March 24th, 2018

I don't want my screwed up neighbor to be free to buy a gun and shoot me.

Should his right of free speech be taken away too so he doesn't offend you? /mocking sarcasm
Oh, everyone is free to support their cause, including Mike. Lots of new NRA members and new gun owners will definitely help stop the gun violence epidemic in this country (mocking sarcasm)
the 4 cowering police officers.

What if it was an officer calling for help, officer down shots fired would they just cower outside the building and let the officer bleed out?
Then in that case they'd be charging in to the rescue! Tell you something, when I had my transmission shop, I had reason to call the cops on two customers who were going crazy. No I was armed, but calling the police keeps you from looking like you want to shoot someone if you have to. And if you have time to call them. Well both times the cops stopped two blocks away from my shop and just sat their watching for more than enough time for me to die.

Most people are so naïve, the police cannot just magically appear and protect you and even if they do arrive before your dead there's no guarantee they will rush in and put their lives at risk to save you. I have been through a home invasion, since that day my Sigs are always loaded and ready.
3-24-18 is a day fascist gun banners are marching to demand more gun control, for their masters the regressive liberal scumbags and the drive by media. So, what i propose everyone do who is against the attack on freedom is donate to the NRA. If not a member then join. Remember, once the fascist criminals ban guns, no one will be safe and freedom will be dead.

I am happy to tell you my Patriotic American brothers and sisters that I a Patriotic European and proud gun owner myself have just joined the NRA and also I give them a very handsome six figure financial donation. I now will get as many of my friends and their friends etc to also join the NRA and also give financial donations.

3-24-18 is a day fascist gun banners are marching to demand more gun control, for their masters the regressive liberal scumbags and the drive by media. So, what i propose everyone do who is against the attack on freedom is donate to the NRA. If not a member then join. Remember, once the fascist criminals ban guns, no one will be safe and freedom will be dead.

I am happy to tell you my Patriotic American brothers and sisters that I a Patriotic European and proud gun owner myself have just joined the NRA and also I give them a very handsome six figure financial donation. I now will get as many of my friends and their friends etc to also join the NRA and also give financial donations.

I didn’t realise non-Americans could join.
Omy, now I feel like a heel for dropping them many years ago. :(

As I recall, they did something I really disagreed with, though.

It was so long ago, I can't remember what.
3-24-18 is a day fascist gun banners are marching to demand more gun control, for their masters the regressive liberal scumbags and the drive by media. So, what i propose everyone do who is against the attack on freedom is donate to the NRA. If not a member then join. Remember, once the fascist criminals ban guns, no one will be safe and freedom will be dead.

I am happy to tell you my Patriotic American brothers and sisters that I a Patriotic European and proud gun owner myself have just joined the NRA and also I give them a very handsome six figure financial donation. I now will get as many of my friends and their friends etc to also join the NRA and also give financial donations.

I didn’t realise non-Americans could join.

Yes we can if you go to the Donate page there is a drop down Country menu:

Donate | NRA

I should have joined the NRA several years ago, my entire family including me are long standing members of the IWÖ this is our version of the NRA and we have been offering our support to the NRA during this their time when they are under attack, I have many friends in the NRA who when visiting have been shooting with us and when I have visited the American nation I have been shooting with them.

Our IWÖ insignia:


I also posted about my nations gun situation which we have one of the most liberal gun laws on this Continent and also I explain all about our gun permits, different category of guns etc, Americans when they think of this Continent think we all are disarmed, that is not correct only certain nations are, my nation and 15 other nations including all of Eastern Europa are very heavily and well armed with all having a good ammo situation also.

Here is my post from the other thread:

NRA Meets With Trump- Gun Control Now Off the Table
3-24-18 is a day fascist gun banners are marching to demand more gun control, for their masters the regressive liberal scumbags and the drive by media. So, what i propose everyone do who is against the attack on freedom is donate to the NRA. If not a member then join. Remember, once the fascist criminals ban guns, no one will be safe and freedom will be dead.

I am happy to tell you my Patriotic American brothers and sisters that I a Patriotic European and proud gun owner myself have just joined the NRA and also I give them a very handsome six figure financial donation. I now will get as many of my friends and their friends etc to also join the NRA and also give financial donations.

I didn’t realise non-Americans could join.

Yes we can if you go to the Donate page there is a drop down Country menu:

Donate | NRA

I should have joined the NRA several years ago, my entire family including me are long standing members of the IWÖ this is our version of the NRA and we have been offering our support to the NRA during this their time when they are under attack, I have many friends in the NRA who when visiting have been shooting with us and when I have visited the American nation I have been shooting with them.

Our IWÖ insignia:


I also posted about my nations gun situation which we have one of the most liberal gun laws on this Continent and also I explain all about our gun permits, different category of guns etc, Americans when they think of this Continent think we all are disarmed, that is not correct only certain nations are, my nation and 15 other nations including all of Eastern Europa are very heavily and well armed with all having a good ammo situation also.

Here is my post from the other thread:

NRA Meets With Trump- Gun Control Now Off the Table
Thanks, Lucy, I’m going to donate too.
Omy, now I feel like a heel for dropping them many years ago. :(

As I recall, they did something I really disagreed with, though.

It was so long ago, I can't remember what.

We have not exact like your Second Amendment, but in our Constitution we have the right to hunt it is that hunting is inseperable from land ownership, so anyone has a right to have a gun if you tell them you want a gun because you want to hunt, you then would have a psychological test and if you complete okay also you then would be put on a hunting course we have hunting course across the nation and when completed then you will get the Jagdkarte the hunting licence and then this allow you to own shotguns, so anyone can have a gun and that is in our Constitution. Of course you do not have to go for the hunting thing, which I explain in my post in this thread that I linked to in the other thread, you can get a Category 3 firearm which is ALL long guns, shotguns, rifles etc you can go into any gun store without any gun permit and buy a shotgun or a rifle, but you have to wait three days to take home this is for the background check which peoples have no problem with, if you already have a Category 2 firearm this is all semi-automatic guns, handguns, revolvers etc then you can buy a shotgun or a rifle that day and take it home that day there is no three days wait for a background check.

One of my brothers today he in a private sale he bought an extra 20,000 rounds of ammo this now he has with his existing ammo at his property.
3-24-18 is a day fascist gun banners are marching to demand more gun control, for their masters the regressive liberal scumbags and the drive by media. So, what i propose everyone do who is against the attack on freedom is donate to the NRA. If not a member then join. Remember, once the fascist criminals ban guns, no one will be safe and freedom will be dead.

I am happy to tell you my Patriotic American brothers and sisters that I a Patriotic European and proud gun owner myself have just joined the NRA and also I give them a very handsome six figure financial donation. I now will get as many of my friends and their friends etc to also join the NRA and also give financial donations.

I didn’t realise non-Americans could join.

Yes we can if you go to the Donate page there is a drop down Country menu:

Donate | NRA

I should have joined the NRA several years ago, my entire family including me are long standing members of the IWÖ this is our version of the NRA and we have been offering our support to the NRA during this their time when they are under attack, I have many friends in the NRA who when visiting have been shooting with us and when I have visited the American nation I have been shooting with them.

Our IWÖ insignia:


I also posted about my nations gun situation which we have one of the most liberal gun laws on this Continent and also I explain all about our gun permits, different category of guns etc, Americans when they think of this Continent think we all are disarmed, that is not correct only certain nations are, my nation and 15 other nations including all of Eastern Europa are very heavily and well armed with all having a good ammo situation also.

Here is my post from the other thread:

NRA Meets With Trump- Gun Control Now Off the Table
Thanks, Lucy, I’m going to donate too.

Excellent! Also Mr. Lucy just joined the NRA and also donate and I now have texts from six friends and they say they also just joined the NRA, I am text blasting my entire Gun Club this is many peoples and asking them to all think about joining the NRA and also getting others they know to think about joining.
3-24-18 is a day fascist gun banners are marching to demand more gun control, for their masters the regressive liberal scumbags and the drive by media. So, what i propose everyone do who is against the attack on freedom is donate to the NRA. If not a member then join. Remember, once the fascist criminals ban guns, no one will be safe and freedom will be dead.

I am happy to tell you my Patriotic American brothers and sisters that I a Patriotic European and proud gun owner myself have just joined the NRA and also I give them a very handsome six figure financial donation. I now will get as many of my friends and their friends etc to also join the NRA and also give financial donations.


I choose the below NRA magazine subscription, I also have asked all my friends who are joining to also choose this magazine, this because I think there are articles etc in it that are about the ASSAULT on American's Constitutional Right to own firearms and so it will help us all keep up to date on this situation and if we can we will help our Patriotic American brothers and sisters to fight their fight, of course not being Americans we must first look that the NRA members not violating any American laws by allowing us to help them in their fight.

Thank you both! We all need to get the word out to stop these fascists!
Why not? You don’t plan on breaking in to his home do you?

Maybe you’d be happier living in Chicago with The Mexican Drug Gangs in those GUN FREE ZONES where more people die than in Afghanistan in the middle of a war.

How about you go take those guns?
Or is that racist to take guns from Mexican drug gangs in Chicago?.

I don't want my screwed up neighbor to be free to buy a gun and shoot me.
I don't want my screwed up neighbor to be free to buy a gun and shoot me.

Then report her/him as a mental case. You've already diagnosed the illness right? Who decides if she's "mental"? You think the FBI can manage 40Million MORE entries in a database they already ignore and mismanage??? According to APA 70% of us have some mental illness. Could be she's just agorophobic and panicked to be outside. Needs mind altering drugs and the usual little follow-up care to make the sure the drugs aren't making her a threat to herself or others.
3-24-18 is a day fascist gun banners are marching to demand more gun control, for their masters the regressive liberal scumbags and the drive by media. So, what i propose everyone do who is against the attack on freedom is donate to the NRA. If not a member then join. Remember, once the fascist criminals ban guns, no one will be safe and freedom will be dead.

who wants to ban your guns, nutbar?

are you a felon?
a sexual predator?
mentally ill?
a spouse abuser?

if you're none of those things, no one wants your guns

but please, keep posting NRA garbage. it's not working as well as it used to for you.

i see all the artards are in full throat


Donate to the NRA in march to keep freedom free. one profits MORE from mass shootings than the NRA and gun manufacturers.
You liars go ahead and play your games. Anyone who spends five minutes reading your nonsense knows what you are! Trump met with the NRA recently and there will be no gun ban nonsense. People all over are donating. So you continue spewing your hatred and bigotry, no one cares.

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