March 15th Pole Shift To Kill Billions

Where Will You Be on March 15?

  • In an underground bunker with the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Morgans, Bushs and the Fascist Elites

    Votes: 10 58.8%
  • Dying

    Votes: 2 11.8%
  • Is that The Rapture?

    Votes: 5 29.4%

  • Total voters
Hi Robert:

I do not understand the alarm. This is meaningless unless magnetic north movement is in some order of magnitude different than every movement of magnetic north over the last 12,000,000 years. Its not an issue. It is part of the magnetics of all Class C planets.

Now, if true north moves, then, yes, that would change things.

Magnetic pole migration ( is a symptom associated with the brown dwarf nearing the center of the solar system for the once in a 3600-year orbit around the sun. Methinks there is no way that Robert has read the information posted on this topic and especially not Post #59 and Post #63. This is what I want from Robert: I will lay out a series of symptoms that the earth has been experiencing with greater severity since 2004 and your job is to provide these readers with the single answer that explains the common denominator for all of them:

Post #165:

1. Massive animal deaths taking place all over the globe (story)?
2. Major super storm floods taking place everywhere (story).
3. The magnetic pole shifts that have been going on since 2004 (story) and is becoming dramatic today (story)?
4. Irregular weather causing food shortages (story)?
5. Increased volcano eruptions (story)?
6. Increased earthquakes (story)?
7. The wobble in the earth's rotation getting worse (story)?
8. Sunrise coming 2 days early in Greenland (story)?
9. Sudden 2010 discovery of mystery comet approaching earth (story) by a Russian using a little 18-inch telescope?
10. No media coverage (story) of Planet X/Comet Elenin calculated to pass only 22.3 million miles from earth (Post #221)?
11. FEMA buying food and supplies for an expected New Madrid Fault Catastrophe (story)?
12. All planets in our solar system heating up (story)?
13. Airports closing down to remark their runways (story) over magnetic pole migration.
14. Rogue tides from rising oceans (story).
15. Moon out of place (story)?

The first law of Celestial Dynamics holds this is normal on all Class C planets of our meager diameter. Very normal. Or, put another way, what effect has these magnetic shifts had on Earth over the last 500 years?

Robert! Do you really think we are a bunch of idiots? Migrating animals are dying all over the earth and this is not normal by any stretch of the imagination. All of these earth change/catastrophic events are explained by one thing. A brown dwarf has been affecting the earth's magnetic field and rotation and tilt since about 2003 and 2004 and the symptoms are getting WORSE. The real problem is that the brown dwarf has been influencing the earth from the southern hemisphere 'and' is scheduled to pass through the ecliptic plane of our solar system into the northern hemisphere on March 4-6, 2011 where these symptoms are predicted to get far worse!

I must assume that Robert is familiar with a gravity well (pic) created in the fabric of space by every object with mass. The largest gravity well in our solar system is created by the sun that has the largest mass around which the planets orbit the rim of the well. The earth changes are becoming more dramatic as the brown dwarf comes nearer and nearer the center of our solar system bringing a gravity well that is between the size of Jupiter and the sun.

The brown dwarf also has a massive magnetic field that has been influencing the magnetic field around our earth since 2004 that is causing the magnetic pole migrations that are also becoming more pronounced as the brown dwarf draws ever closer to our much-smaller planet. The polarity and alignment of these two celestial magnets (pic) create magnetic field line repulsion and attraction scenarios that can find the earth wobbling helplessly on its side like a giant spinning top out of control, until the much larger brown dwarf passes by and we are no longer affected by the massive magnetic influence.

The predicted pole shift takes place on March 15, 2011 when the earth passes between the two giants and the planets in our solar system are lined up for a celestial Tug of War (upper right). Now look at that March 15, 2011 planetary alignment 'event' and tell everyone here that THIS IS NORMAL!!!! That red line marks a deep trench/trough in the fabric of space that the earth is going to plow through to cause the pole shift 'event,' according to the warnings we are receiving from many sources. The same sources even say the earthquake and volcano and tidal wave events will increase starting on March 4-6 when the brown dwarf breaks through the ecliptic plane into the northern hemisphere, which will give preppers the last chance to make final preparations.

I am with everyone here hoping that nothing happens and that indeed all of this evidence is pointing to something 'normal' and even "Very normal" as Robert seems content to indicate in his writings. However, at the same time we have FEMA loading food and supplies into underground bunkers and nations all over the globe preparing for something big. Check out this story: Story
2012 Money Trail Shows World
Governments are Preparing

Sol's Unborn Twin is Approaching the Core of Our Solar System and World Governments are Preparing for the Worst

Marshall Masters
January 2008

Follow the money to 2012, and you'll find a massive, ongoing global mobilization in response to a looming space threat. A good deal of this effort it is hiding in plain sight. Seeing it only requires contex.

Just follow the money to 2012, and the truth of it becomes unavoidable. The world's governments are spending immense sums to prepare. Yes, they're doing the right things — not that they're ready to talk openly about it.

The Source of This Global Threat

According to NASA, over 80% of all solar systems have multiple suns, so is it possible that we live in a binary solar system with two suns as well? Recent discoveries point to the existence of an old brown dwarf, an unborn twin of Sol. Unlike the familiar near-circular orbits of the known planets in our solar system, this unborn twin has a long elliptical orbit that brings it through the core of our system, approximately once every 3600 years.

Has humanity faced a similar global threat from this unborn twin of Sol before? Yes, and more than once according to Egyptian and Celtic authors of The Kolbrin Bible. As you read the detailed passages of past flybys through our system of Sol’s unborn twin, this monster was well known and feared by our ancestors.

Known by many names, it is always described in much the same way, and the warning to those of us living today is always the same. Its next flyby is imminent — perhaps in as little as four to five years. Interestingly, this coincided with the end of the current Mayan Calendar.

Could life as we know it cease to exist the day that two suns appear overhead in a copper-colored sky? Yes, and we’re already experiencing the early effects of the approach of Sol’s unborn twin.

Scientists now see historic rises in solar activity as the primary engine of global warming. Ergo, we know the sun is warming the Earth, but what is driving this increase in solar activity, even during the latest solar minimum?

Why, for instance, is Sol's South Pole 80,000 degrees hotter than its North pole was at its last measurement? German scientists tell us the sun has been in a frenzy since 1940, and according to NASA, our sun will reach its most active state in recorded history.

The present solar maximum was supposed to begin its new 11-year solar cycle, in March of 2008. It began early in January and when it peaks in 2012, it will be half again as violent as any in recorded history.

It is Time to Believe Your Lying Eyes

For those who know what to look for, our governments have already posted mountains of information on the Internet. However, what they’re not telling us for now is why. Not because there is some ongoing Machiavellian conspiracy. Rather, this is a species survival issue, and they’re working at top speed to gather solid answers to the difficult questions that are sure to come. When that time arrives, can humanity handle the truth?

Absolutely, so enough of the Orson Wells, War of the Worlds broadcast hysteria reasoning! We’ve seen the Indian Ocean Superquake and Tsunami of 2004 and then Katrina in 2005.[Much more]
I strongly recommend that everyone reading these words read "Much more" to wake up and realize that these things have been predicted and the world is preparing without you to survive this regular 3600-year 'Event' that will definitely thin out the herd. Scripture records that the liars, murderers and thieves are not the first in line for the lake of fire! The first in line are the cowards and unbelievers (Rev. 21:8)!

GL, because you need it,

WOW!! You're a conspiracy nut and a religious wacko????:cuckoo::cuckoo:

You forgot the bees.


That was a couple of Ocotbers ago, if I recall correctly, when a million foreign troops, led by the Germans, would start rounding up Americans and putting them in FEMA camps.

I think.

I have a hard time keeping them all straight. That's why I started a thread!

LK is going to lead an army across the Mexican border and put us in FEMA trailers? Was that the gist of it?

Which is just patently absurd. Only David Hasselhoff has the backing of the German people to carry out such an invasion.

The Hoff was going to do it, but he got sidetracked by cheeseburgers and shots of tequila.
God, these responses. I don't have to do a thing. This is awesome. Hat is TIPPED at you all. Hysterically funny comebacks. I suspect we are ALL then, Government Shills! YIKES!

Hi Toro:


You forgot the bees.


The bees (missing bee story) navigate using the earth's magnetic field lines that are thrown off by the approaching brown dwarf's gravity well and magnetic polarity. That is why the north and south pole magnetic poles are shifting as a symptom of the approaching brown dwarf. The bees are leaving the hive to gather food, but become disoriented and starve before making the trek back home. That is why you see no dead bees around the hives.


Hi ObamaLover:

WOW!! You're a conspiracy nut and a religious wacko????:cuckoo::cuckoo:

Imagine a Conspiracy Theorist coming to the USMB Conspiracy Theory Forum to lay out evidence to support a Global Conspiracy Theory about an approaching brown dwarf that has been throwing the earth magnetic field off since 2004 and affecting our weather. This Conspiracy Theorist is in the right Forum, but the question remains about why the ObamaLover is here throwing rocks? Do you go to the Religion Forum to throw rocks at registered members writing about God?

Those of you bashing USMB registered members for showing up at the USMB Conspiracy Theories Forum to write about our conspiracy theories need to wake up and realize that this is the reason this forum was created and YOU are out of line here. The concept behind these forums is that you give your side and I give mine and everyone gets to decide. Period. The fact that you come here to bash other members WITHOUT A THEORY is evidence that you serve some disinformation crybaby agenda that includes helping the Govt hide the truth from the people.

We have multiple sources saying something bad will happen on March 15, 2011 and I am here to present that evidence so EVERYONE reading these words has some opportunity to MAKE UP HIS OWN MIND. I would love to entertain your evidence FOR SOMETHING ELSE, if you will kindly put the rocks down and write ON THE TOPIC for a change. If you do not like the topic and consider Conspiracy Theories a bunch of nonsense then you DO NOT BELONG IN THIS FORUM. Go to the Religion Forum and use your crybaby trickery at any registered member advocating the concept of GOD and throw rocks at them for having the audacity to show up at the USMB Religion Forum to write on THEIR RELIGION TOPICS.

I swear to God you whiners have no shame, as if this Conspiracy Theories Forum is your license to flame other members with utter stupidity and nonsense. How about you idiots getting a life? ;0)

That would be wonderful indeed ...

PS. The link to my Brown Dwarf Timeline information is here for those actually seeing 'the truth' about what is goint to happen. This is the most comprehensive detailed analysis of the brown dwarf flight path through the inner part of our solar system on the internet.


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This is my last post or response to you and your craziness. Here is why:

I provide data of fact, not conjecture or hyperbole or pathological lying. Since you do not have a space program, an ISS, A shuttle program, a satellite program, a telescope program, a spectra program, a NEAR program, and have no data whatsoever to offer, then, it is a waste of time. Insulting you is also a waste of time as well. I will correct you in your silliness, but not respond any longer.

Until you do acquire those assets, your "data" and "work" is utter silliness and not even considered. The 100% response by all these myriad of critical thinking people who post here is testimony of this, to your crazy silliness. A terrible waste of bandwidth as well.

Too, in our time, NASA is the only source we have and its worldwide contributing partners, and the millions of technical data it provides freely to the rest of us, so we can learn, know, and understand better the great mystery of what lies out there. You refuse to use any of this whatsoever. It lends a sense of creepiness to you that would be better served with a 12 gauge.

I will post this post, simply to every psychotic thing you post. It requires no further commenting by me or anyone else.

Ask yourself; if this incoming "star" was real, why is it only you that can see it. And also, it would be visible in the night sky, and should have been for the last 3 years. But there is nothing. Nothing at all. When you get real and clear minded and can think as a human being, we can re-convene. It is impossible to talk to a wall.

Proverbs 26:3-12 A whip for the horse, a bridle for the donkey, and a rod for the back of fools. Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest you be like him yourself. Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own eyes. Whoever sends a message by the hand of a fool cuts off his own feet and drinks violence. Like a lame man's legs, which hang useless, is a proverb in the mouth of fools. ...

Best wishes, Terral

I prepared myself long before I heard the name " Terral" The guy is on it,
It'll win, if it's possible.
Dismiss things that are shoved in your face.
Have a nice day. I need to cook a leg of lamb ( not B cummin frun duh Walmart.)
I prepared myself long before I heard the name " Terral" The guy is on it,
It'll win, if it's possible.
Dismiss things that are shoved in your face.
Have a nice day. I need to cook a leg of lamb ( not B cummin frun duh Walmart.)

I did not understand who this post is to. Can you clarify?

I prepared myself long before I heard the name " Terral" The guy is on it,
It'll win, if it's possible.
Dismiss things that are shoved in your face.
Have a nice day. I need to cook a leg of lamb ( not B cummin frun duh Walmart.)

I did not understand who this post is to. Can you clarify?



Don't bother. This Booger character you are attempting to decipher is a fucking loon, too. A nastier version, but still a loon.

Thank you very much for the heads up. Still so new here, don't know all the players yet. Any heads up like this you've offered is most helpful.

Thanks again.

Will The Earth's Wandering Magnetic Poles Cause Deadly Superstorms? - Will the Earth's Wandering Magnetic Poles Cause Deadly Superstorms?

Interesting read and data on facts concerning weather patterns upcoming and the magnetic pole of the north. These are events that come every 150 years or thereabouts. The continuous shifting of the magnetic north pole has been a study topic of NASA and Celestial Dynamics for nearly 50 years, seeing and learning why. It poses no threat but it does make for the Northern Lights to be incredible at times. This shifting has also sure captured the woo woo set, however.

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Hi Robert:

Will The Earth's Wandering Magnetic Poles Cause Deadly Superstorms? - Will the Earth's Wandering Magnetic Poles Cause Deadly Superstorms?

Interesting read and data on facts concerning weather patterns upcoming and the magnetic pole of the north. These are events that come every 150 years or thereabouts. The continuous shifting of the magnetic north pole has been a study topic of NASA and Celestial Dynamics for nearly 50 years, seeing and learning why. It poses no threat but it does make for the Northern Lights to be incredible at times. This shifting has also sure captured the woo woo set, however.


First of all, coming to the USMB Conspiracy Theories Forum to offer claims of 'no threat' should raise a red flag for everybody. This is the place we come to point out potential THREATS in the form of CONSPIRACIES by New World Order Globalists, corrupt politicians and their media liars. Instead, Robert runs onto the scene to tamp down suspicions concerning WARNINGS about the March 15, 2011 Pole Shift 'Event' (my Topic). What if the little ELEnin comet story is a Govt Smokescreen hiding the fact that a brown dwarf (Timeline) more than twice the size of Jupiter is approaching the earth at 100,000 miles per hour??!!

What if the poles are not shifting, but merely reacting to the approach of a massive brown dwarf bringing a massive gravity well and magnetic field with polarity that is throwing earth poles for a loop? What if the escalating earthquakes, volcanoes, rogue tides, super storms and other signs of Nibiru (link) are all connected to the approaching brown dwarf??? What if the global elites and their corrupt politicians and their lying media pals have cozy underground bunker positions (story) to ride out the storm and the peasants are left to fend for themselves with no warning at all? What if Robert is their DoD/Defense Dept. operative/asset sent here to lull everyone to sleep?

What other reason does Robert Stevens have for being here???? Why does this guy pop up out of the blue to start pushing the Official ELEnin Comet cover story??? Again, show us one reporter interview with this Russian astronomer who happened to beat the multi-million-dollar observatory installation teams around the world in locating this comet 'and' from a position in the northern hemisphere when the constellation Leo was not even visible? Someone at the south pole had a much better perspective and much larger telescopes, but this guy with his 18-inch backyard telescope gets all the credit.

Then this comet just happens to come into alignment with the sun and earth on March 15, 2011 (check yourself) at the exact time that multiple sources give out WARNINGS about pole shifts.

[ame=""]Sweaty Guy[/ame]

[ame=""]Red Kachina Hopi Prophecy = March 15, 2011[/ame]

[ame=""]March Pole Shift Evidence[/ame]

You want us to believe that these people are all worked up about a little comet, when the earth changes from an approaching MASSIVE celestial body appears to be getting worse by the day. And to top all of this off, this so-called comet reaches perigee position nearest the sun on September 11, 2011 exactly 10 years from the day of the 9/11 attacks; but there is NOTHING to worry about and everyone can go back to sleep, because Robert is here and everything is A-okay.

Please forgive if I continue to investigate this case using the EVIDENCE and not Robert's Official Govt version of things. This guy is clearly a Govt shill/disinfo agent (How To Spot) that any truth investigator can spot from a million miles away. The idea that he shows up here just before the storm with big mouth running is also no mere coincidence. The wandering poles are not causing any storms! Those are mere symptoms of an approaching brown dwarf that is also causing the storms and the migrating animals to loose their way, because the magnetic field around the earth is disrupted by the magnetism and polarity of the brown dwarf.

Remember that DoD/State Dept. Counterintelligence operative/assets come in many shapes and sizes and this particular situation requires the high-I.Q. three-dimensional thinking type for pushing the Official Story and Robert here fits the bill to a Tee. Then keep in mind that he shows up here to warn everyone that everything is perfectly normal and A-okay, so you can go back to sleep. ;0)


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Greetings to All:

The weeks of March 6th to March 15th of this year the earth will go through a series of changes that includes a pole shift:

The NOAA National Geophysical Data Center maintains a data set of annual magnetic north pole coordinates going back to the year 1590, derived from early measurements from ships logs to modern day techniques.

Noting that there has been lots of reporting of pole shift lately, to the point where the phenomenon is actually causing real-world issues such as temporary airport closures, a deeper investigation was in order.

After transferring 420 years of north pole position data from the NOAA Geo Data Center, configuring it to fit in an Excel spreadsheet, adding a complicated formula to determine exact distance between 2 sets of latitude-longitude coordinates, applying the formula to each data point in the series, and then finally plotting it all in a visual graph, it is alarming to discover the amount of magnetic pole shift – just over the past 10 to 20 years.

Here is one very interesting fact…
Since 1860, the magnetic pole shift has more than doubled every 50 years. That is pretty significant. In geological terms, that seems to be pretty ‘rapid’.

Here is another very interesting fact…
During the past 150 years, the pole shift has been in the same direction.

The following fact is even more astonishing…
During the past 10 years, the magnetic north pole has shifted nearly half of the total distance of the past 50 years! In other words, the pole shift has apparently sped up substantially. [Way More]
Click on the map and look how far the pole has shifted in the last 10 years. This problem is going to escalate and the poles are going to shift on Tuesday March 15, 2011 ending a week of global chaos with the oceans sloshing giant tidal waves and things far worse.

[ame=""]Listen To This Insider[/ame]

Everyone reading these words should be getting all of your dollars into silver (my Topic) and gold right now. The dollar is going to die in about 40 days and a little bit of silver will buy a whole lot of dollars. At 1/16 to the gold price means silver should be selling for 80 dollars and the spot price right now is (check) $28.65 @ .99 cents. Thirty bucks for an ounce of silver seems high to people buying in at 5 -10 dollars; but if the price goes 100 or 250 or 500 as some experts say, then 30 bucks in worthless paper is a great deal! ;0) Small denominations like this at 1 buck over spot will barter in survival mode, when ten dollars will buy a loaf of bread. The best part about owning silver and gold is every ounce is one share of stock in the death of the dollar and the coming crash and one step nearer to survival.

Information in my Martial Law topic will help to inform you about how the United Nations and FEMA will team up using international troops to corral and detain and neutralize a large portion of the population. Information on the March 13, 2008 secret meeting in Congress explains a lot of things that are about to happen.

A good survival list with more information is on my Surviving The Coming Crash topic. You should have six months of food and as much water as you can store and guns and ammo to protect your supplies. There are a lot of con men out there and chances are the guy that hurts you will not be after gold or silver. He will be hungry.

Buckle your seatbelt Dorothy; 'cause Kansas is going [ame=""]bye bye![/ame] If anything in my work is a help, then God bless you,



soooooooo, a polar shift would kill 99% of humanity. Just what good is buying silver gonna do, Fool?
My daughter's turtle died overnight.

There is no question that the magnetic field is to blame, because the little fucker was only 14 years old.
Those of you bashing USMB registered members for showing up at the USMB Conspiracy Theories Forum to write about our conspiracy theories need to wake up and realize that this is the reason this forum was created and YOU are out of line here.
This is actually a good point.
We have multiple sources saying something bad will happen on March 15, 2011 and I am here to present that evidence so EVERYONE reading these words has some opportunity to MAKE UP HIS OWN MIND.
I realize you'll be headin' for them thar hills on the 15th Terral but rest assured, we'll be expecting you to come back here and explain why the earth didn't blow up ok?

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