March 15th Pole Shift To Kill Billions

Where Will You Be on March 15?

  • In an underground bunker with the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Morgans, Bushs and the Fascist Elites

    Votes: 10 58.8%
  • Dying

    Votes: 2 11.8%
  • Is that The Rapture?

    Votes: 5 29.4%

  • Total voters

I am waiting for some sort of response--any kind, actually. I have also checked your references and such and NASA has no record of these references as you state. They make no sense. Checking with NOAA as well, is the same. Checking with NORAD/Fence, the same. Checking in with DoD, the same. Checking in at the Baikonur Cosmodrome with the Russians, reveals the same.--nothing. They all know nothing at all of any incoming bolide of any kind. (a "star" incoming is so absurd and would be impossible and not even considered for the obvious Orbital Mechanics involved and the Celestial Dynamic parameters involved as well--simply laughable. Sorry.)

You are in error.

I guarantee on the morning and afternoon and forever more on March 16th, the world will be exactly as it is as I write this, 2-10-2011. Totally, 120%. PERIOD!--THERE WILL BE NO DISASTER OR IMPACT ON EARTH OF ANY KIND ON MARCH 15TH, 2011!!

:eusa_hand: Just stop way I'd give my assets away for nothing.

Terral is right on this time!
are you basing this on a premise that there is no way he could be wrong yet again?

:eusa_hand: Just stop way I'd give my assets away for nothing.

Terral is right on this time![/QUOTE]

Well, of course he is. Tourettes. Tragic.

I guarantee on the morning and afternoon and forever more on March 16th, the world will be exactly as it is as I write this, 2-10-2011. Totally, 120%. PERIOD!--THERE WILL BE NO DISASTER OR IMPACT OF ANY KIND ON MARCH 15TH, 2011!!


I am waiting for some sort of response--any kind, actually. I have also checked your references and such and NASA has no record of these references as you state. They make no sense. Checking with NOAA as well, is the same. Checking with NORAD/Fence, the same. Checking in with DoD, the same. Checking in at the Baikonur Cosmodrome with the Russians, reveals the same.--nothing. They all know nothing at all of any incoming bolide of any kind. (a "star" incoming is so absurd and would be impossible and not even considered for the obvious Orbital Mechanics involved and the Celestial Dynamic parameters involved as well--simply laughable. Sorry.)

You are in error.

I guarantee on the morning and afternoon and forever more on March 16th, the world will be exactly as it is as I write this, 2-10-2011. Totally, 120%. PERIOD!--THERE WILL BE NO DISASTER OR IMPACT ON EARTH OF ANY KIND ON MARCH 15TH, 2011!!

:eusa_hand: Just stop way I'd give my assets away for nothing.

Terral is right on this time!
are you basing this on a premise that there is no way he could be wrong yet again?

You're scaring me, dude.

Terral? Terral?

I'm not wading through the instainity that is a Terral thread. But did he really say that a STAR is going to collide with earf on 3/15?

I'm not wading through the instainity that is a Terral thread. But did he really say that a STAR is going to collide with earf on 3/15?

Yes, he did.

I have disputed it at the source from HST Institute in the thread, "Tarral: Here is Comet Elenin-(For Real)" here in this thread area.

It will be 1/19th as bright as Hale Bopp. It will pass within 13 million miles and is so small it would burn up in Earth's Tropopause if it came close to us.

Hi Diver:

are you basing this on a premise that there is no way he could be wrong yet again?;)

I am right about 9/11 and Swine11 and coming Martial Law and the Congressional Secret Meeting and the dollar crash and the economic implosion and that illegal aliens and those hiring them are destroying America. Everyone should be buying food, guns and silver if you have any paper assets left over, because real hard times coming and the unprepared will not survive. The REX84 Halliburton-built FEMA Camps are the grinder and American patriots are the meat. The only question in doubt right now is 'when' and the evidence is pointing directly at the Ides of March 2011, when the earth passes through that massive gravity well/trough in the mother of all planetary alignments I have ever seen.


Look at the upper right March 15 diagram to realize that Uranus, Jupiter Mars, the Sun and the Earth and the mystery brown dwarf/comet and Saturn are all on the same gravity well line and pulling to make the gravity trough that much deeper. All the astronomers should be talking about this March 15, 2011 alignment that should be making history; but we have a media blackout on this topic.


Now look lower left to see that the brown dwarf/comet reaches the nearest point to the sun at the exact perigee position on 9/11/2011 exactly ten years to the day after 9/11/2001. Now you guys tell me this is a coincidence. This Russian astronomer finding this comet on an 18 inch telescope amid competition with much larger scopes is highly unlikely. Then you have Leonid Elenin and the brown dwarf is coming from the Leo Constellation and ELE stands for Extinct Level Event and leonids are meteor showers; but again this truth investigator is supposed to believe these are all coincidences.

We all have the convenience of being told when the major changes will happen between March 3 and March 6 of 2011. Everyone here will have little difficulty in simply waiting around to see if something happens, but whatever these guys are tracking is going to create the conjunction on March 15 and everything goes downhill from there until about March 1, 2012 'if' the hypothesis is correct. Again, I am just as pleased as everyone else to have more time to prepare for when the crap hits the fan. ;0)


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Hi Diver:

are you basing this on a premise that there is no way he could be wrong yet again?;)

I am right about 9/11 and Swine11 and coming Martial Law and the Congressional Secret Meeting and the dollar crash and the economic implosion and that illegal aliens and those hiring them are destroying America. Everyone should be buying food, guns and silver if you have any paper assets left over, because real hard times coming and the unprepared will not survive. The REX84 Halliburton-built FEMA Camps are the grinder and American patriots are the meat. The only question in doubt right now is 'when' and the evidence is pointing directly at the Ides of March 2011, when the earth passes through that massive gravity well/trough in the mother of all planetary alignments I have ever seen.


Look at the upper right March 15 diagram to realize that Uranus, Jupiter Mars, the Sun and the Earth and the mystery brown dwarf/comet and Saturn are all on the same gravity well line and pulling to make the gravity trough that much deeper. All the astronomers should be talking about this March 15, 2011 alignment that should be making history; but we have a media blackout on this topic.


Now look lower left to see that the brown dwarf/comet reaches the nearest point to the sun at the exact perigee position on 9/11/2011 exactly ten years to the day after 9/11/2001. Now you guys tell me this is a coincidence. This Russian astronomer finding this comet on an 18 inch telescope amid competition with much larger scopes is highly unlikely. Then you have Leonid Elenin and the brown dwarf is coming from the Leo Constellation and ELE stands for Extinct Level Event and leonids are meteor showers; but again this truth investigator is supposed to believe these are all coincidences.

We all have the convenience of being told when the major changes will happen between March 3 and March 6 of 2011. Everyone here will have little difficulty in simply waiting around to see if something happens, but whatever these guys are tracking is going to create the conjunction on March 15 and everything goes downhill from there until about March 1, 2012 'if' the hypothesis is correct. Again, I am just as pleased as everyone else to have more time to prepare for when the crap hits the fan. ;0)



Being cautious here, you are a pathological liar. You are also wrong and in error in every topic so far purviewed and posted by you on this website, going back as far as the first day you joined.

With that stated as a fact, let's look again as your post here;

1. You have talked right past me as if I did not asnswer your post. this is a strong sign of dementia.

2. I gave you every contact number and who to talk with at the source, but you did not.., YouTube is not a source in Science.

3. I have posted the comet in question directly with images from the source of discovery.

4. By your own words, you have no concept of "gravity wells" or even what you are saying.

5. There is no brown dwarf anything coming anywhere near us, according to all sources that check such, including NEAR.

6. 2012, is the Mayan 5th pentiute, not an end of anything. It is the beginning. (Careful here, along with imaging, I am contract field Archaeologist for NASA and that is the other side of what I do and have for 22 years. I understand Mayans, since I live there as my main home, in Quintana Roo State, city of Majahual, Yucatan.)

7. Why do you continue to pathologically lie in face of fact?

8. Did you contact the HST Institute for verification of any of this?

Your images above are pure silliness, but I think you know that. You confuse a comet/asteroid bolide body with a "Star", using these terms back and forth, indicating you do not even know what you are looking at. Why?

Is this all a joke, somehow?

I guarantee on the morning and afternoon and forever more on March 16th, the world will be exactly as it is as I write this, 2-10-2011. Totally, 120%. PERIOD!--THERE WILL BE NO DISASTER OR IMPACT ON EARTH OF ANY KIND ON MARCH 15TH, 2011!!

Hi Diver:

are you basing this on a premise that there is no way he could be wrong yet again?;)

I am right about 9/11 and Swine11 and coming Martial Law and the Congressional Secret Meeting and the dollar crash and the economic implosion and that illegal aliens and those hiring them are destroying America.

nope, you have been proven WRONG on ALL of that
every last one
Granny says it's all `cause o' dat Hadron atom smasher...

... ever'thin' gonna get flung out in space...

... where there ain't no air to breathe...

... an' den we all gonna die.
Hi Robert:

Being cautious here, you are a pathological liar.

First of all, you quoted from my statements to Diver to begin attacking my person with nonsense about pathological liar rather than address the March 15, 2011 Pole Shift Event that is predicted by MANY people. This is a common tactic of Govt shills that want to direct attention 'away' from the topic and onto the target of your counterintelligence disinformation campaign.

You are also wrong and in error in every topic so far purviewed and posted by you on this website, going back as far as the first day you joined.

That is certainly a bold claim from the new kid on the block. Let us see if your statement has any basis in reality:

This Is What Happened On 9/11
Govt Documentation Proves 9/11 Inside Job
Flight 93/Shanksville
Flight 77/Pentagon
WTC-7 Controlled Demolition

Here are five topics explaining what happened on 9/11, govt documentation proving a 9/11 inside job, the empty hole at Shanksville, the three attacks on the Pentagon and the WTC-7 controlled demolition on 9/11. All Mr. Robert has to do is 'quote >>' from my work to prove Terral is a liar. When you have gone through these five topics, then I have five more and another and another, so get busy. ;0)

With that stated as a fact, let's look again as your post here;

1. You have talked right past me as if I did not asnswer your post. this is a strong sign of dementia.

No Robert has not brought sufficent evidence to this discussion to threaten my Opening Post thesis, claims or conclusions in any way, fashion or form. All I see is a blowhard waving his arms around and acting like a DoD counterintelligence disinformation idiot.

2. I gave you every contact number and who to talk with at the source, but you did not.., YouTube is not a source in Science.

So? Go call somebody who cares. Passing out phone numbers does not speak to the March 15, 2011 pole shift event and US dollar devaluation to 30 percent. Maybe Robert is lost. This is the USMB Conspiracy Theories Forum, so what is Robert's conspiracy theory? ;0)

3. I have posted the comet in question directly with images from the source of discovery.

That is wonderful. Good for Robert:


Their hands never get tired of clapping for Robert.

4. By your own words, you have no concept of "gravity wells" or even what you are saying.

That would be Robert's opinion again having nothing to do with the March 15, 2011 Pole Shift Event and coming US Dollar Devaluation. The concept of gravity wells (wiki) is very simple. These (pics) are illustrations of gravity wells like this one. Larger objects like the sun and brown dwarfs have larger gravity wells than smaller planets and moons and comets and asteroids. I look forward to seeing your rebuttals on the first five topics above, but Robert will be filling this forum with Terral, Terral, Terral posts using self adorning accolades over how wonderful Robert is for what I, I, I did. Again, this is a debating strategy with zero hope of success, but continue with the condescending attitude if that makes Robert happy. ;0)

5. There is no brown dwarf anything coming anywhere near us, according to all sources that check such, including NEAR.

If you say so. Others disagree.

[ame=""]Brown Dwarf Approaching Earth: Red Kachina Hopi Prophecy, Pole Shift, March 15[/ame]

[ame=""]March Pole Shift Evidence[/ame]

[ame=""]Pole Shift - Dollar Devaluation - Very important info[/ame]

I have more than just three witnesses all testifying that a pole shift will occur ON THE SAME DAY of March 15, 2011, but Robert wants to throw stones at Terral, Terral, Terral and deny, deny, deny, but he has a phone number for everyone to call. ;0)

6. 2012, is the Mayan 5th pentiute, not an end of anything. It is the beginning. (Careful here, along with imaging, I am contract field Archaeologist for NASA and that is the other side of what I do and have for 22 years. I understand Mayans, since I live there as my main home, in Quintana Roo State, city of Majahual, Yucatan.)

Your self-proclaimed credentials mean absolutely nothing to me, until Robert begins using evidence to support his conspiracy theory proposals, claims and conclusions. Period. Again, take a good look around to realize you are spouting off in the USMB Conspiracy Theories Forum and I want to see 'your' Conspiracy Theories and not your STUPIDITY supporting a Govt Cover Story.

7. Why do you continue to pathologically lie in face of fact?

These readers have every opportunity to weigh all the evidence and draw their own conclusions about who is the big fat liar in these deliberations, but as my debating adversary that will not be the likes of you. You give out your silly phone numbers and pound on your chest about your fancy credentials and these readers can decide if that means anything.

8. Did you contact the HST Institute for verification of any of this?

Maybe Robert needs a better set of glasses or something. I give my thesis, claims and evidence to support a particular conclusion, which in this case pertains to the March 15, 2011 Pole Shift Event and the coming US Dollar Devaluation to 30 percent current value. Robert and your pals then write your rebuttals and counterproposals laying out whatever you consider credible evidence, so these readers have the opportunity to weigh all the evidence and DECIDE FOR THEMSELVES. I am NOT here to convince Robert or your sidekicks of ANYTHING, so go and jump in the lake for all I care and take your index of phone numbers with you. Robert is here to push Official Govt Cover Stories and to try and discredit 'the truth' of my testimony saying that a Pole Shift "Event" will take place on March 15, 2011. That is not 'my date' pulled out of thin air, but the same date that keeps coming from the principals of my investigation.

Your images above are pure silliness, but I think you know that. You confuse a comet/asteroid bolide body with a "Star", using these terms back and forth, indicating you do not even know what you are looking at. Why?

Is this all a joke, somehow?

A brown dwarf (wiki) is a wantabe star with insufficient mass to become a star. Our solar system has a rogue brown dwarf in orbit around the sun that passes our way every 3600 years, which is another number that continues coming up in my investigation. This particular brown dwarf reaches perigee position nearest the sun on Sept. 11, 2011 of this year, or exactly 10 years from Sept. 11, 2001; which points to the fact that the Globalist Banksters (Rothschild/Rockefeller, etc.) have known about the upcoming 'event' for a long time. Of course, Robert is silent on the evidence in my investigation that points to a brown dwarf coming into alignment/conjunction position on March 15, 2011; which the charts indicate!!!!

I guarantee on the morning and afternoon and forever more on March 16th, the world will be exactly as it is as I write this, 2-10-2011. Totally, 120%. PERIOD!--THERE WILL BE NO DISASTER OR IMPACT ON EARTH OF ANY KIND ON MARCH 15TH, 2011!!


Since Robert says so, then everything will be fine; unless Robert is wrong. At least he knows the phone number to call someone who cares. ;0)


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Oh shit.....

We've been had by a twoofer?

No and yes.

No. Nobody has been "had," since nobody with a functioning living brain cell could possibly buy the utter crap which Terral peddles.

But, yes, Terral is one of those Troofer scumbuckets.

I have a word of caution about Terral, therefore. But I grow weary of repeating it. Therefore, I let Ravi do it for me. Just go to any Ravi post and check out her sig line. :thup:
4 days to live.

Time to tell the people you love how much you love them and why.

And time to forgive the people you hate, or, even better, pretend you are going to then punch them in the guts and kick them while they are down. :laugh2:
I need Terral's GPS coordinates. Using the force to draw in a meteorite for his house. Might take til March 18th though.
Greetings to All:

Lance expects first contact from benevolent alien beings near end of February.

[ame=""]Lance Talks To VonHelton[/ame]

Chemtrail Info


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