am 100% correct, there is no incoming bolide of any kind and no stars coming or monsters or the like, of any kind, heading toward earth now, or ever in the future that is known or documented as you have so claimed. Asteroids and comets, yes, and that is what the NASA-NEAR program is for.

Hubble Space Telescope Office, Maryland. NASA

Robert! Do you really think we are a bunch of idiots?.

Being absolutely objective, yes I do.

Further, it is now known that 70% of all stars are binary in some fashion and is normal for the cosmos. Too, it has been postulated for nearly 50 years now, that the Oort Cloud is testament that out at about 1 to 2 LY, is a Dark Jupiter like mass of about 4-9 Jupiter masses and thus, explains the incoming comets we are periodically visited by. If this is proven, it answers a lot of vectors that are still vexing researchers.

Suffice to say, there have been catastrophic die offs globally on 14 occasions over the last 500 million years of Earth's history and is normal for a Class C planet, and its location to its parent star, as Earth is in its present repose. No, the Earth does not now "wobble". It's impossible.

You are in error.

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Hi Robert:

You may call this number, and verify that I am 100% correct, there is no incoming bolide of any kind and no stars coming or monsters or the like, of any kind, heading toward earth now, or ever in the future that is known or documented as you have so claimed.

Thank you very much for answering the 15 points and for making everything so clear.


Hi Robert:

You may call this number, and verify that I am 100% correct, there is no incoming bolide of any kind and no stars coming or monsters or the like, of any kind, heading toward earth now, or ever in the future that is known or documented as you have so claimed.

Thank you very much for answering the 15 points and for making everything so clear.


Your 15 points are meaningless if there is no object headed for the solar system.
Hi Robert:

You may call this number, and verify that I am 100% correct, there is no incoming bolide of any kind and no stars coming or monsters or the like, of any kind, heading toward earth now, or ever in the future that is known or documented as you have so claimed.

Thank you very much for answering the 15 points and for making everything so clear.



I did not, have not answered your "15 Points" since I do not know how. This is because they are gibberish, they are not sound logic, they are meaningless, are not based on science and math, and are of such inane notice as to be incoherent. Aside of those points of fact, no, I did not answer those 15 points.

However, I did clarify them. Fact. I assume by your vitriolic response here quoted, you did, in fact, call the HST Institute and found I am 100% correct?

No incoming stars into the middle of our solar system.

Can you report here what your phone call to HST yielded for all of us here?


I am waiting for some sort of response--any kind, actually. I have also checked your references and such and NASA has no record of these references as you state. They make no sense. Checking with NOAA as well, is the same. Checking with NORAD/Fence, the same. Checking in with DoD, the same. Checking in at the Baikonur Cosmodrome with the Russians, reveals the same.--nothing. They all know nothing at all of any incoming bolide of any kind. (a "star" incoming is so absurd and would be impossible and not even considered for the obvious Orbital Mechanics involved and the Celestial Dynamic parameters involved as well--simply laughable. Sorry.)

You are in error.

I guarantee on the morning and afternoon and forever more on March 16th, the world will be exactly as it is as I write this, 2-10-2011. Totally, 120%. PERIOD!--THERE WILL BE NO DISASTER OR IMPACT ON EARTH OF ANY KIND ON MARCH 15TH, 2011!!

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I am waiting for some sort of response--any kind, actually. I have also checked your references and such and NASA has no record of these references as you state. They make no sense. Checking with NOAA as well, is the same. Checking with NORAD/Fence, the same. Checking in with DoD, the same. Checking in at the Baikonur Cosmodrome with the Russians, reveals the same.--nothing. They all know nothing at all of any incoming bolide of any kind. (a "star" incoming is so absurd and would be impossible and not even considered for the obvious Orbital Mechanics involved and the Celestial Dynamic parameters involved as well--simply laughable. Sorry.)

You are in error.

I guarantee on the morning and afternoon and forever more on March 16th, the world will be exactly as it is as I write this, 2-10-2011. Totally, 120%. PERIOD!--THERE WILL BE NO DISASTER OR IMPACT ON EARTH OF ANY KIND ON MARCH 15TH, 2011!!

:eusa_hand: Just stop way I'd give my assets away for nothing.

Terral is right on this time!

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